// NOTe: may need a new TraverseParms object
        public ThingPath FindPath(IntVec3 start, LocalTargetInfo dest, TraverseParms traverseParms, PathEndMode peMode = PathEndMode.OnCell)
            if (DebugSettings.pathThroughWalls)
                traverseParms.mode = TraverseMode.PassAllDestroyableThings;
            Thing thing = traverseParms.thing;

             * if (pawn != null && pawn.Map != this.map)
             * {
             *  Log.Error(string.Concat(new object[]
             *  {
             *      "Tried to FindPath for pawn which is spawned in another map. His map PathFinder should have been used, not this one. pawn=",
             *      pawn,
             *      " pawn.Map=",
             *      pawn.Map,
             *      " map=",
             *      this.map
             *  }));
             *  return ThingPath.NotFound;
             * }*/

            if (!start.IsValid)
                // TODO: thing goes here
                Log.Error($"Tried to FindPath with invalid start {start}, thing = ");
            if (!dest.IsValid)
                Log.Error($"Tried to FindPath with invalid dest {start}, thing = ");

            /*if (traverseParms.mode == TraverseMode.ByPawn)
             * {
             *  if (!pawn.CanReach(dest, peMode, Danger.Deadly, traverseParms.canBash, traverseParms.mode))
             *      return PawnPath.NotFound;
             * }
             * else*/

            if (!this.map.reachability.CanReach(start, dest, peMode, traverseParms))

            this.cellIndices = this.map.cellIndices;
            this.pathGrid    = this.map.pathGrid;
            this.edificeGrid = this.map.edificeGrid.InnerArray;
            int x    = dest.Cell.x;
            int z    = dest.Cell.z;
            int num  = this.cellIndices.CellToIndex(start);
            int num2 = this.cellIndices.CellToIndex(dest.Cell);

            // TODO: avoidgrid
            //ByteGrid byteGrid = (pawn == null) ? null : pawn.GetAvoidGrid();

            bool     passAllDestroyableThings      = traverseParms.mode == TraverseMode.PassAllDestroyableThings;
            bool     doNotPassAllDestroyableThings = !passAllDestroyableThings;
            CellRect cellRect = this.CalculateDestinationRect(dest, peMode);
            bool     flag3    = cellRect.Width == 1 && cellRect.Height == 1;

            int[]       array         = this.map.pathGrid.pathGrid;
            EdificeGrid edificeGrid   = this.map.edificeGrid;
            int         cellsSearched = 0;
            int         num4          = 0;

            // TODO: allowedArea
            //Area allowedArea = this.GetAllowedArea(pawn);
            // TODO: ShouldCollideWithThings
            //bool flag4 = pawn != null && PawnUtility.ShouldCollideWithPawns(pawn);

            bool drawPaths = DebugViewSettings.drawPaths;
            bool flag6     = !passAllDestroyableThings && start.GetRegion(this.map, RegionType.Set_Passable) != null;
            bool flag7     = !passAllDestroyableThings || !doNotPassAllDestroyableThings;
            bool flag8     = false;
            int  num5      = 0;
            int  num6      = 0;

            float heuristicStrength = 1.75f;

            //float num7 = this.DetermineHeuristicStrength(pawn, start, dest);

            int ticksPerMoveCardinal;
            int ticksPerMoveDiagonal;

            // TODO: handle ticks per move

            /*if (pawn != null)
             * {
             *  ticksPerMoveCardinal = pawn.TicksPerMoveCardinal;
             *  ticksPerMoveDiagonal = pawn.TicksPerMoveDiagonal;
             * }
             * else*/
                ticksPerMoveCardinal = 13;
                ticksPerMoveDiagonal = 18;

            this.CalculateAndAddDisallowedCorners(traverseParms, peMode, cellRect);
            this.InitStatusesAndPushStartNode(ref num, start);
            while (true)
                if (this.openList.Count <= 0)
                num5 += this.openList.Count;
                ThingPathFinder.CostNode costNode = this.openList.Pop();
                num = costNode.index;
                // TODO: cleanup
                if (costNode.cost != this.calcGrid[num].costNodeCost)
                else if (this.calcGrid[num].status == this.statusClosedValue)
                    IntVec3 c  = this.cellIndices.IndexToCell(num);
                    int     x2 = c.x;
                    int     z2 = c.z;
                    if (drawPaths)
                        this.DebugFlash(c, (float)this.calcGrid[num].knownCost / 1500f, this.calcGrid[num].knownCost.ToString());

                    if (flag3)
                        if (num == num2)
                    else if (cellRect.Contains(c) && !this.disallowedCornerIndices.Contains(num))

                    if (cellsSearched > ThingPathFinder.SearchLimit)
                        Log.Warning($"{""} pathing from {start} to {dest} hit search limit of {ThingPathFinder.SearchLimit} cells.");

                    for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
                        uint num10 = (uint)(x2 + ThingPathFinder.Directions[i]);
                        uint num11 = (uint)(z2 + ThingPathFinder.Directions[i + 8]);
                        if ((ulong)num10 < (ulong)((long)this.mapSizeX) && (ulong)num11 < (ulong)((long)this.mapSizeZ))
                            int xPos  = (int)num10;
                            int zPos  = (int)num11;
                            int num14 = this.cellIndices.CellToIndex(xPos, zPos);
                            if (this.calcGrid[num14].status != this.statusClosedValue || flag8)
                                int  num15 = 0;
                                bool flag9 = false;
                                if (!this.pathGrid.WalkableFast(num14))
                                    if (!passAllDestroyableThings)
                                        if (drawPaths)
                                            this.DebugFlash(new IntVec3(xPos, 0, zPos), 0.22f, "walk");
                                    flag9  = true;
                                    num15 += 60;
                                    Building building = edificeGrid[num14];
                                    if (building == null)
                                    if (!PathFinder.IsDestroyable(building))
                                    num15 += (int)((float)building.HitPoints * 0.1f);
                                if (i > 3)
                                    switch (i)
                                    case 4:
                                        if (this.BlocksDiagonalMovement(num - this.mapSizeX))
                                            if (flag7)
                                                if (drawPaths)
                                                    this.DebugFlash(new IntVec3(x2, 0, z2 - 1), 0.9f, "corn");
                                            num15 += 60;
                                        if (this.BlocksDiagonalMovement(num + 1))
                                            if (flag7)
                                                if (drawPaths)
                                                    this.DebugFlash(new IntVec3(x2 + 1, 0, z2), 0.9f, "corn");
                                            num15 += 60;

                                    case 5:
                                        if (this.BlocksDiagonalMovement(num + this.mapSizeX))
                                            if (flag7)
                                                if (drawPaths)
                                                    this.DebugFlash(new IntVec3(x2, 0, z2 + 1), 0.9f, "corn");
                                            num15 += 60;
                                        if (this.BlocksDiagonalMovement(num + 1))
                                            if (flag7)
                                                if (drawPaths)
                                                    this.DebugFlash(new IntVec3(x2 + 1, 0, z2), 0.9f, "corn");
                                            num15 += 60;

                                    case 6:
                                        if (this.BlocksDiagonalMovement(num + this.mapSizeX))
                                            if (flag7)
                                                if (drawPaths)
                                                    this.DebugFlash(new IntVec3(x2, 0, z2 + 1), 0.9f, "corn");
                                            num15 += 60;
                                        if (this.BlocksDiagonalMovement(num - 1))
                                            if (flag7)
                                                if (drawPaths)
                                                    this.DebugFlash(new IntVec3(x2 - 1, 0, z2), 0.9f, "corn");
                                            num15 += 60;

                                    case 7:
                                        if (this.BlocksDiagonalMovement(num - this.mapSizeX))
                                            if (flag7)
                                                if (drawPaths)
                                                    this.DebugFlash(new IntVec3(x2, 0, z2 - 1), 0.9f, "corn");
                                            num15 += 60;
                                        if (this.BlocksDiagonalMovement(num - 1))
                                            if (flag7)
                                                if (drawPaths)
                                                    this.DebugFlash(new IntVec3(x2 - 1, 0, z2), 0.9f, "corn");
                                            num15 += 60;
                                int num16 = (i <= 3) ? ticksPerMoveCardinal : ticksPerMoveDiagonal;
                                num16 += num15;
                                if (!flag9)
                                    num16 += array[num14];

                                /*if (byteGrid != null)
                                 *  num16 += (int)(byteGrid[num14] * 8);*/
                                /*if (allowedArea != null && !allowedArea[num14])
                                 *  num16 += 600;*/
                                if (ThingHelper.AnyThingBlockingPathAt(new IntVec3(xPos, 0, zPos), thing))
                                    num16 += 175;
                                Building building2 = this.edificeGrid[num14];
                                if (building2 != null)
                                    int buildingCost = ThingPathFinder.GetBuildingCost(building2, traverseParms, thing);
                                    if (buildingCost == 2147483647)
                                    num16 += buildingCost;
                                int    num17  = num16 + this.calcGrid[num].knownCost;
                                ushort status = this.calcGrid[num14].status;
                                if (status == this.statusClosedValue || status == this.statusOpenValue)
                                    int num18 = 0;
                                    if (status == this.statusClosedValue)
                                        num18 = ticksPerMoveCardinal;
                                    if (this.calcGrid[num14].knownCost <= num17 + num18)
                                if (status != this.statusClosedValue && status != this.statusOpenValue)
                                    if (flag8)
                                        Log.Error("GetPathCostFromDestToRegion unimplemented");
                                        //this.calcGrid[num14].heuristicCost = Mathf.RoundToInt((float)this.regionCostCalculator.GetPathCostFromDestToRegion(num14) * 5f);
                                        int dx    = Math.Abs(xPos - x);
                                        int dz    = Math.Abs(zPos - z);
                                        int num19 = GenMath.OctileDistance(dx, dz, ticksPerMoveCardinal, ticksPerMoveDiagonal);
                                        this.calcGrid[num14].heuristicCost = Mathf.RoundToInt((float)num19 * heuristicStrength);
                                int num20 = num17 + this.calcGrid[num14].heuristicCost;
                                this.calcGrid[num14].parentIndex  = num;
                                this.calcGrid[num14].knownCost    = num17;
                                this.calcGrid[num14].status       = this.statusOpenValue;
                                this.calcGrid[num14].costNodeCost = num20;
                                this.openList.Push(new ThingPathFinder.CostNode(num14, num20));
                    this.calcGrid[num].status = this.statusClosedValue;
                    if (num4 >= 2000 && flag6 && !flag8)
                        flag8 = true;
                        //this.regionCostCalculator.Init(cellRect, traverseParms, ticksPerMoveCardinal, ticksPerMoveDiagonal, null, null, this.disallowedCornerIndices);
                        this.InitStatusesAndPushStartNode(ref num, start);

            //string job = (pawn == null || pawn.CurJob == null) ? "null" : pawn.CurJob.ToString();
            //string faction = (pawn == null || pawn.Faction == null) ? "null" : pawn.Faction.ToString();

            //Log.Warning($"{""} pathing from {start} to {dest} ran of cells to process.\nJob: {job}\nFaction: {faction}");
            // TODO
            Log.Error("Thing Pathing error!");
 private void DebugFlash(IntVec3 c, float colorPct, string str)
     ThingPathFinder.DebugFlash(c, this.map, colorPct, str);
 private bool BlocksDiagonalMovement(int index) => ThingPathFinder.BlocksDiagonalMovement(index, this.map);
 public static bool BlocksDiagonalMovement(int x, int z, Map map)
     return(ThingPathFinder.BlocksDiagonalMovement(map.cellIndices.CellToIndex(x, z), map));
 private bool BlocksDiagonalMovement(int x, int z) => ThingPathFinder.BlocksDiagonalMovement(x, z, this.map);