Exemple #1
        static void Main()

            //First Page to be displayed
            Application.Run(new LOGIN());

            bool[][] verWallArray = new bool [3][];
            verWallArray[0] = new bool [4] {true, false, false, true};
            verWallArray[1] = new bool [4] {true, false, true, false};
            verWallArray[2] = new bool [4] {true, false, false, true};

            bool[][] horWallArray = new bool[4][];
            horWallArray[0] = new bool[3] {true, true, true};
            horWallArray[1] = new bool[3] {false, true, false};
            horWallArray[2] = new bool[3] {false, true, false};
            horWallArray[3] = new bool[3] {true, true, true};

            int[] dim = {3,3};

               Level testLevel = new Level("", "", "", 1, 1, 2, 2, verWallArray, horWallArray, dim,true);

            //choose as needed to test...

             //   Application.Run(new GamePlayForm(testLevel));
            //Application.Run(new SaveLevel());

            //Application.Run(new START());
            //Application.Run(new LOGIN());
            //Application.Run(new LevelBrowser());

            //Application.Run(new Form1());
Exemple #2
        public void SaveLevel(String fileName, String levelName, String creatorName, int minotaurXPosition, int minotaurYPosition,
                    int theseusXPosition, int theseusYPosition, bool[][] verticalWallArray, bool[][] horizontalWallArray, int[] gridSize, bool levelFinished)
            //file name is the same as the level name

             Level lev = new Level(fileName, levelName, creatorName, minotaurXPosition, minotaurYPosition, theseusXPosition, theseusYPosition,
                 verticalWallArray, horizontalWallArray, gridSize, levelFinished);

            lev.FileName = fileName;
               lev.LevelName = levelName ;
               lev.CreatorName = creatorName;
            lev.MinotaurXPosition = minotaurXPosition;
            lev.TheseusXPosition = theseusXPosition;
            lev.MinotaurYPosition = minotaurYPosition;
            lev.TheseusYPosition = theseusYPosition;
            lev.VerticalWallArray = verticalWallArray;
            lev.HorizontalWallArray = horizontalWallArray;

            lev.GridSize = gridSize;
            lev.IsLevelFinished = levelFinished;

            // add level to dictionary

Exemple #3
 public GamePlayForm(Level testLevel)
     myTestingLevel = testLevel;