public void displaySessionDetails(Session s) { DScsv file = new DScsv(); List<string[]> data = file.getData(s.GetDataFilePath()); int max = 0; int current = 0; for(int i = 0; i < data.Count; i++) { current = 0; for(int j = 0; j < data[i].Length; j++) { current++; } if (current > max) max = current; } DataTable dt = new DataTable("Session"); //name columns for (int i = 0; i < max; i++) { dt.Columns.Add((i+1).ToString()); } //add rows for(int i = 0; i < data.Count; i++) { dt.Rows.Add(data[i]); } DataView dv = new DataView(dt); dataGridView1.DataSource = dv; }
public virtual void Initialize( GraphicsDeviceManager g, ContentManager c, SpriteBatch sb, int screenHeight, int screenWidth, Session s, Vector3 position) { conditionMet = false; endCondition.isNewExecution = true; Position = position; output = s.GetCSV(); output.startTask(this); }
public FormSessionDetail(Session s) { InitializeComponent(); try { displaySessionDetails(s); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, "Load error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } }
public override void Initialize( GraphicsDeviceManager g, ContentManager c, SpriteBatch sb, int screenHeight, int screenWidth, Session s, Vector3 position) { base.Initialize(g, c, sb, screenHeight, screenWidth, s, position); primaryInput.Initialize(Position); foreach (InputDevice id in additionalInput) { id.Initialize(Position); } if (region.Shape == ShapeType.Hoop) { cursor = new Basketball(g, c, Position, Vector3.One, Color.Red); } else { cursor = new Ellipsoid(g, c, Position, Vector3.One, Color.Red); } cursor.Scale = new Vector3(0.02f, 0.02f, 0.02f); primaryInput.writeFields(output); primaryInput.Handling = inputHandling; foreach (InputDevice ID in additionalInput) { ID.writeFields(output); ID.Handling = inputHandling; } taskData = new TaskData(); taskData.TaskName = this.Name; taskData.Metrics.primary = (int)performanceMetric; s.TaskDatas.Add(taskData); if ((endCondition.GetType() == typeof(TimeLimitEndCondition) && ((TimeLimitEndCondition)endCondition).Type == TimeLimitType.TimeInRegion) || (endCondition.GetType() == typeof(TimeLimitEndCondition) && ((TimeLimitEndCondition)endCondition).Type == TimeLimitType.TimeOutRegion)) output.addField("IsInRegion"); output.addField("RegionX1"); output.addField("RegionX2"); output.addField("RegionY1"); output.addField("RegionY2"); output.addField("RegionZ1"); output.addField("RegionZ2"); output.writeHeader(); }
public Game(Therapy t, Profile p, bool fullscreen) { therapy = t; profile = p; session = new Session(); session.Initialize(profile, therapy); profile.Sessions.Add(session); graphics = new GraphicsDeviceManager(this); Content.RootDirectory = "Content"; graphics.PreferredBackBufferWidth = PREFERRED_WIDTH; // GraphicsAdapter.DefaultAdapter.CurrentDisplayMode.Width; graphics.PreferredBackBufferHeight = PREFERRED_HEIGHT; // GraphicsAdapter.DefaultAdapter.CurrentDisplayMode.Height; graphics.IsFullScreen = fullscreen; InputDevice.GAME_WIDTH = graphics.PreferredBackBufferWidth; InputDevice.GAME_HEIGHT = graphics.PreferredBackBufferHeight; this.IsFixedTimeStep = true; this.TargetElapsedTime = new TimeSpan(defaultTargetElapsedTime); graphics.PreferMultiSampling = true; }
public override void Initialize( GraphicsDeviceManager g, ContentManager c, SpriteBatch sb, int screenHeight, int screenWidth, Session s, Vector3 position) { base.Initialize(g, c, sb, screenHeight, screenWidth, s, position); textBox = new GameTextBox(); String buttonText = ""; /* create some space in the text message before printing the end condition critera */ if (endCondition.GetType() == typeof(ButtonEndCondition)) { buttonText = "\n\nHit the " + ((ButtonEndCondition)endCondition).getButtonText() + " to continue."; } else if (endCondition.GetType() == typeof(TimeLimitEndCondition)) { buttonText = "\n\n\nTherapy will continue in " + ((TimeLimitEndCondition)endCondition).TimeLimit + " seconds."; } textBox.Initialize(displayText + buttonText, c, sb, screenHeight, screenWidth); }
public override void Initialize( GraphicsDeviceManager g, ContentManager c, SpriteBatch sb, int screenHeight, int screenWidth, Session s, Vector3 position) { this.g = g; this.c = c; = sb; this.screenHeight = screenHeight; this.screenWidth = screenWidth; this.s = s; currTask = 0; currRep = 0; iterRepeat = 0; foreach (Task t in tasks) { t.totalReps = this.numRepeats; t.currRep = 0; } if (tasks.Count > 0) tasks[0].Initialize(g, c, sb, screenHeight, screenWidth, s, position); conditionMet = false; endCondition.isNewExecution = true; Position = position; }
public override void Initialize( GraphicsDeviceManager g, ContentManager c, SpriteBatch sb, int screenHeight, int screenWidth, Session s, Vector3 position) { base.Initialize(g, c, sb, screenHeight, screenWidth, s, position); // determine shape size position on parameter type and repetition. int l, h; foreach (RegionParameter r in region.rParams.Values) { // update current position x,y,z if (r.SL_pos == SpecifierLabel.Static) r.cPos = r.pos[1]; else if (r.SL_pos == SpecifierLabel.Random) { l = (int)((r.pos[0] + 1) * 100); h = (int)((r.pos[1] + 1) * 100); r.cPos = ((float)rand.Next(l, h) / 100) - 1; } else if (r.SL_pos == SpecifierLabel.Dynamic) { if (currRep == 0) r.cPos = r.pos[0]; else if (currRep < totalReps) r.cPos += (r.pos[1] - r.pos[0])/(totalReps-1); } // update current size x,y,z if (r.SL_size == SpecifierLabel.Static) r.cSize = r.size[1]; else if (r.SL_size == SpecifierLabel.Random) { l = (int)((r.size[0]) * 100); h = (int)((r.size[1]) * 100); r.cSize = ((float)rand.Next(l, h) / 100); } else if (r.SL_size == SpecifierLabel.Dynamic) { if (currRep == 0) r.cSize = r.size[0]; else if (currRep < totalReps) r.cSize += (r.size[1] - r.size[0]) / (totalReps-1); } // make sure no region is partially outside the coordinate system if (region.Shape == ShapeType.Rectangle) { if (r.cPos - r.cSize / 2 < -1) r.cPos += (-1 - (r.cPos - r.cSize / 2)); else if (r.cPos + r.cSize / 2 > 1) r.cPos -= (-1 + (r.cPos + r.cSize / 2)); } this.swish = c.Load<SoundEffect>("Sounds\\bbswish"); } if (region.Shape == ShapeType.Rectangle) { rectangle = new Cuboid(g, c, new Vector3(((RegionParameter)region.rParams[regPT.X]).cPos, ((RegionParameter)region.rParams[regPT.Y]).cPos, 0.0f), new Vector3(((RegionParameter)region.rParams[regPT.X]).cSize, ((RegionParameter)region.rParams[regPT.Y]).cSize, 0.0f), Color.DarkBlue); } else if (region.Shape == ShapeType.Ellipse) { ellipse = new Ellipsoid(g, c, new Vector3(((RegionParameter)region.rParams[regPT.X]).cPos, ((RegionParameter)region.rParams[regPT.Y]).cPos, 0.0f), new Vector3(((RegionParameter)region.rParams[regPT.X]).cSize/2, ((RegionParameter)region.rParams[regPT.Y]).cSize/2, 0.0f), Color.DarkBlue); } else if (region.Shape == ShapeType.Hoop) { hoop = new Hoop(g, c, new Vector3(((RegionParameter)region.rParams[regPT.X]).cPos, ((RegionParameter)region.rParams[regPT.Y]).cPos, 0.0f), new Vector3(((RegionParameter)region.rParams[regPT.X]).cSize, ((RegionParameter)region.rParams[regPT.Y]).cSize, 0.0f), Color.DarkBlue); } }
public void Initialize(Session s) { session = s; gameTime = new TimeSpan(); fieldData = new Hashtable(); Initialize(); }
public static void exportSession(Session session, String saveFile) { File.Copy(session.GetDataFilePath(), saveFile); }
public void deleteSession(Session s) { s.delete(); Sessions.Remove(s); }