Exemple #1
        private static void TellTheStory(AbstractDragon dragon)
            string name     = dragon.GetName();
            int    speed    = dragon.GetSpeed();
            int    strength = dragon.GetStrenght();
            string element  = dragon.GetElement();

            Console.WriteLine(name + " the " + element + "dragon was one of them.");
            Console.WriteLine("Although still being young, he could travel " + speed + " leagues with one swipe of his mighty wings.");
            Console.WriteLine("He was the chosen one, who was foretold to collect all elements into one...\n");

            Console.WriteLine("But for now he has to fight with his hydra brother Ezoeos. \n");

            Console.WriteLine("Tail slash!");
            if (dragon.GetRole("Air") != null)
            if (dragon.GetRole("Fire") != null)

            Console.WriteLine("Dragon bite!");
            Console.Write("And Ezoeos has lost " + strength + " of his lives.");
Exemple #2
 public override int GetSpeed()
     return(m_Speed + m_BaseDragon.GetSpeed());