Exemple #1
        public Location LoadEntrance()
            Location returnData;

            returnData             = new Location();
            returnData.Name        = "Shabby Cabin";
            returnData.Description = "A cabin that was clumsily put together with really cheap wood. It looks as if it's falling apart.";


            // Adjacent Locations
            Dictionary <string, LocationDefinition> adjacentLocationDefinitions = new Dictionary <string, LocationDefinition>();

            // Town Center
            LocationDefinition locationDefinition = AnkouForest.GetTownInstance().GetStraightFourDefinition();

            adjacentLocationDefinitions.Add(locationDefinition.LocationKey, locationDefinition);

            locationDefinition = AnkouForestCabin.GetTownInstance().GetLivingRoomDefinition();
            adjacentLocationDefinitions.Add(locationDefinition.LocationKey, locationDefinition);

            returnData.AdjacentLocationDefinitions = adjacentLocationDefinitions;

Exemple #2
        public static AnkouForestCabin GetTownInstance()
            if (_AnkouForestCabin == null)
                _AnkouForestCabin = new AnkouForestCabin();

Exemple #3
        public Location LoadLivingRoom()
            Location returnData;

            returnData      = new Location();
            returnData.Name = "Living Room";
            bool defeatedPeasants = Convert.ToBoolean(LocationHandler.GetLocationStateValue(Ankou.LOCATION_STATE_KEY, AnkouForestCabin.DEFEATED_LIVING_ROOM_PEASANTS));

            if (!defeatedPeasants)
                returnData.Description = "A small living devoid of any and all furniture except for a wooden bench across the back wall. There are two peasants in the room. One is sitting on the bench and the other is pacing around nervously, something obviously on her mind.";

                List <LocationAction> locationActions = new List <LocationAction>();

                List <Mob> peasant = new List <Mob>();
                peasant.Add(new Peasant());
                peasant.Add(new Peasant());
                CombatAction combatAction = new CombatAction("Peasants", peasant);
                combatAction.PostCombat += LivingRoomPeasants;


                returnData.Actions = locationActions;
                returnData.Description = "A small living devoid of any and all furniture except for a wooden bench across the back wall. There are two dead peasants laying on the floor.";

            // Adjacent Locations
            Dictionary <string, LocationDefinition> adjacentLocationDefinitions = new Dictionary <string, LocationDefinition>();

            // Town Center
            LocationDefinition locationDefinition = AnkouForestCabin.GetTownInstance().GetEntranceDefinition();

            adjacentLocationDefinitions.Add(locationDefinition.LocationKey, locationDefinition);

            if (defeatedPeasants)
                locationDefinition = AnkouForestCabin.GetTownInstance().GetKitchenDefinition();
                adjacentLocationDefinitions.Add(locationDefinition.LocationKey, locationDefinition);

            returnData.AdjacentLocationDefinitions = adjacentLocationDefinitions;

Exemple #4
        public Location LoadKitchen()
            Location returnData;

            returnData      = new Location();
            returnData.Name = "Kitchen";
            bool defeatedPeasants = Convert.ToBoolean(LocationHandler.GetLocationStateValue(Ankou.LOCATION_STATE_KEY, AnkouForestCabin.DEFEATED_KITCHEN_PEASANTS));

            if (!defeatedPeasants)
                returnData.Description = "A tiny kitchen with barely any materials to cook with. Despite this, there are four peasants working tirelessly to produce food for their leader.";
                List <LocationAction> locationActions = new List <LocationAction>();

                List <Mob> peasant = new List <Mob>();
                peasant.Add(new Peasant());
                peasant.Add(new Peasant());
                peasant.Add(new Peasant());
                peasant.Add(new Peasant());
                CombatAction combatAction = new CombatAction("Peasants", peasant);
                combatAction.PostCombat += KitchenPeasants;


                returnData.Actions = locationActions;
                returnData.Description = "A tiny kitchen with barely any materials to cook with. There are four dead peasants whose blood now coats the walls.";

            // Adjacent Locations
            Dictionary <string, LocationDefinition> adjacentLocationDefinitions = new Dictionary <string, LocationDefinition>();

            // Town Center
            LocationDefinition locationDefinition = AnkouForestCabin.GetTownInstance().GetLivingRoomDefinition();

            adjacentLocationDefinitions.Add(locationDefinition.LocationKey, locationDefinition);

            if (defeatedPeasants)
                locationDefinition = AnkouForestCabin.GetTownInstance().GetBedroomDefinition();
                adjacentLocationDefinitions.Add(locationDefinition.LocationKey, locationDefinition);

            returnData.AdjacentLocationDefinitions = adjacentLocationDefinitions;

        public Location LoadStraightTwo()
            Location returnData;

            returnData             = new Location();
            returnData.Name        = "Ankou Forest Straight Path Two";
            returnData.Description = "The long path of the forest continues. There is now a three way fork in the road. The road splits to the left, right, and continues on straight. Light does not penetrate the trees here, the darkness is all encompassing, and the air is crushing.";


            // Adjacent Locations
            Dictionary <string, LocationDefinition> adjacentLocationDefinitions = new Dictionary <string, LocationDefinition>();

            LocationDefinition locationDefinition = AnkouForest.GetTownInstance().GetStraightOneDefinition();

            adjacentLocationDefinitions.Add(locationDefinition.LocationKey, locationDefinition);

            locationDefinition = AnkouForest.GetTownInstance().GetStraightThreeDefinition();
            adjacentLocationDefinitions.Add(locationDefinition.LocationKey, locationDefinition);

            locationDefinition = AnkouForest.GetTownInstance().GetLeftOneDefinition();
            adjacentLocationDefinitions.Add(locationDefinition.LocationKey, locationDefinition);

            locationDefinition = AnkouForest.GetTownInstance().GetRightOneDefinition();
            adjacentLocationDefinitions.Add(locationDefinition.LocationKey, locationDefinition);

            Accomplishment investigatePeasantLeader = Ankou.GetAnkouAccomplishments().Find(x => x.Name.Contains("Investigated Peasant Leader"));

            if (GameState.Hero.Accomplishments.Contains(investigatePeasantLeader))
                locationDefinition = AnkouForestCabin.GetTownInstance().GetEntranceDefinition();
                adjacentLocationDefinitions.Add(locationDefinition.LocationKey, locationDefinition);

            returnData.AdjacentLocationDefinitions = adjacentLocationDefinitions;

Exemple #6
        public Location LoadBedroom()
            Location returnData;

            returnData      = new Location();
            returnData.Name = "Bedroom";
            bool   defeatedPeasantWarden = Convert.ToBoolean(LocationHandler.GetLocationStateValue(Ankou.LOCATION_STATE_KEY, AnkouForestCabin.KILLED_PEASANT_LEADER));
            bool   openedChest           = Convert.ToBoolean(LocationHandler.GetLocationStateValue(Ankou.LOCATION_STATE_KEY, AnkouForestCabin.TOOK_TREASURE));
            bool   freePrisoners         = Convert.ToBoolean(LocationHandler.GetLocationStateValue(Ankou.LOCATION_STATE_KEY, AnkouForestCabin.TOOK_MAP));
            string peasantSpeechBefore   = "Ah, I see you found me. You've been causing a lot of problems for my enemies, and some problems for me. I'm willing to forgive all the crimes you've comitted against me if you agree to focus solely on eradicating every noble in Ankou.\n\nNo? Fine then. Die. Now.\n";
            string peasantSpeechAfter    = "The peasant leader gasp out, ''You won't survive what's to come " + GameState.Hero.Identifier + ". Your world will burn, and this town will be nuthing but dust by the time we're done with you!'' \n\nHe collapses to the ground, his body cold and lifeless.\n";

            if (!defeatedPeasantWarden)
                returnData.Description = "A small bedroom with a wooden bed and a torn sheet laying on it. The peasant leader is sitting on it, staring out the window.";
                List <LocationAction> locationActions = new List <LocationAction>();

                List <Mob> leader = new List <Mob>();
                leader.Add(new PeasantLeader());
                CombatAction combatAction = new CombatAction("Peasant Leader", leader, peasantSpeechBefore, peasantSpeechAfter);
                combatAction.PostCombat += DefeatedPeasantWarden;


                returnData.Actions = locationActions;
            else if (defeatedPeasantWarden)
                if (!openedChest)
                    if (!freePrisoners)
                        returnData.Description = "A small bedroom with a wooden bed and a torn sheet laying on it. The peasant leader lays dead at the foot of his bed. There is a map that's halfway fallen out of his pocket and a small shabby chest beneath the bed that's unopened.";
                        returnData.Description = "A small bedroom with a wooden bed and a torn sheet laying on it. The peasant leader lays dead at the foot of his bed. There is a small shabby chest beneath the bed that's unopened.";

                    List <LocationAction> locationActions = new List <LocationAction>();
                    TreasureChestAction   itemAction      = new TreasureChestAction(5);
                    itemAction.PostItem += LeaderChest;
                    returnData.Actions   = locationActions;
                if (openedChest && freePrisoners)
                    returnData.Description = "A small bedroom with a wooden bed and a torn sheet laying on it. The peasant leader lays dead at the foot of his bed. There is a small shabby chest beneath the bed that's opened.";
                if (!freePrisoners && openedChest)
                    returnData.Description = "A small bedroom with a wooden bed and a torn sheet laying on it. The peasant leader lays dead at the foot of his bed. There is a map that's halfway fallen out of his pocket and a small shabby chest beneath the bed that's opened.";

                    List <LocationAction> locationActions    = new List <LocationAction>();
                    TakeItemAction        freePrisonerAction = new TakeItemAction("Map");
                    freePrisonerAction.PostItem += TakeMap;
                    returnData.Actions = locationActions;


            // Adjacent Locations
            Dictionary <string, LocationDefinition> adjacentLocationDefinitions = new Dictionary <string, LocationDefinition>();

            // Town Center
            LocationDefinition locationDefinition = AnkouForestCabin.GetTownInstance().GetKitchenDefinition();

            adjacentLocationDefinitions.Add(locationDefinition.LocationKey, locationDefinition);

            if (defeatedPeasantWarden && freePrisoners)
                locationDefinition = Ankou.GetTownInstance().GetTownCenterDefinition();
                adjacentLocationDefinitions.Add(locationDefinition.LocationKey, locationDefinition);

            returnData.AdjacentLocationDefinitions = adjacentLocationDefinitions;
