Exemple #1
        /// <summary>
        /// loads an item based on the item file
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="path">the filepath of the item</param>
        /// <returns>The item</returns>
        public Item.Item LoadItem(string path)
            Item.Item newItem = null;
            using (Stream inStream = File.OpenRead(path))
                using (BinaryReader input = new BinaryReader(inStream))
                    string type = input.ReadString();
                    if (type.ToUpper() == "WEAPON")
                        Item.Weapon newWeapon;
                        int         rof        = input.ReadInt32();
                        int         damage     = input.ReadInt32();
                        double      reload     = input.ReadDouble();
                        int         clip       = input.ReadInt32();
                        double      spread     = input.ReadDouble();
                        int         loadedAmmo = input.ReadInt32();
                        int         ammo       = input.ReadInt32();
                        string      name       = input.ReadString();
                        string      sprite     = input.ReadString();
                        newWeapon = new Item.Weapon(rof, damage, reload, name, clip, spread);

                        Console.WriteLine("ROF:\t" + rof);
                        Console.WriteLine("Damage:\t" + damage);
                        Console.WriteLine("Reload:\t" + reload);
                        Console.WriteLine("Clip:\t" + clip);
                        Console.WriteLine("Spread:\t" + spread);
                        Console.WriteLine("Loaded Ammo:\t" + loadedAmmo);
                        Console.WriteLine("Ammo:\t" + ammo);
                        Console.WriteLine("Name:\t" + name);
                        Console.WriteLine("Sprite:\t" + sprite);

                        newWeapon.Ammo       = ammo;
                        newWeapon.LoadedAmmo = loadedAmmo;

                        if (Sprites.spritesDictionary.ContainsKey(sprite))
                            newWeapon.previewSprite = Sprites.spritesDictionary[sprite];
                            newWeapon.previewSprite = Sprites.spritesDictionary["NULL"];

                        newItem = new Item.Item();
                        string name   = input.ReadString();
                        string sprite = input.ReadString();
 public Mugging(string name, string objective, string description, Vector2 start, Player player)
     : base(name, objective, description, start, player, WinCondition.EnemyDies, 0, 10)
     mugger = new LivingEntity(new FloatRectangle(start.X, start.Y, MUGGER_WIDTH, MUGGER_WIDTH), Sprites.spritesDictionary["mugger"], 10);
     knife = new Weapon(20, 1, 3, "Knife", 1, 99);
     muggerAI = new LowAI(mugger);
     mugger.ai = muggerAI;
     entitites = new List<Entity.Entity>();
     EnemyToKill = mugger;
Exemple #3
        /// <summary>
        /// What happens with Update?
        /// </summary>
        public void HandleInput(KeyboardState keyState, MouseState mouseState, GameTime time)
            player = Game1.Instance.worldManager.CurrentWorld.manager.GetPlayer();
            if (Game1.state == GameState.Game)
                //Detects if the player wants to move
                #region Movement Input
                int speed = 4;

                //int deltaX = 0;
                //int deltaY = 0;

                //The following statements check the movement keys
                if (keyState.IsKeyDown(Keys.W))    //Move up
                    //deltaY -= speed;
                    player.movement.Y = speed * -1;
                if (keyState.IsKeyDown(Keys.A))    //move down
                    //deltaX -= speed;
                    player.movement.X = speed * -1;
                if (keyState.IsKeyDown(Keys.S))    //move left
                    //deltaY += speed;
                    player.movement.Y = speed;
                if (keyState.IsKeyDown(Keys.D))    //move right
                    //deltaX += speed;
                    player.movement.X = speed;

                if (player.movement.X == 0)
                    if (player.movement.Y < 0)
                        player.direction = Entity.Direction.Up;
                    else if (player.movement.Y > 0)
                        player.direction = Entity.Direction.Down;
                else if (player.movement.X < 0)
                    if (player.movement.Y < 0)
                        player.direction = Entity.Direction.UpLeft;
                    else if (player.movement.Y == 0)
                        player.direction = Entity.Direction.Left;
                    else if (player.movement.Y > 0)
                        player.direction = Entity.Direction.DownLeft;
                    if (player.movement.Y < 0)
                        player.direction = Entity.Direction.UpRight;
                    else if (player.movement.Y == 0)
                        player.direction = Entity.Direction.Right;
                    else if (player.movement.Y > 0)
                        player.direction = Entity.Direction.DownRight;

                 * if (Game1.Instance.worldManager.CurrentWorld.tiles[(int)(player.location.X / GUI.Tile.SIDE_LENGTH)][(int)(player.location.Y / GUI.Tile.SIDE_LENGTH)] is GUI.Door)
                 * {
                 *  GUI.Door door = Game1.Instance.worldManager.CurrentWorld.tiles[(int)(player.location.X / GUI.Tile.SIDE_LENGTH)][(int)(player.location.Y / GUI.Tile.SIDE_LENGTH)] as GUI.Door;
                 *  Game1.Instance.worldManager.current = door.World;
                 *  player.location.X = door.Destination.X * GUI.Tile.SIDE_LENGTH;
                 *  player.location.Y = door.Destination.Y * GUI.Tile.SIDE_LENGTH;
                 * }*/

                Item.Weapon weapon = Game1.Instance.worldManager.CurrentWorld.manager.GetPlayer().inventory.GetEquippedPrimary();
                //Selects the weapon the player wants
                #region Quick Weapon Select
                if (keyState.IsKeyDown(Keys.D1))    //Quick Weapon Select
                    weapon.Reloading = false;
                    player.lastShot  = 0D;
                    player.inventory.ActiveWeapon = 1;
                if (keyState.IsKeyDown(Keys.D2))    //Quick Weapon Select
                    weapon.Reloading = false;
                    player.lastShot  = 0D;
                    player.inventory.ActiveWeapon = 2;
                if (keyState.IsKeyDown(Keys.D3))    //Quick Weapon Select
                    weapon.Reloading = false;
                    player.lastShot  = 0D;
                    player.inventory.ActiveWeapon = 3;
                if (keyState.IsKeyDown(Keys.D4))    //Quick Weapon Select
                    weapon.Reloading = false;
                    player.lastShot  = 0D;
                    player.inventory.ActiveWeapon = 4;
                if (keyState.IsKeyDown(Keys.D5))    //Quick Weapon Select
                    weapon.Reloading = false;
                    player.lastShot  = 0D;
                    player.inventory.ActiveWeapon = 5;
                if (keyState.IsKeyDown(Keys.D6))    //Quick Weapon Select
                    weapon.Reloading = false;
                    player.lastShot  = 0D;
                    player.inventory.ActiveWeapon = 6;
                if (keyState.IsKeyDown(Keys.D7))    //Quick Weapon Select
                    weapon.Reloading = false;
                    player.lastShot  = 0D;
                    player.inventory.ActiveWeapon = 7;
                if (keyState.IsKeyDown(Keys.D8))    //Quick Weapon Select
                    weapon.Reloading = false;
                    player.lastShot  = 0D;
                    player.inventory.ActiveWeapon = 8;
                if (keyState.IsKeyDown(Keys.D9))    //Quick Weapon Select
                    weapon.Reloading = false;
                    player.lastShot  = 0D;
                    player.inventory.ActiveWeapon = 9;
                if (keyState.IsKeyDown(Keys.D0))    //Quick Weapon Select
                    weapon.Reloading = false;
                    player.lastShot  = 0D;
                    player.inventory.ActiveWeapon = 0;

                player.cursor = mouseState.Position;

                // Douglas Gliner
                #region mouse aim (move to player?)

                // mouse location relative to CENTER OF SCREEN (not player since those coords are in a different system)
                //float newAngle = 0f;

                 * if (mouseState.Position.X != RenderManager.ViewportWidth / 2 || mouseState.Position.Y != RenderManager.ViewportHeight / 2)
                 * {
                 *  newAngle = (float)Math.Acos(Vector2.Dot(new Vector2(0, -1), mousePositionVector) / mousePositionVector.Length()); // original angle vector length should always be 1
                 * }
                 * // i dont remember how to math.........
                 * // range of invCos is 0-pi, can i extend it to 2pi using multiplication or whatever? i dont remember ;-;....
                 * // PERHAPS SLOW DOWN PLAYER IF NOT MOVING IN SAME DIRECTION AS FACING (as an interval of course, otherwise always slow unless at the exact angle.)
                 * if (mousePositionVector.X < 0)
                 *  WorldManager.player.faceDirection = newAngle * -1;
                 * else
                 *  WorldManager.player.faceDirection = newAngle;

                // Its this simple!!
                Vector2 mousePositionVector = new Vector2(mouseState.Position.X - (RenderManager.ViewportWidth / 2), mouseState.Position.Y - (RenderManager.ViewportHeight / 2));
                player.faceDirection = (float)(Math.Atan2(mousePositionVector.Y, mousePositionVector.X) + (Math.PI / 2));


                //handles mouse input
                if (mouseState.LeftButton == ButtonState.Pressed)   //Primary fire
                    player.Attack(0, player.inventory.GetEquippedPrimary());
            if ((keyState.IsKeyDown(Keys.Q) && !previousState.IsKeyDown(Keys.Q)) || mouseState.MiddleButton == ButtonState.Pressed)    //weapon wheel
                if (Game1.state == GameState.Game)
                    Game1.state = GameState.WeaponWheel;
            if (keyState.IsKeyDown(Keys.E))    //Interact
            if (keyState.IsKeyDown(Keys.R))    //Reload
                if (player.inventory.GetEquippedPrimary().LoadedAmmo != player.inventory.GetEquippedPrimary().maxClip&& player.inventory.GetEquippedPrimary().Ammo > 0 && !player.inventory.GetEquippedPrimary().Reloading)
            if (keyState.IsKeyDown(Keys.I))    //Inventory
                if (Game1.state == GameState.Game || Game1.state == GameState.Pause || Game1.state == GameState.QuestLog)
                    Game1.state = GameState.Inventory;
            if (keyState.IsKeyDown(Keys.G))    //Quest log
                if (Game1.state == GameState.Game || Game1.state == GameState.Pause || Game1.state == GameState.Inventory)
                    // DEBUG DIALOG TEST

                    //DialogBox test = new DialogBox(new Vector2(200, 150), DialogBoxType.OkCancel, "Test dialog!!", "You've opened the quest log!", new Vector2(300, 300));
                    //test.yesEvent += test_yesEvent;
                    //test.noEvent += test_noEvent;
                    //NPCTalkUI test = new NPCTalkUI(new Vector2(200, 150), "TESTER", "lololo wow ok hi XD!!");

                    Game1.state = GameState.QuestLog;
            if (keyState.IsKeyDown(Keys.Escape) && !previousState.IsKeyDown(Keys.Escape))    //Escape
                if (Game1.state == GameState.Game || Game1.state == GameState.Inventory || Game1.state == GameState.QuestLog)
                    Game1.state = GameState.Pause;
                else if (Game1.state == GameState.Pause)
                    Game1.state = GameState.Game;

            previousState = keyState;
        /// <summary>
        /// loads an item based on the item file
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="path">the filepath of the item</param>
        /// <returns>The item</returns>
        public Item.Item LoadItem(string path)
            Item.Item newItem = null;
            using(Stream inStream = File.OpenRead(path))
                using(BinaryReader input = new BinaryReader(inStream))
                    string type = input.ReadString();
                    if(type.ToUpper() == "WEAPON")
                        Item.Weapon newWeapon;
                        int rof = input.ReadInt32();
                        int damage = input.ReadInt32();
                        double reload = input.ReadDouble();
                        int clip = input.ReadInt32();
                        double spread = input.ReadDouble();
                        int loadedAmmo = input.ReadInt32();
                        int ammo = input.ReadInt32();
                        string name = input.ReadString();
                        string sprite = input.ReadString();
                        newWeapon = new Item.Weapon(rof, damage, reload, name, clip, spread);

                        Console.WriteLine("ROF:\t" + rof);
                        Console.WriteLine("Damage:\t" + damage);
                        Console.WriteLine("Reload:\t" + reload);
                        Console.WriteLine("Clip:\t" + clip);
                        Console.WriteLine("Spread:\t" + spread);
                        Console.WriteLine("Loaded Ammo:\t" + loadedAmmo);
                        Console.WriteLine("Ammo:\t" + ammo);
                        Console.WriteLine("Name:\t" + name);
                        Console.WriteLine("Sprite:\t" + sprite);

                        newWeapon.Ammo = ammo;
                        newWeapon.LoadedAmmo = loadedAmmo;

                        if (Sprites.spritesDictionary.ContainsKey(sprite))
                            newWeapon.previewSprite = Sprites.spritesDictionary[sprite];
                            newWeapon.previewSprite = Sprites.spritesDictionary["NULL"];

                        return newWeapon;
                        newItem = new Item.Item();
                        string name = input.ReadString();
                        string sprite = input.ReadString();
            return newItem;
        public override void DrawUI(SpriteBatch spriteBatch, GameTime gameTime)
            healthBar.Draw(spriteBatch, gameTime);
        /// <summary>
        /// The Living Entity attacks
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="type">0 is primary fire, 1 is secondary</param>
        /// <param name="weapon">The weapon with which they are attacking</param>
        public virtual void Attack(int type, Weapon weapon = null)
            if (type == 0) {
                if (weapon.LoadedAmmo > 0 && lastShot > (60000D / (weapon.rateOfFire)) && !weapon.Reloading) {
                    lastShot = 0D;
                    double trajectory = faceDirection + ((rand.NextDouble() * Math.PI / 2) - (Math.PI / 4)) * (weapon.spread / 100); // or we could make the cone the weapon spread amount (-weapon.spread to weapon.spread)
                    // this is just using the weapon.spread as a multiplier for a max range being -pi/2 to pi/2 relative to face direction

                    // need to get FRONT face, location will not work since that is not rotated, only the sprite is.
                    // we must utilize facedirection to calculate where on the outside of the sprite the shooting location should be set then apply an offset for weaponry...
                    //Game1.Instance.worldManager.CurrentWorld.manager.FireBullet(location.X, location.Y, (float)System.Math.Cos(trajectory), (float)System.Math.Sin(trajectory), inventory.GetEquippedPrimary().Damage, this);

                    // Douglas Gliner
                    Game1.Instance.worldManager.CurrentWorld.manager.FireBullet(((int) (sprite.Texture.Width / 2) * (float) Math.Cos(faceDirection - Math.PI / 4)) + location.Center.X,
                        ((int) (sprite.Texture.Height / 2) * (float) Math.Sin(faceDirection - Math.PI / 4)) + location.Center.Y,
                        (float) Math.Cos(trajectory - Math.PI / 2),
                        (float) Math.Sin(trajectory - Math.PI / 2),
Exemple #6
        /// <summary>
        /// writes to a file the details behind an item
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="item">the item to save</param>
        /// <returns>if the save was successful</returns>
        public bool SaveItem(Item.Item item)
            // Create a stream, then a writer
            Stream       outStream = null;
            BinaryWriter output    = null;
            bool         successful;

                //figure out the save path
                int    startname = saveLoc.LastIndexOf('/') + 1;
                int    endname   = saveLoc.LastIndexOf('.');
                string name      = saveLoc.Substring(startname, endname - startname);
                string directory = saveLoc.Substring(0, startname) + "/" + name;

                if (!Directory.Exists(directory))
                //initialize the binary writer
                outStream = File.OpenWrite(directory + item.name + ".item");
                output    = new BinaryWriter(outStream);

                //write data
                if (item is Item.Weapon)
                    Item.Weapon weapon = (Item.Weapon)item;


                //get the key of the texture
                Dictionary <String, Sprite> sDict = Sprites.spritesDictionary;
                string key = "NULL";
                foreach (string spriteKey in sDict.Keys.ToList())
                    if (sDict[spriteKey] == item.previewSprite)
                        key = spriteKey;

                successful = true;
            catch (Exception e)
                Console.WriteLine("Error saving item: " + e.Message);
                successful = false;
                if (output != null)
