Exemple #1
        public Quantizer(MultiDimFloatTexture tex, int qbits, float percent)
            Globals.Assert(percent > 0.0f && percent <= 100.0f);
            ScopeTimer tm = new ScopeTimer("[Quantizer]");

            m_Texture   = tex;
            m_Quantized = new MultiDimIntTexture(tex.width(), tex.height(), tex.numComp());

            m_iQBits = qbits;

            m_Mean   = new float[tex.numComp()];
            m_StdDev = new float[tex.numComp()];
            m_Center = new float[tex.numComp()];
            m_Radius = new float[tex.numComp()];

            // . compute std dev and mean of every components

            float [] sum   = new float[tex.numComp()];
            float [] sumsq = new float[tex.numComp()];

            for (int j = 0; j < tex.height(); j++)
                for (int i = 0; i < tex.width(); i++)
                    for (int c = 0; c < tex.numComp(); c++)
                        float f = tex.get(i, j, c);
                        sum[c]   += f;
                        sumsq[c] += f * f;

            float num = (float)(tex.width() * tex.height());

            for (int c = 0; c < tex.numComp(); c++)
                m_Mean[c] = sum[c] / num;
                float sqstddev = (sumsq[c] - sum[c] * sum[c] / num) / (num - 1.0f);
                if (sqstddev > BMathLib.cFloatCompareEpsilon)
                    m_StdDev[c] = (float)Math.Sqrt(sqstddev);
                    m_StdDev[c] = 0.0f;

            // . for every component
            //      compute center and radius so that 'percent' samples are within quantization space
            for (int c = 0; c < tex.numComp(); c++)
                float [] samples = new float[tex.width() * tex.height()];
                // add samples to array
                for (int j = 0; j < tex.height(); j++)
                    for (int i = 0; i < tex.width(); i++)
                        samples[i + j * tex.width()] = tex.get(i, j, c);

                // sort array
                Sort.RadixSort rs = new Sort.RadixSort();

                // find left and right elements so that 'percent' elements are inside
                float pout  = ((100.0f - percent) / 2) / 100.0f;
                int   left  = (int)((samples.Length - 1) * pout);
                int   right = (int)((samples.Length - 1) * (1.0f - pout));
                m_Center[c] = (samples[right] + samples[left]) / 2.0f;
                m_Radius[c] = samples[right] - samples[left];

            // . quantize
            int num_outside = 0;

            for (int j = 0; j < tex.height(); j++)
                for (int i = 0; i < tex.width(); i++)
                    if (!quantizePixel(tex.numComp(), tex, tex.getpixIndex(i, j), m_Quantized.getpixIndex(i, j)))

            float percent_out = num_outside * 100.0f / (tex.width() * tex.height());

            if (Globals.PRINT_DEBUG_MSG)
                Debug.Print("-----------.>> Quantizer: num outside = " + percent_out + "%");
            tm = null;
Exemple #2
        unsafe void synthesisNeighborhoodsToD3DTexture(Exemplar a, int l)
            // synthesis neighborhoods
            // . build float multidim texture from projected neighborhoods
            MultiDimFloatTexture tex = new MultiDimFloatTexture(a.recoloredStack(l).width(), a.recoloredStack(l).height(), Globals.NUM_RUNTIME_PCA_COMPONENTS);

            for (int j = 0; j < tex.height(); j++)
                for (int i = 0; i < tex.width(); i++)
                    NeighborhoodSynth nproj = a.getProjectedSynthNeighborhood(l, i, j);
                    for (int c = 0; c < tex.numComp(); c++)
                        tex.set(nproj.getValue(c), i, j, c);

            // . quantize
            Quantizer q = new Quantizer(tex, Globals.QUANTIZE_NUM_BITS, Globals.QUANTIZE_PERCENT_INSIDE);

            m_d3dNeighborhoods_0_3 = new Texture(BRenderDevice.getDevice(), tex.width(), tex.height(), 1, 0, Format.A8R8G8B8, Pool.Managed);

            // . fill
            GraphicsStream texstream = m_d3dNeighborhoods_0_3.LockRectangle(0, LockFlags.None);
            byte *         data      = (byte *)texstream.InternalDataPointer;
            int            rectPitch = tex.width() * 4;

            for (int j = 0; j < tex.height(); j++)
                for (int i = 0; i < tex.width(); i++)
                    int v0 = q.quantized().get(i, j, 0);
                    int v1 = q.quantized().get(i, j, 1);
                    int v2 = q.quantized().get(i, j, 2);
                    int v3 = q.quantized().get(i, j, 3);
                    Globals.Assert(v0 >= 0 && v0 <= 255);
                    Globals.Assert(v1 >= 0 && v1 <= 255);
                    Globals.Assert(v2 >= 0 && v2 <= 255);
                    Globals.Assert(v3 >= 0 && v3 <= 255);
                    data[i * 4 + j * rectPitch + 2] = (byte)(v0);
                    data[i * 4 + j * rectPitch + 1] = (byte)(v1);
                    data[i * 4 + j * rectPitch + 0] = (byte)(v2);
                    data[i * 4 + j * rectPitch + 3] = (byte)(v3);

            // de-quantization parameters

            m_UnqNeighborhoods_Scale = new List <float>(8);
            m_UnqNeighborhoods_Mean  = new List <float>(8);

            for (int c = 0; c < q.quantized().numComp(); c++)
            qn_mean_0_3  = new Vector4(m_UnqNeighborhoods_Mean[0], m_UnqNeighborhoods_Mean[1], m_UnqNeighborhoods_Mean[2], m_UnqNeighborhoods_Mean[3]);
            qn_scale_0_3 = new Vector4(m_UnqNeighborhoods_Scale[0], m_UnqNeighborhoods_Scale[1], m_UnqNeighborhoods_Scale[2], m_UnqNeighborhoods_Scale[3]);

            // expression in the shader is
            // (v*2.0-1.0)*UnqNeighborhoods_Scale_0_3 + UnqNeighborhoods_Mean_0_3
            // => this is baked into the ants to reduce work load
            qn_mean_0_3  = qn_mean_0_3 - qn_scale_0_3;
            qn_scale_0_3 = qn_scale_0_3 * 2.0f;
Exemple #3
        int computeStackLevels_Box(MultiDimFloatTexture tex, ref MultiDimFloatTexture[] _lvls)
            List <MultiDimFloatTexture> tmplvls = new List <MultiDimFloatTexture>();

            // compute stack of averages on large texture
            // . add unmodifed finest level
            int l = 0;

            MultiDimFloatTexture lvl = tex;

            float [] lvlDat = lvl.getData();
            int      num    = (int)(0.01 + BMathLib.log2((float)lvl.getWidth()));

            do                                                       // TODO: speed this up - extremely unefficient !!! (not critical though)
                stack_accessor_v2 access = new stack_accessor_v2(l); // l is destination level for children
                                                                     // (children *are* at level l)

                MultiDimFloatTexture stackl = new MultiDimFloatTexture(lvl.getWidth(), lvl.getHeight(), lvl.numComp());

                List <float> avg = new List <float>();
                for (int q = 0; q < lvl.numComp(); q++)

                for (int i = 0; i < stackl.getWidth(); i++)
                    for (int j = 0; j < stackl.getHeight(); j++)
                        for (int q = 0; q < avg.Count; q++)
                            avg[q] = 0;

                        for (int li = 0; li < 2; li++)
                            for (int lj = 0; lj < 2; lj++)
                                int ci = 0, cj = 0;
                                access.child_ij(i, j, li, lj, ref ci, ref cj);
                                //CLM large amount of modification here.. check back w/ origional if problems occur
                                if (ci < 0 || ci >= lvl.getWidth() ||
                                    cj < 0 || cj >= lvl.getHeight())

                                int idx = lvl.getpixmodIndex(ci, cj);
                                for (int c = 0; c < stackl.numComp(); c++)
                                    avg[c] += lvlDat[idx + c];

                        int opix = stackl.getpixIndex(i, j);
                        for (int c = 0; c < stackl.numComp(); c++)
                            stackl.getData()[opix + c] = avg[c] / 4.0f;

                lvl = stackl;
            }  while ((1 << l) <= lvl.getWidth());

            // clamp stack
            int w = tex.getWidth() / 2;
            int h = tex.getHeight() / 2;

            _lvls = new MultiDimFloatTexture[m_iNbLevels];

            l = 0;
            int sz = w;

            for (int i = 0; i < tmplvls.Count; i++)
                MultiDimFloatTexture ktex    = tmplvls[i];
                MultiDimFloatTexture clamped = ktex.extract(w / 2, h / 2, w, h);
                _lvls[i] = clamped;

                sz >>= 1;
                if (sz < 1)

            for (int i = 0; i < tmplvls.Count; i++)
                tmplvls[i] = null;


Exemple #4
        // -----------------------------------------------------

        MultiDimFloatTexture enlargeTexture(MultiDimFloatTexture ex, int type)
            ScopeTimer tm = new ScopeTimer("[Exemplar::enlargeTexture]");

            int w = ex.getWidth();
            int h = ex.getHeight();
            MultiDimFloatTexture large = new MultiDimFloatTexture(w * 2, h * 2, ex.numComp());

            for (int j = 0; j < h * 2; j++)
                for (int i = 0; i < w * 2; i++)
                    int ri, rj;

                    // where to read ?
                    if (type == 0)
                        // Toroidal
                        // ri
                        if (i < w / 2)
                            ri = (i + w / 2) % w;
                        else if (i < w + w / 2)
                            ri = i - w / 2;
                            ri = ((i - w / 2) % w);
                        // rj
                        if (j < h / 2)
                            rj = (j + h / 2) % h;
                        else if (j < h + h / 2)
                            rj = j - h / 2;
                            rj = ((j - h / 2) % h);
                        // Mirror
                        // ri
                        if (i < w / 2)
                            ri = (w / 2 - i);
                        else if (i < w + w / 2)
                            ri = i - w / 2;
                            ri = (w - 1 - (i - (w / 2 + w)));
                        // rj
                        if (j < h / 2)
                            rj = (h / 2 - j);
                        else if (j < h + h / 2)
                            rj = j - h / 2;
                            rj = (h - 1 - (j - (h / 2 + h)));

                    for (int c = 0; c < ex.numComp(); c++)
                        large.set(ex.get(ri, rj, c), i, j, c);
            tm = null;
Exemple #5
        void computeSynthNeighborhoods()
            ScopeTimer tm = new ScopeTimer("[computeSynthNeighborhoods]");

            m_SynthNeighborhoods = new NeighborhoodSynth[mNumLevels][];

            // foreach level
            for (int level = 0; level < mNumLevels; level++)
                MultiDimFloatTexture recolored_level = null;

                if (Globals.isDefined("4D"))
                    // . keep only 4 dimension from recolored exemplar
                    MultiDimFloatTexture level_4D = new MultiDimFloatTexture(mOwner.recoloredStack(level).width(), mOwner.recoloredStack(level).height(), mOwner.recoloredStack(level).numComp());
                    int w = level_4D.getWidth();
                    int h = level_4D.getHeight();
                    Globals.Assert(w == mOwner.stack(level).getWidth() && h == mOwner.stack(level).height());
                    Globals.Assert(level_4D.numComp() == Globals.NUM_RECOLORED_PCA_COMPONENTS);
                    for (int i = 0; i < w; i++)
                        for (int j = 0; j < h; j++)
                            // . copy first four channels
                            for (int c = 0; c < 4; c++)
                                level_4D.set(mOwner.recoloredStack(level).get(i, j, c), i, j, c);
                            // . zero out all channels above 4
                            for (int c = 4; c < level_4D.numComp(); c++)
                                level_4D.set(0, i, j, c);
                    recolored_level = level_4D;
                    // . keep all dimensions
                    recolored_level = mOwner.recoloredStack(level);

                m_SynthNeighborhoods[level] = new NeighborhoodSynth[recolored_level.width() * recolored_level.height()];

                stack_accessor_v2 access = new stack_accessor_v2(level);

                for (int j = 0; j < recolored_level.height(); j++)
                    for (int i = 0; i < recolored_level.width(); i++)
                        int index = i + j * recolored_level.width();
                        m_SynthNeighborhoods[level][index] = new NeighborhoodSynth();
                            (!mOwner.isToroidal()) && level < (mNumLevels - Globals.NUM_LEVELS_WITHOUT_BORDER),
                            //(!m_bToroidal) && l < FIRST_LEVEL_WITH_BORDER,
                            level, i, j);

            tm = null;