private void OnEntityEntered(object sender, EntityMovedEventArgs e)
            // God this is so hacky but I don't want to fix things right now.
            // TODO: Fix this.
            // Seriously, please fix this.
            // Please.
            Dictionary<string, string> reverseDirection = new Dictionary<string,string>();
            reverseDirection.Add("north", "south");
            reverseDirection.Add("south", "north");
            reverseDirection.Add("east", "west");
            reverseDirection.Add("west", "east");

            string message = String.Format("{0} entered the area", e.Entity.GetFullName().FirstCharToUpper());

            if (e.Path != null && e.Path.From != null)
                message += String.Format(" from the [{0}]", reverseDirection[e.Path.Identifier]);

            message += ".";
            if (e.Entity is Player)
                Broadcast(message, (Player)e.Entity);
        private void OnEntityLeft(object sender, EntityMovedEventArgs e)
            string message = String.Format("{0} left the area.", e.Entity.GetFullName().FirstCharToUpper());

            if (e.Path != null && e.Path.To != null)
                message = String.Format("{0} moved [{1}].", e.Entity.Name.FirstCharToUpper(), e.Path.Identifier);

            if (e.Entity is Player)
                Broadcast(message, (Player)e.Entity);