Exemple #1
        /* Adds a tetromino to the given tetris grid. */
        public Grid PlaceTetromino(Grid grid, Tetromino piece, int col)
            /* The offset determines how far from the top the piece must be placed. */
            int offset = BotHelperFunctions.DistanceToField(grid, piece, col);

            /* Insert the piece grid into the playing grid. */
            grid.InsertGrid(piece, offset, col);

Exemple #2
        /* Calculates the move with the highest grid score,
         * taking the current and look ahead pieces into consideration. */
        private TetrisMove CalculateBestMove(Grid grid, Tetromino piece, Tetromino lookAheadPiece)
            /* Create a variable to hold the best move. */
            TetrisMove bestMove = new TetrisMove();
            /* Grids used for calculations. */
            Grid tempGrid      = null;
            Grid lookAheadGrid = null;

            /* Reset the bot move in the tetris processor. */
            Processor.BotPiece          = null;
            Processor.BotLookAheadPiece = null;
            Processor.BotMove           = true;

            bool prioritizeTetrisses = false;
            int  rightBoundaryOffset = 1;
            /* Highest point in the current field. */
            int fieldHeight = 0;

            if (PrioritizeTetrisses)
                int tetrisReady = BotHelperFunctions.TetrisReady(grid);
                if (tetrisReady == 0 && IsIPiece(piece))
                    /* Rotate the I piece upright. */
                    /* Move it over to the right of the grid to make a tetris. */
                    return(new TetrisMove(grid.Width - piece.LeftMostBlockColumn() - 1, 1));

                fieldHeight = BotHelperFunctions.FieldHeight(grid);

                if (fieldHeight < ForceNormalPlayFieldHeight && tetrisReady != 2)
                    /* If it is still safe to do so, play without the last column. */
                    rightBoundaryOffset = 2;
                    prioritizeTetrisses = true;

            /* Calculate best permutation*/
            for (int rotation = 0; rotation < piece.UniqueRotations; rotation++)
                /* Calculate boundaries. */
                int leftMostColumn  = piece.LeftMostBlockColumn();
                int rightMostColumn = grid.Width - piece.RightMostBlockColumn() - rightBoundaryOffset;

                for (int column = -leftMostColumn; column <= rightMostColumn; column++)
                    /* Calculate best permutation for look ahead piece. */
                    for (int lookAheadRotation = 0; lookAheadRotation < lookAheadPiece.UniqueRotations; lookAheadRotation++)
                        /* Calculate look ahead boundaries. */
                        int lookAheadLeftMostColumn  = lookAheadPiece.LeftMostBlockColumn();
                        int lookAheadRightMostColumn = grid.Width - lookAheadPiece.RightMostBlockColumn() - rightBoundaryOffset;

                        for (int lookAheadColumn = -lookAheadLeftMostColumn; lookAheadColumn <= lookAheadRightMostColumn; lookAheadColumn++)
                            /* Create a grid with current pieces. */
                            tempGrid      = PlaceTetromino(grid.Clone(), piece, column);
                            lookAheadGrid = PlaceTetromino(tempGrid.Clone(), lookAheadPiece, lookAheadColumn);

                            double score = CalculateGridScore(lookAheadGrid, prioritizeTetrisses);

                            if (score > bestMove.Score)
                                /* Update best move. */
                                bestMove.Column   = column;
                                bestMove.Rotation = rotation;
                                bestMove.Score    = score;

                                /* Update bot move in tetris processor. */
                                Processor.BotPiece      = piece;
                                Processor.BotMoveRow    = BotHelperFunctions.DistanceToField(grid, piece, column);
                                Processor.BotMoveColumn = column;

                                Processor.BotLookAheadPiece      = lookAheadPiece;
                                Processor.BotLookAheadMoveRow    = BotHelperFunctions.DistanceToField(tempGrid, lookAheadPiece, lookAheadColumn);
                                Processor.BotLookAheadMoveColumn = lookAheadColumn;

                                /* Update view. */


                        /* Rotate look ahead piece for the next permutation. */

                /* Rotate piece for the next permutation. */

            /* Remove the preview of the bots move. */
            Processor.BotMove = false;
