private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { OpenFileDialog DigOpen = new OpenFileDialog(); DigOpen.ShowDialog(); string Path = DigOpen.FileName; if (Path.Length == 0) { MessageBox.Show("Please select Txt file"); return; } // MessageBox.Show(Path); //downloading image from urls WebClient wc = new WebClient();// key member of downloading Thunder_SDK.XLInitDownloadEngine(); MemoryStream ms; StreamReader m_StreamReader = new StreamReader(Path);// open the txt file with C# form while (true) { String temp_line = m_StreamReader.ReadLine();// read one line of txt file 用的挺爽 if (temp_line == null) { break; // break when reach the end of file; } String[] parts = temp_line.Split('\t'); // split the readed line by '\t' if ((parts[0].IndexOf('#')) != -1) { continue;// the first and second row of image is useless so discard them } String ImgSavePath = "Y:\\GitHub\\Test_saveimg\\Test_saveimg\\Test_saveimg\\bin\\Release\\" + parts[0] + "\\"; if (!Directory.Exists(ImgSavePath)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(ImgSavePath);// create the Directiory when necessary } ImgSavePath += parts[0] + "_" + parts[1] + ".jpg"; // replace the download by xunlei engine String filename = parts[0] + "_" + parts[1] + ".jpg"; label1.Text = parts[0] + "_" + parts[1] + ".jpg"; // label1.Font = new System.Drawing.Font() this.Refresh(); MyObj_para para = new MyObj_para(); para.ImgSavePath = ImgSavePath; para.parts2 = parts[2]; para.temp_line = temp_line; para.label = label2; para.progressbar = progressBar1; Int32 lTaskId = 0; Int32 dwRet = Thunder_SDK.XLURLDownloadToFile(ImgSavePath, parts[2], "", ref lTaskId); if (Thunder_SDK.XL_SUCCESS != dwRet) { //ThunderSDK.Program.XLUninitDownloadEngine(); // MessageBox.Show (string.Format("Create new task failed, error code:%d\n", dwRet)); } float last = 0; do { Thread.Sleep(500); last += 0.5F; Int64 ullFileSize = 0; Int64 ullRecvSize = 0; int lStatus = -1; dwRet = Thunder_SDK.XLQueryTaskInfo(lTaskId, ref lStatus, ref ullFileSize, ref ullRecvSize); if (Thunder_SDK.XL_SUCCESS == dwRet) { // 输出进度信息 if (0 != ullFileSize) { double douProgress = (double)ullRecvSize / (double)ullFileSize; douProgress *= 100.0; progressBar1.Step = (Int32)douProgress; progressBar1.PerformStep(); } else { } if (last > 5 && 0 == ullFileSize) { lStatus = 12; } if (11 == lStatus) { // MessageBox.Show(string.Format("Download successfully.\n")); progressBar1.Value = 0; // this.Refresh(); break; } if (12 == lStatus) { // MessageBox.Show(string.Format("Download failed.\n")); progressBar1.Value = 0; // this.Refresh(); StreamWriter m_StreamWriter = new StreamWriter(".\\dev_urls_failed.txt", true); m_StreamWriter.Write(temp_line); m_StreamWriter.Write("\n"); m_StreamWriter.Close(); break; } label2.Text = string.Format("Last {0} Sec!", last); } // System.Delegate a = new System.Delegate() // Control.Invoke(500, null, null); // this.Refresh(); Thread thread = new Thread(new ParameterizedThreadStart(Draw)); thread.Start(para); thread.Join(); } while (Thunder_SDK.XL_SUCCESS == dwRet); Thunder_SDK.XLStopTask(lTaskId);//搜索程序 // while(true) // { // String status = agent.GetTaskInfo(parts[2],"Status"); // if ((string.Compare(status,"failed"))==0||(string.Compare(status,"success"))==0) // { // break; // } // } // ImgSavePath += parts[0] + "_" + parts[1] + ".jpg";// path of saving image // // try // { // wc.DownloadFile(parts[2], ImgSavePath); // using the DownloadFile function instead of DownloadData // // ms = new MemoryStream(wc.DownloadData(parts[2])); // // Image img = Image.FromStream(ms); // // img.Save(ImgSavePath); // } // catch (System.Exception ex) // { // // MessageBox.Show(ex.Message + parts[2]);// catch the exception when the image is invalid // // } } Thunder_SDK.XLUninitDownloadEngine(); // MessageBox.Show("Debug Here!!"); // WebClient wc = new WebClient(); // string shitu_url = ""; // shitu_url += "pn=0"; //,1337723570&shituRetNum=586&similarRetNum=600&faceRetNum=1000&setnum=0 // byte[] aryByte = wc.DownloadData(shitu_url); // ms = new MemoryStream(aryByte); // string html = string.Empty; // using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(ms, Encoding.Default)) // { // html = sr.ReadToEnd(); // } // baidujason jsonObj = JArray.Parse(html); // baidujason ja = (baidujason)JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(html, typeof(baidujason)); System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(@""); }
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { OpenFileDialog DigOpen = new OpenFileDialog(); DigOpen.ShowDialog(); string Path = DigOpen.FileName; if (Path.Length == 0) { MessageBox.Show("Please select Txt file"); return; } // MessageBox.Show(Path); //downloading image from urls WebClient wc = new WebClient();// key member of downloading Thunder_SDK.XLInitDownloadEngine(); MemoryStream ms; StreamReader m_StreamReader = new StreamReader(Path);// open the txt file with C# form while (true) { String temp_line = m_StreamReader.ReadLine();// read one line of txt file 用的挺爽 if (temp_line == null) { break;// break when reach the end of file; } String[] parts = temp_line.Split('\t');// split the readed line by '\t' if ((parts[0].IndexOf('#')) != -1) { continue;// the first and second row of image is useless so discard them } String ImgSavePath = "Y:\\GitHub\\Test_saveimg\\Test_saveimg\\Test_saveimg\\bin\\Release\\" + parts[0] + "\\"; if (!Directory.Exists(ImgSavePath)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(ImgSavePath);// create the Directiory when necessary } ImgSavePath += parts[0] + "_" + parts[1] + ".jpg"; // replace the download by xunlei engine String filename = parts[0] + "_" + parts[1] + ".jpg"; label1.Text = parts[0] + "_" + parts[1] + ".jpg"; // label1.Font = new System.Drawing.Font() this.Refresh(); MyObj_para para = new MyObj_para(); para.ImgSavePath = ImgSavePath; para.parts2 = parts[2]; para.temp_line = temp_line; para.label = label2; para.progressbar = progressBar1; Int32 lTaskId = 0; Int32 dwRet = Thunder_SDK.XLURLDownloadToFile(ImgSavePath, parts[2], "", ref lTaskId); if (Thunder_SDK.XL_SUCCESS != dwRet) { //ThunderSDK.Program.XLUninitDownloadEngine(); // MessageBox.Show (string.Format("Create new task failed, error code:%d\n", dwRet)); } float last = 0; do { Thread.Sleep(500); last += 0.5F; Int64 ullFileSize = 0; Int64 ullRecvSize = 0; int lStatus = -1; dwRet = Thunder_SDK.XLQueryTaskInfo(lTaskId, ref lStatus, ref ullFileSize, ref ullRecvSize); if (Thunder_SDK.XL_SUCCESS == dwRet) { // 输出进度信息 if (0 != ullFileSize) { double douProgress = (double)ullRecvSize / (double)ullFileSize; douProgress *= 100.0; progressBar1.Step = (Int32)douProgress; progressBar1.PerformStep(); } else { } if (last > 5 && 0 == ullFileSize) { lStatus = 12; } if (11 == lStatus) { // MessageBox.Show(string.Format("Download successfully.\n")); progressBar1.Value = 0; // this.Refresh(); break; } if (12 == lStatus) { // MessageBox.Show(string.Format("Download failed.\n")); progressBar1.Value = 0; // this.Refresh(); StreamWriter m_StreamWriter = new StreamWriter(".\\dev_urls_failed.txt", true); m_StreamWriter.Write(temp_line); m_StreamWriter.Write("\n"); m_StreamWriter.Close(); break; } label2.Text = string.Format("Last {0} Sec!", last); } // System.Delegate a = new System.Delegate() // Control.Invoke(500, null, null); // this.Refresh(); Thread thread = new Thread(new ParameterizedThreadStart(Draw)); thread.Start(para); thread.Join(); } while (Thunder_SDK.XL_SUCCESS == dwRet); Thunder_SDK.XLStopTask(lTaskId);//搜索程序 // while(true) // { // String status = agent.GetTaskInfo(parts[2],"Status"); // if ((string.Compare(status,"failed"))==0||(string.Compare(status,"success"))==0) // { // break; // } // } // ImgSavePath += parts[0] + "_" + parts[1] + ".jpg";// path of saving image // // try // { // wc.DownloadFile(parts[2], ImgSavePath); // using the DownloadFile function instead of DownloadData // // ms = new MemoryStream(wc.DownloadData(parts[2])); // // Image img = Image.FromStream(ms); // // img.Save(ImgSavePath); // } // catch (System.Exception ex) // { // // MessageBox.Show(ex.Message + parts[2]);// catch the exception when the image is invalid // // } } Thunder_SDK.XLUninitDownloadEngine(); // MessageBox.Show("Debug Here!!"); // WebClient wc = new WebClient(); // string shitu_url = ""; // shitu_url += "pn=0"; //,1337723570&shituRetNum=586&similarRetNum=600&faceRetNum=1000&setnum=0 // byte[] aryByte = wc.DownloadData(shitu_url); // ms = new MemoryStream(aryByte); // string html = string.Empty; // using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(ms, Encoding.Default)) // { // html = sr.ReadToEnd(); // } // baidujason jsonObj = JArray.Parse(html); // baidujason ja = (baidujason)JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(html, typeof(baidujason)); System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(@""); }