protected override void LoadContent() { spriteBatch = new SpriteBatch(GraphicsDevice); fantome = new Fantome(Content); decors = new Decors(Content); back_ground = new Back_Ground(Content); startMenu_text = Content.Load<Texture2D>("Menu/Menu"); playButton_text = Content.Load<Texture2D>("Menu/Bouton_Play"); optionsButton_text = Content.Load<Texture2D>("Menu/Bouton_Option"); exitButton_text = Content.Load<Texture2D>("Menu/Bouton_Exit"); music = Content.Load<Song>("SoundFX/Ambiance"); MediaPlayer.Play(music); // Musique de fond, dès que le jeu est lancé, a changer => créer une classe? MediaPlayer.IsRepeating = true; }
protected override void UnloadContent() { decors = null; fantome = null; back_ground = null; music = null; }
public void Update(MouseState mouseState, KeyboardState keyboardState, GraphicsDevice graphicsDevice, Decors decors, GameTime gameTime) { CurrentHitbox = Hitbox; // To save the last position. int isGoingDown = Hitbox.Y; timer += (float)gameTime.ElapsedGameTime.TotalMilliseconds; timer2 += (float)gameTime.ElapsedGameTime.TotalMilliseconds; timecounter += (int)timer; timerjump += (int)timer2; if (timecounter > 10000) { timer = 0; timecounter = 0; } /// <control> if (keyboardState.IsKeyDown(Keys.D) || keyboardState.IsKeyDown(Keys.Right)) { Hitbox.X += 5; if (timecounter < 1500) { fantomeIniTexture = fantomeD1Texture; } else if (timecounter < 5000) { fantomeIniTexture = fantomeD2Texture; } else if (timecounter < 7500) { fantomeIniTexture = fantomeD3Texture; } else { fantomeIniTexture = fantomeD4Texture; } foreach (Rectangle g in decors.porteHitbox) { if (Hitbox.Intersects(g)) Null = porteFinish; foreach (Rectangle h in decors.groundHitbox) { if (Hitbox.Intersects(h)) Hitbox = CurrentHitbox; } } CurrentHitbox = Hitbox; } if (keyboardState.IsKeyDown(Keys.A) || keyboardState.IsKeyDown(Keys.Left)) { Hitbox.X -= 5; if (timecounter < 1500) { fantomeIniTexture = fantomeG1Texture; } else if (timecounter < 5000) { fantomeIniTexture = fantomeG2Texture; } else if (timecounter < 7500) { fantomeIniTexture = fantomeG3Texture; } else { fantomeIniTexture = fantomeG4Texture; } foreach (Rectangle g in decors.porteHitbox) { if (Hitbox.Intersects(g)) Null = porteFinish; foreach (Rectangle h in decors.groundHitbox) { if (Hitbox.Intersects(h)) Hitbox = CurrentHitbox; } } CurrentHitbox = Hitbox; } if (keyboardState.IsKeyDown(Keys.Down) || keyboardState.IsKeyDown(Keys.S)) { Hitbox.Y += 5; fantomeIniTexture = fantomeFallTexture; if (keyboardState.IsKeyDown(Keys.D) || keyboardState.IsKeyDown(Keys.Right)) { fantomeIniTexture = fantomeFallTexture; } if (keyboardState.IsKeyDown(Keys.A) || keyboardState.IsKeyDown(Keys.Left)) { fantomeIniTexture = fantomeFallTexture; } foreach (Rectangle g in decors.porteHitbox) { if (Hitbox.Intersects(g)) Null = porteFinish; foreach (Rectangle h in decors.groundHitbox) { if (Hitbox.Intersects(h)) Hitbox = CurrentHitbox; } } } if (keyboardState.IsKeyDown(Keys.Up) && previousKeyboardState.IsKeyUp(Keys.Up)) //|| keyboardState.IsKeyDown(Keys.W)) { if (IsTouching(decors.groundHitbox)) { timerjump = 0; timer2 = 0; } timerjump = 0; timer2 = 0; } previousKeyboardState = keyboardState; if (timerjump < 3800) { Hitbox.Y -= 8; fantomeIniTexture = fantomeSTexture; if (keyboardState.IsKeyDown(Keys.A) || keyboardState.IsKeyDown(Keys.Left)) { fantomeIniTexture = fantomeGSTexture; } if (keyboardState.IsKeyDown(Keys.D) || keyboardState.IsKeyDown(Keys.Right)) { fantomeIniTexture = fantomeDSTexture; } } else { Hitbox.Y += 4; foreach (Rectangle g in decors.porteHitbox) { if (Hitbox.Intersects(g)) Null = porteFinish; foreach (Rectangle h in decors.groundHitbox) { if (Hitbox.Intersects(h)) Hitbox = CurrentHitbox; } } Hitbox.Y++; if (keyboardState.IsKeyUp(Keys.Up) && keyboardState.IsKeyUp(Keys.Down) && keyboardState.IsKeyUp(Keys.Right) && keyboardState.IsKeyUp(Keys.Left) && keyboardState.IsKeyUp(Keys.W) && keyboardState.IsKeyUp(Keys.S) && keyboardState.IsKeyUp(Keys.D) && keyboardState.IsKeyUp(Keys.A)) { fantomeIniTexture = fantomeFallTexture; foreach (Rectangle g in decors.porteHitbox) { if (Hitbox.Intersects(g)) Null = porteFinish; foreach (Rectangle h in decors.groundHitbox) { if (Hitbox.Intersects(h)) fantomeIniTexture = fantomeStopTexture; } } } } /// </control> /// <ToStayInWindow> if (Hitbox.X < 0) { Hitbox.X = 0; } if (Hitbox.Y < 0) { Hitbox.Y = 0; } if (Hitbox.X + Hitbox.Width > graphicsDevice.Viewport.Width) { Hitbox.X = graphicsDevice.Viewport.Width - Hitbox.Width; } if (Hitbox.Y + Hitbox.Height > graphicsDevice.Viewport.Height) { Hitbox.Y = graphicsDevice.Viewport.Height - Hitbox.Height; } /// </ToStayInWindow> foreach (Rectangle g in decors.porteHitbox) { if (Hitbox.Intersects(g)) Null = porteFinish; foreach (Rectangle h in decors.groundHitbox) { if (Hitbox.Intersects(h)) Hitbox = CurrentHitbox; } } }