public void SonarRunnerHome_NoMessageIfNotAlreadySet()
            // Arrange
            TestLogger testLogger = new TestLogger();
            string exePath = CreateDummarySonarRunnerBatchFile();
            string propertiesFilePath = CreateDummySonarRunnerPropertiesFile();

            using (EnvironmentVariableScope scope = new EnvironmentVariableScope())
                scope.SetVariable(SonarRunnerWrapper.SonarRunnerHomeVariableName, null);

                // Act
                bool success = SonarRunnerWrapper.ExecuteJavaRunner(new AnalysisConfig(), Enumerable.Empty<string>(), testLogger, exePath, propertiesFilePath);
                Assert.IsTrue(success, "Expecting execution to succeed");

                // Assert
        public void SonarRunnerHome_NoMessageIfNotAlreadySet()
            // Arrange
            TestLogger testLogger = new TestLogger();
            string exePath = CreateDummarySonarRunnerBatchFile();
            string propertiesFilePath = CreateDummySonarRunnerPropertiesFile();

            using (EnvironmentVariableScope scope = new EnvironmentVariableScope())
                scope.SetVariable(SonarRunnerWrapper.SonarRunnerHomeVariableName, null);
                AnalysisConfig config = new AnalysisConfig() { SonarRunnerWorkingDirectory = this.TestContext.DeploymentDirectory };

                // Act
                bool success = SonarRunnerWrapper.ExecuteJavaRunner(config, Enumerable.Empty<string>(), testLogger, exePath, propertiesFilePath);

                // Assert
                VerifySuccessfullRun(testLogger, success, this.TestContext.DeploymentDirectory);
        public void ProcRunner_FailsOnTimeout()
            // Arrange
            string exeName = TestUtils.WriteBatchFileForTest(TestContext,
            @"TIMEOUT 2
            @echo Hello world

            TestLogger logger = new TestLogger();
            ProcessRunnerArguments args = new ProcessRunnerArguments(exeName, logger)
                TimeoutInMilliseconds = 100
            ProcessRunner runner = new ProcessRunner();

            // Act
            bool success = runner.Execute(args);

            // Assert
            Assert.IsFalse(success, "Expecting the process to have failed");
            Assert.AreEqual(ProcessRunner.ErrorCode, runner.ExitCode, "Unexpected exit code");
            logger.AssertMessageNotLogged("Hello world");

            // Give the spawned process a chance to terminate.
            // This isn't essential (and having a Sleep in the test isn't ideal), but it stops
            // the test framework outputting this warning which appears in the TeamBuild summary:
            // "System.AppDomainUnloadedException: Attempted to access an unloaded AppDomain. This can happen
            // if the test(s) started a thread but did not stop it. Make sure that all the threads started by
            // the test(s) are stopped before completion."