public void UserChecksResturantStats() { MakeStaff makestaff = new MakeStaff(); UserControls usercontrols = new UserControls(); Console.WriteLine(" Choose 1 to check inventory of ingredients \n Choose 2 to hire an employee\n Choose 3 to check if resturant is clean \n Choose 4 to take reservations\n Choose 5 to End \n Choose 6 to go to Menu\n"); bool Running = true; while (Running) { switch (Console.ReadKey().KeyChar.ToString()) { case "1": Console.WriteLine(" Inventory:"); Inventory(); continue; case "2": Console.WriteLine(" Hire:"); makestaff.MakeResturantStaff(); continue; case "3": Console.WriteLine(" Resturant:"); Isclean(); continue; case "4": Console.WriteLine(" Reservations:"); TakeReservations(); continue; case "6": Running = false; break; case "7": Console.WriteLine(" Menu: \n"); usercontrols.GetUserControl(); return; default: Console.WriteLine(" Not Valid User Input"); continue; } break; } }
public void GetUserControl() { MakeStaff MakeStaff = new MakeStaff(); DailyMenu dailymenu = new DailyMenu(); DailyStaff dailystaff = new DailyStaff(); Resturant resturant = new Resturant(); Console.WriteLine(" -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"); Console.WriteLine("--- Make Staff, Daily Staff, Daily Menu, Restaurant, Training, End ---"); Console.WriteLine(" -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"); string UserSelect = Console.ReadLine(); bool Running = true; while (Running) { switch (UserSelect.ToLower()) { case "make staff": MakeStaff.MakeResturantStaff(); break; case "daily staff": Console.WriteLine("Menu:\n"); dailystaff.UserPicksEmployees(); break; case "daily menu": Console.WriteLine("Menu:\n"); dailymenu.ViewMenus(); break; case "resturant": Console.WriteLine("Resturant:\n"); resturant.UserChecksResturantStats(); break; case "end": Console.WriteLine("---------------------------------Thank you for using ResturantManager 1.0---------------------------------------------"); break; default: Console.WriteLine("Please enter a valid responce"); UserSelect = Console.ReadLine(); break; } break; } }