private void btnEditPrmtrOK_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { showResultBackColor(2); //ADD/ Edit value for TopoEquipmentParameter Table bool editResult = EditPrmtrInfoForDT(PNInfo.TopoToatlDS.Tables["TopoEquipmentParameter"]); //修改颜色还原! txt隐藏! txtDGVItem.Visible = false; if (PNInfo.currPrmtrCountExisted(PNInfo.TopoToatlDS.Tables["TopoEquipmentParameter"], "PID=" + myPrmtrPID) == PNInfo.currPrmtrCountExisted(PNInfo.GlobalTotalDS.Tables["GlobalAllEquipmentParamterList"], "PID=" + +myGlobalEquipID) ) { if (editResult && AddErr == false) { PNInfo.ISNeedUpdateflag = true; //140603_2 showResultBackColor(0); for (int i = 0; i < dgvEquipPrmtr.Rows.Count; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < dgvEquipPrmtr.Columns.Count; j++) { if (dgvEquipPrmtr.Rows[i].Cells[j].Style.BackColor != Color.White) { dgvEquipPrmtr.Rows[i].Cells[j].Style.BackColor = Color.White; } } } if (!currlst.Enabled) { currlst.Enabled = true; currlst.Focus(); } PNInfo.myTestEquipAddOKFlag = true; //140529_1 PNInfo.myTestEquipPrmtrAddOKFlag = true; //140529_1 PNInfo.myTestEquipISNewFlag = false; //140530_2 PNInfo.myTestEquipPrmtrISNewFlag = false; //140530_2 btnAdd.Enabled = true; btnNextPage.Enabled = true; } else { //blnAddNewEquip = true; currlst.Enabled = false;//140604_0 showResultBackColor(1); btnNextPage.Enabled = false; if (this.blnAddNewEquip) { btnAdd.Enabled = false; } } } else { MessageBox.Show("未发现Topo表中有当前选择Equip的参数与Global的Equip参数一致,资料丢失!不允许保存!"); showResultBackColor(1); } } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.ToString()); showResultBackColor(1); } }
private void dgvEquipPrmtr_CellMouseClick(object sender, DataGridViewCellMouseEventArgs e) { try { if (dgvEquipPrmtr.CurrentRow != null && dgvEquipPrmtr.CurrentRow.Index != -1) //140714_0 { string descriptionString = PNInfo.getDTColumnInfo(PNInfo.GlobalTotalDS.Tables["GlobalAllEquipmentParamterList"] , "ItemDescription", "Item='" + dgvEquipPrmtr.CurrentRow.Cells["Item"].Value.ToString() + "' and PID='" + myGlobalEquipID + "'"); string prmtrType = PNInfo.getDTColumnInfo(PNInfo.GlobalTotalDS.Tables["GlobalAllEquipmentParamterList"] , "ItemType", "Item='" + dgvEquipPrmtr.CurrentRow.Cells["Item"].Value.ToString() + "' and PID='" + myGlobalEquipID + "'"); txtSaveResult.Text = "当前单元格资料: \r\n" + dgvEquipPrmtr.CurrentCell.Value.ToString(); //140709_2 this.lblPrmtrType.Text = "参数类型: "; this.lblMyType.Text = prmtrType; if (this.lblMyType.Text.Length == 0) { this.lblMyType.Text = "Not Found ParameterType"; } this.txtDescription.Text = descriptionString; if (this.txtDescription.Text.Length == 0) { this.txtDescription.Text = "Not Found ParameterDescription"; } if (dgvEquipPrmtr.CurrentCell.Value.ToString().Length > 15) //140714_1 { dgvEquipPrmtr.Rows[dgvEquipPrmtr.CurrentRow.Index].Height = 50; } //获取当前的DGV.X,Y;新增txtBox if (dgvEquipPrmtr.RowCount > 0 && ( dgvEquipPrmtr.Columns[dgvEquipPrmtr.CurrentCell.ColumnIndex].HeaderText == "ItemValue" || dgvEquipPrmtr.Columns[dgvEquipPrmtr.CurrentCell.ColumnIndex].HeaderText == "内容" )) { showTxtItem(); //dgvEquipPrmtr.CurrentCell.OwningRow.Cells[e.ColumnIndex - 1].Style.BackColor = Color.Yellow; txtDGVItem.Text = dgvEquipPrmtr.CurrentCell.Value.ToString(); mylastDGVRowIndex = e.RowIndex; mylastDGVColumnIndex = e.ColumnIndex; } else { txtDGVItem.Visible = false; } if (txtDGVItem.Visible && txtDGVItem.Enabled) //140530_1 { txtDGVItem.Focus(); txtDGVItem.BackColor = Color.YellowGreen; txtDGVItem.Refresh(); } } } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.ToString()); } }
private void currlst_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { txtDGVItem.Visible = false; try { if (currlst.SelectedIndex != -1) { txtSaveResult.Text = ""; mylastIndex = currlst.SelectedIndex;//140530_1 myEquipName = this.currlst.SelectedItem.ToString(); int lastChar = myEquipName.IndexOf("_"); myQueryEquipName = myEquipName.Substring(0, lastChar); myGlobalEquipID = Convert.ToInt64(PNInfo.getDTColumnInfo(PNInfo.GlobalTotalDS.Tables["GlobalAllEquipmentList"], "ID", "ItemName='" + myQueryEquipName + "'")); DataTable myPrmtrDT = new DataTable(); if (!blnAddNewEquip) { //140529 TBD 若Global的EquipParameter参数有新增? 但是查询TopoTable无法新增资料? //140529 TBD 如何处理? 删除原Equip 后新增? btnEditPrmtrOK.Enabled = true; getInfoFromDT(PNInfo.TopoToatlDS.Tables["TopoEquipment"], currlst.SelectedIndex); PNInfo.showTablefilterStrInfo(PNInfo.TopoToatlDS.Tables["TopoEquipmentParameter"], dgvEquipPrmtr, "PID=" + myPrmtrPID); //140709_3 if (dgvEquipPrmtr.Columns["Item"].Width + dgvEquipPrmtr.Columns["ItemValue"].Width < dgvEquipPrmtr.Size.Width) { dgvEquipPrmtr.Columns["ItemValue"].Width = dgvEquipPrmtr.Size.Width - dgvEquipPrmtr.Columns["Item"].Width; } int myTopoEquipPrmtrCount = dgvEquipPrmtr.Rows.Count; int myGlobalEquipPrmtrCount = PNInfo.currPrmtrCountExisted(PNInfo.GlobalTotalDS.Tables["GlobalAllEquipmentParamterList"], "PID=" + +myGlobalEquipID); string[,] myValues = new string[myGlobalEquipPrmtrCount, 2]; for (int i = 0; i < myGlobalEquipPrmtrCount; i++) { if (i < myTopoEquipPrmtrCount) { myValues[i, 0] = dgvEquipPrmtr.Rows[i].Cells["Item"].Value.ToString(); myValues[i, 1] = dgvEquipPrmtr.Rows[i].Cells["ItemValue"].Value.ToString(); } else //140707_0 { myValues[i, 0] = ""; myValues[i, 1] = ""; } } if (myTopoEquipPrmtrCount != myGlobalEquipPrmtrCount) { MessageBox.Show("发现Topo表参数数目:" + myTopoEquipPrmtrCount + " Global参数数目:" + myGlobalEquipPrmtrCount + ";\n 参数数目不一致,即将新增" + (myGlobalEquipPrmtrCount - myTopoEquipPrmtrCount) + "条仪器参数!!!"); PNInfo.showTablefilterStrInfo(PNInfo.GlobalTotalDS.Tables["GlobalAllEquipmentParamterList"], dgvEquipPrmtr, "PID=" + myGlobalEquipID); //若Topo表中存在部分资料则需要覆盖掉此部分Global的默认参数! //140709_3 if (dgvEquipPrmtr.Columns["Item"].Width + dgvEquipPrmtr.Columns["ItemValue"].Width < dgvEquipPrmtr.Size.Width) { dgvEquipPrmtr.Columns["ItemValue"].Width = dgvEquipPrmtr.Size.Width - dgvEquipPrmtr.Columns["Item"].Width; } for (int i = 0; i < myGlobalEquipPrmtrCount; i++) { if (myValues[i, 0] == dgvEquipPrmtr.Rows[i].Cells["Item"].Value.ToString()) { dgvEquipPrmtr.Rows[i].Cells["ItemValue"].Value = myValues[i, 1]; } } } } else { btnEditPrmtrOK.Enabled = false; PNInfo.showTablefilterStrInfo(PNInfo.GlobalTotalDS.Tables["GlobalAllEquipmentParamterList"], dgvEquipPrmtr, "PID=" + myGlobalEquipID); myPrmtrPID = PNInfo.mylastIDTestEquip + 1; } PNInfo.hideMyIDPID(dgvEquipPrmtr); if (dgvEquipPrmtr.Columns.Contains("ItemDescription")) //140530_1 { PNInfo.hideMyColumn(dgvEquipPrmtr, "ItemDescription"); } if (dgvEquipPrmtr.Columns.Contains("ItemType")) //140530_1 { PNInfo.hideMyColumn(dgvEquipPrmtr, "ItemType"); } if (dgvEquipPrmtr.Columns.Contains("Item")) //140530_1 { dgvEquipPrmtr.Columns["Item"].HeaderText = "项目"; } if (dgvEquipPrmtr.Columns.Contains("ItemValue")) //140530_1 { dgvEquipPrmtr.Columns["ItemValue"].HeaderText = "内容"; } } else { mylastIndex = -1; } } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.ToString()); } }
private void btnRemove_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { DialogResult drst = new DialogResult(); drst = (MessageBox.Show("即将进行删除资料TestEquip --> " + currlst.SelectedItem.ToString() + "\n \n 选择 'Y' (是) 继续?", "提示", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question, MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button2)); if (drst == DialogResult.Yes) { //若为新增的项目则必须制定当前的选择的Item int CurrIndex = currlst.SelectedIndex; string sName = currlst.Items[CurrIndex].ToString(); long myPID = PID; //DataTable资料移除部分待新增!!! bool result = PNInfo.DeleteItemForDT(PNInfo.TopoToatlDS.Tables["TopoEquipment"], "PID=" + myPID + "and ItemName='" + sName + "'"); bool resultPrmtr = PNInfo.DeleteItemForDT(PNInfo.TopoToatlDS.Tables["TopoEquipmentParameter"], "PID=" + myPrmtrPID); currlst.Items.RemoveAt(CurrIndex); if (result && resultPrmtr) { PNInfo.ISNeedUpdateflag = true; //140603_2 PNInfo.myDeletedCountTestEquip++; PNInfo.myDeletedCountTestEquipPrmtr++; if (blnAddNewEquip) { PNInfo.mylastIDTestEquip--; PNInfo.mynewIDTestEquip--; PNInfo.myTestEquipAddOKFlag = true; //140529_1 PNInfo.myTestEquipPrmtrAddOKFlag = true; //140529_1 } myNewEquipcount--; //this.blnAddNew = false; this.blnAddNewEquip = false; this.btnAdd.Enabled = true; grpEquipPrmtr.Enabled = true; btnNextPage.Enabled = true; currlst.Enabled = true; currlst.Focus(); MessageBox.Show("项目资料 序号为: " + CurrIndex + ";Name =" + sName + "已经移除!"); } else { MessageBox.Show("项目资料 序号为: " + CurrIndex + "!Name =" + sName + "移除失败!"); } } mylastIndex = -1; //140603_2 RefreshEquipInfo(); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.ToString()); } }
private void dgvTestCtrl_CellMouseClick(object sender, DataGridViewCellMouseEventArgs e) { try { if (dgvTestCtrl.CurrentRow != null && dgvTestCtrl.CurrentRow.Index != -1 && e.RowIndex != -1) //140714_0 { if (!blnAddNewCtrl) { currTestCtrlIndex = e.RowIndex; if (dgvTestCtrl.Rows.Count > 0) { myModelPID = PNInfo.getNextPIDFromdgv(dgvTestCtrl, currTestCtrlIndex); PNInfo.showTablefilterStrInfo(PNInfo.TopoToatlDS.Tables["TopoTestModel"], dgvTestModel, "PID=" + this.myModelPID); crpTestModel.Enabled = true; showBtns(0, true); } else { showBtns(0, false); crpTestModel.Enabled = false; grpTestPrmtr.Enabled = false; } if (dgvTestModel.Rows.Count > 0) { myPrmtrPID = Convert.ToInt64(this.dgvTestModel.Rows[0].Cells["ID"].Value); PNInfo.showTablefilterStrInfo(PNInfo.TopoToatlDS.Tables["TopoTestParameter"], dgvTestPrmtr, "PID=" + this.myPrmtrPID); grpTestPrmtr.Enabled = true; showBtns(1, true); showBtns(2, true); DataGridViewCell cell = dgvTestModel.Rows[0].Cells["SEQ"]; dgvTestModel.CurrentCell = cell; } else { grpTestPrmtr.Enabled = false; showBtns(1, false); showBtns(2, false); this.dgvTestPrmtr.DataSource = null; } } else { if (dgvTestCtrl.Rows.Count > 0) { currTestCtrlIndex = dgvTestCtrl.Rows.Count - 1; myModelPID = PNInfo.getNextPIDFromdgv(dgvTestCtrl, currTestCtrlIndex); PNInfo.showTablefilterStrInfo(PNInfo.TopoToatlDS.Tables["TopoTestModel"], dgvTestModel, "PID=" + this.myModelPID); crpTestModel.Enabled = true; showBtns(0, true); } else { crpTestModel.Enabled = false; grpTestPrmtr.Enabled = false; showBtns(0, false); } if (dgvTestModel.Rows.Count > 0) { myPrmtrPID = PNInfo.mylastIDTestModel + 1; PNInfo.showTablefilterStrInfo(PNInfo.TopoToatlDS.Tables["TopoTestParameter"], dgvTestPrmtr, "PID=" + this.myPrmtrPID); grpTestPrmtr.Enabled = true; showBtns(1, true); showBtns(2, true); } else { grpTestPrmtr.Enabled = false; showBtns(1, false); showBtns(2, false); } } } } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.ToString()); } }
bool blnIsAddAux = false; //140811_1 private void CtrlInfo_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { setAuxshow(false); //140811_1 RefreshList(); ShowMyTip(); this.txtTestPlanName.Text = TestPlanName; //140709_1>>>>>>>>>> this.cboDataRate.Items.Clear(); //140811_2 this.txtAuxAttribles.Items.Clear(); //140811_2 this.txtAuxAttribles.Items.Add("DUT_Soak_Time= 指定值; ReadTempFromXStream= 指定值"); //140606 DataRow[] drs = PNInfo.TopoToatlDS.Tables["TopoTestControl"].Select(""); for (int i = 0; i < drs.Length; i++) { if (this.cboDataRate.Items.Contains(drs[i]["DataRate"]) == false) { this.cboDataRate.Items.Add(drs[i]["DataRate"]); } if (this.cboChannel.Items.Contains(drs[i]["Channel"]) == false) { this.cboChannel.Items.Add(drs[i]["Channel"]); } if (this.cboPattent.Items.Contains(drs[i]["Pattent"]) == false) { this.cboPattent.Items.Add(drs[i]["Pattent"]); } if (this.cboTemp.Items.Contains(drs[i]["Temp"]) == false) { this.cboTemp.Items.Add(drs[i]["Temp"]); } if (this.cboVcc.Items.Contains(drs[i]["Vcc"]) == false) { this.cboVcc.Items.Add(drs[i]["Vcc"]); } } //140709_1<<<<<<<<<< if (blnAddNew) { mySEQ = (PNInfo.getMAXColumnsItem(PNInfo.TopoToatlDS.Tables["TopoTestControl"], "SEQ", "PID=" + PID) + 1).ToString(); myTestCtrlID = (PNInfo.mylastIDTestCtrl + 1).ToString(); PNInfo.myTestCtrlAddOKFlag = false; cboItemName.BackColor = Color.Yellow; currlst.Enabled = false; btnOK.Enabled = true; PNInfo.myTestCtrlISNewFlag = true; //140530_2 } else { btnOK.Enabled = false; btnFinish.Enabled = true; PNInfo.myTestCtrlISNewFlag = false; //140530_2 } } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.ToString()); } }
void showAccess() { try { bool PWDOKFlag = false; bool blnReadable = false; bool blnWritable = false; bool blnAddable = false; bool blnDeletable = false; bool blnDuplicable = false; bool blnExportable = false; bool blnImportable = false; string pUserID = ""; if (this.chkSQLlib.CheckState == CheckState.Checked) { #region User SQL Server mySQL = new SqlManager(Login.ServerName, Login.DBName, Login.DBUser, Login.DBPassword); //140918_0 //140722_2 //140912_0 getLoginStutes(); //Username -->LoginName myInfo = mySQL.GetDataTable("select * from UserInfo where LoginName='" + this.txtUserID.Text.ToString() + "'", "UserInfo"); DataRow[] myInfoRows = myInfo.Select("LoginName='" + this.txtUserID.Text.ToString() + "'"); if (myInfoRows.Length == 1) { //140612_2 Password-->UserPassword if (myInfoRows[0]["LoginPassword"].ToString().ToUpper().Trim() == this.txtPWD.Text.ToString().ToUpper().Trim()) { PWDOKFlag = true; pUserID = myInfoRows[0]["ID"].ToString(); } else { PWDOKFlag = false; } } if (!PWDOKFlag) { MessageBox.Show("用户或密码不正确!", "用户名或密码错误", MessageBoxButtons.OK); return; } else { //140626 获取权限--> 正常来讲一个账号角色分配为1个... string queryCMD = "select sum(FunctionCode) from functiontable where id in " + "(select RoleFunctionTable.FunctionID from RoleFunctionTable where RoleFunctionTable.RoleID in " + "(select roleID from UserRoleTable where UserRoleTable.UserID = " + pUserID + "))"; //+ pUserID + "))";--> ToString+ "(select id from UserInfo where UserInfo.LoginName='" + this.txtUserID.Text.ToString() + "')))"; DataTable myFunctions = mySQL.GetDataTable(queryCMD, "UserRoleFuncTable"); //140630_0 修改为读取sum(FunctionCode) 来体现,原为判断Title>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> long myAccessCode = -1; if (myFunctions.Rows.Count > 0) { myAccessCode = Convert.ToInt64(myFunctions.Rows[0][0].ToString()); } else { myAccessCode = -1; } blnReadable = ((myAccessCode & 0x01) == 0x01 ? true:false); blnWritable = ((myAccessCode & 0x02) == 0x02 ? true : false); blnAddable = ((myAccessCode & 0x04) == 0x04 ? true : false); blnDeletable = ((myAccessCode & 0x08) == 0x08 ? true : false); blnDuplicable = ((myAccessCode & 0x10) == 0x10 ? true : false); blnExportable = ((myAccessCode & 0x20) == 0x20 ? true : false); blnImportable = ((myAccessCode & 0x40) == 0x40 ? true : false); //TBD = ((myAccessCode & 0x80) == 0x80 ? true : false); #region 原为判断Title> //for (int i = 0; i < myFunctions.Rows.Count; i++) //{ // if (myFunctions.Rows[i]["Title"].ToString().ToUpper() == "Readable".ToUpper()) // { // blnReadable = true; // } // else if (myFunctions.Rows[i]["Title"].ToString().ToUpper() == "Writable".ToUpper()) // { // blnWritable = true; // } // else if (myFunctions.Rows[i]["Title"].ToString().ToUpper() == "Addable".ToUpper()) // { // blnAddable = true; // } // else if (myFunctions.Rows[i]["Title"].ToString().ToUpper() == "Deletable".ToUpper()) // { // blnDeletable = true; // } // else if (myFunctions.Rows[i]["Title"].ToString().ToUpper() == "Duplicable".ToUpper()) // { // blnDuplicable = true; // } // else if (myFunctions.Rows[i]["Title"].ToString().ToUpper() == "Exportable".ToUpper()) // { // blnExportable = true; // } // else if (myFunctions.Rows[i]["Title"].ToString().ToUpper() == "Importable".ToUpper()) // { // blnImportable = true; // } //} #endregion //140630_0 修改为读取sum(FunctionCode) 来体现,原为判断Title<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< updateStutes(true, myInfo); } mySQL.OpenDatabase(false); } #endregion UserName = this.txtUserID.Text; this.txtPWD.Text = ""; this.Hide(); PNInfo myPNInfo = new PNInfo(); PNInfo.blnReadable = blnReadable; PNInfo.blnWritable = blnWritable; PNInfo.blnAddable = blnAddable; PNInfo.blnDeletable = blnDeletable; PNInfo.blnDuplicable = blnDuplicable; PNInfo.blnExportable = blnExportable; PNInfo.blnImportable = blnImportable; myPNInfo.Show(); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.ToString()); } }
bool EditInfoForDT(DataTable mydt) { bool result = false; try { string filterString = this.cboItemName.Text.ToString(); DataRow[] myROWS = mydt.Select("ItemName='" + filterString + "' and PID=" + PID + ""); if (myROWS.Length == 1) { if (this.blnAddNewModel) { MessageBox.Show("新增资料有误!请确认!!! 已有" + myROWS.Length + ("条记录; \n 条件--> ItemName='" + filterString + "' and PID=" + PID + "")); return(result); } //无需编辑信息,固定值! //myROWS[0]["ItemName"] = this.cboItemName.Text.ToString(); //myROWS[0]["AppModeID"] = this.cboAppModeID.Text.ToString(); myROWS[0]["EquipmentList"] = this.txtEquipLst.Text.ToString(); result = true; } else if (this.blnAddNewModel) { string MyNewSEQ = (PNInfo.getMAXColumnsItem(PNInfo.TopoToatlDS.Tables["TopoTestModel"], "SEQ", "PID=" + PID) + 1).ToString(); DataRow myNewRow = mydt.NewRow(); myNewRow.BeginEdit(); myNewRow["ID"] = PNInfo.mylastIDTestModel + 1; myNewRow["PID"] = this.PID.ToString(); myNewRow["ItemName"] = this.cboItemName.Text.ToString(); myNewRow["AppModeID"] = this.cboAppModeID.Text.ToString(); myNewRow["EquipmentList"] = this.txtEquipLst.Text.ToString(); myNewRow["Seq"] = MyNewSEQ; mydt.Rows.Add(myNewRow); myNewRow.EndEdit(); PNInfo.mylastIDTestModel++; PNInfo.myAddCountTestModel++; //RefreshList(); int myNewRowIndex = (currlst.Items.Count - 1); if (!currlst.Enabled) //140529 新增TestModel后需要将其参数维护后才能选择! { currlst.Enabled = true; currlst.Focus(); currlst.SelectedIndex = myNewRowIndex; } //blnAddNewModel = false; //140530_1 //140703_2 result = true; } else { MessageBox.Show("资料有误!请确认!!! 共有" + myROWS.Length + ("条记录; \n 条件--> ItemName='" + filterString + "' and PID=" + PID + "")); } return(result); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.ToString()); return(result); } }
void getInfoFromDT(DataTable mydt, int currIndex) { try { string filterString = currlst.SelectedItem.ToString(); long GlobalPrmtrInfoPID; clearGlobalLst(); clearCurrLst(); string PIDString = PNInfo.getDTColumnInfo(PNInfo.GlobalTotalDS.Tables["GlobalAllTestModelList"], "ID", "ItemName='" + ItemName + "'"); if (PIDString.Trim().Length > 0) { GlobalPrmtrInfoPID = Convert.ToInt64(PIDString); gerGlobalDTInfo("ItemName='" + filterString + "' and PID=" + GlobalPrmtrInfoPID); //先载入Global信息! } else { } DataRow[] myROWS = mydt.Select("ItemName='" + filterString + "' and PID=" + myPrmtrPID); if (myROWS.Length == 1) { this.cboItemName.Items.Add(myROWS[0]["ItemName"].ToString()); this.cboItemType.Items.Add(myROWS[0]["ItemType"].ToString()); this.cboDirection.Items.Add(myROWS[0]["Direction"].ToString()); this.cboValue.Items.Add(myROWS[0]["ItemValue"].ToString()); this.cboLowLimit.Items.Add(myROWS[0]["DefaultLowLimit"].ToString()); this.cboUpperLimit.Items.Add(myROWS[0]["DefaultUpperLimit"].ToString()); this.cboSpecific.Items.Add(myROWS[0]["ItemSpecific"].ToString()); this.cboLogRecord.Items.Add(myROWS[0]["LogRecord"].ToString()); this.cboFailbreak.Items.Add(myROWS[0]["Failbreak"].ToString()); this.cboDataRecord.Items.Add(myROWS[0]["DataRecord"].ToString()); } else { if (blnAddNew) { //myNewID= PNInfo.mylastIDTestPrmtr + 1; } else { MessageBox.Show("未发现当前选择资料!请确认是否为新增的参数项目!!! 共有" + myROWS.Length + ("条记录; \n 条件--> ItemName='" + filterString + "' and PID=" + myPrmtrPID + "")); //clearCurrLst(); //return; } } if (this.cboItemName.Items.Count > 0) { this.cboItemName.SelectedIndex = this.cboItemName.Items.Count - 1; this.cboItemType.SelectedIndex = this.cboItemType.Items.Count - 1; this.cboDirection.SelectedIndex = this.cboDirection.Items.Count - 1; this.cboValue.SelectedIndex = this.cboValue.Items.Count - 1; this.cboLowLimit.SelectedIndex = this.cboLowLimit.Items.Count - 1; this.cboUpperLimit.SelectedIndex = this.cboUpperLimit.Items.Count - 1; this.cboSpecific.SelectedIndex = this.cboSpecific.Items.Count - 1; this.cboLogRecord.SelectedIndex = this.cboLogRecord.Items.Count - 1; this.cboFailbreak.SelectedIndex = this.cboFailbreak.Items.Count - 1; this.cboDataRecord.SelectedIndex = this.cboDataRecord.Items.Count - 1; } } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.ToString()); clearGlobalLst(); clearCurrLst(); return; } }