private TestCase AddCase(XmlNode node) { TestCase testCase = new TestCase(node.Attributes[1].InnerText); foreach (XmlNode n in node.ChildNodes) { if (n.Name == "preconditions") testCase.Preconditions = n.InnerText; else if (n.Name == "summary") testCase.Summary = n.InnerText; else if (n.Name == "externalid") testCase.Id = int.Parse(n.InnerText); else if (n.Name == "steps") testCase.Steps = AddSteps(n); } return testCase; }
private TestCase AddCase(XmlNode node) { TestCase testCase; //Baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaardzooooooooooooo brzydka konstrukcja, ale robiłem na szyyyyyybko, kiedyś się poprawi try { testCase = new TestCase(node.Attributes["name"].InnerText); } catch (Exception) { testCase = new TestCase("testcase"); } try { testCase.InternalId = int.Parse(node.Attributes["internalid"].InnerText); } catch (Exception) { testCase.InternalId = -1; } foreach (XmlNode n in node.ChildNodes) { if (n.Name == "preconditions") testCase.Preconditions = n.InnerText; else if (n.Name == "summary") testCase.Summary = n.InnerText; else if (n.Name == "externalid") testCase.ExternalId = int.Parse(n.InnerText); else if (n.Name == "steps") testCase.Steps = AddSteps(n); } return testCase; }
/// <summary> /// Show given test case in test case form and make it visible. /// </summary> /// <param name="tc"></param> public void DisplayCase(TestCase tc) { this.Tag = tc; this.LoadTestCaseForm(tc); this.Visible = true; }
/// <summary> /// Fill test case form with given TestCase object data. /// </summary> /// <param name="testCase"></param> private void LoadTestCaseForm(TestCase testCase) { int x = 10, y = 15; this.txtTestCaseName.Text = testCase.Name; this.txtTestCaseSummary.Text = testCase.Summary; this.txtTestCasePreconditions.Text = testCase.Preconditions; this.pnlActions.Controls.Clear(); this.pnlExpections.Controls.Clear(); int textBoxWeight = this.pnlActions.Size.Width - x - 30 - 10; foreach (Step step in testCase.Steps) { this.AddStep(step, textBoxWeight, x, y); y += 80; } }
private XmlNode WriteTC(TestCase tc) { XmlElement node = this.suite.CreateElement("", "testcase", ""); node.SetAttribute("name", tc.Name); XmlElement externalid = this.suite.CreateElement("", "externalid", ""); externalid.AppendChild(this.suite.CreateCDataSection(tc.Id.ToString())); node.AppendChild(externalid); XmlElement summary = this.suite.CreateElement("", "summary", ""); summary.AppendChild(this.suite.CreateCDataSection(tc.Summary)); node.AppendChild(summary); XmlElement preconditions = this.suite.CreateElement("", "preconditions", ""); preconditions.AppendChild(this.suite.CreateCDataSection(tc.Preconditions)); node.AppendChild(preconditions); if (tc.Steps.Count > 0) { XmlElement steps = this.suite.CreateElement("", "steps", ""); foreach (Step step in tc.Steps) steps.AppendChild(WriteStep(step)); node.AppendChild(steps); } return node; }
public void AddTestCase(TestCase tc) { this.Tcs.Add(tc); }
/// <summary> /// Update given test case node Text to equals with test case Name. /// </summary> /// <param name="tc"></param> /// <param name="nodes"></param> private void UpdateTreeViewCaseNames(TestCase tc, TreeNodeCollection nodes) { foreach (TreeNode node in nodes) { TestCase tcTag = node.Tag as TestCase; if (tcTag != null && tcTag.Equals(tc)) { this.suiteTreeView.BeginUpdate(); node.Text = node.Text = tc.Name; this.suiteTreeView.EndUpdate(); } else if (node.Nodes.Count > 0) { this.UpdateTreeViewCaseNames(tc, node.Nodes); } } }
private TestCase CloneCase(TreeNode node) { TestCase originalCase = node.Tag as TestCase; TestCase cloneCase = new TestCase(originalCase.Name); cloneCase.ExternalId = originalCase.ExternalId; cloneCase.Preconditions = originalCase.Preconditions; cloneCase.Summary = originalCase.Summary; cloneCase.Steps = new List<Step>(); foreach (Step step in originalCase.Steps) cloneCase.Steps.Add(new Step() { Action = step.Action, ExpectedResult = step.ExpectedResult, StepNumber = step.StepNumber }); cloneCase.PropertyChanged += new PropertyChangedEventHandler(TestCase_PropertyChanged); return cloneCase; }
private void AddTestCaseToSuit(TreeNode node, TestCase testCase) { if (node != null) { TestSuite suite = node.Tag as TestSuite; if (suite != null) { suite.Tcs.Add(testCase); testCase.PropertyChanged += new PropertyChangedEventHandler(TestCase_PropertyChanged); TreeNode tcNode = new TreeNode(); tcNode.Text = testCase.Name; tcNode.Tag = testCase; tcNode.ImageIndex = 1; tcNode.SelectedImageIndex = 0; node.Nodes.Add(tcNode); } } }