Exemple #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Uses the Linux Android.OS.StatFS wrapper call to try and see how many blocks are
        /// free/used/available. Results are returned in bytes.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="path">The path to use for the basis of the size check</param>
        /// <returns># of bytes free if successful, 0 if none</returns>
        public static FileSystemBlockInfo GetFileSystemBlockInfo(string path)
            var statFs = new StatFs(path);
            var fsbi   = new FileSystemBlockInfo();

            if (Build.VERSION.SdkInt >= Android.OS.BuildVersionCodes.JellyBeanMr2)
                fsbi.Path               = path;
                fsbi.BlockSizeBytes     = statFs.BlockSizeLong;
                fsbi.TotalSizeBytes     = statFs.BlockCountLong * statFs.BlockSizeLong;
                fsbi.AvailableSizeBytes = statFs.AvailableBlocksLong * statFs.BlockSizeLong;
                fsbi.FreeSizeBytes      = statFs.FreeBlocksLong * statFs.BlockSizeLong;
            else // this was deprecated in API level 18 (Android 4.3), so if your device is below level 18, this is what will be used instead.
                fsbi.Path = path;
                // disable warning about obsoletes, since earlier versions of Android are using the deprecated versions
                // ReSharper disable CSharpWarnings::CS0618
                fsbi.BlockSizeBytes     = (long)statFs.BlockSize;
                fsbi.TotalSizeBytes     = (long)statFs.BlockCount * (long)statFs.BlockSize;
                fsbi.FreeSizeBytes      = (long)statFs.FreeBlocks * (long)statFs.BlockSize;
                fsbi.AvailableSizeBytes = (long)statFs.AvailableBlocks * (long)statFs.BlockSize;
                // ReSharper restore CSharpWarnings::CS0618
Exemple #2
 private static FileSystemBlockInfo GetFileSystemBlockInfo()
     if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_path))
         _fileSystemBlockInfo = ExternalSdStorageHelper.GetFileSystemBlockInfo(_path);