public static void SmoothSlope(int x, int y, bool applyToNeighbors = true) { if (applyToNeighbors) { Tile.SmoothSlope(x + 1, y, false); Tile.SmoothSlope(x - 1, y, false); Tile.SmoothSlope(x, y + 1, false); Tile.SmoothSlope(x, y - 1, false); } Tile tile = Main.tile[x, y]; if (!WorldGen.SolidOrSlopedTile(x, y)) { return; } bool flag1 = !WorldGen.TileEmpty(x, y - 1); bool flag2 = !WorldGen.SolidOrSlopedTile(x, y - 1) && flag1; bool flag3 = WorldGen.SolidOrSlopedTile(x, y + 1); bool flag4 = WorldGen.SolidOrSlopedTile(x - 1, y); bool flag5 = WorldGen.SolidOrSlopedTile(x + 1, y); switch ((flag1 ? 1 : 0) << 3 | (flag3 ? 1 : 0) << 2 | (flag4 ? 1 : 0) << 1 | (flag5 ? 1 : 0)) { case 4: tile.slope((byte)0); tile.halfBrick(true); break; case 5: tile.halfBrick(false); tile.slope((byte)2); break; case 6: tile.halfBrick(false); tile.slope((byte)1); break; case 9: if (flag2) { break; } tile.halfBrick(false); tile.slope((byte)4); break; case 10: if (flag2) { break; } tile.halfBrick(false); tile.slope((byte)3); break; default: tile.halfBrick(false); tile.slope((byte)0); break; } }
public static void SendWalker(Point startFloorPosition, int height, int direction, out int distanceCoveredInTiles, out Point lastIteratedFloorSpot, int maxDistance = 100, bool showDebug = false) { distanceCoveredInTiles = 0; // ISSUE: explicit reference operation // ISSUE: variable of a reference type Point& local1 = @startFloorPosition; // ISSUE: explicit reference operation int num1 = (^local1).Y - 1; // ISSUE: explicit reference operation (^local1).Y = (__Null) num1; lastIteratedFloorSpot = startFloorPosition; for (int index1 = 0; index1 < maxDistance; ++index1) { for (int index2 = 0; index2 < 3 && WorldGen.SolidTile3((int) startFloorPosition.X, (int) startFloorPosition.Y); ++index2) { // ISSUE: explicit reference operation // ISSUE: variable of a reference type Point& local2 = @startFloorPosition; // ISSUE: explicit reference operation int num2 = (^local2).Y - 1; // ISSUE: explicit reference operation (^local2).Y = (__Null) num2; } int topY1; int bottomY1; Collision.ExpandVertically((int) startFloorPosition.X, (int) startFloorPosition.Y, out topY1, out bottomY1, height, 2); ++topY1; --bottomY1; if (!WorldGen.SolidTile3((int) startFloorPosition.X, bottomY1 + 1)) { int topY2; int bottomY2; Collision.ExpandVertically((int) startFloorPosition.X, bottomY1, out topY2, out bottomY2, 0, 6); if (showDebug) Dust.QuickBox(new Vector2((float) (startFloorPosition.X * 16 + 8), (float) (topY2 * 16)), new Vector2((float) (startFloorPosition.X * 16 + 8), (float) (bottomY2 * 16)), 1, Color.get_Blue(), (Action<Dust>) null); if (!WorldGen.SolidTile3((int) startFloorPosition.X, bottomY2)) break; } if (bottomY1 - topY1 >= height - 1) { if (showDebug) { Dust.QuickDust(startFloorPosition, Color.get_Green()).scale = 1f; Dust.QuickBox(new Vector2((float) (startFloorPosition.X * 16 + 8), (float) (topY1 * 16)), new Vector2((float) (startFloorPosition.X * 16 + 8), (float) (bottomY1 * 16 + 16)), 1, Color.get_Red(), (Action<Dust>) null); } distanceCoveredInTiles += direction; // ISSUE: explicit reference operation // ISSUE: variable of a reference type Point& local2 = @startFloorPosition; // ISSUE: explicit reference operation int num2 = (^local2).X + direction; // ISSUE: explicit reference operation (^local2).X = (__Null) num2; startFloorPosition.Y = (__Null) bottomY1; lastIteratedFloorSpot = startFloorPosition; if (Math.Abs(distanceCoveredInTiles) >= maxDistance) break; } else break; } distanceCoveredInTiles = Math.Abs(distanceCoveredInTiles); }
private static void InnerClientLoop() { try { NetMessage.buffer[256].Reset(); int num = -1; while (!Disconnect) { if (Connection.Socket.IsConnected()) { Connection.IsActive = true; if (Connection.State == 0) { Main.statusText = Language.GetTextValue("Net.FoundServer"); Connection.State = 1; NetMessage.SendData(1); } if (Connection.State == 2 && num != Connection.State) { Main.statusText = Language.GetTextValue("Net.SendingPlayerData"); } if (Connection.State == 3 && num != Connection.State) { Main.statusText = Language.GetTextValue("Net.RequestingWorldInformation"); } if (Connection.State == 4) { WorldGen.worldCleared = false; Connection.State = 5; if (Main.cloudBGActive >= 1f) { Main.cloudBGAlpha = 1f; } else { Main.cloudBGAlpha = 0f; } Main.windSpeedCurrent = Main.windSpeedTarget; Cloud.resetClouds(); Main.cloudAlpha = Main.maxRaining; WorldGen.clearWorld(); if (Main.mapEnabled) { Main.Map.Load(); } } if (Connection.State == 5 && Main.loadMapLock) { float num2 = (float)Main.loadMapLastX / (float)Main.maxTilesX; Main.statusText = Lang.gen[68].Value + " " + (int)(num2 * 100f + 1f) + "%"; } else if (Connection.State == 5 && WorldGen.worldCleared) { Connection.State = 6; Main.player[Main.myPlayer].FindSpawn(); NetMessage.SendData(8, -1, -1, null, Main.player[Main.myPlayer].SpawnX, Main.player[Main.myPlayer].SpawnY); } if (Connection.State == 6 && num != Connection.State) { Main.statusText = Language.GetTextValue("Net.RequestingTileData"); } if (!Connection.IsReading && !Disconnect && Connection.Socket.IsDataAvailable()) { Connection.IsReading = true; Connection.Socket.AsyncReceive(Connection.ReadBuffer, 0, Connection.ReadBuffer.Length, Connection.ClientReadCallBack); } if (Connection.StatusMax > 0 && Connection.StatusText != "") { if (Connection.StatusCount >= Connection.StatusMax) { Main.statusText = Language.GetTextValue("Net.StatusComplete", Connection.StatusText); Connection.StatusText = ""; Connection.StatusMax = 0; Connection.StatusCount = 0; } else { Main.statusText = Connection.StatusText + ": " + (int)((float)Connection.StatusCount / (float)Connection.StatusMax * 100f) + "%"; } } Thread.Sleep(1); } else if (Connection.IsActive) { Main.statusText = Language.GetTextValue("Net.LostConnection"); Disconnect = true; } num = Connection.State; } try { Connection.Socket.Close(); } catch { } if (!Main.gameMenu) { Main.gameMenu = true; Main.SwitchNetMode(0); MapHelper.noStatusText = true; Player.SavePlayer(Main.ActivePlayerFileData); Player.ClearPlayerTempInfo(); Main.ActivePlayerFileData.StopPlayTimer(); SoundEngine.StopTrackedSounds(); MapHelper.noStatusText = false; Main.menuMode = 14; } NetMessage.buffer[256].Reset(); if (Main.menuMode == 15 && Main.statusText == Language.GetTextValue("Net.LostConnection")) { Main.menuMode = 14; } if (Connection.StatusText != "" && Connection.StatusText != null) { Main.statusText = Language.GetTextValue("Net.LostConnection"); } Connection.StatusCount = 0; Connection.StatusMax = 0; Connection.StatusText = ""; Main.SwitchNetMode(0); } catch (Exception value) { try { using StreamWriter streamWriter = new StreamWriter("client-crashlog.txt", append: true); streamWriter.WriteLine(DateTime.Now); streamWriter.WriteLine(value); streamWriter.WriteLine(""); } catch { } Disconnect = true; } if (Netplay.OnDisconnect != null) { Netplay.OnDisconnect(); } }
public static void ClientLoop(object threadContext) { Netplay.ResetNetDiag(); if (Main.rand == null) { Main.rand = new Random((int)DateTime.Now.Ticks); } if (WorldGen.genRand == null) { WorldGen.genRand = new Random((int)DateTime.Now.Ticks); } Main.player[Main.myPlayer].hostile = false; Main.clientPlayer = (Player)Main.player[Main.myPlayer].clientClone(); for (int i = 0; i < 255; i++) { if (i != Main.myPlayer) { Main.player[i] = new Player(); } } Main.menuMode = 10; Main.menuMode = 14; if (!Main.autoPass) { Main.statusText = "Connecting to " + Netplay.serverIP; } Main.netMode = 1; Netplay.disconnect = false; Netplay.clientSock = new ClientSock(); Netplay.clientSock.tcpClient.NoDelay = true; Netplay.clientSock.readBuffer = new byte[1024]; Netplay.clientSock.writeBuffer = new byte[1024]; bool flag = true; while (flag) { flag = false; try { Netplay.clientSock.tcpClient.Connect(Netplay.serverIP, Netplay.serverPort); Netplay.clientSock.networkStream = Netplay.clientSock.tcpClient.GetStream(); flag = false; } catch { if (!Netplay.disconnect && Main.gameMenu) { flag = true; } } } NetMessage.buffer[256].Reset(); int num = -1; while (!Netplay.disconnect) { if (Netplay.clientSock.tcpClient.Connected) { if (NetMessage.buffer[256].checkBytes) { NetMessage.CheckBytes(256); } = true; if (Netplay.clientSock.state == 0) { Main.statusText = "Found server"; Netplay.clientSock.state = 1; NetMessage.SendData(1, -1, -1, "", 0, 0f, 0f, 0f, 0); } if (Netplay.clientSock.state == 2 && num != Netplay.clientSock.state) { Main.statusText = "Sending player data..."; } if (Netplay.clientSock.state == 3 && num != Netplay.clientSock.state) { Main.statusText = "Requesting world information"; } if (Netplay.clientSock.state == 4) { WorldGen.worldCleared = false; Netplay.clientSock.state = 5; WorldGen.clearWorld(); } if (Netplay.clientSock.state == 5 && WorldGen.worldCleared) { Netplay.clientSock.state = 6; Main.player[Main.myPlayer].FindSpawn(); NetMessage.SendData(8, -1, -1, "", Main.player[Main.myPlayer].SpawnX, (float)Main.player[Main.myPlayer].SpawnY, 0f, 0f, 0); } if (Netplay.clientSock.state == 6 && num != Netplay.clientSock.state) { Main.statusText = "Requesting tile data"; } if (!Netplay.clientSock.locked && !Netplay.disconnect && Netplay.clientSock.networkStream.DataAvailable) { Netplay.clientSock.locked = true; Netplay.clientSock.networkStream.BeginRead(Netplay.clientSock.readBuffer, 0, Netplay.clientSock.readBuffer.Length, new AsyncCallback(Netplay.clientSock.ClientReadCallBack), Netplay.clientSock.networkStream); } if (Netplay.clientSock.statusMax > 0 && Netplay.clientSock.statusText != "") { if (Netplay.clientSock.statusCount >= Netplay.clientSock.statusMax) { Main.statusText = Netplay.clientSock.statusText + ": Complete!"; Netplay.clientSock.statusText = ""; Netplay.clientSock.statusMax = 0; Netplay.clientSock.statusCount = 0; } else { Main.statusText = string.Concat(new object[] { Netplay.clientSock.statusText, ": ", (int)((float)Netplay.clientSock.statusCount / (float)Netplay.clientSock.statusMax * 100f), "%" }); } } Thread.Sleep(1); } else { if ( { Main.statusText = "Lost connection"; Netplay.disconnect = true; } } num = Netplay.clientSock.state; } try { Netplay.clientSock.networkStream.Close(); Netplay.clientSock.networkStream = Netplay.clientSock.tcpClient.GetStream(); } catch { } if (!Main.gameMenu) { Main.netMode = 0; Player.SavePlayer(Main.player[Main.myPlayer], Main.playerPathName); Main.gameMenu = true; Main.menuMode = 14; } NetMessage.buffer[256].Reset(); if (Main.menuMode == 15 && Main.statusText == "Lost connection") { Main.menuMode = 14; } if (Netplay.clientSock.statusText != "" && Netplay.clientSock.statusText != null) { Main.statusText = "Lost connection"; } Netplay.clientSock.statusCount = 0; Netplay.clientSock.statusMax = 0; Netplay.clientSock.statusText = ""; Main.netMode = 0; }
public static void SmoothSlope(int x, int y, bool applyToNeighbors = true, bool sync = false) { if (applyToNeighbors) { Tile.SmoothSlope(x + 1, y, false, sync); Tile.SmoothSlope(x - 1, y, false, sync); Tile.SmoothSlope(x, y + 1, false, sync); Tile.SmoothSlope(x, y - 1, false, sync); } Tile tile = Main.tile[x, y]; if (!WorldGen.CanPoundTile(x, y) || !WorldGen.SolidOrSlopedTile(x, y)) { return; } bool flag1 = !WorldGen.TileEmpty(x, y - 1); bool flag2 = !WorldGen.SolidOrSlopedTile(x, y - 1) & flag1; bool flag3 = WorldGen.SolidOrSlopedTile(x, y + 1); bool flag4 = WorldGen.SolidOrSlopedTile(x - 1, y); bool flag5 = WorldGen.SolidOrSlopedTile(x + 1, y); int num1 = (flag1 ? 1 : 0) << 3 | (flag3 ? 1 : 0) << 2 | (flag4 ? 1 : 0) << 1 | (flag5 ? 1 : 0); bool flag6 = tile.halfBrick(); int num2 = (int)tile.slope(); switch (num1) { case 4: tile.slope((byte)0); tile.halfBrick(true); break; case 5: tile.halfBrick(false); tile.slope((byte)2); break; case 6: tile.halfBrick(false); tile.slope((byte)1); break; case 9: if (!flag2) { tile.halfBrick(false); tile.slope((byte)4); break; } break; case 10: if (!flag2) { tile.halfBrick(false); tile.slope((byte)3); break; } break; default: tile.halfBrick(false); tile.slope((byte)0); break; } if (!sync) { return; } int num3 = (int)tile.slope(); bool flag7 = flag6 != tile.halfBrick(); bool flag8 = num2 != num3; if (flag7 & flag8) { NetMessage.SendData(17, -1, -1, (NetworkText)null, 23, (float)x, (float)y, (float)num3, 0, 0, 0); } else if (flag7) { NetMessage.SendData(17, -1, -1, (NetworkText)null, 7, (float)x, (float)y, 1f, 0, 0, 0); } else { if (!flag8) { return; } NetMessage.SendData(17, -1, -1, (NetworkText)null, 14, (float)x, (float)y, (float)num3, 0, 0, 0); } }
public static bool SearchAvoidedByNPCs(int x, int y) { return(WorldGen.InWorld(x, y, 1) && Main.tile[x, y] != null && (!Main.tile[x, y].active() || !TileID.Sets.AvoidedByNPCs[(int)Main.tile[x, y].type])); }
public static void SmoothSlope(int x, int y, bool applyToNeighbors = true) { if (applyToNeighbors) { Tile.SmoothSlope(x + 1, y, false); Tile.SmoothSlope(x - 1, y, false); Tile.SmoothSlope(x, y + 1, false); Tile.SmoothSlope(x, y - 1, false); } Tile tile = Main.tile[x, y]; if (!WorldGen.SolidOrSlopedTile(x, y)) { return; } bool flag = !WorldGen.TileEmpty(x, y - 1); bool flag1 = (WorldGen.SolidOrSlopedTile(x, y - 1) ? false : flag); bool flag2 = WorldGen.SolidOrSlopedTile(x, y + 1); bool flag3 = WorldGen.SolidOrSlopedTile(x - 1, y); bool flag4 = WorldGen.SolidOrSlopedTile(x + 1, y); switch ((flag ? 1 : 0) << 3 | (flag2 ? 1 : 0) << 2 | (flag3 ? 1 : 0) << 1 | (flag4 ? 1 : 0)) { case 4: { tile.slope(0); tile.halfBrick(true); return; } case 5: { tile.halfBrick(false); tile.slope(2); return; } case 6: { tile.halfBrick(false); tile.slope(1); return; } case 7: case 8: { tile.halfBrick(false); tile.slope(0); break; } case 9: { if (flag1) { break; } tile.halfBrick(false); tile.slope(4); return; } case 10: { if (flag1) { break; } tile.halfBrick(false); tile.slope(3); return; } default: { goto case 8; } } }
public static void Draw(Main mainInstance, SpriteBatch sb) { if (Main.player[Main.myPlayer].dead && !Main.player[Main.myPlayer].ghost) { Main.setKey = -1; IngameOptions.Close(); Main.playerInventory = false; return; } new Vector2((float)Main.mouseX, (float)Main.mouseY); bool flag = Main.mouseLeft && Main.mouseLeftRelease; Vector2 value = new Vector2((float)Main.screenWidth, (float)Main.screenHeight); Vector2 value2 = new Vector2(670f, 480f); Vector2 value3 = value / 2f - value2 / 2f; int num = 20; Utils.DrawInvBG(sb, value3.X - (float)num, value3.Y - (float)num, value2.X + (float)(num * 2), value2.Y + (float)(num * 2), new Color(33, 15, 91, 255) * 0.685f); if (new Rectangle((int)value3.X - num, (int)value3.Y - num, (int)value2.X + num * 2, (int)value2.Y + num * 2).Contains(new Point(Main.mouseX, Main.mouseY))) { Main.player[Main.myPlayer].mouseInterface = true; } Utils.DrawInvBG(sb, value3.X + (float)(num / 2), value3.Y + (float)(num * 5 / 2), value2.X / 2f - (float)num, value2.Y - (float)(num * 3), default(Color)); Utils.DrawInvBG(sb, value3.X + value2.X / 2f + (float)num, value3.Y + (float)(num * 5 / 2), value2.X / 2f - (float)(num * 3 / 2), value2.Y - (float)(num * 3), default(Color)); Utils.DrawBorderString(sb, "Settings Menu", value3 + value2 * new Vector2(0.5f, 0f), Color.White, 1f, 0.5f, 0f, -1); float num2 = 0.7f; float num3 = 0.8f; float num4 = 0.01f; if (IngameOptions.oldLeftHover != IngameOptions.leftHover && IngameOptions.leftHover != -1) { Main.PlaySound(SoundTypeID.MENU_TICK, -1, -1, 1); } if (IngameOptions.oldRightHover != IngameOptions.rightHover && IngameOptions.rightHover != -1) { Main.PlaySound(SoundTypeID.MENU_TICK, -1, -1, 1); } if (flag && IngameOptions.rightHover != -1 && !IngameOptions.noSound) { Main.PlaySound(SoundTypeID.MENU_TICK, -1, -1, 1); } IngameOptions.oldLeftHover = IngameOptions.leftHover; IngameOptions.oldRightHover = IngameOptions.rightHover; IngameOptions.noSound = false; int num5 = 5; Vector2 anchor = new Vector2(value3.X + value2.X / 4f, value3.Y + (float)(num * 5 / 2)); Vector2 offset = new Vector2(0f, value2.Y - (float)(num * 3)) / (float)(num5 + 1); for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) { if (IngameOptions.leftHover == i || i == IngameOptions.category) { IngameOptions.leftScale[i] += num4; } else { IngameOptions.leftScale[i] -= num4; } if (IngameOptions.leftScale[i] < num2) { IngameOptions.leftScale[i] = num2; } if (IngameOptions.leftScale[i] > num3) { IngameOptions.leftScale[i] = num3; } } IngameOptions.leftHover = -1; int num6 = IngameOptions.category; if (IngameOptions.DrawLeftSide(sb,[114], 0, anchor, offset, IngameOptions.leftScale, 0.7f, 0.8f, 0.01f)) { IngameOptions.leftHover = 0; if (flag) { IngameOptions.category = 0; Main.PlaySound(SoundTypeID.MENU_OPEN, -1, -1, 1); } } if (IngameOptions.DrawLeftSide(sb,[63], 1, anchor, offset, IngameOptions.leftScale, 0.7f, 0.8f, 0.01f)) { IngameOptions.leftHover = 1; if (flag) { IngameOptions.category = 1; Main.PlaySound(SoundTypeID.MENU_OPEN, -1, -1, 1); } } if (IngameOptions.DrawLeftSide(sb,[66], 2, anchor, offset, IngameOptions.leftScale, 0.7f, 0.8f, 0.01f)) { IngameOptions.leftHover = 2; if (flag) { IngameOptions.category = 2; Main.PlaySound(SoundTypeID.MENU_OPEN, -1, -1, 1); } } if (IngameOptions.DrawLeftSide(sb,[115], 3, anchor, offset, IngameOptions.leftScale, 0.7f, 0.8f, 0.01f)) { IngameOptions.leftHover = 3; if (flag) { IngameOptions.category = 3; Main.PlaySound(SoundTypeID.MENU_OPEN, -1, -1, 1); } } if (IngameOptions.DrawLeftSide(sb,[118], 4, anchor, offset, IngameOptions.leftScale, 0.7f, 0.8f, 0.01f)) { IngameOptions.leftHover = 4; if (flag) { IngameOptions.Close(); } } if (IngameOptions.DrawLeftSide(sb, Lang.inter[35], 5, anchor, offset, IngameOptions.leftScale, 0.7f, 0.8f, 0.01f)) { IngameOptions.leftHover = 5; if (flag) { IngameOptions.Close(); Main.menuMode = 10; WorldGen.SaveAndQuit(); } } if (num6 != IngameOptions.category) { for (int j = 0; j < IngameOptions.rightScale.Length; j++) { IngameOptions.rightScale[j] = 0f; } } int num7 = 0; switch (IngameOptions.category) { case 0: num7 = 6; num2 = 1f; num3 = 1.001f; num4 = 0.001f; break; case 1: num7 = 8; num2 = 1f; num3 = 1.001f; num4 = 0.001f; break; case 2: num7 = 13; num2 = 0.8f; num3 = 0.801f; num4 = 0.001f; break; case 3: num7 = 7; num2 = 0.8f; num3 = 0.801f; num4 = 0.001f; break; } Vector2 anchor2 = new Vector2(value3.X + value2.X * 3f / 4f, value3.Y + (float)(num * 5 / 2)); Vector2 offset2 = new Vector2(0f, value2.Y - (float)(num * 3)) / (float)(num7 + 1); for (int k = 0; k < 13; k++) { if (IngameOptions.rightLock == k || (IngameOptions.rightHover == k && IngameOptions.rightLock == -1)) { IngameOptions.rightScale[k] += num4; } else { IngameOptions.rightScale[k] -= num4; } if (IngameOptions.rightScale[k] < num2) { IngameOptions.rightScale[k] = num2; } if (IngameOptions.rightScale[k] > num3) { IngameOptions.rightScale[k] = num3; } } IngameOptions.inBar = false; IngameOptions.rightHover = -1; if (!Main.mouseLeft) { IngameOptions.rightLock = -1; } if (IngameOptions.rightLock == -1) { IngameOptions.notBar = false; } if (IngameOptions.category == 0) { int num8 = 0; anchor2.X -= 70f; if (IngameOptions.DrawRightSide(sb, string.Concat(new object[] {[99], " ", Math.Round((double)(Main.musicVolume * 100f)), "%" }), num8, anchor2, offset2, IngameOptions.rightScale[num8], (IngameOptions.rightScale[num8] - num2) / (num3 - num2), default(Color))) { if (IngameOptions.rightLock == -1) { IngameOptions.notBar = true; } IngameOptions.noSound = true; IngameOptions.rightHover = num8; } IngameOptions.valuePosition.X = value3.X + value2.X - (float)(num / 2) - 20f; IngameOptions.valuePosition.Y = IngameOptions.valuePosition.Y - 3f; float musicVolume = IngameOptions.DrawValueBar(sb, 0.75f, Main.musicVolume); if ((IngameOptions.inBar || IngameOptions.rightLock == num8) && !IngameOptions.notBar) { IngameOptions.rightHover = num8; if (Main.mouseLeft && IngameOptions.rightLock == num8) { Main.musicVolume = musicVolume; } } if ((float)Main.mouseX > value3.X + value2.X * 2f / 3f + (float)num && (float)Main.mouseX < IngameOptions.valuePosition.X + 3.75f && (float)Main.mouseY > IngameOptions.valuePosition.Y - 10f && (float)Main.mouseY <= IngameOptions.valuePosition.Y + 10f) { if (IngameOptions.rightLock == -1) { IngameOptions.notBar = true; } IngameOptions.rightHover = num8; } num8++; if (IngameOptions.DrawRightSide(sb, string.Concat(new object[] {[98], " ", Math.Round((double)(Main.soundVolume * 100f)), "%" }), num8, anchor2, offset2, IngameOptions.rightScale[num8], (IngameOptions.rightScale[num8] - num2) / (num3 - num2), default(Color))) { if (IngameOptions.rightLock == -1) { IngameOptions.notBar = true; } IngameOptions.rightHover = num8; } IngameOptions.valuePosition.X = value3.X + value2.X - (float)(num / 2) - 20f; IngameOptions.valuePosition.Y = IngameOptions.valuePosition.Y - 3f; float soundVolume = IngameOptions.DrawValueBar(sb, 0.75f, Main.soundVolume); if ((IngameOptions.inBar || IngameOptions.rightLock == num8) && !IngameOptions.notBar) { IngameOptions.rightHover = num8; if (Main.mouseLeft && IngameOptions.rightLock == num8) { Main.soundVolume = soundVolume; IngameOptions.noSound = true; } } if ((float)Main.mouseX > value3.X + value2.X * 2f / 3f + (float)num && (float)Main.mouseX < IngameOptions.valuePosition.X + 3.75f && (float)Main.mouseY > IngameOptions.valuePosition.Y - 10f && (float)Main.mouseY <= IngameOptions.valuePosition.Y + 10f) { if (IngameOptions.rightLock == -1) { IngameOptions.notBar = true; } IngameOptions.rightHover = num8; } num8++; if (IngameOptions.DrawRightSide(sb, string.Concat(new object[] {[119], " ", Math.Round((double)(Main.ambientVolume * 100f)), "%" }), num8, anchor2, offset2, IngameOptions.rightScale[num8], (IngameOptions.rightScale[num8] - num2) / (num3 - num2), default(Color))) { if (IngameOptions.rightLock == -1) { IngameOptions.notBar = true; } IngameOptions.rightHover = num8; } IngameOptions.valuePosition.X = value3.X + value2.X - (float)(num / 2) - 20f; IngameOptions.valuePosition.Y = IngameOptions.valuePosition.Y - 3f; float ambientVolume = IngameOptions.DrawValueBar(sb, 0.75f, Main.ambientVolume); if ((IngameOptions.inBar || IngameOptions.rightLock == num8) && !IngameOptions.notBar) { IngameOptions.rightHover = num8; if (Main.mouseLeft && IngameOptions.rightLock == num8) { Main.ambientVolume = ambientVolume; IngameOptions.noSound = true; } } if ((float)Main.mouseX > value3.X + value2.X * 2f / 3f + (float)num && (float)Main.mouseX < IngameOptions.valuePosition.X + 3.75f && (float)Main.mouseY > IngameOptions.valuePosition.Y - 10f && (float)Main.mouseY <= IngameOptions.valuePosition.Y + 10f) { if (IngameOptions.rightLock == -1) { IngameOptions.notBar = true; } IngameOptions.rightHover = num8; } num8++; anchor2.X += 70f; if (IngameOptions.DrawRightSide(sb, Main.autoSave ?[67] :[68], num8, anchor2, offset2, IngameOptions.rightScale[num8], (IngameOptions.rightScale[num8] - num2) / (num3 - num2), default(Color))) { IngameOptions.rightHover = num8; if (flag) { Main.autoSave = !Main.autoSave; } } num8++; if (IngameOptions.DrawRightSide(sb, Main.autoPause ?[69] :[70], num8, anchor2, offset2, IngameOptions.rightScale[num8], (IngameOptions.rightScale[num8] - num2) / (num3 - num2), default(Color))) { IngameOptions.rightHover = num8; if (flag) { Main.autoPause = !Main.autoPause; } } num8++; if (IngameOptions.DrawRightSide(sb, Main.showItemText ?[71] :[72], num8, anchor2, offset2, IngameOptions.rightScale[num8], (IngameOptions.rightScale[num8] - num2) / (num3 - num2), default(Color))) { IngameOptions.rightHover = num8; if (flag) { Main.showItemText = !Main.showItemText; } } num8++; } if (IngameOptions.category == 1) { int num9 = 0; if (IngameOptions.DrawRightSide(sb, ?[49] :[50], num9, anchor2, offset2, IngameOptions.rightScale[num9], (IngameOptions.rightScale[num9] - num2) / (num3 - num2), default(Color))) { IngameOptions.rightHover = num9; if (flag) {; } } num9++; if (IngameOptions.DrawRightSide(sb, string.Concat(new object[] {[51], ": ",, "x", }), num9, anchor2, offset2, IngameOptions.rightScale[num9], (IngameOptions.rightScale[num9] - num2) / (num3 - num2), default(Color))) { IngameOptions.rightHover = num9; if (flag) { int num10 = 0; for (int l = 0; l < Main.numDisplayModes; l++) { if (Main.displayWidth[l] == && Main.displayHeight[l] == { num10 = l; break; } } num10++; if (num10 >= Main.numDisplayModes) { num10 = 0; } = Main.displayWidth[num10]; = Main.displayHeight[num10]; } } num9++; anchor2.X -= 70f; if (IngameOptions.DrawRightSide(sb, string.Concat(new object[] {[52], ": ", Main.bgScroll, "%" }), num9, anchor2, offset2, IngameOptions.rightScale[num9], (IngameOptions.rightScale[num9] - num2) / (num3 - num2), default(Color))) { if (IngameOptions.rightLock == -1) { IngameOptions.notBar = true; } IngameOptions.noSound = true; IngameOptions.rightHover = num9; } IngameOptions.valuePosition.X = value3.X + value2.X - (float)(num / 2) - 20f; IngameOptions.valuePosition.Y = IngameOptions.valuePosition.Y - 3f; float num11 = IngameOptions.DrawValueBar(sb, 0.75f, (float)Main.bgScroll / 100f); if ((IngameOptions.inBar || IngameOptions.rightLock == num9) && !IngameOptions.notBar) { IngameOptions.rightHover = num9; if (Main.mouseLeft && IngameOptions.rightLock == num9) { Main.bgScroll = (int)(num11 * 100f); Main.caveParrallax = 1f - (float)Main.bgScroll / 500f; } } if ((float)Main.mouseX > value3.X + value2.X * 2f / 3f + (float)num && (float)Main.mouseX < IngameOptions.valuePosition.X + 3.75f && (float)Main.mouseY > IngameOptions.valuePosition.Y - 10f && (float)Main.mouseY <= IngameOptions.valuePosition.Y + 10f) { if (IngameOptions.rightLock == -1) { IngameOptions.notBar = true; } IngameOptions.rightHover = num9; } num9++; anchor2.X += 70f; if (IngameOptions.DrawRightSide(sb, Main.fixedTiming ?[53] :[54], num9, anchor2, offset2, IngameOptions.rightScale[num9], (IngameOptions.rightScale[num9] - num2) / (num3 - num2), default(Color))) { IngameOptions.rightHover = num9; if (flag) { Main.fixedTiming = !Main.fixedTiming; } } num9++; if (IngameOptions.DrawRightSide(sb,[55 + Lighting.lightMode], num9, anchor2, offset2, IngameOptions.rightScale[num9], (IngameOptions.rightScale[num9] - num2) / (num3 - num2), default(Color))) { IngameOptions.rightHover = num9; if (flag) { Lighting.lightCounter += 100; Lighting.lightMode++; if (Lighting.lightMode >= 4) { Lighting.lightMode = 0; } if (Lighting.lightMode == 2 || Lighting.lightMode == 0) { Main.renderCount = 0; Main.renderNow = true; Lighting.BlackOut(); } } } num9++; if (IngameOptions.DrawRightSide(sb,[116] + " " + ((Lighting.LightingThreads > 0) ? string.Concat(Lighting.LightingThreads + 1) :[117]), num9, anchor2, offset2, IngameOptions.rightScale[num9], (IngameOptions.rightScale[num9] - num2) / (num3 - num2), default(Color))) { IngameOptions.rightHover = num9; if (flag) { Lighting.LightingThreads++; if (Lighting.LightingThreads > Environment.ProcessorCount - 1) { Lighting.LightingThreads = 0; } } } num9++; if (IngameOptions.DrawRightSide(sb,[59 + Main.qaStyle], num9, anchor2, offset2, IngameOptions.rightScale[num9], (IngameOptions.rightScale[num9] - num2) / (num3 - num2), default(Color))) { IngameOptions.rightHover = num9; if (flag) { Main.qaStyle++; if (Main.qaStyle > 3) { Main.qaStyle = 0; } } } num9++; if (IngameOptions.DrawRightSide(sb, Main.owBack ?[100] :[101], num9, anchor2, offset2, IngameOptions.rightScale[num9], (IngameOptions.rightScale[num9] - num2) / (num3 - num2), default(Color))) { IngameOptions.rightHover = num9; if (flag) { Main.owBack = !Main.owBack; } } num9++; } if (IngameOptions.category == 2) { int num12 = 0; anchor2.X -= 30f; int num13 = 0; if (IngameOptions.DrawRightSide(sb,[74 + num13], num12, anchor2, offset2, IngameOptions.rightScale[num12], (IngameOptions.rightScale[num12] - num2) / (num3 - num2), (Main.setKey == num13) ? Color.Gold : default(Color))) { IngameOptions.rightHover = num12; if (flag) { Main.setKey = num13; } } IngameOptions.valuePosition.X = IngameOptions.valuePosition.X + 10f; if (IngameOptions.DrawValue(sb, (Main.setKey == num13) ? "_" : KeyBoardDefinitions.cUp, num12, num3, (Main.setKey == num13) ? Color.Gold : ((IngameOptions.rightHover == num12) ? Color.White : default(Color)))) { IngameOptions.rightHover = num12; if (flag) { Main.setKey = num13; } } num12++; num13 = 1; if (IngameOptions.DrawRightSide(sb,[74 + num13], num12, anchor2, offset2, IngameOptions.rightScale[num12], (IngameOptions.rightScale[num12] - num2) / (num3 - num2), (Main.setKey == num13) ? Color.Gold : default(Color))) { IngameOptions.rightHover = num12; if (flag) { Main.setKey = num13; } } IngameOptions.valuePosition.X = IngameOptions.valuePosition.X + 10f; if (IngameOptions.DrawValue(sb, (Main.setKey == num13) ? "_" : KeyBoardDefinitions.cDown, num12, num3, (Main.setKey == num13) ? Color.Gold : ((IngameOptions.rightHover == num12) ? Color.White : default(Color)))) { IngameOptions.rightHover = num12; if (flag) { Main.setKey = num13; } } num12++; num13 = 2; if (IngameOptions.DrawRightSide(sb,[74 + num13], num12, anchor2, offset2, IngameOptions.rightScale[num12], (IngameOptions.rightScale[num12] - num2) / (num3 - num2), (Main.setKey == num13) ? Color.Gold : default(Color))) { IngameOptions.rightHover = num12; if (flag) { Main.setKey = num13; } } IngameOptions.valuePosition.X = IngameOptions.valuePosition.X + 10f; if (IngameOptions.DrawValue(sb, (Main.setKey == num13) ? "_" : KeyBoardDefinitions.cLeft, num12, num3, (Main.setKey == num13) ? Color.Gold : ((IngameOptions.rightHover == num12) ? Color.White : default(Color)))) { IngameOptions.rightHover = num12; if (flag) { Main.setKey = num13; } } num12++; num13 = 3; if (IngameOptions.DrawRightSide(sb,[74 + num13], num12, anchor2, offset2, IngameOptions.rightScale[num12], (IngameOptions.rightScale[num12] - num2) / (num3 - num2), (Main.setKey == num13) ? Color.Gold : default(Color))) { IngameOptions.rightHover = num12; if (flag) { Main.setKey = num13; } } IngameOptions.valuePosition.X = IngameOptions.valuePosition.X + 10f; if (IngameOptions.DrawValue(sb, (Main.setKey == num13) ? "_" : KeyBoardDefinitions.cRight, num12, num3, (Main.setKey == num13) ? Color.Gold : ((IngameOptions.rightHover == num12) ? Color.White : default(Color)))) { IngameOptions.rightHover = num12; if (flag) { Main.setKey = num13; } } num12++; num13 = 4; if (IngameOptions.DrawRightSide(sb,[74 + num13], num12, anchor2, offset2, IngameOptions.rightScale[num12], (IngameOptions.rightScale[num12] - num2) / (num3 - num2), (Main.setKey == num13) ? Color.Gold : default(Color))) { IngameOptions.rightHover = num12; if (flag) { Main.setKey = num13; } } IngameOptions.valuePosition.X = IngameOptions.valuePosition.X + 10f; if (IngameOptions.DrawValue(sb, (Main.setKey == num13) ? "_" : KeyBoardDefinitions.cJump, num12, num3, (Main.setKey == num13) ? Color.Gold : ((IngameOptions.rightHover == num12) ? Color.White : default(Color)))) { IngameOptions.rightHover = num12; if (flag) { Main.setKey = num13; } } num12++; num13 = 5; if (IngameOptions.DrawRightSide(sb,[74 + num13], num12, anchor2, offset2, IngameOptions.rightScale[num12], (IngameOptions.rightScale[num12] - num2) / (num3 - num2), (Main.setKey == num13) ? Color.Gold : default(Color))) { IngameOptions.rightHover = num12; if (flag) { Main.setKey = num13; } } IngameOptions.valuePosition.X = IngameOptions.valuePosition.X + 10f; if (IngameOptions.DrawValue(sb, (Main.setKey == num13) ? "_" : KeyBoardDefinitions.cThrowItem, num12, num3, (Main.setKey == num13) ? Color.Gold : ((IngameOptions.rightHover == num12) ? Color.White : default(Color)))) { IngameOptions.rightHover = num12; if (flag) { Main.setKey = num13; } } num12++; num13 = 6; if (IngameOptions.DrawRightSide(sb,[74 + num13], num12, anchor2, offset2, IngameOptions.rightScale[num12], (IngameOptions.rightScale[num12] - num2) / (num3 - num2), (Main.setKey == num13) ? Color.Gold : default(Color))) { IngameOptions.rightHover = num12; if (flag) { Main.setKey = num13; } } IngameOptions.valuePosition.X = IngameOptions.valuePosition.X + 10f; if (IngameOptions.DrawValue(sb, (Main.setKey == num13) ? "_" : KeyBoardDefinitions.cInv, num12, num3, (Main.setKey == num13) ? Color.Gold : ((IngameOptions.rightHover == num12) ? Color.White : default(Color)))) { IngameOptions.rightHover = num12; if (flag) { Main.setKey = num13; } } num12++; num13 = 7; if (IngameOptions.DrawRightSide(sb,[74 + num13], num12, anchor2, offset2, IngameOptions.rightScale[num12], (IngameOptions.rightScale[num12] - num2) / (num3 - num2), (Main.setKey == num13) ? Color.Gold : default(Color))) { IngameOptions.rightHover = num12; if (flag) { Main.setKey = num13; } } IngameOptions.valuePosition.X = IngameOptions.valuePosition.X + 10f; if (IngameOptions.DrawValue(sb, (Main.setKey == num13) ? "_" : KeyBoardDefinitions.cHeal, num12, num3, (Main.setKey == num13) ? Color.Gold : ((IngameOptions.rightHover == num12) ? Color.White : default(Color)))) { IngameOptions.rightHover = num12; if (flag) { Main.setKey = num13; } } num12++; num13 = 8; if (IngameOptions.DrawRightSide(sb,[74 + num13], num12, anchor2, offset2, IngameOptions.rightScale[num12], (IngameOptions.rightScale[num12] - num2) / (num3 - num2), (Main.setKey == num13) ? Color.Gold : default(Color))) { IngameOptions.rightHover = num12; if (flag) { Main.setKey = num13; } } IngameOptions.valuePosition.X = IngameOptions.valuePosition.X + 10f; if (IngameOptions.DrawValue(sb, (Main.setKey == num13) ? "_" : KeyBoardDefinitions.cMana, num12, num3, (Main.setKey == num13) ? Color.Gold : ((IngameOptions.rightHover == num12) ? Color.White : default(Color)))) { IngameOptions.rightHover = num12; if (flag) { Main.setKey = num13; } } num12++; num13 = 9; if (IngameOptions.DrawRightSide(sb,[74 + num13], num12, anchor2, offset2, IngameOptions.rightScale[num12], (IngameOptions.rightScale[num12] - num2) / (num3 - num2), (Main.setKey == num13) ? Color.Gold : default(Color))) { IngameOptions.rightHover = num12; if (flag) { Main.setKey = num13; } } IngameOptions.valuePosition.X = IngameOptions.valuePosition.X + 10f; if (IngameOptions.DrawValue(sb, (Main.setKey == num13) ? "_" : KeyBoardDefinitions.cBuff, num12, num3, (Main.setKey == num13) ? Color.Gold : ((IngameOptions.rightHover == num12) ? Color.White : default(Color)))) { IngameOptions.rightHover = num12; if (flag) { Main.setKey = num13; } } num12++; num13 = 10; if (IngameOptions.DrawRightSide(sb,[74 + num13], num12, anchor2, offset2, IngameOptions.rightScale[num12], (IngameOptions.rightScale[num12] - num2) / (num3 - num2), (Main.setKey == num13) ? Color.Gold : default(Color))) { IngameOptions.rightHover = num12; if (flag) { Main.setKey = num13; } } IngameOptions.valuePosition.X = IngameOptions.valuePosition.X + 10f; if (IngameOptions.DrawValue(sb, (Main.setKey == num13) ? "_" : KeyBoardDefinitions.cHook, num12, num3, (Main.setKey == num13) ? Color.Gold : ((IngameOptions.rightHover == num12) ? Color.White : default(Color)))) { IngameOptions.rightHover = num12; if (flag) { Main.setKey = num13; } } num12++; num13 = 11; if (IngameOptions.DrawRightSide(sb,[74 + num13], num12, anchor2, offset2, IngameOptions.rightScale[num12], (IngameOptions.rightScale[num12] - num2) / (num3 - num2), (Main.setKey == num13) ? Color.Gold : default(Color))) { IngameOptions.rightHover = num12; if (flag) { Main.setKey = num13; } } IngameOptions.valuePosition.X = IngameOptions.valuePosition.X + 10f; if (IngameOptions.DrawValue(sb, (Main.setKey == num13) ? "_" : KeyBoardDefinitions.cTorch, num12, num3, (Main.setKey == num13) ? Color.Gold : ((IngameOptions.rightHover == num12) ? Color.White : default(Color)))) { IngameOptions.rightHover = num12; if (flag) { Main.setKey = num13; } } num12++; anchor2.X += 30f; if (IngameOptions.DrawRightSide(sb,[86], num12, anchor2, offset2, IngameOptions.rightScale[num12], (IngameOptions.rightScale[num12] - num2) / (num3 - num2), default(Color))) { IngameOptions.rightHover = num12; if (flag) { KeyBoardDefinitions.resetBindingValues(); Main.setKey = -1; } } num12++; if (Main.setKey >= 0) { Main.blockInput = true; Keys[] pressedKeys = Main.keyState.GetPressedKeys(); if (pressedKeys.Length > 0) { string text = string.Concat(pressedKeys[0]); if (text != "None") { KeyBoardDefinitions.setBindingValue(Main.setKey, text); Main.blockKey = pressedKeys[0]; Main.blockInput = false; Main.setKey = -1; } } } } if (IngameOptions.category == 3) { int num14 = 0; anchor2.X -= 30f; int num15 = 0; if (IngameOptions.DrawRightSide(sb,[106 + num15], num14, anchor2, offset2, IngameOptions.rightScale[num14], (IngameOptions.rightScale[num14] - num2) / (num3 - num2), (Main.setKey == num15) ? Color.Gold : default(Color))) { IngameOptions.rightHover = num14; if (flag) { Main.setKey = num15; } } IngameOptions.valuePosition.X = IngameOptions.valuePosition.X + 10f; if (IngameOptions.DrawValue(sb, (Main.setKey == num15) ? "_" : KeyBoardDefinitions.cMapStyle, num14, num3, (Main.setKey == num15) ? Color.Gold : ((IngameOptions.rightHover == num14) ? Color.White : default(Color)))) { IngameOptions.rightHover = num14; if (flag) { Main.setKey = num15; } } num14++; num15 = 1; if (IngameOptions.DrawRightSide(sb,[106 + num15], num14, anchor2, offset2, IngameOptions.rightScale[num14], (IngameOptions.rightScale[num14] - num2) / (num3 - num2), (Main.setKey == num15) ? Color.Gold : default(Color))) { IngameOptions.rightHover = num14; if (flag) { Main.setKey = num15; } } IngameOptions.valuePosition.X = IngameOptions.valuePosition.X + 10f; if (IngameOptions.DrawValue(sb, (Main.setKey == num15) ? "_" : KeyBoardDefinitions.cMapFull, num14, num3, (Main.setKey == num15) ? Color.Gold : ((IngameOptions.rightHover == num14) ? Color.White : default(Color)))) { IngameOptions.rightHover = num14; if (flag) { Main.setKey = num15; } } num14++; num15 = 2; if (IngameOptions.DrawRightSide(sb,[106 + num15], num14, anchor2, offset2, IngameOptions.rightScale[num14], (IngameOptions.rightScale[num14] - num2) / (num3 - num2), (Main.setKey == num15) ? Color.Gold : default(Color))) { IngameOptions.rightHover = num14; if (flag) { Main.setKey = num15; } } IngameOptions.valuePosition.X = IngameOptions.valuePosition.X + 10f; if (IngameOptions.DrawValue(sb, (Main.setKey == num15) ? "_" : KeyBoardDefinitions.cMapZoomIn, num14, num3, (Main.setKey == num15) ? Color.Gold : ((IngameOptions.rightHover == num14) ? Color.White : default(Color)))) { IngameOptions.rightHover = num14; if (flag) { Main.setKey = num15; } } num14++; num15 = 3; if (IngameOptions.DrawRightSide(sb,[106 + num15], num14, anchor2, offset2, IngameOptions.rightScale[num14], (IngameOptions.rightScale[num14] - num2) / (num3 - num2), (Main.setKey == num15) ? Color.Gold : default(Color))) { IngameOptions.rightHover = num14; if (flag) { Main.setKey = num15; } } IngameOptions.valuePosition.X = IngameOptions.valuePosition.X + 10f; if (IngameOptions.DrawValue(sb, (Main.setKey == num15) ? "_" : KeyBoardDefinitions.cMapZoomOut, num14, num3, (Main.setKey == num15) ? Color.Gold : ((IngameOptions.rightHover == num14) ? Color.White : default(Color)))) { IngameOptions.rightHover = num14; if (flag) { Main.setKey = num15; } } num14++; num15 = 4; if (IngameOptions.DrawRightSide(sb,[106 + num15], num14, anchor2, offset2, IngameOptions.rightScale[num14], (IngameOptions.rightScale[num14] - num2) / (num3 - num2), (Main.setKey == num15) ? Color.Gold : default(Color))) { IngameOptions.rightHover = num14; if (flag) { Main.setKey = num15; } } IngameOptions.valuePosition.X = IngameOptions.valuePosition.X + 10f; if (IngameOptions.DrawValue(sb, (Main.setKey == num15) ? "_" : KeyBoardDefinitions.cMapAlphaUp, num14, num3, (Main.setKey == num15) ? Color.Gold : ((IngameOptions.rightHover == num14) ? Color.White : default(Color)))) { IngameOptions.rightHover = num14; if (flag) { Main.setKey = num15; } } num14++; num15 = 5; if (IngameOptions.DrawRightSide(sb,[106 + num15], num14, anchor2, offset2, IngameOptions.rightScale[num14], (IngameOptions.rightScale[num14] - num2) / (num3 - num2), (Main.setKey == num15) ? Color.Gold : default(Color))) { IngameOptions.rightHover = num14; if (flag) { Main.setKey = num15; } } IngameOptions.valuePosition.X = IngameOptions.valuePosition.X + 10f; if (IngameOptions.DrawValue(sb, (Main.setKey == num15) ? "_" : KeyBoardDefinitions.cMapAlphaDown, num14, num3, (Main.setKey == num15) ? Color.Gold : ((IngameOptions.rightHover == num14) ? Color.White : default(Color)))) { IngameOptions.rightHover = num14; if (flag) { Main.setKey = num15; } } num14++; anchor2.X += 30f; if (IngameOptions.DrawRightSide(sb,[86], num14, anchor2, offset2, IngameOptions.rightScale[num14], (IngameOptions.rightScale[num14] - num2) / (num3 - num2), default(Color))) { IngameOptions.rightHover = num14; if (flag) { KeyBoardDefinitions.resetMapBindingValues(); Main.setKey = -1; } } num14++; if (Main.setKey >= 0) { Main.blockInput = true; Keys[] pressedKeys2 = Main.keyState.GetPressedKeys(); if (pressedKeys2.Length > 0) { string text2 = string.Concat(pressedKeys2[0]); if (text2 != "None") { KeyBoardDefinitions.setBindingMapValue(Main.setKey, text2); Main.setKey = -1; Main.blockKey = pressedKeys2[0]; Main.blockInput = false; } } } } if (IngameOptions.rightHover != -1 && IngameOptions.rightLock == -1) { IngameOptions.rightLock = IngameOptions.rightHover; } sb.Draw(Main.cursorTexture, new Vector2((float)(Main.mouseX + 1), (float)(Main.mouseY + 1)), null, new Color((int)((float)Main.cursorColor.R * 0.2f), (int)((float)Main.cursorColor.G * 0.2f), (int)((float)Main.cursorColor.B * 0.2f), (int)((float)Main.cursorColor.A * 0.5f)), 0f, default(Vector2), Main.cursorScale * 1.1f, SpriteEffects.None, 0f); sb.Draw(Main.cursorTexture, new Vector2((float)Main.mouseX, (float)Main.mouseY), null, Main.cursorColor, 0f, default(Vector2), Main.cursorScale, SpriteEffects.None, 0f); }
public void DrawFreshAnimations(SpriteBatch spriteBatch) { for (int index = 0; index <; ++index) {[index].animationTimeElapsed; } if (!Main.SettingsEnabled_MinersWobble) { return; } int num1 = 1; Vector2 vector2_1 = new Vector2((float)Main.offScreenRange); if (Main.drawToScreen) { vector2_1 = Vector2.Zero; } vector2_1 = Vector2.Zero; for (int index = 0; index <; ++index) { if ([index].type == num1) { int damage =[index].damage; if (damage >= 20) { int x =[index].X; int y =[index].Y; if (WorldGen.InWorld(x, y, 0)) { bool flag1; if ((flag1 = Main.tile[x, y] != null) && num1 == 1) { flag1 = flag1 && Main.tile[x, y].active() && Main.tileSolid[(int)Main.tile[x, y].type]; } if (flag1 && num1 == 2) { flag1 = flag1 && (int)Main.tile[x, y].wall != 0; } if (flag1) { bool flag2 = false; bool flag3 = false; if ((int)Main.tile[x, y].type == 10) { flag2 = false; } else if (Main.tileSolid[(int)Main.tile[x, y].type] && !Main.tileSolidTop[(int)Main.tile[x, y].type]) { flag2 = true; } else if ((int)Main.tile[x, y].type == 5) { flag3 = true; int num2 = (int)Main.tile[x, y].frameX / 22; int num3 = (int)Main.tile[x, y].frameY / 22; if (num3 < 9) { flag2 = (num2 != 1 && num2 != 2 || (num3 < 6 || num3 > 8)) && ((num2 != 3 || num3 > 2) && ((num2 != 4 || num3 < 3 || num3 > 5) && (num2 != 5 || num3 < 6 || num3 > 8))); } } else if ((int)Main.tile[x, y].type == 72) { flag3 = true; if ((int)Main.tile[x, y].frameX <= 34) { flag2 = true; } } if (flag2 && (int)Main.tile[x, y].slope() == 0 && !Main.tile[x, y].halfBrick()) { int num2 = 0; if (damage >= 80) { num2 = 3; } else if (damage >= 60) { num2 = 2; } else if (damage >= 40) { num2 = 1; } else if (damage >= 20) { num2 = 0; } Rectangle rectangle = new Rectangle([index].crackStyle * 18, num2 * 18, 16, 16); rectangle.Inflate(-2, -2); if (flag3) { rectangle.X = (4 +[index].crackStyle / 2) * 18; } int animationTimeElapsed =[index].animationTimeElapsed; if ((double)animationTimeElapsed < 10.0) { float num3 = (float)animationTimeElapsed / 10f; float num4 = 1f; Color color1 = Lighting.GetColor(x, y); float rotation = 0.0f; Vector2 zero = Vector2.Zero; float num5 = num3; float num6 = 0.5f; float num7 = num5 % num6 * 2f; if ((int)((double)num5 / (double)num6) % 2 == 1) { num7 = 1f - num7; } num4 = (float)((double)num7 * 0.449999988079071 + 1.0); Tile tileSafely = Framing.GetTileSafely(x, y); Tile tile = tileSafely; Texture2D texture = !Main.canDrawColorTile(tileSafely.type, (int)tileSafely.color()) ? Main.tileTexture[(int)tileSafely.type] : (Texture2D)Main.tileAltTexture[(int)tileSafely.type, (int)tileSafely.color()]; Vector2 origin = new Vector2(8f); Vector2 vector2_2 = new Vector2(1f); float num8 = (float)((double)num7 * 0.200000002980232 + 1.0); Color color2 = color1 * 0.8f; Vector2 scale = num8 * vector2_2; Vector2 position = (new Vector2((float)(x * 16 - (int)Main.screenPosition.X), (float)(y * 16 - (int)Main.screenPosition.Y)) + vector2_1 + origin + zero).Floor(); spriteBatch.Draw(texture, position, new Rectangle?(new Rectangle((int)tile.frameX, (int)tile.frameY, 16, 16)), color2, rotation, origin, scale, SpriteEffects.None, 0.0f); color2.A = (byte)180; spriteBatch.Draw(Main.tileCrackTexture, position, new Rectangle?(rectangle), color2, rotation, origin, scale, SpriteEffects.None, 0.0f); } } } } } } } }
public static void WallFrame(int i, int j, bool resetFrame = false) { if (WorldGen.SkipFramingBecauseOfGen || i <= 0 || (j <= 0 || i >= Main.maxTilesX - 1) || (j >= Main.maxTilesY - 1 || Main.tile[i, j] == null)) { return; } WorldGen.UpdateMapTile(i, j, true); Tile tile1 = Main.tile[i, j]; if (tile1.wall == (ushort)0) { tile1.wallColor((byte)0); } else { int index1 = 0; Tile tile2 = Main.tile[i, j - 1]; if (tile2 != null && (tile2.wall > (ushort)0 || && tile2.type == (ushort)54)) { index1 = 1; } Tile tile3 = Main.tile[i - 1, j]; if (tile3 != null && (tile3.wall > (ushort)0 || && tile3.type == (ushort)54)) { index1 |= 2; } Tile tile4 = Main.tile[i + 1, j]; if (tile4 != null && (tile4.wall > (ushort)0 || && tile4.type == (ushort)54)) { index1 |= 4; } Tile tile5 = Main.tile[i, j + 1]; if (tile5 != null && (tile5.wall > (ushort)0 || && tile5.type == (ushort)54)) { index1 |= 8; } int index2; if (Main.wallLargeFrames[(int)tile1.wall] == (byte)1) { index2 = Framing.phlebasTileFrameNumberLookup[j % 4][i % 3] - 1; tile1.wallFrameNumber((byte)index2); } else if (Main.wallLargeFrames[(int)tile1.wall] == (byte)2) { index2 = Framing.lazureTileFrameNumberLookup[i % 2][j % 2] - 1; tile1.wallFrameNumber((byte)index2); } else if (resetFrame) { index2 = WorldGen.genRand.Next(0, 3); if (tile1.wall == (ushort)21 && WorldGen.genRand.Next(2) == 0) { index2 = 2; } tile1.wallFrameNumber((byte)index2); } else { index2 = (int)tile1.wallFrameNumber(); } if (index1 == 15) { index1 += Framing.centerWallFrameLookup[i % 3][j % 3]; } Point16 point16 = Framing.wallFrameLookup[index1][index2]; tile1.wallFrameX((int)point16.X); tile1.wallFrameY((int)point16.Y); } }
public static void WallFrame(int i, int j, bool resetFrame = false) { if (WorldGen.SkipFramingBecauseOfGen || i <= 0 || j <= 0 || i >= Main.maxTilesX - 1 || j >= Main.maxTilesY - 1 || Main.tile[i, j] == null) { return; } WorldGen.UpdateMapTile(i, j); Tile tile = Main.tile[i, j]; if (tile.wall == 0) { tile.wallColor(0); return; } int num = 0; if (j - 1 >= 0) { Tile tile2 = Main.tile[i, j - 1]; if (tile2 != null && (tile2.wall > 0 || ( && tile2.type == 54))) { num = 1; } } if (i - 1 >= 0) { Tile tile2 = Main.tile[i - 1, j]; if (tile2 != null && (tile2.wall > 0 || ( && tile2.type == 54))) { num |= 2; } } if (i + 1 <= Main.maxTilesX - 1) { Tile tile2 = Main.tile[i + 1, j]; if (tile2 != null && (tile2.wall > 0 || ( && tile2.type == 54))) { num |= 4; } } if (j + 1 <= Main.maxTilesY - 1) { Tile tile2 = Main.tile[i, j + 1]; if (tile2 != null && (tile2.wall > 0 || ( && tile2.type == 54))) { num |= 8; } } int num2 = 0; if (Main.wallLargeFrames[tile.wall] == 1) { num2 = phlebasTileFrameNumberLookup[j % 4][i % 3] - 1; tile.wallFrameNumber((byte)num2); } else if (Main.wallLargeFrames[tile.wall] == 2) { num2 = lazureTileFrameNumberLookup[i % 2][j % 2] - 1; tile.wallFrameNumber((byte)num2); } else if (resetFrame) { num2 = WorldGen.genRand.Next(0, 3); if (tile.wall == 21 && WorldGen.genRand.Next(2) == 0) { num2 = 2; } tile.wallFrameNumber((byte)num2); } else { num2 = tile.wallFrameNumber(); } if (num == 15) { num += centerWallFrameLookup[i % 3][j % 3]; } Point16 point = wallFrameLookup[num][num2]; tile.wallFrameX(point.X); tile.wallFrameY(point.Y); }
public void DrawFreshAnimations(SpriteBatch spriteBatch) { for (int i = 0; i < data.Length; i++) { data[i].animationTimeElapsed++; } if (!Main.SettingsEnabled_MinersWobble) { return; } int num = 1; Vector2 vector = new Vector2(Main.offScreenRange); if (Main.drawToScreen) { vector = Vector2.Zero; } vector = Vector2.Zero; for (int j = 0; j < data.Length; j++) { if (data[j].type != num) { continue; } int damage = data[j].damage; if (damage < 20) { continue; } int x = data[j].X; int y = data[j].Y; if (!WorldGen.InWorld(x, y)) { continue; } bool flag = Main.tile[x, y] != null; if (flag && num == 1) { flag = flag && Main.tile[x, y].active() && Main.tileSolid[Main.tile[x, y].type]; } if (flag && num == 2) { flag = flag && Main.tile[x, y].wall != 0; } if (!flag) { continue; } bool flag2 = false; bool flag3 = false; if (Main.tile[x, y].type == 10) { flag2 = false; } else if (Main.tileSolid[Main.tile[x, y].type] && !Main.tileSolidTop[Main.tile[x, y].type]) { flag2 = true; } else if (WorldGen.IsTreeType(Main.tile[x, y].type)) { flag3 = true; int num2 = Main.tile[x, y].frameX / 22; int num3 = Main.tile[x, y].frameY / 22; if (num3 < 9) { flag2 = ((num2 != 1 && num2 != 2) || num3 < 6 || num3 > 8) && (num2 != 3 || num3 > 2) && (num2 != 4 || num3 < 3 || num3 > 5) && ((num2 != 5 || num3 < 6 || num3 > 8) ? true : false); } } else if (Main.tile[x, y].type == 72) { flag3 = true; if (Main.tile[x, y].frameX <= 34) { flag2 = true; } } if (!flag2 || Main.tile[x, y].slope() != 0 || Main.tile[x, y].halfBrick()) { continue; } int num4 = 0; if (damage >= 80) { num4 = 3; } else if (damage >= 60) { num4 = 2; } else if (damage >= 40) { num4 = 1; } else if (damage >= 20) { num4 = 0; } Rectangle value = new Rectangle(data[j].crackStyle * 18, num4 * 18, 16, 16); value.Inflate(-2, -2); if (flag3) { value.X = (4 + data[j].crackStyle / 2) * 18; } int animationTimeElapsed = data[j].animationTimeElapsed; if (!((float)animationTimeElapsed >= 10f)) { float num5 = (float)animationTimeElapsed / 10f; Color color = Lighting.GetColor(x, y); float rotation = 0f; Vector2 zero = Vector2.Zero; float num6 = 0.5f; float num7 = num5 % num6; num7 *= 1f / num6; if ((int)(num5 / num6) % 2 == 1) { num7 = 1f - num7; } Tile tileSafely = Framing.GetTileSafely(x, y); Tile tile = tileSafely; Texture2D texture2D = Main.instance.TilePaintSystem.TryGetTileAndRequestIfNotReady(tileSafely.type, 0, tileSafely.color()); if (texture2D != null) { Vector2 vector2 = new Vector2(8f); Vector2 value2 = new Vector2(1f); float scaleFactor = num7 * 0.2f + 1f; float num8 = 1f - num7; num8 = 1f; color *= num8 * num8 * 0.8f; Vector2 scale = scaleFactor * value2; Vector2 position = (new Vector2(x * 16 - (int)Main.screenPosition.X, y * 16 - (int)Main.screenPosition.Y) + vector + vector2 + zero); spriteBatch.Draw(texture2D, position, new Rectangle(tile.frameX, tile.frameY, 16, 16), color, rotation, vector2, scale, SpriteEffects.None, 0f); color.A = 180; spriteBatch.Draw(TextureAssets.TileCrack.Value, position, value, color, rotation, vector2, scale, SpriteEffects.None, 0f); } } } }
private static void InnerClientLoop() { try { NetMessage.buffer[256].Reset(); int num1 = -1; while (!Netplay.disconnect) { if (Netplay.Connection.Socket.IsConnected()) { if (NetMessage.buffer[256].checkBytes) { NetMessage.CheckBytes(256); } Netplay.Connection.IsActive = true; if (Netplay.Connection.State == 0) { Main.statusText = Language.GetTextValue("Net.FoundServer"); Netplay.Connection.State = 1; NetMessage.SendData(1, -1, -1, (NetworkText)null, 0, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0, 0, 0); } if (Netplay.Connection.State == 2 && num1 != Netplay.Connection.State) { Main.statusText = Language.GetTextValue("Net.SendingPlayerData"); } if (Netplay.Connection.State == 3 && num1 != Netplay.Connection.State) { Main.statusText = Language.GetTextValue("Net.RequestingWorldInformation"); } if (Netplay.Connection.State == 4) { WorldGen.worldCleared = false; Netplay.Connection.State = 5; Main.cloudBGAlpha = (double)Main.cloudBGActive < 1.0 ? 0.0f : 1f; Main.windSpeed = Main.windSpeedSet; Cloud.resetClouds(); Main.cloudAlpha = Main.maxRaining; WorldGen.clearWorld(); if (Main.mapEnabled) { Main.Map.Load(); } } if (Netplay.Connection.State == 5 && Main.loadMapLock) { float num2 = (float)Main.loadMapLastX / (float)Main.maxTilesX; Main.statusText = Lang.gen[68].Value + " " + (object)(int)((double)num2 * 100.0 + 1.0) + "%"; } else if (Netplay.Connection.State == 5 && WorldGen.worldCleared) { Netplay.Connection.State = 6; Main.player[Main.myPlayer].FindSpawn(); NetMessage.SendData(8, -1, -1, (NetworkText)null, Main.player[Main.myPlayer].SpawnX, (float)Main.player[Main.myPlayer].SpawnY, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0, 0, 0); } if (Netplay.Connection.State == 6 && num1 != Netplay.Connection.State) { Main.statusText = Language.GetTextValue("Net.RequestingTileData"); } if (!Netplay.Connection.IsReading && !Netplay.disconnect && Netplay.Connection.Socket.IsDataAvailable()) { Netplay.Connection.IsReading = true; Netplay.Connection.Socket.AsyncReceive(Netplay.Connection.ReadBuffer, 0, Netplay.Connection.ReadBuffer.Length, new SocketReceiveCallback(Netplay.Connection.ClientReadCallBack), (object)null); } if (Netplay.Connection.StatusMax > 0 && Netplay.Connection.StatusText != "") { if (Netplay.Connection.StatusCount >= Netplay.Connection.StatusMax) { Main.statusText = Language.GetTextValue("Net.StatusComplete", (object)Netplay.Connection.StatusText); Netplay.Connection.StatusText = ""; Netplay.Connection.StatusMax = 0; Netplay.Connection.StatusCount = 0; } else { Main.statusText = Netplay.Connection.StatusText + ": " + (object)(int)((double)Netplay.Connection.StatusCount / (double)Netplay.Connection.StatusMax * 100.0) + "%"; } } Thread.Sleep(1); } else if (Netplay.Connection.IsActive) { Main.statusText = Language.GetTextValue("Net.LostConnection"); Netplay.disconnect = true; } num1 = Netplay.Connection.State; } try { Netplay.Connection.Socket.Close(); } catch { } if (!Main.gameMenu) { Main.SwitchNetMode(0); Player.SavePlayer(Main.ActivePlayerFileData, false); Main.ActivePlayerFileData.StopPlayTimer(); Main.gameMenu = true; Main.StopTrackedSounds(); Main.menuMode = 14; } NetMessage.buffer[256].Reset(); if (Main.menuMode == 15 && Main.statusText == Language.GetTextValue("Net.LostConnection")) { Main.menuMode = 14; } if (Netplay.Connection.StatusText != "" && Netplay.Connection.StatusText != null) { Main.statusText = Language.GetTextValue("Net.LostConnection"); } Netplay.Connection.StatusCount = 0; Netplay.Connection.StatusMax = 0; Netplay.Connection.StatusText = ""; Main.SwitchNetMode(0); } catch (Exception ex) { try { using (StreamWriter streamWriter = new StreamWriter("client-crashlog.txt", true)) { streamWriter.WriteLine((object)DateTime.Now); streamWriter.WriteLine((object)ex); streamWriter.WriteLine(""); } } catch { } Netplay.disconnect = true; } if (Netplay.OnDisconnect == null) { return; } Netplay.OnDisconnect.Invoke(); }
public static void ClientLoop() { Thread.CurrentThread.SetProcessorAffinity(5); Init(); UI.main.player.hostile = false; UI.main.player.NetClone(UI.main.netPlayer); for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) { if (i != UI.main.myPlayer) { Main.player[i].active = 0; } } WorldGen.clearWorld(); if (UI.main.menuMode == MenuMode.NETPLAY) { Main.netMode = 1; try { if (isJoiningRemoteInvite) { isJoiningRemoteInvite = false; session = NetworkSession.JoinInvited(gamersWaitingToJoinInvite); gamersWaitingToJoinInvite.Clear(); gamersWhoReceivedInvite.Clear(); } else { session = NetworkSession.Join(WorldSelect.Session()); } } catch (Exception) { UI.Error([5], Lang.inter[21], rememberPreviousMenu: true); UI.main.menuType = MenuType.MAIN; Main.netMode = 0; disconnect = true; stopSession = true; goto IL_028d; } hookEvents = true; while (!disconnect && session != null) { switch (clientState) { case ClientState.JOINING: UI.main.FirstProgressStep(3,[8]); clientState = ClientState.WAITING_FOR_PLAYER_ID; break; case ClientState.WAITING_FOR_PLAYER_ID: if (UI.main.progress <= 0.999f) { UI.main.progress = UI.main.progress + 0.001f; } break; case ClientState.WAITING_FOR_PLAYER_DATA_REQ: if (UI.main.progress <= 0.999f) { UI.main.progress = UI.main.progress + 0.001f; } break; case ClientState.RECEIVED_PLAYER_DATA_REQ: UI.main.NextProgressStep([73]); clientState = ClientState.WAITING_FOR_WORLD_INFO; break; case ClientState.WAITING_FOR_WORLD_INFO: if (UI.main.progress <= 0.999f) { UI.main.progress = UI.main.progress + 0.001f; } break; case ClientState.WAITING_FOR_TILE_DATA: if (clientStatusMax > 0) { if (clientStatusCount >= clientStatusMax) { clientStatusMax = 0; clientStatusCount = 0; UI.main.progress = 1f; } else { UI.main.statusText = Lang.inter[44]; UI.main.progress = (float)clientStatusCount / (float)clientStatusMax; } } break; } Thread.Sleep(0); } clientStatusCount = 0; clientStatusMax = 0; stopSession = true; } goto IL_028d; IL_028d: sessionThread = null; }
public static bool Place(TileObject toBePlaced) { var tileData = TileObjectData.GetTileData(toBePlaced.type,, toBePlaced.alternate); if (tileData == null) { return(false); } if (tileData.HookPlaceOverride.hook != null) { int num1; int num2; if (tileData.HookPlaceOverride.processedCoordinates) { num1 = toBePlaced.xCoord; num2 = toBePlaced.yCoord; } else { num1 = toBePlaced.xCoord + (int)tileData.Origin.X; num2 = toBePlaced.yCoord + (int)tileData.Origin.Y; } if (tileData.HookPlaceOverride.hook(num1, num2, toBePlaced.type,, 1) == tileData.HookPlaceOverride.badReturn) { return(false); } } else { var type = (ushort)toBePlaced.type; var placementStyle = tileData.CalculatePlacementStyle(, toBePlaced.alternate, toBePlaced.random); var num1 = 0; if (tileData.StyleWrapLimit > 0) { num1 = placementStyle / tileData.StyleWrapLimit * tileData.StyleLineSkip; placementStyle %= tileData.StyleWrapLimit; } int num2; int num3; if (tileData.StyleHorizontal) { num2 = tileData.CoordinateFullWidth * placementStyle; num3 = tileData.CoordinateFullHeight * num1; } else { num2 = tileData.CoordinateFullWidth * num1; num3 = tileData.CoordinateFullHeight * placementStyle; } var xCoord = toBePlaced.xCoord; var yCoord = toBePlaced.yCoord; for (var index1 = 0; index1 < tileData.Width; ++index1) { for (var index2 = 0; index2 < tileData.Height; ++index2) { var tileSafely = Framing.GetTileSafely(xCoord + index1, yCoord + index2); if ( && Main.tileCut[(int)tileSafely.type]) { WorldGen.KillTile(xCoord + index1, yCoord + index2, false, false, false); } } } for (var index1 = 0; index1 < tileData.Width; ++index1) { var num4 = num2 + index1 * (tileData.CoordinateWidth + tileData.CoordinatePadding); var num5 = num3; for (var index2 = 0; index2 < tileData.Height; ++index2) { var tileSafely = Framing.GetTileSafely(xCoord + index1, yCoord + index2); if (! {; tileSafely.frameX = (short)num4; tileSafely.frameY = (short)num5; tileSafely.type = type; } num5 += tileData.CoordinateHeights[index2] + tileData.CoordinatePadding; } } } if (tileData.FlattenAnchors) { var anchorData = tileData.AnchorBottom; if (anchorData.tileCount != 0 && (anchorData.type & AnchorType.SolidTile) == AnchorType.SolidTile) { var num = toBePlaced.xCoord + anchorData.checkStart; var j = toBePlaced.yCoord + tileData.Height; for (var index = 0; index < anchorData.tileCount; ++index) { var tileSafely = Framing.GetTileSafely(num + index, j); if (Main.tileSolid[(int)tileSafely.type] && !Main.tileSolidTop[(int)tileSafely.type] && tileSafely.blockType() != 0) { WorldGen.SlopeTile(num + index, j, 0); } } } anchorData = tileData.AnchorTop; if (anchorData.tileCount != 0 && (anchorData.type & AnchorType.SolidTile) == AnchorType.SolidTile) { var num = toBePlaced.xCoord + anchorData.checkStart; var j = toBePlaced.yCoord - 1; for (var index = 0; index < anchorData.tileCount; ++index) { var tileSafely = Framing.GetTileSafely(num + index, j); if (Main.tileSolid[(int)tileSafely.type] && !Main.tileSolidTop[(int)tileSafely.type] && tileSafely.blockType() != 0) { WorldGen.SlopeTile(num + index, j, 0); } } } anchorData = tileData.AnchorRight; if (anchorData.tileCount != 0 && (anchorData.type & AnchorType.SolidTile) == AnchorType.SolidTile) { var i = toBePlaced.xCoord + tileData.Width; var num = toBePlaced.yCoord + anchorData.checkStart; for (var index = 0; index < anchorData.tileCount; ++index) { var tileSafely = Framing.GetTileSafely(i, num + index); if (Main.tileSolid[(int)tileSafely.type] && !Main.tileSolidTop[(int)tileSafely.type] && tileSafely.blockType() != 0) { WorldGen.SlopeTile(i, num + index, 0); } } } anchorData = tileData.AnchorLeft; if (anchorData.tileCount != 0 && (anchorData.type & AnchorType.SolidTile) == AnchorType.SolidTile) { var i = toBePlaced.xCoord - 1; var num = toBePlaced.yCoord + anchorData.checkStart; for (var index = 0; index < anchorData.tileCount; ++index) { var tileSafely = Framing.GetTileSafely(i, num + index); if (Main.tileSolid[(int)tileSafely.type] && !Main.tileSolidTop[(int)tileSafely.type] && tileSafely.blockType() != 0) { WorldGen.SlopeTile(i, num + index, 0); } } } } return(true); }
/*public static void newRecent() * { * for (int i = 0; i < Main.maxMP; i++) * { * if (Main.recentIP[i] == Netplay.serverIP.ToString() && Main.recentPort[i] == Netplay.serverPort) * { * for (int j = i; j < Main.maxMP - 1; j++) * { * Main.recentIP[j] = Main.recentIP[j + 1]; * Main.recentPort[j] = Main.recentPort[j + 1]; * Main.recentWorld[j] = Main.recentWorld[j + 1]; * } * } * } * for (int k = Main.maxMP - 1; k > 0; k--) * { * Main.recentIP[k] = Main.recentIP[k - 1]; * Main.recentPort[k] = Main.recentPort[k - 1]; * Main.recentWorld[k] = Main.recentWorld[k - 1]; * } * Main.recentIP[0] = Netplay.serverIP.ToString(); * Main.recentPort[0] = Netplay.serverPort; * Main.recentWorld[0] = Main.worldName; * Main.SaveRecent(); * } * public static void ClientLoop(object threadContext) * { * Netplay.ResetNetDiag(); * Main.ServerSideCharacter = false; * if (Main.rand == null) * { * Main.rand = new Random((int)DateTime.Now.Ticks); * } * if (WorldGen.genRand == null) * { * WorldGen.genRand = new Random((int)DateTime.Now.Ticks); * } * Main.player[Main.myPlayer].hostile = false; * Main.clientPlayer = (Player)Main.player[Main.myPlayer].clientClone(); * for (int i = 0; i < 255; i++) * { * if (i != Main.myPlayer) * { * Main.player[i] = new Player(); * } * } * Main.menuMode = 10; * Main.menuMode = 14; * if (!Main.autoPass) * { * Main.statusText = "Connecting to " + Netplay.serverIP; * } * Main.netMode = 1; * Netplay.disconnect = false; * Netplay.clientSock = new ClientSock(); * Netplay.clientSock.tcpClient.NoDelay = true; * Netplay.clientSock.readBuffer = new byte[1024]; * Netplay.clientSock.writeBuffer = new byte[1024]; * bool flag = true; * while (flag) * { * flag = false; * try * { * Netplay.clientSock.tcpClient.Connect(Netplay.serverIP, Netplay.serverPort); * Netplay.clientSock.networkStream = Netplay.clientSock.tcpClient.GetStream(); * flag = false; * } * catch * { * if (!Netplay.disconnect && Main.gameMenu) * { * flag = true; * } * } * } * NetMessage.buffer[256].Reset(); * int num = -1; * while (!Netplay.disconnect) * { * if (Netplay.clientSock.tcpClient.Connected) * { * if (NetMessage.buffer[256].checkBytes) * { * NetMessage.CheckBytes(256); * } * = true; * if (Netplay.clientSock.state == 0) * { * Main.statusText = "Found server"; * Netplay.clientSock.state = 1; * NetMessage.SendData(1, -1, -1, "", 0, 0f, 0f, 0f, 0); * } * if (Netplay.clientSock.state == 2 && num != Netplay.clientSock.state) * { * Main.statusText = "Sending player data..."; * } * if (Netplay.clientSock.state == 3 && num != Netplay.clientSock.state) * { * Main.statusText = "Requesting world information"; * } * if (Netplay.clientSock.state == 4) * { * WorldGen.worldCleared = false; * Netplay.clientSock.state = 5; * if (Main.cloudBGActive >= 1f) * { * Main.cloudBGAlpha = 1f; * } * else * { * Main.cloudBGAlpha = 0f; * } * Main.windSpeed = Main.windSpeedSet; * Cloud.resetClouds(); * Main.cloudAlpha = Main.maxRaining; * WorldGen.clearWorld(); * if (Main.mapEnabled) * { * Map.loadMap(); * } * } * if (Netplay.clientSock.state == 5 && Main.loadMapLock) * { * float num2 = (float)Main.loadMapLastX / (float)Main.maxTilesX; * Main.statusText = string.Concat(new object[] * { * Lang.gen[68], * " ", * (int)(num2 * 100f + 1f), * "%" * }); * } * else * { * if (Netplay.clientSock.state == 5 && WorldGen.worldCleared) * { * Netplay.clientSock.state = 6; * Main.player[Main.myPlayer].FindSpawn(); * NetMessage.SendData(8, -1, -1, "", Main.player[Main.myPlayer].SpawnX, (float)Main.player[Main.myPlayer].SpawnY, 0f, 0f, 0); * } * } * if (Netplay.clientSock.state == 6 && num != Netplay.clientSock.state) * { * Main.statusText = "Requesting tile data"; * } * if (!Netplay.clientSock.locked && !Netplay.disconnect && Netplay.clientSock.networkStream.DataAvailable) * { * Netplay.clientSock.locked = true; * Netplay.clientSock.networkStream.BeginRead(Netplay.clientSock.readBuffer, 0, Netplay.clientSock.readBuffer.Length, new AsyncCallback(Netplay.clientSock.ClientReadCallBack), Netplay.clientSock.networkStream); * } * if (Netplay.clientSock.statusMax > 0 && Netplay.clientSock.statusText != "") * { * if (Netplay.clientSock.statusCount >= Netplay.clientSock.statusMax) * { * Main.statusText = Netplay.clientSock.statusText + ": Complete!"; * Netplay.clientSock.statusText = ""; * Netplay.clientSock.statusMax = 0; * Netplay.clientSock.statusCount = 0; * } * else * { * Main.statusText = string.Concat(new object[] * { * Netplay.clientSock.statusText, * ": ", * (int)((float)Netplay.clientSock.statusCount / (float)Netplay.clientSock.statusMax * 100f), * "%" * }); * } * } * Thread.Sleep(1); * } * else * { * if ( * { * Main.statusText = "Lost connection"; * Netplay.disconnect = true; * } * } * num = Netplay.clientSock.state; * } * try * { * Netplay.clientSock.networkStream.Close(); * Netplay.clientSock.networkStream = Netplay.clientSock.tcpClient.GetStream(); * } * catch * { * } * if (!Main.gameMenu) * { * Main.netMode = 0; * Player.SavePlayer(Main.player[Main.myPlayer], Main.playerPathName); * Main.gameMenu = true; * Main.menuMode = 14; * } * NetMessage.buffer[256].Reset(); * if (Main.menuMode == 15 && Main.statusText == "Lost connection") * { * Main.menuMode = 14; * } * if (Netplay.clientSock.statusText != "" && Netplay.clientSock.statusText != null) * { * Main.statusText = "Lost connection"; * } * Netplay.clientSock.statusCount = 0; * Netplay.clientSock.statusMax = 0; * Netplay.clientSock.statusText = ""; * Main.netMode = 0; * }*/ public static void ServerLoop(object threadContext) { Netplay.ResetNetDiag(); if (Main.rand == null) { Main.rand = new Random((int)DateTime.Now.Ticks); } if (WorldGen.genRand == null) { WorldGen.genRand = new Random((int)DateTime.Now.Ticks); } Main.myPlayer = 255; Netplay.serverIP = IPAddress.Any; Main.menuMode = 14; Main.statusText = "Starting server..."; Main.netMode = 2; Netplay.disconnect = false; for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++) { Netplay.serverSock[i] = new ServerSock(); Netplay.serverSock[i].Reset(); Netplay.serverSock[i].whoAmI = i; Netplay.serverSock[i].tcpClient = new TcpClient(); Netplay.serverSock[i].tcpClient.NoDelay = true; Netplay.serverSock[i].readBuffer = new byte[1024]; Netplay.serverSock[i].writeBuffer = new byte[1024]; } Netplay.tcpListener = new TcpListener(Netplay.serverListenIP, Netplay.serverPort); try { Netplay.tcpListener.Start(); } catch (Exception ex) { Main.menuMode = 15; Main.statusText = ex.ToString(); Netplay.disconnect = true; } if (!Netplay.disconnect) { ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(new WaitCallback(Netplay.ListenForClients), 1); Main.statusText = "Server started"; } int num = 0; while (!Netplay.disconnect) { if (Netplay.stopListen) { int num2 = -1; for (int j = 0; j < Main.maxNetPlayers; j++) { if (serverSock[j].tcpClient == null || serverSock[j].tcpClient.Client == null || !Netplay.serverSock[j].tcpClient.Connected) { num2 = j; break; } } if (num2 >= 0) { if (Main.ignoreErrors) { try { Netplay.tcpListener.Start(); Netplay.stopListen = false; ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(new WaitCallback(Netplay.ListenForClients), 1); goto IL_219; } catch { goto IL_219; } } Netplay.tcpListener.Start(); Netplay.stopListen = false; ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(new WaitCallback(Netplay.ListenForClients), 1); } } IL_219: int num3 = 0; for (int k = 0; k < 256; k++) { if (NetMessage.buffer[k].checkBytes) { NetMessage.CheckBytes(k); } if (killInactive && serverSock[k].active && serverSock[k].state == 0 && (DateTime.UtcNow - serverSock[k].connectTime).TotalSeconds > 5) { Netplay.serverSock[k].kill = true; } if (Netplay.serverSock[k].kill) { ServerApi.Hooks.InvokeServerLeave(Netplay.serverSock[k].whoAmI); Netplay.serverSock[k].Reset(); NetMessage.syncPlayers(); } else { if (serverSock[k].tcpClient != null && serverSock[k].tcpClient.Client != null && serverSock[k].tcpClient.Connected) { if (!Netplay.serverSock[k].active) { Netplay.serverSock[k].state = 0; } Netplay.serverSock[k].active = true; num3++; if (!Netplay.serverSock[k].locked) { try { Netplay.serverSock[k].networkStream = Netplay.serverSock[k].tcpClient.GetStream(); if (Netplay.serverSock[k].networkStream.DataAvailable) { Netplay.serverSock[k].locked = true; Netplay.serverSock[k].networkStream.BeginRead(Netplay.serverSock[k].readBuffer, 0, Netplay.serverSock[k].readBuffer.Length, new AsyncCallback(Netplay.serverSock[k].ServerReadCallBack), Netplay.serverSock[k].networkStream); } } catch { Netplay.serverSock[k].kill = true; } } if (Netplay.serverSock[k].statusMax > 0 && Netplay.serverSock[k].statusText2 != "") { if (Netplay.serverSock[k].statusCount >= Netplay.serverSock[k].statusMax) { try{ Netplay.serverSock[k].statusText = string.Concat(new object[] { "(", Netplay.serverSock[k].tcpClient.Client.RemoteEndPoint, ") ", Netplay.serverSock[k].name, " ", Netplay.serverSock[k].statusText2, ": Complete!" }); } catch (Exception ex) {} Netplay.serverSock[k].statusText2 = ""; Netplay.serverSock[k].statusMax = 0; Netplay.serverSock[k].statusCount = 0; } else { try{ Netplay.serverSock[k].statusText = string.Concat(new object[] { "(", Netplay.serverSock[k].tcpClient.Client.RemoteEndPoint, ") ", Netplay.serverSock[k].name, " ", Netplay.serverSock[k].statusText2, ": ", (int)((float)Netplay.serverSock[k].statusCount / (float)Netplay.serverSock[k].statusMax * 100f), "%" }); }catch (Exception ex) {} } } else { if (Netplay.serverSock[k].state == 0) { try { Netplay.serverSock[k].statusText = string.Concat(new object[] { "(", Netplay.serverSock[k].tcpClient.Client.RemoteEndPoint, ") ", Netplay.serverSock[k].name, " is connecting..." }); } catch (Exception ex) {} } else { if (Netplay.serverSock[k].state == 1) { try { Netplay.serverSock[k].statusText = string.Concat(new object[] { "(", Netplay.serverSock[k].tcpClient.Client.RemoteEndPoint, ") ", Netplay.serverSock[k].name, " is sending player data..." }); } catch (Exception ex) {} } else { try { if (Netplay.serverSock[k].state == 2) { Netplay.serverSock[k].statusText = string.Concat(new object[] { "(", Netplay.serverSock[k].tcpClient.Client.RemoteEndPoint, ") ", Netplay.serverSock[k].name, " requested world information" }); } else { if (Netplay.serverSock[k].state != 3 && Netplay.serverSock[k].state == 10) { Netplay.serverSock[k].statusText = string.Concat(new object[] { "(", Netplay.serverSock[k].tcpClient.Client.RemoteEndPoint, ") ", Netplay.serverSock[k].name, " is playing" }); } } } catch (Exception ex) {} } } } } else { if (Netplay.serverSock[k].active) { Netplay.serverSock[k].kill = true; } else { Netplay.serverSock[k].statusText2 = ""; if (k < 255) { Main.player[k].active = false; } } } } } num++; if (num > 10) { Thread.Sleep(1); num = 0; } else { Thread.Sleep(0); } if (!WorldGen.saveLock && !Main.dedServ) { if (num3 == 0) { Main.statusText = "Waiting for clients..."; } else { Main.statusText = num3 + " clients connected"; } } if (num3 == 0) { Netplay.anyClients = false; } else { Netplay.anyClients = true; } Netplay.ServerUp = true; } Netplay.tcpListener.Stop(); for (int l = 0; l < 256; l++) { Netplay.serverSock[l].Reset(); } if (Main.menuMode != 15) { Main.netMode = 0; Main.menuMode = 10; WorldGen.saveWorld(false); while (WorldGen.saveLock) { } Main.menuMode = 0; } else { Main.netMode = 0; } Main.myPlayer = 0; }
public static void DrawPreview(SpriteBatch sb, TileObjectPreviewData op, Vector2 position) { var coordinates = op.Coordinates; var texture = Main.tileTexture[(int)op.Type]; var tileData = TileObjectData.GetTileData((int)op.Type, (int)op.Style, op.Alternate); var placementStyle = tileData.CalculatePlacementStyle((int)op.Style, op.Alternate, op.Random); var num1 = 0; var drawYoffset = tileData.DrawYOffset; if (tileData.StyleWrapLimit > 0) { num1 = placementStyle / tileData.StyleWrapLimit * tileData.StyleLineSkip; placementStyle %= tileData.StyleWrapLimit; } int num2; int num3; if (tileData.StyleHorizontal) { num2 = tileData.CoordinateFullWidth * placementStyle; num3 = tileData.CoordinateFullHeight * num1; } else { num2 = tileData.CoordinateFullWidth * num1; num3 = tileData.CoordinateFullHeight * placementStyle; } for (var index1 = 0; index1 < (int)op.Size.X; ++index1) { var x = num2 + (index1 - (int)op.ObjectStart.X) * (tileData.CoordinateWidth + tileData.CoordinatePadding); var y = num3; for (var index2 = 0; index2 < (int)op.Size.Y; ++index2) { var i = (int)coordinates.X + index1; var num4 = (int)coordinates.Y + index2; if (index2 == 0 && tileData.DrawStepDown != 0 && WorldGen.SolidTile(Framing.GetTileSafely(i, num4 - 1))) { drawYoffset += tileData.DrawStepDown; } Color color1; switch (op[index1, index2]) { case 1: color1 = Color.White; break; case 2: color1 = Color.Red * 0.7f; break; default: continue; } var color2 = color1 * 0.5f; if (index1 >= (int)op.ObjectStart.X && index1 < (int)op.ObjectStart.X + tileData.Width && (index2 >= (int)op.ObjectStart.Y && index2 < (int)op.ObjectStart.Y + tileData.Height)) { var effects = SpriteEffects.None; if (tileData.DrawFlipHorizontal && index1 % 2 == 1) { effects |= SpriteEffects.FlipHorizontally; } if (tileData.DrawFlipVertical && index2 % 2 == 1) { effects |= SpriteEffects.FlipVertically; } var rectangle = new Rectangle(x, y, tileData.CoordinateWidth, tileData.CoordinateHeights[index2 - (int)op.ObjectStart.Y]); sb.Draw(texture, new Vector2( (float)(i * 16 - (int)((double)position.X + (double)(tileData.CoordinateWidth - 16) / 2.0)), (float)(num4 * 16 - (int)position.Y + drawYoffset)), new Rectangle?(rectangle), color2, 0.0f, Vector2.Zero, 1f, effects, 0.0f); y += tileData.CoordinateHeights[index2 - (int)op.ObjectStart.Y] + tileData.CoordinatePadding; } } } }
public void Update() { if (Main.netMode == 2 || ! { return; } bool flag = this.type >= 1024 && this.type <= 1026; if (this.type >= 276 && this.type <= 282) { this.velocity.X *= 0.98f; this.velocity.Y *= 0.98f; if ((double)this.velocity.Y < (double)this.scale) { this.velocity.Y += 0.05f; } if ((double)this.velocity.Y > 0.1) { this.rotation = (double)this.velocity.X <= 0.0 ? this.rotation - 0.01f : this.rotation + 0.01f; } } if (this.type >= 570 && this.type <= 572) { this.scale = this.scale - 1f / 1000f; if ((double)this.scale <= 0.01) { this.scale = 0.01f; Gore.goreTime = 0; } this.sticky = false; this.rotation = this.velocity.X * 0.1f; } else if (this.type >= 706 && this.type <= 717 || this.type == 943) { this.alpha = (double)this.position.Y >= Main.worldSurface * 16.0 + 8.0 ? 100 : 0; int num1 = 4; this.frameCounter = (byte)((uint)this.frameCounter + 1U); if ((int)this.frame <= 4) { int x = (int)((double)this.position.X / 16.0); int y = (int)((double)this.position.Y / 16.0) - 1; if (WorldGen.InWorld(x, y, 0) && !Main.tile[x, y].active()) { = false; } if ((int)this.frame == 0) { num1 = 24 + Main.rand.Next(256); } if ((int)this.frame == 1) { num1 = 24 + Main.rand.Next(256); } if ((int)this.frame == 2) { num1 = 24 + Main.rand.Next(256); } if ((int)this.frame == 3) { num1 = 24 + Main.rand.Next(96); } if ((int)this.frame == 5) { num1 = 16 + Main.rand.Next(64); } if (this.type == 716) { num1 *= 2; } if (this.type == 717) { num1 *= 4; } if (this.type == 943 && (int)this.frame < 6) { num1 = 4; } if ((int)this.frameCounter >= num1) { this.frameCounter = (byte)0; this.frame = (byte)((uint)this.frame + 1U); if ((int)this.frame == 5) { int index = Gore.NewGore(this.position, this.velocity, this.type, 1f); Main.gore[index].frame = (byte)9; Main.gore[index].velocity *= 0.0f; } if (this.type == 943 && (int)this.frame > 4) { if (Main.rand.Next(2) == 0) { Gore gore = Main.gore[Gore.NewGore(this.position, this.velocity, this.type, this.scale)]; int num2 = 0; gore.frameCounter = (byte)num2; int num3 = 7; gore.frame = (byte)num3; Vector2 vector2 = Vector2.UnitY * 1f; gore.velocity = vector2; } if (Main.rand.Next(2) == 0) { Gore gore = Main.gore[Gore.NewGore(this.position, this.velocity, this.type, this.scale)]; int num2 = 0; gore.frameCounter = (byte)num2; int num3 = 7; gore.frame = (byte)num3; Vector2 vector2 = Vector2.UnitY * 2f; gore.velocity = vector2; } } } } else if ((int)this.frame <= 6) { int num2 = 8; if (this.type == 716) { num2 *= 2; } if (this.type == 717) { num2 *= 3; } if ((int)this.frameCounter >= num2) { this.frameCounter = (byte)0; this.frame = (byte)((uint)this.frame + 1U); if ((int)this.frame == 7) { = false; } } } else if ((int)this.frame <= 9) { int num2 = 6; if (this.type == 716) { num2 = (int)((double)num2 * 1.5); this.velocity.Y += 0.175f; } else if (this.type == 717) { num2 *= 2; this.velocity.Y += 0.15f; } else if (this.type == 943) { num2 = (int)((double)num2 * 1.5); this.velocity.Y += 0.2f; } else { this.velocity.Y += 0.2f; } if ((double)this.velocity.Y < 0.5) { this.velocity.Y = 0.5f; } if ((double)this.velocity.Y > 12.0) { this.velocity.Y = 12f; } if ((int)this.frameCounter >= num2) { this.frameCounter = (byte)0; this.frame = (byte)((uint)this.frame + 1U); } if ((int)this.frame > 9) { this.frame = (byte)7; } } else { if (this.type == 716) { num1 *= 2; } else if (this.type == 717) { num1 *= 6; } this.velocity.Y += 0.1f; if ((int)this.frameCounter >= num1) { this.frameCounter = (byte)0; this.frame = (byte)((uint)this.frame + 1U); } this.velocity = this.velocity * 0.0f; if ((int)this.frame > 14) { = false; } } } else if (this.type == 11 || this.type == 12 || (this.type == 13 || this.type == 61) || (this.type == 62 || this.type == 63 || (this.type == 99 || this.type == 220)) || (this.type == 221 || this.type == 222 || this.type >= 375 && this.type <= 377 || (this.type >= 435 && this.type <= 437 || this.type >= 861 && this.type <= 862))) { this.velocity.Y *= 0.98f; this.velocity.X *= 0.98f; this.scale = this.scale - 0.007f; if ((double)this.scale < 0.1) { this.scale = 0.1f; this.alpha = (int)byte.MaxValue; } } else if (this.type == 16 || this.type == 17) { this.velocity.Y *= 0.98f; this.velocity.X *= 0.98f; this.scale = this.scale - 0.01f; if ((double)this.scale < 0.1) { this.scale = 0.1f; this.alpha = (int)byte.MaxValue; } } else if (this.type == 331) { this.alpha = this.alpha + 5; this.velocity.Y *= 0.95f; this.velocity.X *= 0.95f; this.rotation = this.velocity.X * 0.1f; } else if (GoreID.Sets.SpecialAI[this.type] == 3) { byte num1 = (byte)((uint)this.frameCounter + 1U); this.frameCounter = num1; if ((int)num1 >= 8 && (double)this.velocity.Y > 0.200000002980232) { this.frameCounter = (byte)0; int num2 = (int)this.frame / 4; byte num3 = (byte)((uint)this.frame + 1U); this.frame = num3; if ((int)num3 >= 4 + num2 * 4) { this.frame = (byte)(num2 * 4); } } } else if (GoreID.Sets.SpecialAI[this.type] != 1 && GoreID.Sets.SpecialAI[this.type] != 2) { if (this.type >= 907 && this.type <= 909) { this.rotation = 0.0f; this.velocity.X *= 0.98f; if ((double)this.velocity.Y > 0.0 && (double)this.velocity.Y < 1.0 / 1000.0) { this.velocity.Y = (float)((double)Main.rand.NextFloat() * -3.0 - 0.5); } if ((double)this.velocity.Y > -1.0) { this.velocity.Y -= 0.1f; } if ((double)this.scale < 1.0) { this.scale = this.scale + 0.1f; } byte num1 = (byte)((uint)this.frameCounter + 1U); this.frameCounter = num1; if ((int)num1 >= 8) { this.frameCounter = (byte)0; byte num2 = (byte)((uint)this.frame + 1U); this.frame = num2; if ((int)num2 >= 3) { this.frame = (byte)0; } } } else if (this.type < 411 || this.type > 430) { this.velocity.Y += 0.2f; } } this.rotation = this.rotation + this.velocity.X * 0.1f; if (this.type >= 580 && this.type <= 582) { this.rotation = 0.0f; this.velocity.X *= 0.95f; } if (GoreID.Sets.SpecialAI[this.type] == 2) { if (this.timeLeft < 60) { this.alpha = this.alpha + Main.rand.Next(1, 7); } else if (this.alpha > 100) { this.alpha = this.alpha - Main.rand.Next(1, 4); } if (this.alpha < 0) { this.alpha = 0; } if (this.alpha > (int)byte.MaxValue) { this.timeLeft = 0; } this.velocity.X = (float)(((double)this.velocity.X * 50.0 + (double)Main.windSpeed * 2.0 + (double)Main.rand.Next(-10, 11) * 0.100000001490116) / 51.0); float num1 = 0.0f; if ((double)this.velocity.X < 0.0) { num1 = this.velocity.X * 0.2f; } this.velocity.Y = (float)(((double)this.velocity.Y * 50.0 - 0.349999994039536 + (double)num1 + (double)Main.rand.Next(-10, 11) * 0.200000002980232) / 51.0); this.rotation = this.velocity.X * 0.6f; float num2 = -1f; if (Main.goreLoaded[this.type]) { Rectangle rectangle1 = new Rectangle((int)this.position.X, (int)this.position.Y, (int)((double)Main.goreTexture[this.type].Width * (double)this.scale), (int)((double)Main.goreTexture[this.type].Height * (double)this.scale)); for (int index = 0; index < (int)byte.MaxValue; ++index) { if (Main.player[index].active && !Main.player[index].dead) { Rectangle rectangle2 = new Rectangle((int)Main.player[index].position.X, (int)Main.player[index].position.Y, Main.player[index].width, Main.player[index].height); if (rectangle1.Intersects(rectangle2)) { this.timeLeft = 0; num2 = Main.player[index].velocity.Length(); break; } } } } if (this.timeLeft > 0) { if (Main.rand.Next(2) == 0) { this.timeLeft = this.timeLeft - 1; } if (Main.rand.Next(50) == 0) { this.timeLeft = this.timeLeft - 5; } if (Main.rand.Next(100) == 0) { this.timeLeft = this.timeLeft - 10; } } else { this.alpha = (int)byte.MaxValue; if (Main.goreLoaded[this.type] && (double)num2 != -1.0) { float num3 = (float)((double)Main.goreTexture[this.type].Width * (double)this.scale * 0.800000011920929); float x = this.position.X; float y = this.position.Y; float num4 = (float)Main.goreTexture[this.type].Width * this.scale; float num5 = (float)Main.goreTexture[this.type].Height * this.scale; int Type = 31; for (int index1 = 0; (double)index1 < (double)num3; ++index1) { int index2 = Dust.NewDust(new Vector2(x, y), (int)num4, (int)num5, Type, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0, new Color(), 1f); Main.dust[index2].velocity *= (float)((1.0 + (double)num2) / 3.0); Main.dust[index2].noGravity = true; Main.dust[index2].alpha = 100; Main.dust[index2].scale = this.scale; } } } } if (this.type >= 411 && this.type <= 430) { this.alpha = 50; this.velocity.X = (float)(((double)this.velocity.X * 50.0 + (double)Main.windSpeed * 2.0 + (double)Main.rand.Next(-10, 11) * 0.100000001490116) / 51.0); this.velocity.Y = (float)(((double)this.velocity.Y * 50.0 - 0.25 + (double)Main.rand.Next(-10, 11) * 0.200000002980232) / 51.0); this.rotation = this.velocity.X * 0.3f; if (Main.goreLoaded[this.type]) { Rectangle rectangle1 = new Rectangle((int)this.position.X, (int)this.position.Y, (int)((double)Main.goreTexture[this.type].Width * (double)this.scale), (int)((double)Main.goreTexture[this.type].Height * (double)this.scale)); for (int index = 0; index < (int)byte.MaxValue; ++index) { if (Main.player[index].active && !Main.player[index].dead) { Rectangle rectangle2 = new Rectangle((int)Main.player[index].position.X, (int)Main.player[index].position.Y, Main.player[index].width, Main.player[index].height); if (rectangle1.Intersects(rectangle2)) { this.timeLeft = 0; } } } if (Collision.SolidCollision(this.position, (int)((double)Main.goreTexture[this.type].Width * (double)this.scale), (int)((double)Main.goreTexture[this.type].Height * (double)this.scale))) { this.timeLeft = 0; } } if (this.timeLeft > 0) { if (Main.rand.Next(2) == 0) { this.timeLeft = this.timeLeft - 1; } if (Main.rand.Next(50) == 0) { this.timeLeft = this.timeLeft - 5; } if (Main.rand.Next(100) == 0) { this.timeLeft = this.timeLeft - 10; } } else { this.alpha = (int)byte.MaxValue; if (Main.goreLoaded[this.type]) { float num1 = (float)((double)Main.goreTexture[this.type].Width * (double)this.scale * 0.800000011920929); float x = this.position.X; float y = this.position.Y; float num2 = (float)Main.goreTexture[this.type].Width * this.scale; float num3 = (float)Main.goreTexture[this.type].Height * this.scale; int Type = 176; if (this.type >= 416 && this.type <= 420) { Type = 177; } if (this.type >= 421 && this.type <= 425) { Type = 178; } if (this.type >= 426 && this.type <= 430) { Type = 179; } for (int index1 = 0; (double)index1 < (double)num1; ++index1) { int index2 = Dust.NewDust(new Vector2(x, y), (int)num2, (int)num3, Type, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0, new Color(), 1f); Main.dust[index2].noGravity = true; Main.dust[index2].alpha = 100; Main.dust[index2].scale = this.scale; } } } } else if (GoreID.Sets.SpecialAI[this.type] != 3 && GoreID.Sets.SpecialAI[this.type] != 1) { if (this.type >= 706 && this.type <= 717 || this.type == 943) { if (this.type == 716) { float num1 = 0.6f; float num2 = (int)this.frame != 0 ? ((int)this.frame != 1 ? ((int)this.frame != 2 ? ((int)this.frame != 3 ? ((int)this.frame != 4 ? ((int)this.frame != 5 ? ((int)this.frame != 6 ? ((int)this.frame > 9 ? ((int)this.frame != 10 ? ((int)this.frame != 11 ? ((int)this.frame != 12 ? ((int)this.frame != 13 ? ((int)this.frame != 14 ? 0.0f : num1 * 0.1f) : num1 * 0.2f) : num1 * 0.3f) : num1 * 0.4f) : num1 * 0.5f) : num1 * 0.5f) : num1 * 0.2f) : num1 * 0.4f) : num1 * 0.5f) : num1 * 0.4f) : num1 * 0.3f) : num1 * 0.2f) : num1 * 0.1f; Lighting.AddLight(this.position + new Vector2(8f, 8f), 1f * num2, 0.5f * num2, 0.1f * num2); } Vector2 velocity = this.velocity; this.velocity = Collision.TileCollision(this.position, this.velocity, 16, 14, false, false, 1); if (this.velocity != velocity) { if ((int)this.frame < 10) { this.frame = (byte)10; this.frameCounter = (byte)0; if (this.type != 716 && this.type != 717 && this.type != 943) { Main.PlaySound(39, (int)this.position.X + 8, (int)this.position.Y + 8, Main.rand.Next(2), 1f, 0.0f); } } } else if (Collision.WetCollision(this.position + this.velocity, 16, 14)) { if ((int)this.frame < 10) { this.frame = (byte)10; this.frameCounter = (byte)0; if (this.type != 716 && this.type != 717 && this.type != 943) { Main.PlaySound(39, (int)this.position.X + 8, (int)this.position.Y + 8, 2, 1f, 0.0f); } ((WaterShaderData)Filters.Scene["WaterDistortion"].GetShader()).QueueRipple(this.position + new Vector2(8f, 8f), 1f, RippleShape.Square, 0.0f); } int index1 = (int)((double)this.position.X + 8.0) / 16; int index2 = (int)((double)this.position.Y + 14.0) / 16; if (Main.tile[index1, index2] != null && (int)Main.tile[index1, index2].liquid > 0) { this.velocity = this.velocity * 0.0f; this.position.Y = (float)(index2 * 16 - (int)Main.tile[index1, index2].liquid / 16); } } } else if (this.sticky) { int num1 = 32; if (Main.goreLoaded[this.type]) { num1 = Main.goreTexture[this.type].Width; if (Main.goreTexture[this.type].Height < num1) { num1 = Main.goreTexture[this.type].Height; } } if (flag) { num1 = 4; } int num2 = (int)((double)num1 * 0.899999976158142); Vector2 velocity = this.velocity; this.velocity = Collision.TileCollision(this.position, this.velocity, (int)((double)num2 * (double)this.scale), (int)((double)num2 * (double)this.scale), false, false, 1); if ((double)this.velocity.Y == 0.0) { if (flag) { this.velocity.X *= 0.94f; } else { this.velocity.X *= 0.97f; } if ((double)this.velocity.X > -0.01 && (double)this.velocity.X < 0.01) { this.velocity.X = 0.0f; } } if (this.timeLeft > 0) { this.timeLeft = this.timeLeft - GoreID.Sets.DisappearSpeed[this.type]; } else { this.alpha = this.alpha + GoreID.Sets.DisappearSpeedAlpha[this.type]; } } else { this.alpha = this.alpha + 2 * GoreID.Sets.DisappearSpeedAlpha[this.type]; } } if (this.type >= 907 && this.type <= 909) { int num1 = 32; if (Main.goreLoaded[this.type]) { num1 = Main.goreTexture[this.type].Width; if (Main.goreTexture[this.type].Height < num1) { num1 = Main.goreTexture[this.type].Height; } } int num2 = (int)((double)num1 * 0.899999976158142); Vector4 vector4 = Collision.SlopeCollision(this.position, this.velocity, num2, num2, 0.0f, true); this.position.X = vector4.X; this.position.Y = vector4.Y; this.velocity.X = vector4.Z; this.velocity.Y = vector4.W; } if (GoreID.Sets.SpecialAI[this.type] == 1) { if ((double)this.velocity.Y < 0.0) { Vector2 Velocity = new Vector2(this.velocity.X, 0.6f); int num1 = 32; if (Main.goreLoaded[this.type]) { num1 = Main.goreTexture[this.type].Width; if (Main.goreTexture[this.type].Height < num1) { num1 = Main.goreTexture[this.type].Height; } } int num2 = (int)((double)num1 * 0.899999976158142); Vector2 vector2 = Collision.TileCollision(this.position, Velocity, (int)((double)num2 * (double)this.scale), (int)((double)num2 * (double)this.scale), false, false, 1); vector2.X *= 0.97f; if ((double)vector2.X > -0.01 && (double)vector2.X < 0.01) { vector2.X = 0.0f; } if (this.timeLeft > 0) { this.timeLeft = this.timeLeft - 1; } else { this.alpha = this.alpha + 1; } this.velocity.X = vector2.X; } else { this.velocity.Y += (float)Math.PI / 60f; Vector2 Velocity = new Vector2(Vector2.UnitY.RotatedBy((double)this.velocity.Y, new Vector2()).X * 2f, Math.Abs(Vector2.UnitY.RotatedBy((double)this.velocity.Y, new Vector2()).Y) * 3f) * 2f; int num = 32; if (Main.goreLoaded[this.type]) { num = Main.goreTexture[this.type].Width; if (Main.goreTexture[this.type].Height < num) { num = Main.goreTexture[this.type].Height; } } Vector2 vector2 = Velocity; Vector2 v = Collision.TileCollision(this.position, Velocity, (int)((double)num * (double)this.scale), (int)((double)num * (double)this.scale), false, false, 1); if (v != vector2) { this.velocity.Y = -1f; } this.position = this.position + v; this.rotation = v.ToRotation() + 3.141593f; if (this.timeLeft > 0) { this.timeLeft = this.timeLeft - 1; } else { this.alpha = this.alpha + 1; } } } else if (GoreID.Sets.SpecialAI[this.type] == 3) { if ((double)this.velocity.Y < 0.0) { Vector2 Velocity = new Vector2(this.velocity.X, -0.2f); int num1 = 8; if (Main.goreLoaded[this.type]) { num1 = Main.goreTexture[this.type].Width; if (Main.goreTexture[this.type].Height < num1) { num1 = Main.goreTexture[this.type].Height; } } int num2 = (int)((double)num1 * 0.899999976158142); Vector2 vector2 = Collision.TileCollision(this.position, Velocity, (int)((double)num2 * (double)this.scale), (int)((double)num2 * (double)this.scale), false, false, 1); vector2.X *= 0.94f; if ((double)vector2.X > -0.01 && (double)vector2.X < 0.01) { vector2.X = 0.0f; } if (this.timeLeft > 0) { this.timeLeft = this.timeLeft - GoreID.Sets.DisappearSpeed[this.type]; } else { this.alpha = this.alpha + GoreID.Sets.DisappearSpeedAlpha[this.type]; } this.velocity.X = vector2.X; } else { this.velocity.Y += (float)Math.PI / 180f; Vector2 Velocity = new Vector2(Vector2.UnitY.RotatedBy((double)this.velocity.Y, new Vector2()).X * 1f, Math.Abs(Vector2.UnitY.RotatedBy((double)this.velocity.Y, new Vector2()).Y) * 1f); int num = 8; if (Main.goreLoaded[this.type]) { num = Main.goreTexture[this.type].Width; if (Main.goreTexture[this.type].Height < num) { num = Main.goreTexture[this.type].Height; } } Vector2 vector2 = Velocity; Vector2 v = Collision.TileCollision(this.position, Velocity, (int)((double)num * (double)this.scale), (int)((double)num * (double)this.scale), false, false, 1); if (v != vector2) { this.velocity.Y = -1f; } this.position = this.position + v; this.rotation = v.ToRotation() + 1.570796f; if (this.timeLeft > 0) { this.timeLeft = this.timeLeft - GoreID.Sets.DisappearSpeed[this.type]; } else { this.alpha = this.alpha + GoreID.Sets.DisappearSpeedAlpha[this.type]; } } } else { this.position = this.position + this.velocity; } if (this.alpha >= (int)byte.MaxValue) { = false; } if ((double)this.light <= 0.0) { return; } float R = this.light * this.scale; float G = this.light * this.scale; float B = this.light * this.scale; if (this.type == 16) { B *= 0.3f; G *= 0.8f; } else if (this.type == 17) { G *= 0.6f; R *= 0.3f; } if (Main.goreLoaded[this.type]) { Lighting.AddLight((int)(((double)this.position.X + (double)Main.goreTexture[this.type].Width * (double)this.scale / 2.0) / 16.0), (int)(((double)this.position.Y + (double)Main.goreTexture[this.type].Height * (double)this.scale / 2.0) / 16.0), R, G, B); } else { Lighting.AddLight((int)(((double)this.position.X + 32.0 * (double)this.scale / 2.0) / 16.0), (int)(((double)this.position.Y + 32.0 * (double)this.scale / 2.0) / 16.0), R, G, B); } }
public void Update() { if (Main.netMode == 2 || !active) { return; } if (type >= 276 && type <= 282) { velocity.X *= 0.98f; velocity.Y *= 0.98f; if (velocity.Y < scale) { velocity.Y += 0.05f; } if ((double)velocity.Y > 0.1) { if (velocity.X > 0f) { rotation += 0.01f; } else { rotation -= 0.01f; } } } if (type >= 570 && type <= 572) { scale -= 0.001f; if ((double)scale <= 0.01) { scale = 0.01f; goreTime = 0; } sticky = false; rotation = velocity.X * 0.1f; } else if (type >= 706 && type <= 717) { if ((double)position.Y < Main.worldSurface * 16.0 + 8.0) { alpha = 0; } else { alpha = 100; } int num = 4; frameCounter++; if (frame <= 4) { int num2 = (int)(position.X / 16f); int num3 = (int)(position.Y / 16f) - 1; if (WorldGen.InWorld(num2, num3) && !Main.tile[num2, num3].active()) { active = false; } if (frame == 0) { num = 24 + Main.rand.Next(256); } if (frame == 1) { num = 24 + Main.rand.Next(256); } if (frame == 2) { num = 24 + Main.rand.Next(256); } if (frame == 3) { num = 24 + Main.rand.Next(96); } if (frame == 5) { num = 16 + Main.rand.Next(64); } if (type == 716) { num *= 2; } if (type == 717) { num *= 4; } if (frameCounter >= num) { frameCounter = 0; frame++; if (frame == 5) { int num4 = NewGore(position, velocity, type); Main.gore[num4].frame = 9; Main.gore[num4].velocity *= 0f; } } } else if (frame <= 6) { num = 8; if (type == 716) { num *= 2; } if (type == 717) { num *= 3; } if (frameCounter >= num) { frameCounter = 0; frame++; if (frame == 7) { active = false; } } } else if (frame <= 9) { num = 6; if (type == 716) { num = (int)((double)num * 1.5); velocity.Y += 0.175f; } else if (type == 717) { num *= 2; velocity.Y += 0.15f; } else { velocity.Y += 0.2f; } if ((double)velocity.Y < 0.5) { velocity.Y = 0.5f; } if (velocity.Y > 12f) { velocity.Y = 12f; } if (frameCounter >= num) { frameCounter = 0; frame++; } if (frame > 9) { frame = 7; } } else { if (type == 716) { num *= 2; } else if (type == 717) { num *= 6; } velocity.Y += 0.1f; if (frameCounter >= num) { frameCounter = 0; frame++; } velocity *= 0f; if (frame > 14) { active = false; } } } else if (type == 11 || type == 12 || type == 13 || type == 61 || type == 62 || type == 63 || type == 99 || type == 220 || type == 221 || type == 222 || (type >= 375 && type <= 377) || (type >= 435 && type <= 437) || (type >= 861 && type <= 862)) { velocity.Y *= 0.98f; velocity.X *= 0.98f; scale -= 0.007f; if ((double)scale < 0.1) { scale = 0.1f; alpha = 255; } } else if (type == 16 || type == 17) { velocity.Y *= 0.98f; velocity.X *= 0.98f; scale -= 0.01f; if ((double)scale < 0.1) { scale = 0.1f; alpha = 255; } } else if (type == 331) { alpha += 5; velocity.Y *= 0.95f; velocity.X *= 0.95f; rotation = velocity.X * 0.1f; } else if (type != 860 && type != 892 && type != 893 && (type < 825 || type > 827) && (type < 411 || type > 430)) { velocity.Y += 0.2f; } rotation += velocity.X * 0.1f; if (type >= 580 && type <= 582) { rotation = 0f; velocity.X *= 0.95f; } if (type >= 825 && type <= 827) { if (timeLeft < 60) { alpha += Main.rand.Next(1, 7); } else if (alpha > 100) { alpha -= Main.rand.Next(1, 4); } if (alpha < 0) { alpha = 0; } if (alpha > 255) { timeLeft = 0; } velocity.X = (velocity.X * 50f + Main.windSpeed * 2f + (float)Main.rand.Next(-10, 11) * 0.1f) / 51f; float num5 = 0f; if (velocity.X < 0f) { num5 = velocity.X * 0.2f; } velocity.Y = (velocity.Y * 50f + -0.35f + num5 + (float)Main.rand.Next(-10, 11) * 0.2f) / 51f; rotation = velocity.X * 0.6f; float num6 = -1f; if (Main.goreLoaded[type]) { Rectangle rectangle = new Rectangle((int)position.X, (int)position.Y, (int)((float)Main.goreTexture[type].Width * scale), (int)((float)Main.goreTexture[type].Height * scale)); for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++) { if (Main.player[i].active && !Main.player[i].dead) { Rectangle value = new Rectangle((int)Main.player[i].position.X, (int)Main.player[i].position.Y, Main.player[i].width, Main.player[i].height); if (rectangle.Intersects(value)) { timeLeft = 0; num6 = Main.player[i].velocity.Length(); break; } } } } if (timeLeft > 0) { if (Main.rand.Next(2) == 0) { timeLeft--; } if (Main.rand.Next(50) == 0) { timeLeft -= 5; } if (Main.rand.Next(100) == 0) { timeLeft -= 10; } } else { alpha = 255; if (Main.goreLoaded[type] && num6 != -1f) { float num7 = (float)Main.goreTexture[type].Width * scale * 0.8f; float x = position.X; float y = position.Y; float num8 = (float)Main.goreTexture[type].Width * scale; float num9 = (float)Main.goreTexture[type].Height * scale; int num10 = 31; for (int j = 0; (float)j < num7; j++) { int num11 = Dust.NewDust(new Vector2(x, y), (int)num8, (int)num9, num10); Main.dust[num11].velocity *= (1f + num6) / 3f; Main.dust[num11].noGravity = true; Main.dust[num11].alpha = 100; Main.dust[num11].scale = scale; } } } } if (type >= 411 && type <= 430) { alpha = 50; velocity.X = (velocity.X * 50f + Main.windSpeed * 2f + (float)Main.rand.Next(-10, 11) * 0.1f) / 51f; velocity.Y = (velocity.Y * 50f + -0.25f + (float)Main.rand.Next(-10, 11) * 0.2f) / 51f; rotation = velocity.X * 0.3f; if (Main.goreLoaded[type]) { Rectangle rectangle2 = new Rectangle((int)position.X, (int)position.Y, (int)((float)Main.goreTexture[type].Width * scale), (int)((float)Main.goreTexture[type].Height * scale)); for (int k = 0; k < 16; k++) { if (Main.player[k].active && !Main.player[k].dead) { Rectangle value2 = new Rectangle((int)Main.player[k].position.X, (int)Main.player[k].position.Y, Main.player[k].width, Main.player[k].height); if (rectangle2.Intersects(value2)) { timeLeft = 0; } } } if (Collision.SolidCollision(position, (int)((float)Main.goreTexture[type].Width * scale), (int)((float)Main.goreTexture[type].Height * scale))) { timeLeft = 0; } } if (timeLeft > 0) { if (Main.rand.Next(2) == 0) { timeLeft--; } if (Main.rand.Next(50) == 0) { timeLeft -= 5; } if (Main.rand.Next(100) == 0) { timeLeft -= 10; } } else { alpha = 255; if (Main.goreLoaded[type]) { float num12 = (float)Main.goreTexture[type].Width * scale * 0.8f; float x2 = position.X; float y2 = position.Y; float num13 = (float)Main.goreTexture[type].Width * scale; float num14 = (float)Main.goreTexture[type].Height * scale; int num15 = 176; if (type >= 416 && type <= 420) { num15 = 177; } if (type >= 421 && type <= 425) { num15 = 178; } if (type >= 426 && type <= 430) { num15 = 179; } for (int l = 0; (float)l < num12; l++) { int num16 = Dust.NewDust(new Vector2(x2, y2), (int)num13, (int)num14, num15); Main.dust[num16].noGravity = true; Main.dust[num16].alpha = 100; Main.dust[num16].scale = scale; } } } } else if (type != 860 && type != 892 && type != 893) { if (type >= 706 && type <= 717) { if (type == 716) { float num17 = 1f; float num18 = 1f; float num19 = 1f; float num20 = 0.6f; num20 = ((frame == 0) ? (num20 * 0.1f) : ((frame == 1) ? (num20 * 0.2f) : ((frame == 2) ? (num20 * 0.3f) : ((frame == 3) ? (num20 * 0.4f) : ((frame == 4) ? (num20 * 0.5f) : ((frame == 5) ? (num20 * 0.4f) : ((frame == 6) ? (num20 * 0.2f) : ((frame <= 9) ? (num20 * 0.5f) : ((frame == 10) ? (num20 * 0.5f) : ((frame == 11) ? (num20 * 0.4f) : ((frame == 12) ? (num20 * 0.3f) : ((frame == 13) ? (num20 * 0.2f) : ((frame != 14) ? 0f : (num20 * 0.1f)))))))))))))); num17 = 1f * num20; num18 = 0.5f * num20; num19 = 0.1f * num20; Lighting.AddLight(position + new Vector2(8f, 8f), num17, num18, num19); } Vector2 value3 = velocity; velocity = Collision.TileCollision(position, velocity, 16, 14); if (velocity != value3) { if (frame < 10) { frame = 10; frameCounter = 0; if (type != 716 && type != 717) { Main.PlaySound(39, (int)position.X + 8, (int)position.Y + 8, Main.rand.Next(2)); } } } else if (Collision.WetCollision(position + velocity, 16, 14)) { if (frame < 10) { frame = 10; frameCounter = 0; if (type != 716 && type != 717) { Main.PlaySound(39, (int)position.X + 8, (int)position.Y + 8, 2); } } int num21 = (int)(position.X + 8f) / 16; int num22 = (int)(position.Y + 14f) / 16; if (Main.tile[num21, num22] != null && Main.tile[num21, num22].liquid > 0) { velocity *= 0f; position.Y = num22 * 16 - (int)Main.tile[num21, num22].liquid / 16; } } } else if (sticky) { int num23 = 32; if (Main.goreLoaded[type]) { num23 = Main.goreTexture[type].Width; if (Main.goreTexture[type].Height < num23) { num23 = Main.goreTexture[type].Height; } } num23 = (int)((float)num23 * 0.9f); velocity = Collision.TileCollision(position, velocity, (int)((float)num23 * scale), (int)((float)num23 * scale)); if (velocity.Y == 0f) { velocity.X *= 0.97f; if ((double)velocity.X > -0.01 && (double)velocity.X < 0.01) { velocity.X = 0f; } } if (timeLeft > 0) { timeLeft--; } else { alpha++; } } else { alpha += 2; } } if (type == 860 || type == 892 || type == 893) { if (velocity.Y < 0f) { Vector2 vector = new Vector2(velocity.X, 0.6f); int num24 = 32; if (Main.goreLoaded[type]) { num24 = Main.goreTexture[type].Width; if (Main.goreTexture[type].Height < num24) { num24 = Main.goreTexture[type].Height; } } num24 = (int)((float)num24 * 0.9f); vector = Collision.TileCollision(position, vector, (int)((float)num24 * scale), (int)((float)num24 * scale)); vector.X *= 0.97f; if ((double)vector.X > -0.01 && (double)vector.X < 0.01) { vector.X = 0f; } if (timeLeft > 0) { timeLeft--; } else { alpha++; } velocity.X = vector.X; } else { velocity.Y += (float)Math.PI / 60f; Vector2 vector2 = new Vector2(Vector2.UnitY.RotatedBy(velocity.Y).X * 2f, Math.Abs(Vector2.UnitY.RotatedBy(velocity.Y).Y) * 3f); vector2 *= 2f; int num25 = 32; if (Main.goreLoaded[type]) { num25 = Main.goreTexture[type].Width; if (Main.goreTexture[type].Height < num25) { num25 = Main.goreTexture[type].Height; } } Vector2 value4 = vector2; vector2 = Collision.TileCollision(position, vector2, (int)((float)num25 * scale), (int)((float)num25 * scale)); if (vector2 != value4) { velocity.Y = -1f; } position += vector2; rotation = vector2.ToRotation() + (float)Math.PI; if (timeLeft > 0) { timeLeft--; } else { alpha++; } } } else { position += velocity; } if (alpha >= 255) { active = false; } if (light > 0f) { float num26 = light * scale; float num27 = light * scale; float num28 = light * scale; if (type == 16) { num28 *= 0.3f; num27 *= 0.8f; } else if (type == 17) { num27 *= 0.6f; num26 *= 0.3f; } if (Main.goreLoaded[type]) { Lighting.AddLight((int)((position.X + (float)Main.goreTexture[type].Width * scale / 2f) / 16f), (int)((position.Y + (float)Main.goreTexture[type].Height * scale / 2f) / 16f), num26, num27, num28); } else { Lighting.AddLight((int)((position.X + 32f * scale / 2f) / 16f), (int)((position.Y + 32f * scale / 2f) / 16f), num26, num27, num28); } } }