/// <summary>
        /// Retrieves QPoints for interpolation.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="heatmap"></param>
        /// <param name="x"></param>
        /// <param name="y"></param>
        /// <param name="alphaMapResolution"></param>
        /// <param name="incrementInterval"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        HeatmapDatum[,] GetQPoints(ref Heatmap heatmap, int x, int y, int alphaMapResolution, float incrementInterval)
            HeatmapDatum[,] qPoints = new HeatmapDatum[2, 2];

            int xGridSquare = Mathf.FloorToInt(((float)x / incrementInterval));
            int yGridSquare = Mathf.FloorToInt(((float)y / incrementInterval));

            qPoints[0, 0] = heatmap.heatmapDataPoints[xGridSquare, yGridSquare];
            qPoints[0, 1] = heatmap.heatmapDataPoints[xGridSquare, yGridSquare + 1];
            qPoints[1, 0] = heatmap.heatmapDataPoints[xGridSquare + 1, yGridSquare];
            qPoints[1, 1] = heatmap.heatmapDataPoints[xGridSquare + 1, yGridSquare + 1];

        /// <summary>
        /// Generate heatmap data from the Terrain's height map.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="heatmap"></param>
        /// <param name="terrainObjectSize"></param>
        /// <param name="alphaMapResolution"></param>
        /// <param name="heightMap"></param>
        /// <param name="heightMapScale"></param>
        void TerrainHeightToHeatmapData(Heatmap heatmap, Vector3 terrainObjectSize, int alphaMapResolution, float[,] heightMap, Vector3 heightMapScale, int terrainHeightmapResolution)
            HeatmapDatum[,] heatmapValues = new HeatmapDatum[heatmap.heatmapResolution + 1, heatmap.heatmapResolution + 1];

            for (int x = 0; x <= heatmap.heatmapResolution; x++)
                for (int y = 0; y <= heatmap.heatmapResolution; y++)
                    float resScaleFactorX = terrainObjectSize.x / heatmap.heatmapResolution;
                    float resScaleFactorZ = terrainObjectSize.z / heatmap.heatmapResolution;

                    Vector3 nodeLocation = new Vector3((int)(y * resScaleFactorZ / (terrainObjectSize.z / (terrainHeightmapResolution - 1))), 0.0f, (int)(x * resScaleFactorX / (terrainObjectSize.x / (terrainHeightmapResolution - 1))));

                    float nodeValue = heightMap[(int)nodeLocation.z, (int)nodeLocation.x] * heightMapScale.y;

                    heatmapValues[x, y] = new HeatmapDatum();
                    heatmapValues[x, y].Init(nodeLocation, nodeValue, Coordinates.WorldToTerrainCoords(nodeLocation, terrainObjectSize, alphaMapResolution));

            heatmap.heatmapDataPoints = heatmapValues;
        /// <summary>
        /// Generate Heatmap data from custom data provided.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="heatmap"></param>
        /// <param name="customData"></param>
        /// <param name="addValuesOfIntersectingPoints"></param>
        /// <param name="terrainSize"></param>
        /// <param name="alphaMapResolution"></param>
        /// <param name="positionOffset"></param>
        void CustomDataToHeatmapData(Heatmap heatmap, HeatmapNode[] customData, bool addValuesOfIntersectingPoints, Vector3 terrainSize, int alphaMapResolution, Vector3 positionOffset)
            HeatmapDatum[,] heatmapDataArray = new HeatmapDatum[heatmap.heatmapResolution + 1, heatmap.heatmapResolution + 1];

            // Assign the resulting value of the alphaMapResolution divided by the dataTextureResolution to a variable, as this is used a lot.
            int alphaMapDividedByHeatmapResolution = (alphaMapResolution / heatmap.heatmapResolution);

            // Populate the newly created returnVal array with default data.
            for (int x = 0; x <= heatmap.heatmapResolution; x++)
                for (int y = 0; y <= heatmap.heatmapResolution; y++)
                    heatmapDataArray[x, y]               = new HeatmapDatum();
                    heatmapDataArray[x, y].value         = heatmap.baseValue;
                    heatmapDataArray[x, y].nodePosition  = new Vector3((int)(x * alphaMapDividedByHeatmapResolution), 0.0f, (int)(y * alphaMapDividedByHeatmapResolution));
                    heatmapDataArray[x, y].terrainCoords = new Pair <int>((int)(x * alphaMapDividedByHeatmapResolution), (int)(y * alphaMapDividedByHeatmapResolution));

            float incrementInterval = (alphaMapResolution / heatmap.heatmapResolution);

            //Assign the values of all the points we know to the correct position in the array.
            foreach (HeatmapNode customDatum in customData)
                int arrayPositionX, arrayPositionY;
                int brushSize = customDatum.brushSize;

                float brushHardness = customDatum.brushHardness;

                float brushOpacity = customDatum.brushOpacity;

                // Ensure that the data is valid.
                brushOpacity  = Mathf.Clamp(brushOpacity, 0.0f, 100.0f) / 100;
                brushHardness = Mathf.Clamp(brushHardness, 0.0f, 100.0f) / 100;

                // Find the correct position in the array based on the object's transform.
                Vector3 closetMapPointPosition = GetClosestDataPointPosition((customDatum.position - positionOffset), terrainSize, heatmap.heatmapResolution, alphaMapResolution, incrementInterval);
                Vector2 textureCoordianates    = Coordinates.WorldToTerrainCoords(closetMapPointPosition, terrainSize, alphaMapResolution);

                // Using the dataTexture Resolution and the Terrain coordiantes, calculate the correct position in the array.
                arrayPositionX = (int)textureCoordianates.x / alphaMapDividedByHeatmapResolution;
                arrayPositionY = (int)textureCoordianates.y / alphaMapDividedByHeatmapResolution;

                // Calculate the correct value when taking the opacity of the brush into account.
                float value = customDatum.value * brushOpacity;

                if (!customDatum.overwriteOtherNodeValues)
                    if (arrayPositionX >= 0 && arrayPositionY >= 0 && arrayPositionX < heatmap.heatmapResolution && arrayPositionY < heatmap.heatmapResolution)
                        value = customDatum.value * brushOpacity + heatmapDataArray[arrayPositionX, arrayPositionY].value;

                // Using the terrain Coordinates, create the Datum that we're going to store in the Array.
                HeatmapDatum textureDatum = new HeatmapDatum();
                textureDatum.Init(closetMapPointPosition, value, new Pair <int>((int)textureCoordianates.x, (int)textureCoordianates.y));

                // Assign the VisualisationTextureDatum to the correct Index in the Array.
                if (arrayPositionX < heatmap.heatmapResolution && arrayPositionY < heatmap.heatmapResolution && arrayPositionX > 0 && arrayPositionY > 0)
                    heatmapDataArray[arrayPositionX, arrayPositionY] = textureDatum;

                // If the brushSize is less than zero then we won't attempt to update the values of the surrounding nodes.
                if (brushSize > 0)
                    // Calculate how many steps outwards we need to take (and thus how many other nodes we need to update).
                    int diameter = (int)(brushSize / alphaMapDividedByHeatmapResolution);

                    // We must have at least 2 steps outwards to be able to define a brush.
                    if (diameter > 0)
                        int radius        = diameter / 2;
                        int radiusSquared = radius * radius;

                        for (int x = -radius; x < +radius; x++)
                            for (int y = -radius; y < +radius; y++)
                                int arryPosX = arrayPositionX + x;
                                int arryPosY = arrayPositionY + y;

                                if (arryPosX == arrayPositionX && arryPosY == arrayPositionY)

                                if (arryPosX >= 0 && arryPosY >= 0 && arryPosX <= heatmap.heatmapResolution && arryPosY <= heatmap.heatmapResolution)
                                    int dx = arryPosX - arrayPositionX;
                                    int dy = arryPosY - arrayPositionY;

                                    float distanceSquared = (dx * dx) + (dy * dy);

                                    if (distanceSquared <= radiusSquared)
                                        float brushHardnessModifier = radiusSquared - (distanceSquared * (1.0f - brushHardness));
                                        brushHardnessModifier /= radiusSquared;

                                        if (!customDatum.overwriteOtherNodeValues)
                                            heatmapDataArray[arryPosX, arryPosY].value += (brushHardnessModifier * customDatum.value) * brushOpacity;
                                            heatmapDataArray[arryPosX, arryPosY].value = (brushHardnessModifier * customDatum.value) * brushOpacity;

            heatmap.heatmapDataPoints = heatmapDataArray;