/// <summary>
        /// Tells the opening book what move did the oponent played , so the opening book could update itself.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="move">The move the opponent played</param>
        static internal void MoveApplied(Move move)
            //if not in book, break away.
            if (!IsInBook)

            //look for such a move
            OpeningMove applied = CurrentMove.Responses.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Move.EqualMove(move));

            //if not found, we are leaving the book, otherwise we apply move and check if we will then be leaving the book.
            if (applied == null)
                IsInBook = false;
                if (applied.Responses.Count == 0)
                    IsInBook = false;

                CurrentMove = applied;
        /// <summary>
        /// Resets to the starting position
        /// </summary>
        static internal void ResetBook()
            if (m_Root != null)
                IsInBook = true;

            //root is always the starting position
            CurrentMove = m_Root;
        /// <summary>
        /// Provides a random move out of the valid opening moves availible at the current node.
        /// First try excellent moves, then good, and so forth.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>The returned move, must be played.</returns>
        internal static Move GetRandomMove()
            //we always make sure we are still inside the book
            if (IsInBook == false)

            Random rand = new Random();
            //look for excellent moves
            var GreatResponses = CurrentMove.Responses.Where(x => x.MoveType == OpeningMoveType.Excellent);

            //if no such exists, look for good move.
            if (GreatResponses.Count() == 0)
                GreatResponses = CurrentMove.Responses.Where(x => x.MoveType == OpeningMoveType.Good);

            //if no such exists, look for any move (I don't load bad moves at all)
            if (GreatResponses.Count() == 0)
                GreatResponses = CurrentMove.Responses;

            //pick one randomly , perheps as a more balanced move, the random distribution should corraspond to the probability of node.
            int movePosition = rand.Next(0, GreatResponses.Sum(x => x.Count) - 1);

            //now we pick one according to the probability
            int counter = 0;

            foreach (OpeningMove openingMove in GreatResponses)
                counter += openingMove.Count;

                if (movePosition < counter)
                    CurrentMove = openingMove;

            //if the found move would draw us out of the book, make sure the user won't ask for another move in the future.
            if (CurrentMove.Responses.Count == 0)
                IsInBook = false;

        static OpeningBook()
                Generic <OpeningMove> .LoadFromDisk(out m_Root, "ChessEngineBook.xml");

                CurrentMove = m_Root;
                IsInBook    = false;
            catch (Exception ex)
                IsInBook = false;
                Global.WriteToLog(ex.Message + ex.StackTrace);
        /// <summary>
        /// Parses PGN files and saves them to the 'ChessEngineBook.xml' file.
        /// NOTE: we should also zip the files to conserve space.
        /// </summary>
        private static void CreateOpeningBooks()
            List <string> m_OpeningBookLocations = new List <string>

            OpeningMove startingPoint = new OpeningMove();

            foreach (string openingBookLocation in m_OpeningBookLocations)
                TextReader tr = null;
                tr = new StreamReader(openingBookLocation);
                string book = tr.ReadToEnd();
                AnalyzeBook(book, startingPoint);

            Generic <OpeningMove> .SaveToDisk(startingPoint, "ChessEngineBook.xml");
        /// <summary>
        /// Parses one single move.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="_board">The current board , current opening book's game board</param>
        /// <param name="_pgnMove">the move's PGN notation</param>
        /// <param name="moves">A list of all availible moves</param>
        /// <returns>An opening move represents the parsed response.</returns>
        private static OpeningMove PGNMoveParser(Board _board, string _pgnMove, List <Move> moves)
            bool isCapture = _pgnMove.Contains('x');

            bool test = false;

            if (test)
                moves = MovesGenerator.GetLegalMoves(_board);

            OpeningMove move = new OpeningMove();

                //first check if it is castle
                if (_pgnMove.StartsWith("O-O-O"))
                    move.Move = moves.First(x => x.MoveType == MoveTypes.CastleQueenSide);
                else if (_pgnMove.StartsWith("O-O"))
                    move.Move = moves.First(x => x.MoveType == MoveTypes.CastleKingSide);
                    int piece = PGNletterToPieceParser(_pgnMove[0], _board.CurrentPlayer);

                    var pieceMoves = moves.Where(x => x.MovingPiece == piece);

                    if (pieceMoves.Count() == 1)
                        move.Move = pieceMoves.ElementAt(0);
                        if (piece == Piece.BlackPawn || piece == Piece.WhitePawn)
                            var sourceMoves = pieceMoves.Where(x => x.SourceFile == _pgnMove[0]);
                            if (sourceMoves.Count() == 1)
                                move.Move = sourceMoves.ElementAt(0);
                                if (isCapture)
                                    string dest = _pgnMove.Substring(_pgnMove.IndexOf('x') + 1, 2);
                                    move.Move = sourceMoves.First(x => x.DestinationSquareString == dest);
                                    string dest = _pgnMove.Substring(0, 2);
                                    move.Move = sourceMoves.First(x => x.DestinationSquareString.StartsWith(dest));
                            IEnumerable <Move> destMoves;
                            if (isCapture)
                                string dest = _pgnMove.Substring(_pgnMove.IndexOf('x') + 1, 2);
                                destMoves = pieceMoves.Where(x => x.DestinationSquareString == dest);
                                int    indexDestRank = _pgnMove.LastIndexOfAny(new char[] { '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9' });
                                string dest          = _pgnMove.Substring(indexDestRank - 1, 2);
                                destMoves = pieceMoves.Where(x => x.DestinationSquareString == dest);

                            switch (destMoves.Count())
                            case 1:
                                move.Move = destMoves.ElementAt(0);

                            case 2:
                                //either rank or file ambiguity
                                if (_pgnMove[1] >= '1' && _pgnMove[1] <= '9')
                                    //rank ambiguity
                                    move.Move = destMoves.First(x => x.SourceRank == _pgnMove[1]);
                                    move.Move = destMoves.First(x => x.SourceFile == _pgnMove[1]);

                            case 3:
                                move.Move = destMoves.First(x => x.SourceSquareString == _pgnMove.Substring(1, 2));

                    //now get move type
                    if (_pgnMove.Contains("!!"))
                        move.MoveType = OpeningMoveType.Excellent;
                    else if (_pgnMove.Contains("!?"))
                        move.MoveType = OpeningMoveType.Interesting;
                    else if (_pgnMove.Contains("?!"))
                        move.MoveType = OpeningMoveType.Dubious;
                    else if (_pgnMove.Contains("!"))
                        move.MoveType = OpeningMoveType.Good;
                    else if (_pgnMove.Contains("??"))
                        move.MoveType = OpeningMoveType.Blunder;
                    else if (_pgnMove.Contains("?"))
                        move.MoveType = OpeningMoveType.Bad;

                if (move.Move == null)
                    throw new System.Exception("not found");

            catch (Exception ex)
                throw ex;
        /// <summary>
        /// Parses the book string in the standard PGN format, and inserts it into the starting position node
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="book">A standard PGN formatted string</param>
        /// <param name="startingPoint">The starting node to add responses to</param>
        private static void AnalyzeBook(string book, OpeningMove startingPoint)
                string[] tags = book.Replace("\r\n", " ").Split(new string[] { "[" }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                for (int i = 6; i < tags.Length; i += 7)
                    string   movesString = tags[i].Substring(tags[i].IndexOf(']') + 1);
                    string[] movesArray  = movesString.Split(new string[] { " " }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);

                    Board board = new Board();

                    //parentMove will slide, containing the parent to the move.
                    OpeningMove parentMove = startingPoint;
                    bool        abortMatch = false;

                    for (int j = 0; j < movesArray.Length && !abortMatch; j++)
                        if (j % 3 == 0)

                        if (parentMove.LegalMoves == null)
                            parentMove.LegalMoves = MovesGenerator.GetLegalMoves(board);

                        OpeningMove move = PGNMoveParser(board, movesArray[j], parentMove.LegalMoves);

                        if (move.MoveType != OpeningMoveType.Excellent && move.MoveType != OpeningMoveType.Good)
                            abortMatch = true;

                        //to avoid duplicate entries problem, we make sure to use same instance of a move.
                        OpeningMove storedSameMove = parentMove.Responses.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Move.EqualMove(move.Move));

                        if (storedSameMove == null)
                            move.Count = 1;
                            move = storedSameMove;

                        parentMove = move;

            catch (Exception ex)
                throw ex;