/// <summary>
        /// Removes a ReportCell from the canvas.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="frameworkElement"></param>
        /// <param name="reportCell"></param>
        private void Remove(ReportCell reportCell)
            // The visual element associated with this cell can be found using the mapping table.  Once the element is found
            // it is reclaimed for use later on and the data connection is severed.
            FrameworkElement frameworkElement;

            if (this.elementTable.TryGetValue(reportCell, out frameworkElement))
                // This recycles the element by putting it back in the cache associated with the cell's datatype.  This visual element
                // can be used again when another cell with the same data type needs to be instantiated.
                Type contentType = reportCell.Content.GetType();
                Stack <FrameworkElement> elementStack;
                if (!this.elementCache.TryGetValue(contentType, out elementStack))
                    elementStack = new Stack <FrameworkElement>();
                    this.elementCache.Add(contentType, elementStack);

                // The association between the visual element and the abstract cell is removed when the element is removed from the
                // canvas.
                DynamicReport.SetCell(frameworkElement, ReportCell.Empty);

                // When a virtual cell is removed from the report -- as opposed to simply being made invisible -- the virtual focus
                // is reset.  Resetting the virtual focus is a problem because the FocusScope of the parent focus scope (as well as
                // the current focus scope) maintains a link to the last visual element that had the focus.  When that visual
                // element goes away, there's no good way to tell the parent focus scope to change.  If you sent a FocusScope's
                // FocusedElement to anything other than 'null', the handler tries to set the keyboard focus as well.  This has the
                // undesireable effect of stealing the keyboard focus away from some other window (there's no guarantee that the
                // keyboard focus is on this canvas when removing rows).  Resetting the current and parent focus scopes is the best
                // of some bad options.
                if (reportCell.IsFocused)
                    FocusManager.SetFocusedElement(this.ReportGrid, null);
                    FocusManager.SetFocusedElement(FocusManager.GetFocusScope(this.ReportGrid.Parent), null);
                    if (frameworkElement.IsKeyboardFocusWithin)

                // The visual element can now be safely removed from the window.
        /// <summary>
        /// Overrides the default arrangement of a Canvas.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="arrangeSize">The largest possible size for the canvas.</param>
        /// <returns>The actual size used by this canvas.</returns>
        protected override Size MeasureOverride(Size constraint)
            // This calculates the visible area of the virtual canvas.  Note that the 'MeasureOverride' is called before the
            // 'OnRenderSizeChanged' so the rectangle used for clipping can't be used here because it hasn't been calclated
            // properly yet.
            Rect viewport = new Rect(this.rectangleGeometry.Rect.Location, constraint);

            // IMPORTANT CONCEPT: The FrameworkElements are recycled for performance.  Creating the user interface elements and
            // adding and removing them from the canvas are very time consuming tasks.  The XAML for the reports contains templates
            // used to create FrameworkElements for a given CLR type.  It turns out that any CLR object of a given type can use any
            // FrameworkElement created for that given type.  So a factory of sorts is created for building and reusing the
            // framework elements based on a CLR type.  A screen is drawn by first reclaiming all the elements that are no longer
            // visible.  These elements are not removed from the screen in the first pass.  The secod pass draws the visible area
            // of the report using reclaimed elements when it can, creating new FrameworkElements when it can't.  The important
            // performance kick here is that the elements are not actually removed from the screen during the reclaimation pass and
            // the drawing pass.  All elements are put into this list when during the reclaimation cycle.  If they are still in
            // this list after the drawing pass, then they are not visible and can be removed from the canvas. This is the
            // reclamation cycle.  All the user interface elements that have become invisible are pushed back into the element
            // cache where they can be used again when the viewport is updated.
            foreach (UIElement uiElement in this.Children)
                if (uiElement is FrameworkElement)
                    // This element will be examined to see if it needs to be recycled.
                    FrameworkElement frameworkElement = uiElement as FrameworkElement;

                    // The 'ReportCell' is the virtual information behind the user interface element and is attached to all the
                    // visual elements in the canvas.  It is used here to indicate whether the associated FrameworkElement is
                    // invisible.
                    ReportCell reportCell = DynamicReport.GetCell(frameworkElement);
                        if (reportCell != null)
                            // This will test the virtual cell to see if it is invisible.  Note that any cell that touches the right or
                            // bottom edge of the viewport is considered to be invisible.  There is no part of these cells that can
                            // actually be seen, whereas the left and top edges are visible.
                            Rect rect = reportCell.ActualRect;
                            if (((viewport.Top > rect.Top || rect.Top >= viewport.Bottom) &&
                                 (viewport.Top >= rect.Bottom || rect.Bottom > viewport.Bottom)) ||
                                ((viewport.Left > rect.Left || rect.Left >= viewport.Right) &&
                                 (viewport.Left >= rect.Right || rect.Right > viewport.Right)))
                                // When the framework element has become invisible, it is placed back in the cache based on the CLR
                                // type of the object it can display.  It can be recycled for use with similar types when the new
                                // viewport is constructed in the second pass.
                                Type contentType = reportCell.Content.GetType();
                                Stack <FrameworkElement> elementStack;
                                if (!this.elementCache.TryGetValue(contentType, out elementStack))
                                    elementStack = new Stack <FrameworkElement>();
                                    this.elementCache.Add(contentType, elementStack);

                                // This disconnects the visual element from the virtual ReportCell and the virtual ReportCell from the
                                // visual element.
                                DynamicReport.SetCell(frameworkElement, ReportCell.Empty);

                                // The focus scope for this canvas must be cleared when the element that had the focus is recycled.
                                // This method 'virtualizes' the handling of the focus.  The virtual focus is saved in the 'IsFocused'
                                // property of the ReportCell while the cell is invisible.  When this virtual cell becomes visible
                                // again, the keyboard focus will be given back to to user interface element used to instantiate the
                                // virtual cell.
                                if (reportCell.IsFocused)
                                    FocusManager.SetFocusedElement(this.ReportGrid, null);
                                    if (frameworkElement.IsKeyboardFocusWithin)

                                // All these bindings need to be released when a cell is no longer visible.  There seems to be a very
                                // practical limitation to how many binding updates can be done by the operating system.  Failure to
                                // release a binding when a user element is no longer visible will quickly result all the resources
                                // being used.
                                BindingOperations.ClearBinding(frameworkElement, Canvas.LeftProperty);
                                BindingOperations.ClearBinding(frameworkElement, Canvas.TopProperty);
                                BindingOperations.ClearBinding(frameworkElement, FrameworkElement.WidthProperty);
                                BindingOperations.ClearBinding(frameworkElement, FrameworkElement.HeightProperty);
                                BindingOperations.ClearBinding(frameworkElement, DynamicReport.IsEvenProperty);
                                BindingOperations.ClearBinding(frameworkElement, DynamicReport.IsSelectedProperty);
                    catch (Exception exception)
                        String message = reportCell.ReportColumn == null ? "ReportColumn is null" : reportCell.ReportRow == null ? "ReportRow is null" : "not sure why";
                        Log.Error("{0}: {1} ({2})\n{3}", exception.GetType(), exception.Message, message, exception.StackTrace);

            // This pass will construct the visible part of the canvas.  The main idea is to find the virtual cells that appear in
            // the viewport and associate the cell with a visual element.  If a visual element can be found in the cache, it is
            // used, otherwise one is created from a template.
            foreach (ReportRow reportRow in this.ReportGrid.Rows)
                if (reportRow.IsEmpty)

                // Only rows that appear in the visible part of the canvas are considered.  Evaluating the rows this way quickly
                // removes the number of cells that need to be checked.
                if (((viewport.Top <= reportRow.Top && reportRow.Top < viewport.Bottom) ||
                     (viewport.Top < reportRow.Bottom && reportRow.Bottom <= viewport.Bottom)))
                    // At this point we have a row that is part of the visible canvas.  This will see which of the columns are
                    // visible.
                    foreach (ReportColumn reportColumn in this.ReportGrid.Columns)
                        // Note that columns that fall on the right edge are excluded.  Even though they appear to intersect with
                        // the viewport, there is no part of these columns that's actally visible.
                        if ((viewport.Left <= reportColumn.Left && reportColumn.Left < viewport.Right) ||
                            (viewport.Left < reportColumn.Right && reportColumn.Right <= viewport.Right))
                            // The cell exists at a virtual location in the document coordinate system.  They are instantiated and
                            // added to the canvas when the become visible and are remove from the canvas when not visible.  This
                            // is how a very large document can be viewed with a relatively small number of visual elements and
                            // bindings.
                            ReportCell reportCell = reportRow[reportColumn];

                            // If this cell doesn't have a framework element associated with it, then one is either recycled
                            // from the cache or created from a template.
                            FrameworkElement frameworkElement;
                            if (!this.elementTable.TryGetValue(reportCell, out frameworkElement))
                                // Each Framework element will work with one and only one CLR type.  The content of the
                                // ReportCell determines what kind of FrameworkElement instance is used to display the data in
                                // that cell.
                                Type contentType = reportCell.Content.GetType();

                                // The CLR type of the content is used to find a stack of FrameworkElements that can be used to
                                // display that content.
                                Stack <FrameworkElement> elementStack;
                                if (!this.elementCache.TryGetValue(contentType, out elementStack))
                                    elementStack = new Stack <FrameworkElement>();
                                    this.elementCache.Add(contentType, elementStack);

                                // If there are no instances of a visual element that can be used to display the content of
                                // this ReportCell, then one is generated from the template.  Otherwise, a recycled element is
                                // used.  Note that all default focus styles are removed from visual elements on the canvas as
                                // there these elements have a custom style applied which functions like the Microsoft Excel
                                // focus and selection.
                                if (elementStack.Count == 0)
                                    DataTemplateKey dataTemplateKey = new DataTemplateKey(reportCell.Content.GetType());
                                    DataTemplate    dataTemplate    = this.ReportGrid.Resources[dataTemplateKey] as DataTemplate;
                                    if (dataTemplate != null)
                                        frameworkElement = dataTemplate.LoadContent() as FrameworkElement;
                                        frameworkElement.FocusVisualStyle = null;
                                    frameworkElement = elementStack.Pop();

                                // This associates the visual element with the ReportCell that contains the information about
                                // the location of that element in the virtual document coordinate space.  The 'elementTable'
                                // contains the reciprocal relation.
                                DynamicReport.SetCell(frameworkElement, reportCell);
                                this.elementTable.Add(reportCell, frameworkElement);

                                // The data context for the XAML elements is the content of the cell, not the ReportCell.
                                // This is done intensionally to hide the implementation details of how elements are positioned
                                // on the screen.  It is also done to simplify the programming model for the XAML code.
                                frameworkElement.DataContext = reportCell.Content;

                                // Bind the element's 'Left' property of the element to the column's position.
                                Binding leftBinding = new Binding("ActualLeft");
                                leftBinding.Source = reportCell.ReportColumn;
                                BindingOperations.SetBinding(frameworkElement, Canvas.LeftProperty, leftBinding);

                                // Bind the element's 'Top' property of the element to the row's position.
                                Binding topBinding = new Binding("ActualTop");
                                topBinding.Source = reportCell.ReportRow;
                                BindingOperations.SetBinding(frameworkElement, Canvas.TopProperty, topBinding);

                                // Bind the element's 'Width' property of the element to the column's width.
                                Binding widthBinding = new Binding("ActualWidth");
                                widthBinding.Source = reportCell.ReportColumn;
                                BindingOperations.SetBinding(frameworkElement, FrameworkElement.WidthProperty, widthBinding);

                                // Bind the element's 'Height' property of the element to the row's height.
                                Binding heightBinding = new Binding("ActualHeight");
                                heightBinding.Source = reportCell.ReportRow;
                                BindingOperations.SetBinding(frameworkElement, FrameworkElement.HeightProperty, heightBinding);

                                // Bind the element's 'IsSelected' property to the cell's property.  This property is used to
                                // highlight the selected cells.
                                Binding isSelectedBinding = new Binding("IsSelected");
                                isSelectedBinding.Source = reportCell;
                                BindingOperations.SetBinding(frameworkElement, DynamicReport.IsSelectedProperty, isSelectedBinding);

                                // Bind the 'Height' property of the element to the row's 'IsEven' property.  This property is
                                // generally used to shade every other line to make it easier to follow the information on a
                                // row.
                                Binding evenBinding = new Binding("IsEven");
                                evenBinding.Source = reportCell.ReportRow;
                                BindingOperations.SetBinding(frameworkElement, DynamicReport.IsEvenProperty, evenBinding);

                            // New and recycled elements need to be added to the canvas to become part of the visible report.
                            if (frameworkElement.Parent == null)

                            // The logical (and keyboard) focus is restored to the element that has the virtual focus when the
                            // virtual cell is made visible again.  Note that the logical focus is only moved when the canvas
                            // has the keyboard focus.  This prevents a scenario where the canvas grabs the input focus away
                            // from another window when the input focus is made visible again.
                            if (reportCell.IsFocused)
                                if (this.IsKeyboardFocusWithin)
                                    if (FocusManager.GetFocusedElement(this.ReportGrid) != frameworkElement)
                                        FocusManager.SetFocusedElement(this.ReportGrid, frameworkElement);

            // At this point, all the elements that can be recycled have been recycled.  The remaining elements on the canvas that
            // are not associated with a virtual report element need to be removed.
            for (int index = 0; index < this.Children.Count;)
                UIElement uiElement = this.Children[index];
                if (DynamicReport.GetCell(uiElement) == ReportCell.Empty)

            // The base class takes care of the hard work of measuring the visible user interface elements on the canvas.