public override bool Evaluate(RadObject target) { if (target == null) { return(false); } switch (this.BinaryOperator) { case BinaryOperator.AndOperator: if (this.Condition1.Evaluate(target)) { return(this.Condition2.Evaluate(target)); } return(false); case BinaryOperator.OrOperator: if (!this.Condition1.Evaluate(target)) { return(this.Condition2.Evaluate(target)); } return(true); case BinaryOperator.XorOperator: return(this.Condition1.Evaluate(target) != this.Condition2.Evaluate(target)); default: return(false); } }
public override LinkedList <RadObject> GetSelectedElements(RadObject element) { IStylableNode stylableNode = element as IStylableNode; if (stylableNode == null) { return(new LinkedList <RadObject>()); } if (this.childrenHierarchyByElement != null && this.CanUseCache) { return(this.FindElements(this.childrenHierarchyByElement) ?? new LinkedList <RadObject>()); } LinkedList <RadObject> linkedList = new LinkedList <RadObject>(); if (this.CanSelectOverride(element)) { linkedList.AddLast(element); } if (this.CanSelectOverride(element)) { linkedList.AddLast(element); } foreach (RadObject targetElement in stylableNode.ChildrenHierarchy) { if (this.CanSelectIgnoringConditions(targetElement)) { linkedList.AddLast(targetElement); } } return(linkedList); }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the RadPropertyBinding class. /// </summary> /// <param name="bindingSourceObject"></param> /// <param name="fromProperty"></param> /// <param name="bindingSourceProperty"></param> /// <param name="options"></param> public RadPropertyBinding(RadObject bindingSourceObject, RadProperty fromProperty, RadProperty bindingSourceProperty, PropertyBindingOptions options) { this.bindingSourceObject = bindingSourceObject; this.fromProperty = fromProperty; this.toProperty = bindingSourceProperty; this.options = options; }
protected internal virtual object GetInheritedValue(RadProperty property) { if (this.GetBitState(1L) || this.GetBitState(2L)) { return(RadProperty.UnsetValue); } int globalIndex = property.GlobalIndex; System.Type ownerType = property.OwnerType; object obj = RadProperty.UnsetValue; for (RadObject inheritanceParent = this.InheritanceParent; inheritanceParent != null; inheritanceParent = inheritanceParent.InheritanceParent) { if (ownerType.IsInstanceOfType((object)inheritanceParent)) { RadPropertyValue entry = inheritanceParent.propertyValues.GetEntry(property, false); if (entry != null) { obj = entry.GetCurrentValue(true); break; } } } return(obj); }
internal void Dispose() { ++this.lockComposeCount; ++this.lockValueUpdateCount; if (this.owner != null) { this.owner.RemoveBinding(this); } if (this.boundObjects != null) { for (int index = this.boundObjects.Count - 1; index >= 0; --index) { PropertyBoundObject boundObject = this.boundObjects[index]; RadObject radObject = boundObject.Object; if (radObject != null && !radObject.IsDisposed && !radObject.IsDisposing) { int num = (int)radObject.UnbindProperty(boundObject.Property); } } this.boundObjects.Clear(); } = (RadProperty)null; this.metadata = (RadPropertyMetadata)null; this.owner = (RadObject)null; this.propertyBinding = (PropertyBinding)null; this.animationSetting = (AnimatedPropertySetting)null; this.styleSetting = (IPropertySetting)null; }
private bool IsAnimationEnabled(RadObject element) { bool flag = ThemeResolutionService.AllowAnimations && AnimatedPropertySetting.AnimationsEnabled; RadElement radElement = element as RadElement; if (radElement != null && flag) { ComponentThemableElementTree elementTree = radElement.ElementTree; if (elementTree == null || !elementTree.AnimationsEnabled || radElement.Visibility != ElementVisibility.Visible) { return(false); } Control control = elementTree.Control; if (control == null) { return(false); } flag = control.Visible; RadControl radControl = control as RadControl; if (radControl != null && !radControl.Visible && !radControl.IsLoaded) { flag = true; } } return(flag); }
private int FindBoundObjectIndex(RadObject boundObject) { if (this.boundObjects == null) { return(-1); } int count = this.boundObjects.Count; for (int i = count - 1; i >= 0; i--) { PropertyBoundObject relation = this.boundObjects[i]; RadObject obj = relation.Object; if (obj == null) { this.boundObjects.RemoveAt(i); } else if (obj == boundObject) { return(i); } } return(-1); }
public void ApplyValue(RadObject element) { string propertyName = this.Name; if (this.PropertyMapper != null) { propertyName = this.PropertyMapper(propertyName, element); } if ( == null) { = PropertySetting.FindProperty(element.GetType(), propertyName, true); } if ( != null && (! || != propertyName)) { = PropertySetting.FindProperty(element.GetType(), propertyName, true); } if ( == null) { return; } if (this.endValue != null) { if (this.animatedSetting == null) { this.animatedSetting = new AnimatedPropertySetting(); this.animatedSetting.Property =; this.animatedSetting.StartValue = this.value; this.animatedSetting.EndValue = this.endValue; } this.animatedSetting.IsStyleSetting = true; this.animatedSetting.Property =; this.animatedSetting.ApplyValue(element); } int num = (int)element.AddStylePropertySetting((IPropertySetting)this); }
public void ApplyValue(RadObject element) { this.RemovePreviousAnimation(element); if (!this.IsAnimationEnabled(element)) { this.OnAnimationStarted(new AnimationStatusEventArgs(element, false)); this.OnAnimationFinished(new AnimationStatusEventArgs(element, true, !this.RemoveAfterApply)); } else { ElementValuesAnimator animator = this.GetAnimator(element); animator.Initialize(element, this.startValue != null ? this.startValue : element.GetValue(this.Property)); if (this.RandomDelay != 0) { this.ApplyDelay = AnimatedPropertySetting.rand.Next(this.RandomDelay); } if (this.ApplyDelay > 0) { animator.Waiting = true; Timer timer = new Timer(); timer.Interval = this.ApplyDelay; timer.Tick += new EventHandler(this.delayTimer_Tick); timer.Tag = (object)element; timer.Start(); } else { this.OnAnimationStarted(new AnimationStatusEventArgs(element, false)); animator.Start(element); } } }
/// <summary> /// Gets notified that the specified object has unbound itself from a property of ours. /// </summary> /// <param name="boundObject"></param> /// <param name="binding"></param> internal void OnPropertyUnboundExternally(PropertyBinding binding, RadObject boundObject) { if (this.IsDisposing) { return; } RadPropertyValue propVal = this.propertyValues.GetEntry(binding.SourceProperty, false); if (propVal == null) { return; } propVal.BeginUpdate(true, false); //remove previously registered relations propVal.RemoveBoundObject(boundObject); if ((binding.BindingOptions & PropertyBindingOptions.TwoWay) == PropertyBindingOptions.TwoWay) { //reset the local value applied from the two-way binding this.ResetValueCore(propVal, ValueResetFlags.TwoWayBindingLocal); } if ((binding.BindingOptions & PropertyBindingOptions.PreserveAsLocalValue) == PropertyBindingOptions.PreserveAsLocalValue) { propVal.SetLocalValue(binding.GetValue()); } propVal.EndUpdate(true, false); this.UpdateValueCore(propVal); }
/// <summary> /// Gets notified that the specified object has bound to a property of ours. /// </summary> /// <param name="boundObject">The instance that has bound the specified property.</param> /// <param name="binding"></param> internal void OnPropertyBoundExternally(PropertyBinding binding, RadObject boundObject) { RadPropertyValue propVal = this.propertyValues.GetEntry(binding.SourceProperty, true); //register the bound object and its property propVal.AddBoundObject(new PropertyBoundObject(boundObject, binding.BoundProperty)); }
/// <summary> /// Searches up in the chain of InheritanceParents for a value for the specified property. /// </summary> /// <param name="property">The property to examine.</param> /// <returns></returns> protected internal virtual object GetInheritedValue(RadProperty property) { if (this.GetBitState(DisposingStateKey) || this.GetBitState(DisposedStateKey)) { return(RadProperty.UnsetValue); } int propertyIndex = property.GlobalIndex; Type propDeclaringType = property.OwnerType; object value = RadProperty.UnsetValue; RadObject parent = this.InheritanceParent; while (parent != null) { if (propDeclaringType.IsInstanceOfType(parent)) { RadPropertyValue propVal = parent.propertyValues.GetEntry(property, false); if (propVal != null) { value = propVal.GetCurrentValue(true); break; } } parent = parent.InheritanceParent; } return(value); }
internal void OnPropertyUnboundExternally(PropertyBinding binding, RadObject boundObject) { if (this.IsDisposing) { return; } RadPropertyValue entry = this.propertyValues.GetEntry(binding.SourceProperty, false); if (entry == null) { return; } entry.BeginUpdate(true, false); entry.RemoveBoundObject(boundObject); if ((binding.BindingOptions & PropertyBindingOptions.TwoWay) == PropertyBindingOptions.TwoWay) { int num1 = (int)this.ResetValueCore(entry, ValueResetFlags.TwoWayBindingLocal); } if ((binding.BindingOptions & PropertyBindingOptions.PreserveAsLocalValue) == PropertyBindingOptions.PreserveAsLocalValue) { entry.SetLocalValue(binding.GetValue()); } entry.EndUpdate(true, false); int num2 = (int)this.UpdateValueCore(entry); }
public ValueUpdateResult BindProperty( RadProperty propertyToBind, RadObject sourceObject, RadProperty sourceProperty, PropertyBindingOptions options) { if (sourceObject == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("Binding source object"); } if (sourceObject.IsDisposing || sourceObject.IsDisposed) { return(ValueUpdateResult.NotUpdated); } RadPropertyValue entry = this.propertyValues.GetEntry(propertyToBind, true); if (entry.PropertyBinding != null) { entry.BeginUpdate(true, false); int num = (int)this.ResetValueCore(entry, ValueResetFlags.Binding); entry.EndUpdate(true, false); } PropertyBinding binding = new PropertyBinding(sourceObject, propertyToBind, sourceProperty, options); ValueUpdateResult valueUpdateResult = this.SetValueCore(entry, (object)binding, (object)null, ValueSource.PropertyBinding); if ((options & PropertyBindingOptions.NoChangeNotify) == (PropertyBindingOptions)0) { sourceObject.OnPropertyBoundExternally(binding, this); } return(valueUpdateResult); }
/// <summary> /// Notifies all bound objects for a change in this property. /// </summary> internal void NotifyBoundObjects() { //no bound objects registered if (this.boundObjects == null) { return; } //update all bound objects that our value has changed int count = this.boundObjects.Count; for (int i = count - 1; i >= 0; i--) { PropertyBoundObject relation = this.boundObjects[i]; RadObject obj = relation.Object; if (obj != null) { obj.OnBoundSourcePropertyChanged(relation.Property); } else { this.boundObjects.RemoveAt(i); } } }
/// <summary> /// Resets all references - such as binding references and property modifiers. /// </summary> internal void Dispose() { this.lockComposeCount++; this.lockValueUpdateCount++; //remove binding references this.owner.RemoveBinding(this); if (this.boundObjects != null) { int count = this.boundObjects.Count; for (int i = count - 1; i >= 0; i--) { PropertyBoundObject reference = this.boundObjects[i]; RadObject boundObject = reference.Object; if (boundObject != null && !(boundObject.IsDisposed || boundObject.IsDisposing)) { boundObject.UnbindProperty(reference.Property); } } this.boundObjects.Clear(); } //reset references = null; this.metadata = null; this.owner = null; this.propertyBinding = null; this.animationSetting = null; this.styleSetting = null; }
public void Apply(RadObject radObject, bool initializing) { IStylableElement stylable = radObject as IStylableElement; if (stylable != null) { if (!this.ApplySimpleSettings(stylable)) { this.ApplyVisualStateSettings(stylable, initializing); } } else { IStylableNode stylableNode = radObject as IStylableNode; if (stylableNode != null) { foreach (PropertySettingGroup setting in this.settings) { if (setting.Selector == null || setting.Selector.IsCompatible(radObject)) { stylableNode.ApplySettings(setting); } } } } if (!(radObject is RadItem)) { return; } ((RadItem)radObject).ApplyThemeSettingsOverride(); }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the RadPropertyBinding class. /// </summary> /// <param name="sourceObject"></param> /// <param name="boundProperty"></param> /// <param name="sourceProperty"></param> /// <param name="options"></param> public PropertyBinding(RadObject sourceObject, RadProperty boundProperty, RadProperty sourceProperty, PropertyBindingOptions options) { this.sourceObject = new WeakReference(sourceObject); this.boundProperty = boundProperty; this.sourceProperty = sourceProperty; this.options = options; }
public void ApplyThemeToElement(RadObject element, bool recursive) { if (this.ComponentTreeHandler.Initializing) { return; } this.EnsureTheme(); if (this.theme == null) { return; } StyleGroup styleGroup = this.theme.FindStyleGroup(this.Control); if (styleGroup == null) { for (IStylableNode stylableNode = element as IStylableNode; styleGroup == null && stylableNode != null; stylableNode = stylableNode.Parent) { IStylableElement stylableElement = stylableNode as IStylableElement; if (stylableElement != null) { styleGroup = this.theme.FindStyleGroup((IStylableNode)stylableElement); } } } this.SuspendAnimations(); this.ApplyStyleCore(element, styleGroup, (RadObject)this.RootElement, recursive); this.ResumeAnimations(); if (element != this.RootElement) { return; } this.RootElement.IsThemeApplied = true; }
public void Resume(RadObject element) { if (this.IsRunning) { return; } this.animationTimer.Start(); }
public void Pause(RadObject element) { if (!this.IsRunning) { return; } this.animationTimer.Stop(); }
public AnimationStatusEventArgs( RadObject element, bool isAnimationInterrupt, bool registerValueAsLocal) : this(element, isAnimationInterrupt) { this.registerValueAsLocal = registerValueAsLocal; }
public virtual bool CanSelect(RadObject targetElement) { if (this.CanSelectOverride(targetElement)) { return(this.CanSelectCore(targetElement)); } return(false); }
public RadPropertyMetadata GetMetadata(RadObject radObject) { if (radObject == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(radObject)); } return(this.GetMetadata(radObject.RadObjectType)); }
public void UpdateValue() { RadObject obj = this.Object; if (obj != null) { obj.UpdateValue(this.boundProperty); } }
protected override void PropertySettingRemoving(RadObject targetRadObject) { ElementValuesAnimator animator = ((RadElement)targetRadObject).ValuesAnimators[this.GetHashCode()] as ElementValuesAnimator; if (animator != null) { animator.SettingRemoving(); } }
/// <summary> /// Removes previously registered bound object. /// </summary> /// <param name="boundObject"></param> internal void RemoveBoundObject(RadObject boundObject) { int index = this.FindBoundObjectIndex(boundObject); if (index != -1) { this.boundObjects.RemoveAt(index); } }
public bool IsAnimating(RadObject element) { ElementValuesAnimator valuesAnimator = element.ValuesAnimators[(object)this.GetHashCode()] as ElementValuesAnimator; if (valuesAnimator != null) { return(valuesAnimator.IsRunning); } return(false); }
protected override bool CanSelectOverride(RadObject element) { IStylableNode stylableNode = element as IStylableNode; if (stylableNode != null && element != null) { return(string.Compare(stylableNode.Class, this.elementClass, true) == 0); } return(false); }
public void Start(RadObject element) { if (this.running) { return; } this.running = true; this.currentFrame = 0; this.StartTimer(); }