Exemple #1
        public RadComboBoxItemData[] GetOrganisations(RadComboBoxContext context)
            List <RadComboBoxItemData> result = new List <RadComboBoxItemData>();

            Orchestrator.Facade.IReferenceData facRefData = new Orchestrator.Facade.ReferenceData();
            DataSet ds = facRefData.GetAllOrganisationsFiltered(context.Text, false);

            int itemsPerRequest = 20;
            int itemOffset      = context.NumberOfItems;
            int endOffset       = itemOffset + itemsPerRequest;

            if (endOffset > ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count)
                endOffset = ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count;

            DataTable dt = ds.Tables[0];

            Telerik.Web.UI.RadComboBoxItemData rcItem = null;
            for (int i = itemOffset; i < endOffset; i++)
                rcItem       = new Telerik.Web.UI.RadComboBoxItemData();
                rcItem.Text  = dt.Rows[i]["OrganisationName"].ToString();
                rcItem.Value = dt.Rows[i]["IdentityId"].ToString();

Exemple #2
        public RadComboBoxItemData[] GetAllTrailers(RadComboBoxContext context)
            List <RadComboBoxItemData> result = new List <RadComboBoxItemData>();

            string[] clientArgs = context["FilterString"].ToString().Split(':');
            int      depotID    = 0;

            depotID = int.Parse(clientArgs[0]);

            Facade.IResource facResource = new Facade.Resource();
            DataSet          ds          = facResource.GetAllResourcesFiltered(context.Text, eResourceType.Trailer, depotID, false, true);

            int itemsPerRequest = 20;
            int itemOffset      = context.NumberOfItems;
            int endOffset       = itemOffset + itemsPerRequest;

            if (endOffset > ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count)
                endOffset = ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count;

            DataTable dt = ds.Tables[0];

            Telerik.Web.UI.RadComboBoxItemData rcItem = null;
            for (int i = itemOffset; i < endOffset; i++)
                rcItem       = new Telerik.Web.UI.RadComboBoxItemData();
                rcItem.Text  = dt.Rows[i]["Description"].ToString();
                rcItem.Value = dt.Rows[i]["ResourceId"].ToString();

Exemple #3
        public RadComboBoxItemData[] GetPointsWithStateFilter(RadComboBoxContext context, bool includeDeleted)
            IDictionary <string, object> contextDictionary = (IDictionary <string, object>)context;
            string filter      = context.Text;
            int    _identityID = -1;

            //int _townID = ((int)contextDictionary["TownID"]);
            if (contextDictionary.Keys.FirstOrDefault(k => k == "IdentityID") != null)
                _identityID = ((int)contextDictionary["IdentityID"]);

            // The search text entered by the user ("e.Text") can be split into two regions delimited by a backslash.
            // Any text to the left of the first backslash (or when there is no backslash) should be used to filter the organisation name.
            // Any text to the right of a backslash should be used to filter the point description.
            char filterChar = '\\'; // Backslash character "\"

            string[] filterString = filter.Split(';')[0].Split(filterChar.ToString().ToCharArray());

            DataSet ds = null;

            Orchestrator.Facade.Point facPoint = new Orchestrator.Facade.Point();
            int noOfRowsToReturnPerRequest     = 20;
            int itemOffset = context.NumberOfItems;
            int endOffset  = itemOffset + noOfRowsToReturnPerRequest;

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(filter))
                // Do not filter the point type for the time being - just display 'Any'.
                ds = facPoint.GetAllWithAddress(ePointType.Any, "", "", noOfRowsToReturnPerRequest, includeDeleted);
            else if (filterString.Length == 1)
                // Do not filter the point type for the time being - just display 'Any'.
                // when only one strng is entered, surely the intention is to search on the point description not the organisationname
                ds = facPoint.GetAllWithAddress(ePointType.Any, "", filterString[0], noOfRowsToReturnPerRequest, includeDeleted);
            else if (filterString.Length > 1)
                // Do not filter the point type for the time being - just display 'Any'.
                ds = facPoint.GetAllWithAddress(ePointType.Any, filterString[1], filterString[0], noOfRowsToReturnPerRequest, includeDeleted);

            DataTable dt = ds.Tables[0];

            Telerik.Web.UI.RadComboBoxItemData rcItem = null;
            List <RadComboBoxItemData>         result = new List <RadComboBoxItemData>();

            foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows)
                rcItem = new RadComboBoxItemData();
                PointComboItem comboItem = new PointComboItem(row);
                rcItem.Text  = comboItem.SingleLineText;
                rcItem.Value = row["IdentityId"].ToString() + "," + row["PointId"];


Exemple #4
        public RadComboBoxItemData[] GetAllDrivers(RadComboBoxContext context)
            List <RadComboBoxItemData> result = new List <RadComboBoxItemData>();

            Facade.IResource facResource = new Facade.Resource();
            DataSet          ds          = facResource.GetAllResourcesFiltered(context.Text, eResourceType.Driver, false);

            var itemsPerRequest = context.ContainsKey("ItemsPerRequest") ? (int)context["ItemsPerRequest"] : 20;

            DataTable dt        = ds.Tables[0];
            var       itemCount = dt.Rows.Count;

            int itemOffset = context.NumberOfItems;
            int endOffset  = itemsPerRequest == 0 ? itemCount : itemOffset + itemsPerRequest;

            if (endOffset > itemCount)
                endOffset = itemCount;

            for (int i = itemOffset; i < endOffset; i++)
                var rcItem = new Telerik.Web.UI.RadComboBoxItemData();
                rcItem.Text  = dt.Rows[i]["Description"].ToString();
                rcItem.Value = dt.Rows[i]["ResourceId"].ToString();

Exemple #5
        public RadComboBoxItemData[] GetVehicles(RadComboBoxContext context)
            List <RadComboBoxItemData> result = new List <RadComboBoxItemData>();

            // If the context contains a "TopItemText" key then add to a the top of the result list an item containing this text (for example "- all -" or "- select -")
            // But only if the list is currently empty. If they have clicked the ShowMoreResultsBox arrow, we don't want to add another "- all -"
            bool hasTopItemText = false;
            var  topItemText    = context.ContainsKey("TopItemText") ? context["TopItemText"].ToString() : string.Empty;

            hasTopItemText = !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(topItemText);

            if (hasTopItemText && context.NumberOfItems == 0)
                result.Add(new Telerik.Web.UI.RadComboBoxItemData {
                    Text = topItemText

            string[] clientArgs = context["FilterString"].ToString().Split(':');
            int      depotID    = int.Parse(clientArgs[0]);

            var query = (context.ContainsKey("Text") && context.Text != topItemText) ? context.Text : string.Empty;

            Facade.IResource facResource = new Facade.Resource();
            DataSet          ds          = facResource.GetAllResourcesFiltered(query, eResourceType.Vehicle, depotID, false, true);

            int itemsPerRequest = 20;
            int itemOffset      = context.NumberOfItems;

            // If the list contains a Top Item (e.g. -All-) and the list is already populated (the ShowMoreResultsBox has been clicked), do not include the Top Item or the offset will skip a vehicle.
            if (hasTopItemText && context.NumberOfItems > 0)

            int endOffset = itemOffset + itemsPerRequest;

            if (endOffset > ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count)
                endOffset = ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count;

            DataTable dt = ds.Tables[0];

            Telerik.Web.UI.RadComboBoxItemData rcItem = null;
            for (int i = itemOffset; i < endOffset; i++)
                rcItem       = new Telerik.Web.UI.RadComboBoxItemData();
                rcItem.Text  = dt.Rows[i]["Description"].ToString();
                rcItem.Value = dt.Rows[i]["ResourceId"].ToString();

Exemple #6
        public RadComboBoxItemData[] GetClients(RadComboBoxContext context)
            List <RadComboBoxItemData> result = new List <RadComboBoxItemData>();

            // If the context contains a "TopItemText" key then add to a the top of the result list an item containing this text (for example "- all -" or "- select -")
            var topItemText = context.ContainsKey("TopItemText") ? context["TopItemText"].ToString() : string.Empty;

            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(topItemText))
                result.Add(new Telerik.Web.UI.RadComboBoxItemData {
                    Text = topItemText

            bool includeSuspended = false;

            if (context.ContainsKey("DisplaySuspended"))
                includeSuspended = context["DisplaySuspended"] == null ? false : context["DisplaySuspended"].ToString() == "False" ? false : true;

            var query = (context.ContainsKey("Text") && context.Text != topItemText) ? context.Text : string.Empty;

            Orchestrator.Facade.IReferenceData facRefData = new Orchestrator.Facade.ReferenceData();
            DataSet ds = facRefData.GetAllClientsFiltered(query, includeSuspended);

            int itemsPerRequest = 20;
            int itemOffset      = context.NumberOfItems;
            int endOffset       = itemOffset + itemsPerRequest;

            if (endOffset > ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count)
                endOffset = ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count;

            DataTable dt = ds.Tables[0];

            Telerik.Web.UI.RadComboBoxItemData rcItem = null;
            for (int i = itemOffset; i < endOffset; i++)
                rcItem       = new Telerik.Web.UI.RadComboBoxItemData();
                rcItem.Text  = dt.Rows[i]["OrganisationName"].ToString();
                rcItem.Value = dt.Rows[i]["IdentityId"].ToString();

Exemple #7
        public RadComboBoxItemData[] GetCountries(RadComboBoxContext context)
            Orchestrator.Facade.IReferenceData facRef = new Orchestrator.Facade.ReferenceData();
            DataSet   ds = facRef.GetAllCountries();
            DataTable dt = ds.Tables[0];

            Telerik.Web.UI.RadComboBoxItemData rcItem = null;
            List <RadComboBoxItemData>         result = new List <RadComboBoxItemData>();

            foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows)
                rcItem       = new RadComboBoxItemData();
                rcItem.Text  = dr["CountryDescription"].ToString();
                rcItem.Value = dr["CountryId"].ToString();

Exemple #8
        public RadComboBoxItemData[] GetMultiTrunk(RadComboBoxContext context)
            string multiTrunkDescription           = context["FilterString"].ToString();
            List <Entities.MultiTrunk> multiTrunks = null;

            Orchestrator.Facade.MultiTrunk facMultiTrunk = new Orchestrator.Facade.MultiTrunk();
            int noOfRowsToReturn = 20;

            multiTrunks = facMultiTrunk.GetForDescriptionFiltered(multiTrunkDescription, true, noOfRowsToReturn);

            Telerik.Web.UI.RadComboBoxItemData rcItem = null;
            List <RadComboBoxItemData>         result = new List <RadComboBoxItemData>();

            foreach (Entities.MultiTrunk mt in multiTrunks)
                rcItem = new Telerik.Web.UI.RadComboBoxItemData();

                rcItem.Text  = mt.HtmlTableFormattedTrunkPointDescriptionsWithTravelTimesAndMultiTrunkDescription;
                rcItem.Value = mt.MultiTrunkId.ToString();
