private void Graphics_NeedDataSource(object sender, EventArgs e) { Telerik.Reporting.Processing.Chart report = (Telerik.Reporting.Processing.Chart)sender; string yearfrom = report.Report.Parameters["yearfrom"].Value.ToString(); string yearto = report.Report.Parameters["yearto"].Value.ToString(); object[] parameter = (object[])report.Report.Parameters["parameter"].Value; string type = report.Report.Parameters["TYPE"].Value.ToString(); string parameters = ""; foreach (object a in parameter) { parameters += "," + a.ToString(); } parameters = parameters.Substring(1); object[] month = (object[])report.Report.Parameters["months"].Value; string months = ""; foreach (object a in month) { months += "," + a.ToString(); } months = months.Substring(1); ////chart.DataSource = table.DefaultView; DataTable table = new DataTable(); DataTable tXLabel = new DataTable(); DataTable tSeries = new DataTable(); //string sql = @"SELECT procedure_reference, COUNT(date_rise) as [yeartodate] FROM pir group by procedure_reference"; //string connectionString = "Data Source=LIGHTCROSS;Initial Catalog=star_energi_geo;Integrated Security=True"; //SqlDataAdapter adapter = new SqlDataAdapter(sql, connectionString); SqlDataAdapter adapter = new SqlDataAdapter( @"select month(date) as month, year(date) as year, lokasi_sampling, sum(case is_galat when 1 then 0 else hasil_analisis end) as hasil_analisis from graphic_data left join graphic_type on graphic_data.type = left join graphic_parameter on graphic_data.id_parameter = left join lokasi_sampling on graphic_data.id_lokasi = where graphic_data.type = " + type + " and id_parameter in (" + parameters + ") and year(date) >= " + yearfrom + @" and year(date) <= " + yearto + " and month(date) in (" + months + @") group by month(date), year(date), lokasi_sampling order by year, month " , "Data Source=(local);Initial Catalog=star_energy_enviro;Integrated Security=True;MultipleActiveResultSets=True;Application Name=EntityFramework"); adapter.Fill(table); SqlDataAdapter adapter2 = new SqlDataAdapter( @"select distinct month(date) as month, year(date) as year from graphic_data left join graphic_type on graphic_data.type = left join graphic_parameter on graphic_data.id_parameter = left join lokasi_sampling on graphic_data.id_lokasi = where graphic_data.type = " + type + " and id_parameter in (" + parameters + ") and year(date) >= " + yearfrom + @" and year(date) <= " + yearto + " and month(date) in (" + months + @") order by year, month" , "Data Source=(local);Initial Catalog=star_energy_enviro;Integrated Security=True;MultipleActiveResultSets=True;Application Name=EntityFramework"); adapter2.Fill(tXLabel); DataColumn[] column = new DataColumn[2]; column[0] = tXLabel.Columns["month"]; column[1] = tXLabel.Columns["year"]; tXLabel.PrimaryKey = column; SqlDataAdapter adapter3 = new SqlDataAdapter( @"select distinct lokasi_sampling from graphic_data left join graphic_type on graphic_data.type = left join graphic_parameter on graphic_data.id_parameter = left join lokasi_sampling on graphic_data.id_lokasi = where graphic_data.type = " + type + " and id_parameter in (" + parameters + ") and year(date) >= " + yearfrom + @" and year(date) <= " + yearto + " and month(date) in (" + months + @") " , "Data Source=(local);Initial Catalog=star_energy_enviro;Integrated Security=True;MultipleActiveResultSets=True;Application Name=EntityFramework"); adapter3.Fill(tSeries); DataColumn[] column2 = new DataColumn[1]; column2[0] = tSeries.Columns["lokasi_sampling"]; tSeries.PrimaryKey = column2; Color[] colors = new Color[] { Color.Red, Color.Yellow, Color.Black, Color.Blue, Color.Pink, Color.Green, Color.MediumPurple, Color.Brown, Color.Orange, Color.Gray }; this.chart1.PlotArea.XAxis.Appearance.ValueFormat = Telerik.Reporting.Charting.Styles.ChartValueFormat.General; this.chart1.PlotArea.XAxis.AutoScale = false; if (tXLabel.Rows.Count != 0) { this.chart1.PlotArea.XAxis.AddRange(0, tXLabel.Rows.Count - 1, 1); } else { this.chart1.PlotArea.XAxis.AddRange(0, 0, 1); } int i = 0; foreach (DataRow d in tXLabel.Rows) { this.chart1.PlotArea.XAxis.Items[i].TextBlock.Text = ((int)d["month"] == 1 ? "Jan" : ((int)d["month"] == 2 ? "Feb" : ((int)d["month"] == 3 ? "Mar" : ((int)d["month"] == 4 ? "Apr" : ((int)d["month"] == 5 ? "May" : ((int)d["month"] == 6 ? "Jun" : ((int)d["month"] == 7 ? "Jul" : ((int)d["month"] == 8 ? "Aug" : ((int)d["month"] == 9 ? "Sep" : ((int)d["month"] == 10 ? "Oct" : ((int)d["month"] == 11 ? "Nov" : "Dec"))))))))))) + " " + d["year"]; i++; } Telerik.Reporting.Chart defChart = (Telerik.Reporting.Chart)report.ItemDefinition; ChartSeries[] series = new ChartSeries[tSeries.Rows.Count]; defChart.Series.Clear(); for (i = 0; i < tSeries.Rows.Count; i++) { series[i] = new ChartSeries(); series[i].Type = ChartSeriesType.Line; defChart.Series.Add(series[i]); series[i].Clear(); series[i].Appearance.LegendDisplayMode = ChartSeriesLegendDisplayMode.SeriesName; series[i].Name = tSeries.Rows[i]["lokasi_sampling"].ToString(); series[i].Appearance.EmptyValue.Mode = Telerik.Reporting.Charting.Styles.EmtyValuesMode.Approximation; series[i].Appearance.EmptyValue.Line.Width = 0; series[i].Appearance.EmptyValue.PointMark.Visible = false; series[i].Appearance.PointMark.Visible = true; series[i].Appearance.PointShape = "rectangle"; series[i].Appearance.PointMark.FillStyle.FillType = Telerik.Reporting.Charting.Styles.FillType.Solid; series[i].Appearance.PointMark.FillStyle.MainColor = colors[i]; } foreach (DataRow row in table.Rows) { ChartSeriesItem item = new ChartSeriesItem(); item.YValue = (double)row["hasil_analisis"]; object[] a = { row["month"], row["year"] }; int x = tXLabel.Rows.IndexOf(tXLabel.Rows.Find(a)); item.XValue = x; item.Label.TextBlock.Text = "#Y"; item.Label.TextBlock.Appearance.Dimensions.Margins.Bottom = 0; item.Label.TextBlock.Appearance.Position.X = 0; item.Label.Appearance.Position.AlignedPosition = Telerik.Reporting.Charting.Styles.AlignedPositions.Left; item.Label.TextBlock.Appearance.TextProperties.Color = Color.FromArgb(65, 64, 66); item.Label.TextBlock.Appearance.TextProperties.Font = new System.Drawing.Font("Arial", 12, FontStyle.Regular); int totalData = series[tSeries.Rows.IndexOf(tSeries.Rows.Find(row["lokasi_sampling"]))].Items.Count; if (x == totalData) { series[tSeries.Rows.IndexOf(tSeries.Rows.Find(row["lokasi_sampling"]))].Items.Add(item); } else { for (i = 0; i < x - totalData; i++) { ChartSeriesItem itemDummy = new ChartSeriesItem(); itemDummy.Empty = true; itemDummy.XValue = totalData + i; itemDummy.Label.TextBlock.Visible = false; series[tSeries.Rows.IndexOf(tSeries.Rows.Find(row["lokasi_sampling"]))].Items.Add(itemDummy); } series[tSeries.Rows.IndexOf(tSeries.Rows.Find(row["lokasi_sampling"]))].Items.Add(item); } } this.chart1.ChartTitle.TextBlock.Text = report.Report.Parameters["TYPE"].Label.ToString() + " Quality"; this.chart1.PlotArea.YAxis.AxisLabel.TextBlock.Text = report.Report.Parameters["unit"].Label == null ? "" : report.Report.Parameters["unit"].Label.ToString(); this.chart1.PlotArea.YAxis.AxisLabel.Visible = true; this.chart1.Legend.Appearance.Position.AlignedPosition = Telerik.Reporting.Charting.Styles.AlignedPositions.BottomRight; this.chart1.Legend.Appearance.Position.Auto = true; this.chart1.Legend.Appearance.ItemMarkerAppearance.Figure = "Rectangle"; this.chart1.Legend.Appearance.ItemTextAppearance.TextProperties.Color = Color.FromArgb(88, 89, 91); this.chart1.Legend.Appearance.ItemTextAppearance.TextProperties.Font = new System.Drawing.Font("Arial", 12, FontStyle.Regular); this.chart1.Legend.Appearance.Dimensions.Margins.Bottom = 60; Palette pal = new Palette(); foreach (var color in colors) { pal.Items.Add(new PaletteItem(color, color)); } pal.Name = "MyPalette"; this.chart1.CustomPalettes.Add(pal); this.chart1.SeriesPalette = "MyPalette"; }
/// <summary> /// Gets the charts. /// </summary> /// <param name="field">The field.</param> /// <param name="settingsString">The settings string.</param> /// <param name="valueLocation">The value location.</param> /// <param name="valueSize">Size of the value.</param> /// <returns>List{Chart}.</returns> private List<Chart> GetCharts(PropertyInfo field, string settingsString, PointU valueLocation, SizeU valueSize) { //TODO start and finish var chartsList = new List<Chart>(); var sampleSettings = string.Empty; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(settingsString)) { var spcSettings = XElement.Parse(settingsString); if (spcSettings.HasAttributes) { var sampleFieldName = spcSettings.Attribute("SampleFieldName").Value; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sampleFieldName)) { sampleSettings = _item.GetValueByPropertyName(string.Format("{0}_SampleSettings", sampleFieldName)) as string; } } } var spcFieldValue = field.GetValue(_item, null); ChartPanel chartPanel = null; var getSampleDataCommand = TheDynamicTypeManager.GetTypeByName(_item.ProcessName, string.Format( "Dynamic{0}.GetSampleDataCommand", _item.ProcessName)); var inf = getSampleDataCommand.GetMethod("Execute", BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.FlattenHierarchy); chartPanel = (ChartPanel) inf.Invoke(getSampleDataCommand, new object[] {field.Name, spcFieldValue, _item, sampleSettings, 0, chartPanel}); valueSize = new SizeU(valueSize.Width, valueSize.Height*2); foreach (var chartBase in chartPanel.Charts) { var chart = new Chart { BitmapResolution = 96F, ImageFormat = ImageFormat.Emf, Location = valueLocation, Size = valueSize, }; chart.ChartTitle.Visible = false; // Create a ChartSeries and assign its name and chart type var chartSeries = new ChartSeries(); chartSeries.Name = chartBase.ChartType.Description(); chartSeries.Type = fromChartBaseChartType(chartBase.ChartType); chartSeries.Appearance.LabelAppearance.LabelLocation = StyleSeriesItemLabel.ItemLabelLocation.Outside; foreach (var unit in chartBase.DataSource) { chartSeries.AddItem((double) unit.SampleValue, unit.CategoryValue.LabelValue.ToString()); } chart.Series.Add(chartSeries); valueLocation.Y += chart.Size.Height; chartsList.Add(chart); } return chartsList; }