public override Expression CloneExpressionOnly()
            BoxExpression result = new BoxExpression(this.BoxedExpression.CloneExpressionOnly(), theTypeSystem, this.BoxedAs, null)
                IsAutoBox = this.IsAutoBox

        public override Expression Clone()
            BoxExpression result = new BoxExpression(this.BoxedExpression.Clone(), theTypeSystem, this.BoxedAs, instructions)
                IsAutoBox = this.IsAutoBox

        public override bool Equals(Expression other)
            BoxExpression otherBox = other as BoxExpression;

            if (otherBox == null)
            if (this.BoxedExpression.Equals(otherBox.BoxedExpression))
                return(this.BoxedAs.FullName == otherBox.BoxedAs.FullName);
		public override ICodeNode VisitBoxExpression(BoxExpression node)
			node = (BoxExpression)base.VisitBoxExpression(node);

			TypeDefinition boxedAs = node.BoxedAs.Resolve();

			if (boxedAs != null && boxedAs.IsEnum && !node.BoxedAs.IsArray)
				if (node.BoxedExpression is LiteralExpression)
					node.BoxedExpression = EnumHelper.GetEnumExpression(boxedAs, node.BoxedExpression as LiteralExpression, typeSystem);

			return node;
		public override void VisitBoxExpression(BoxExpression node)
			Stack<Expression> removedExpressions = new Stack<Expression>();
			removedExpressions.Push(parentExpressions.Pop());// pop the box expression
			if (parentExpressions.Count > 0)
				Expression containingExpression = parentExpressions.Peek();
				if (containingExpression is MemberReferenceExpresion)
					MemberReferenceExpresion memberExpression = parentExpressions.Pop() as MemberReferenceExpresion;
					if (memberExpression.Member is MethodReference)
						//The box expression is the method target.
						// This is automatically handled by C#/VB compilers.
						node.IsAutoBox = true;
				else if (containingExpression is MethodInvocationExpression ||
						containingExpression is FieldReferenceExpression ||
						containingExpression is PropertyReferenceExpression)
					// The boxed expression is an argument to a method call.
					// This is automatically handled by C#/VB compilers.
					node.IsAutoBox = true;
				else if (containingExpression is BinaryExpression)
					BinaryExpression binary = containingExpression as BinaryExpression;

					// Check for expressions of the type:
					//		a = B;
					//	where a is of type object and B is the boxed expression.
					if (binary.IsAssignmentExpression && binary.Right.Equals(node))
						node.IsAutoBox = true;

					// check for expressions of the type:
					//		X == null 
					//		X != null 
					//		null == X 
					//		null != X
					//	where X is the boxed expression and X is of some generic parameter type T
					if (binary.IsComparisonExpression && node.BoxedAs.IsGenericParameter)
						if (binary.Left == node)
							if (binary.Right is LiteralExpression && (binary.Right as LiteralExpression).Value == null)
								node.IsAutoBox = true;
						if (binary.Right == node)
							if (binary.Left is LiteralExpression && (binary.Left as LiteralExpression).Value == null)
								node.IsAutoBox = true;
				else if (containingExpression is ReturnExpression)
					if (context.Method.ReturnType.FullName == "System.Object")
						node.IsAutoBox = true;
						TypeDefinition type = node.BoxedExpression.ExpressionType.Resolve();
						if (type != null && type.IsValueType)
							node.IsAutoBox = true;
				else if (containingExpression is YieldReturnExpression)
					YieldReturnExpression yieldReturn = containingExpression as YieldReturnExpression;
					if (yieldReturn.Expression.Equals(node))
						node.IsAutoBox = true;

			// push back the popped expressions
			while (removedExpressions.Count > 0)

        public override ICodeNode VisitBoxExpression(BoxExpression node)
            if (node.BoxedExpression.CodeNodeType == CodeNodeType.LiteralExpression && node.BoxedAs.FullName == currentTypeSystem.Boolean.FullName)
                FixBooleanLiteral(node.BoxedExpression as LiteralExpression);
                return node.BoxedExpression.CloneAndAttachInstructions(node.MappedInstructions);

			if (node.BoxedExpression.CodeNodeType == CodeNodeType.CastExpression && ((CastExpression)node.BoxedExpression).Expression.CodeNodeType == CodeNodeType.CastExpression)
				// double cast in a boxed expression;
				CastExpression outerCast = node.BoxedExpression as CastExpression;
				CastExpression innerCast = outerCast.Expression as CastExpression;
				if (outerCast.TargetType.FullName == currentTypeSystem.Char.FullName &&
					innerCast.TargetType.FullName == currentTypeSystem.UInt16.FullName)
					// Remove the outer cast, as it is produced by the box expression and doesn't have any instructions mapped.
					// The inner cast contains the instruction, converting the stack value to 2-byte integer (which at this point is known to be char, not ushort).
					innerCast.TargetType = currentTypeSystem.Char;
					node.BoxedExpression = innerCast;
            return node;
        public override void VisitBoxExpression(BoxExpression node)
            if (!node.IsAutoBox)
                WriteReferenceAndNamespaceIfInCollision(node.ExpressionType); // the cast to object
            bool isComplexCastTarget = IsComplexTarget(node.BoxedExpression);

            if (isComplexCastTarget && !node.IsAutoBox)


            if (isComplexCastTarget && !node.IsAutoBox)
 public override Expression CloneExpressionOnly()
     BoxExpression result = new BoxExpression(this.BoxedExpression.CloneExpressionOnly(), theTypeSystem, this.BoxedAs, null) { IsAutoBox = this.IsAutoBox };
     return result;
		public override Expression Clone()
            BoxExpression result = new BoxExpression(this.BoxedExpression.Clone(), theTypeSystem, this.BoxedAs, instructions) { IsAutoBox = this.IsAutoBox };
			return result;
 public virtual void VisitBoxExpression(BoxExpression node)
 public override Expression CloneExpressionOnly()
     stackVariable8 = new BoxExpression(this.get_BoxedExpression().CloneExpressionOnly(), this.theTypeSystem, this.get_BoxedAs(), null);
 public override Expression Clone()
     stackVariable9 = new BoxExpression(this.get_BoxedExpression().Clone(), this.theTypeSystem, this.get_BoxedAs(), this.instructions);