public TelepathyObjectSchema FilterSchema(TelepathyFilterConfig config)
            var typeConfig = config.GetObjectTypeConfig(Name);

            int includedFields = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < NumFields; i++)
                if (typeConfig.includesField(GetFieldName(i)))

            var filteredSchema = new TelepathyObjectSchema(Name, includedFields, PrimaryKey);

            for (var i = 0; i < NumFields; i++)
                if (typeConfig.includesField(GetFieldName(i)))
                    filteredSchema.AddField(GetFieldName(i), GetFieldType(i), GetReferencedType(i));

        public TelepathyObjectSchema FindCommonSchema(TelepathyObjectSchema otherSchema)
            if (!Name.Equals(otherSchema.Name))
                throw new ArgumentException("Cannot find common schema of two schemas with different names!");

            var commonFields = _fieldNames.Count(fieldName => otherSchema.GetPosition(fieldName) != -1);

            var primaryKey = PrimaryKey.Equals(otherSchema.PrimaryKey) ? PrimaryKey : null;

            TelepathyObjectSchema commonSchema = new TelepathyObjectSchema(Name, commonFields, primaryKey);

            for (int i = 0; i < _fieldNames.Length; i++)
                int otherFieldIndex = otherSchema.GetPosition(_fieldNames[i]);
                if (otherFieldIndex != -1)
                    if (_fieldTypes[i] != otherSchema.GetFieldType(otherFieldIndex) ||
                        !ReferenceEquals(ReferencedTypes[i], otherSchema.GetReferencedType(otherFieldIndex)))
                        throw new ArgumentException("No common schema exists for " + Name + ": field " + _fieldNames[i] + " has unmatched types");
                    commonSchema.AddField(_fieldNames[i], _fieldTypes[i], ReferencedTypes[i]);

        public TelepathyObjectSchema FindUnionSchema(TelepathyObjectSchema otherSchema)
            if (!Name.Equals(otherSchema.Name))
                throw new ArgumentException("Cannot find common schema of two schemas with different names!");

            int totalFields = otherSchema.NumFields;

            foreach (var fieldName in _fieldNames)
                if (otherSchema.GetPosition(fieldName) == -1)

            var primaryKey  = PrimaryKey.Equals(otherSchema.PrimaryKey) ? PrimaryKey : null;
            var unionSchema = new TelepathyObjectSchema(Name, totalFields, primaryKey);

            for (int i = 0; i < _fieldNames.Length; i++)
                unionSchema.AddField(_fieldNames[i], _fieldTypes[i], ReferencedTypes[i]);

            for (int i = 0; i < otherSchema.NumFields; i++)
                if (GetPosition(otherSchema.GetFieldName(i)) == -1)
                    unionSchema.AddField(otherSchema.GetFieldName(i), otherSchema.GetFieldType(i),
