RecieveDataFromClient() public méthode

Add a data point for bytes recieved from the client (UPlink)
public RecieveDataFromClient ( int bytes ) : void
bytes int
Résultat void
        public bool process(HttpListenerRequest request, HttpListenerResponse response)
            if (!request.RawUrl.StartsWith(PAGE_PREFIX))

            // Work out how big this request was
            long byteCount = request.RawUrl.Length + request.ContentLength64;

            // Don't count headers + request.Headers.AllKeys.Sum(x => x.Length + request.Headers[x].Length + 1);

            IDictionary <string, object> apiRequests;

            if (request.HttpMethod.ToUpper() == "POST" && request.HasEntityBody)
                System.IO.StreamReader streamReader = new System.IO.StreamReader(request.InputStream);
                apiRequests = parseJSONBody(streamReader.ReadToEnd());
                apiRequests = splitArguments(request.Url.Query);

            var results  = new Dictionary <string, object>();
            var unknowns = new List <string>();
            var errors   = new Dictionary <string, string>();

            foreach (var name in apiRequests.Keys)
                try {
                    results[name] = kspAPI.ProcessAPIString(apiRequests[name].ToString());
                } catch (IKSPAPI.UnknownAPIException)
                } catch (Exception ex)
                    errors[apiRequests[name].ToString()] = ex.ToString();
            // If we had any unrecognised API keys, let the user know
            if (unknowns.Count > 0)
                results["unknown"] = unknowns;
            if (errors.Count > 0)
                results["errors"] = errors;

            // Now, serialize the dictionary and write to the response
            var returnData = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(SimpleJson.SimpleJson.SerializeObject(results));

            response.ContentEncoding = Encoding.UTF8;
            response.ContentType     = "application/json";
        public bool process(HttpListenerRequest request, HttpListenerResponse response)
            //PluginLogger.debug(String.Join(",", CameraCaptureManager.classedInstance.cameras.Keys.ToArray()));
            //PluginLogger.debug("FLIGHT CAMERA: " + this.cameraCaptureTest);
            if (request.Url.AbsolutePath.TrimEnd('/').ToLower() == CAMERA_LIST_ENDPOINT)
                // Work out how big this request was
                long byteCount = request.RawUrl.Length + request.ContentLength64;
                // Don't count headers + request.Headers.AllKeys.Sum(x => x.Length + request.Headers[x].Length + 1);

                return(processCameraManagerIndex(request, response));
            else if (cameraNameEndpointRegex.IsMatch(request.Url.AbsolutePath))
                Match  match      = cameraNameEndpointRegex.Match(request.Url.AbsolutePath);
                string cameraName = UnityEngine.WWW.UnEscapeURL(match.Groups[1].Value);
                //PluginLogger.debug("GET CAMERA: " + cameraName);
                return(processCameraImageRequest(cameraName, request, response));

        /// Process a message recieved from a client
        protected override void OnMessage(MessageEventArgs e)
            // We only care about text messages, for now.
            if (e.Type != Opcode.Text)

            // deserialize the message as JSON
            var json = SimpleJson.SimpleJson.DeserializeObject(e.Data) as SimpleJson.JsonObject;

            lock (dataLock)
                // Do any tasks requested here
                foreach (var entry in json)
                    // Try converting the item to a list - this is the most common expected.
                    // If we got a string, then add it to the list to allow "one-shot" submission
                    string[] listContents = new string[] { };
                    if (entry.Value is SimpleJson.JsonArray)
                        listContents = (entry.Value as SimpleJson.JsonArray).OfType <string>().Select(x => x.Trim()).ToArray();
                    else if (entry.Value is string)
                        listContents = new[] { entry.Value as string };

                    // Process the possible API entries
                    if (entry.Key == "+")
                        PluginLogger.print(string.Format("Client {0} added {1}", ID, string.Join(",", listContents)));
                    else if (entry.Key == "-")
                        PluginLogger.print(string.Format("Client {0} removed {1}", ID, string.Join(",", listContents)));
                    else if (entry.Key == "run")
                        PluginLogger.print(string.Format("Client {0} running {1}", ID, string.Join(",", listContents)));
                    else if (entry.Key == "rate")
                        streamRate = Convert.ToInt32(entry.Value);
                        PluginLogger.print(string.Format("Client {0} setting rate {1}", ID, streamRate));
                    else if (entry.Key == "binary")
                        binarySubscriptions = listContents;
                        PluginLogger.print(string.Format("Client {0} requests binary packets {1}", ID, string.Join(", ", listContents)));
                        PluginLogger.print(String.Format("Client {0} send unrecognised key {1}", ID, entry.Key));
            } // Lock
        }     // OnMessage