public Composition(int width, int height, ushort bitsPerPixel)
            DeviceContext = Gdi32.CreateCompatibleDC(IntPtr.Zero).ThrowWithoutLastErrorAvailableIfInvalid(nameof(Gdi32.CreateCompatibleDC));

            bitmap = Gdi32.CreateDIBSection(DeviceContext, new()
                bmiHeader =
                    biSize     = Marshal.SizeOf <Gdi32.BITMAPINFOHEADER>(),
                    biWidth    = width,
                    biHeight   =                                   -height,
                    biPlanes   =                                         1,
                    biBitCount = bitsPerPixel,
            }, Gdi32.DIB.RGB_COLORS, out var compositionPixelDataPointer, hSection: IntPtr.Zero, offset: 0).ThrowLastErrorIfInvalid();

            Gdi32.SelectObject(DeviceContext, bitmap).ThrowWithoutLastErrorAvailableIfInvalid(nameof(Gdi32.SelectObject));

                Pixels = new(
                    (byte *)compositionPixelDataPointer,
                    stride : ((((uint)width * 3) + 3) / 4) * 4,
        // Referenced,ed_J.Arvo.pdf and
        // to help figure out what was going on.

        public void Quantize(
            ColorEnumerable sourceImage,
            (byte R, byte G, byte B)[] paletteBuffer,