Exemple #1
        public override void Collision(CircleCollider other)
            if (other.entity.Equals(this.entity))
            // ABVector is the vector between this object and the other object.
            Vector2 ABVector = other.center - this.center;
            // Distance Between Centers is the distance between the 2 collider centers.
            float distanceBetweenCenters = ABVector.Length();

            // If this is greater than the sum of the radii, a collision has occured.
            if (distanceBetweenCenters <= this.radius + other.radius)
                // The collision normal is the ABVector, converted into a Unit vector (or normalized)
                Vector2 normal = ABVector;
                // We correct interpenetration BEFORE physics has a chance to occur.
                // The distanceIntersecting is the distance between the centers, minus the sum of the radii.
                float distanceIntersecting = (distanceBetweenCenters - (radius + other.radius));
                // We push each object along the collision normal as far as they have interpenetrated.
                entity.transform.SetPosition(entity.transform.position + (normal * distanceIntersecting));
                // Now that we have corrected interpenetration, we call OnCollision on the entity,
                // which will perform physics behaviours if it has a PhysicsBody component.
                ICollisionListener collisionEntity = entity as ICollisionListener;
                collisionEntity.OnCollision(other, normal);
        public void CollisionResolution(CircleCollider other, Vector2 normal)
            // When two CircleColliders collide, physics occurs.
            float cv;                       // Closing Velocity

            if (other.entity.GetComponent <PhysicsBody>() != null)
                // If the colliding entity has a PhysicsBody, we do physics using both our and their velocity.
                PhysicsBody otherPhysics = (PhysicsBody)other.entity.GetComponent <PhysicsBody>();

                // We calculate closing velocity by getting the dot product of the closing velocity direction and the collision normal.
                cv = restitutionCoefficient * (Vector2.Dot(otherPhysics.velocity - this.velocity, normal));
                // If the colliding entity does not have a PhysicsBody, we do physics using only our own velocity.
                cv = restitutionCoefficient * (Vector2.Dot(this.velocity * 2, normal));
            // Then the reflectionVelocity is the closing velocity multiplied by the collision normal.
            reflectionVelocity = normal * cv;
            // Finally, the reflection velocity is applied to the velocity of this object.
            // This happens here, rather than in Update in order to apply the reflection velocity only whilst the objects are colliding.
            velocity += reflectionVelocity;
Exemple #3
 public virtual void Collision(CircleCollider other)