public async void LoadPresets()
            ExceptionDispatchInfo jsonException = null;
                using (var SR = new StreamReader(Environment.CurrentDirectory + @"\presets.txt"))
                using (var jsonReader = new JsonTextReader(SR))
                    var jsonData = (JArray)JToken.ReadFrom(jsonReader);

                    foreach (var arrayObj in jsonData)
                        var title = arrayObj.SelectToken("Title").ToString();
                        var start = variableReturn(arrayObj.SelectToken("Source").ToString(), "username");
                        var stop = variableReturn(arrayObj.SelectToken("Destination").ToString(), "destination");
                        var filter = arrayObj.SelectToken("File_Ext").ToString();
                        var listObject = new BackupDataView(title, start, stop, filter);
            catch (FileNotFoundException)
                var msgBox = new MessageDialogBox();
                msgBox.AcknowledgeBoxAsync("Missing Presets", "Looks like we are missing presets. Please create and save a preset.");
            catch (JsonReaderException ex)
                jsonException = ExceptionDispatchInfo.Capture(ex);

            if (jsonException == null) return;

            var msgDialog = new MessageDialogBox();
            var result = await msgDialog.ChoicesBox("Preset File Error", "The preset file formatting seems to be incorrect. Delete?");

            if (result != MessageDialogResult.Affirmative) return;
            if (File.Exists(Environment.CurrentDirectory + @"\presets.txt")) File.Delete(Environment.CurrentDirectory + @"\presets.txt");
        private void ScanAll(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            if (NullOrIncorrectFields())
                var msgDialog = new MessageDialogBox();
                msgDialog.AcknowledgeBoxAsync("Missing Fields", "Some required fields are missing entries.");
                var checkSubDirectory = Convert.ToInt16(Directory.GetDirectories(SourceDestination).Count().ToString());

                var tempList = new List<BackupFileProp>();
                if (checkSubDirectory == 0)
                    foreach (var item in ScanForFiles())
                if (Directory.GetFiles(SourceDestination).Any() && checkSubDirectory > 0)

                    ScanForFileWithSubDirectory(SourceDestination, tempList);

                    foreach (var item in tempList)

                    foreach (var item in ScanForFiles())

                BackupDataGrid.ItemsSource = sharedList.Where(x => x.scannedFileName != null);
            catch (DirectoryNotFoundException)
                var msgDialog = new MessageDialogBox();
                msgDialog.AcknowledgeBoxAsync("Directory Not Found", SourceDestination);

        public void CreatePreset()
            if (PresetTitle == null || NullOrIncorrectFields())
                var msgDialog = new MessageDialogBox();
                msgDialog.AcknowledgeBoxAsync("Missing Fields", "Please Check Fields");
            presets.Add(new BackupDataView() { PresetTitle = PresetTitle, SourceDestination = SourceDestination, SaveDestination = SaveDestination, DesiredExtension = DesiredExtension });

            SourceDestination = null;
            SaveDestination = null;
            DesiredExtension = null;
            PresetTitle = null;