public RestClient(TechDashboardDatabase database) : base()
            App_Settings appSettings = database.GetApplicationSettings();

            if (appSettings != null)
                IsUsingHttps = appSettings.IsUsingHttps;
                RestUrl      = appSettings.RestServiceUrl;
Exemple #2
        public SDataClient(TechDashboardDatabase database) : base()
            App_Settings appSettings = database.GetApplicationSettings();

            if (appSettings != null)
                IsUsingHttps = appSettings.IsUsingHttps;
                SDataUrl     = appSettings.SDataUrl;
                UserId       = appSettings.SDataUserId;
                Password     = appSettings.SDataPassword;
        // dch rkl 12/07/2016 add the call/sub/proc to log
        //public void sendException(Exception exception)
        public void sendException(Exception exception, string thread)
            // dch rkl 12/07/2016 only log error if there is a connection
            // TODO - may want to log errors locally, and send over in Sync when connected
            TechDashboardDatabase oDB = new TechDashboardDatabase();
            bool bHasConnection       = oDB.HasDataConnection();

            if (bHasConnection)
                BusinessLogic.ApplicationLog appLog = new BusinessLogic.ApplicationLog();
                appLog.log_date         = DateTime.Now.ToLongTimeString();
                appLog.log_level        = "Error";
                appLog.log_logger       = "REST SERVICE";
                appLog.log_message      = exception.Message;
                appLog.log_machine_name = System.Environment.MachineName;
                appLog.log_user_name    = "WPF TechDashboard";
                appLog.log_call_site    = App.Database.GetApplicationSettings().SDataUrl;  // we're going to use their SDATA root

                // dch rkl 12/07/2016 add the call/sub/proc to log
                //appLog.log_thread = "";
                appLog.log_thread = thread;

                appLog.log_stacktrace = exception.StackTrace;

                // dch rkl 12/07/2016 change to new API
                //var client = new RestSharp.RestClient(""); //hard coded to get it back to us
                var client = new RestSharp.RestClient(""); //hard coded to get it back to us

                var request = new RestSharp.RestRequest(RestSharp.Method.POST);
                request.RequestFormat = RestSharp.DataFormat.Json;

                    var response = client.Execute(request) as RestSharp.RestResponse;
                catch (Exception restException)
                    // can't do much