Exemple #1
        public void sellerproductdetails()
            string        query  = "select * from product_details;";
            SqlCommand    select = new SqlCommand(query, con);
            SqlDataReader reader = select.ExecuteReader();

            if (reader.HasRows)
                while (reader.Read())
                    var product = new ProductDetails();
                    product.Name        = reader["name"].ToString();
                    product.Photo       = reader["photo"].ToString();
                    product.Description = null;
                    product.end_time    = reader["bid_start_time"].ToString().Replace(":", "-").Replace(" ", "-");
                    string[] starttokens = product.end_time.Split('-');
                    product.end_time = starttokens[2] + "-" + starttokens[1] + "-" + starttokens[0] + "T" + starttokens[3] + ":" + starttokens[4] + ":" + starttokens[5];
                    DateTime date = Convert.ToDateTime(product.end_time);

                    query           = "select count(*) from selled_products where product_id='" + reader["Id"] + "'";
                    select          = new SqlCommand(query, con);
                    product.Credits = int.Parse(select.ExecuteScalar().ToString());
                    if (product.Credits > 0)
                        product.Description = "Waiting for Payment";

                    query  = "select * from payment where product_id ='" + reader["Id"] + "';";
                    select = new SqlCommand(query, con);
                    SqlDataReader payreader = select.ExecuteReader();
                    if (payreader.HasRows)
                        while (payreader.Read())
                            product.winprice   = payreader["amount"].ToString();
                            product.Start_time = payreader["paymentdate"].ToString();
                            query               = "select name from buyer_details where user_id ='" + payreader["user_id"] + "';";
                            select              = new SqlCommand(query, con);
                            product.winuser     = select.ExecuteScalar().ToString();
                            product.Description = "Payment Sucess";

                    query           = "select count(*) from bid_on_product where product_id='" + reader["Id"] + "'";
                    select          = new SqlCommand(query, con);
                    product.Credits = int.Parse(select.ExecuteScalar().ToString());
                    if (product.Credits == 0)
                        product.Description = "Waiting For Bids";
                    if (product.Description == null)
                        query  = "select MAX(total_price_increase) from bid_on_product where product_id='" + reader["Id"] + "';";
                        select = new SqlCommand(query, con);
                        product.PriceIncrease = int.Parse(select.ExecuteScalar().ToString());
                        product.Description   = "Biding On Progress";
                    if (date >= DateTime.Now)
                        product.Description = "Upcoming Auction";

Exemple #2
        public void ClosedProductDetails()
            String        query       = "select * from product_details;";
            SqlCommand    selectusers = new SqlCommand(query, con);
            SqlDataReader reader      = selectusers.ExecuteReader();

            while (reader.Read())
                var product = new ProductDetails();
                product.id            = int.Parse(reader["Id"].ToString());
                product.Name          = reader["name"].ToString();
                product.Description   = reader["description"].ToString();
                product.Price         = reader["price"].ToString();
                product.Start_time    = reader["bid_start_time"].ToString().Replace(":", "-").Replace(" ", "-");
                product.Photo         = reader["photo"].ToString();
                product.Time_intervel = reader["bid_time_intervel"].ToString();
                product.end_time      = reader["bid_end_time"].ToString().Replace(":", "-").Replace(" ", "-");

                string[] starttokens = product.Start_time.Split('-');
                product.Start_time = starttokens[2] + "-" + starttokens[1] + "-" + starttokens[0] + "T" + starttokens[3] + ":" + starttokens[4] + ":" + starttokens[5];
                DateTime startdate = Convert.ToDateTime(product.Start_time);
                product.Start_time = startdate.ToString();

                string[] tokens = product.end_time.Split('-');
                product.end_time = tokens[2] + "-" + tokens[1] + "-" + tokens[0] + "T" + tokens[3] + ":" + tokens[4] + ":" + tokens[5];
                DateTime enddate = Convert.ToDateTime(product.end_time);
                product.end_time = enddate.ToString();
                if (startdate >= DateTime.Now || enddate >= DateTime.Now)
                product.end_time   = tokens[2] + "-" + tokens[1] + "-" + tokens[0] + "T" + tokens[3] + ":" + tokens[4] + ":" + tokens[5];
                product.Start_time = starttokens[2] + "-" + starttokens[1] + "-" + starttokens[0] + "T" + starttokens[3] + ":" + starttokens[4] + ":" + starttokens[5];

                query = "select * from selled_products where product_id='" + product.id + "';";
                SqlCommand    selectselled = new SqlCommand(query, con);
                SqlDataReader productread  = selectselled.ExecuteReader();

                if (productread.HasRows)
                    int user_id = 0;
                    while (productread.Read())
                        user_id          = int.Parse(productread["buyer_id"].ToString());
                        product.winprice = productread["final_price"].ToString();
                    query           = "select name from buyer_details where user_id='" + user_id + "';";
                    selectselled    = new SqlCommand(query, con);
                    product.winuser = selectselled.ExecuteScalar().ToString();
                    string   end_time = reader["bid_end_time"].ToString().Replace(":", "-").Replace(" ", "-");
                    string[] toke     = end_time.Split('-');
                    end_time = toke[2] + "-" + toke[1] + "-" + toke[0] + "T" + toke[3] + ":" + toke[4] + ":" + toke[5];
                    DateTime end = Convert.ToDateTime(end_time).AddDays(2);
                    if (end < DateTime.Now)
                    int    user_id = 0;
                    String price   = "0";
                    query = "select * from bid_on_product where bid_no=(select max(bid_no) from bid_on_product where product_id='" + product.id + "') and product_id='" + product.id + "'; ";

                    SqlCommand    selectbid = new SqlCommand(query, con);
                    SqlDataReader sqlreader = selectbid.ExecuteReader();
                    if (sqlreader.HasRows)
                        while (sqlreader.Read())
                            user_id = int.Parse(sqlreader["user_id"].ToString());
                            price   = sqlreader["total_price_increase"].ToString();
                        int totalprice = int.Parse(product.Price) + int.Parse(price);
                        query = "insert into selled_products values('" + product.id.ToString() + "','" + reader["user_id"].ToString() + "','" + user_id + "','" + totalprice + "');";
                        SqlCommand insertselect = new SqlCommand(query, con);

Exemple #3
        public void UpcomingDetails()
            String        query       = "select * from product_details;";
            SqlCommand    selectusers = new SqlCommand(query, con);
            SqlDataReader reader      = selectusers.ExecuteReader();

            while (reader.Read())
                var product = new ProductDetails();
                product.id            = int.Parse(reader["Id"].ToString());
                product.Name          = reader["name"].ToString();
                product.Description   = reader["description"].ToString();
                product.Price         = reader["price"].ToString();
                product.Start_time    = reader["bid_start_time"].ToString().Replace(":", "-").Replace(" ", "-");
                product.Photo         = reader["photo"].ToString();
                product.Time_intervel = reader["bid_time_intervel"].ToString();
                product.end_time      = reader["bid_end_time"].ToString().Replace(":", "-").Replace(" ", "-");

                string[] starttokens = product.Start_time.Split('-');
                product.Start_time = starttokens[2] + "-" + starttokens[1] + "-" + starttokens[0] + "T" + starttokens[3] + ":" + starttokens[4] + ":" + starttokens[5];
                DateTime startdate = Convert.ToDateTime(product.Start_time);
                product.Start_time = startdate.ToString();

                string[] tokens = product.end_time.Split('-');
                product.end_time = tokens[2] + "-" + tokens[1] + "-" + tokens[0] + "T" + tokens[3] + ":" + tokens[4] + ":" + tokens[5];
                DateTime date = Convert.ToDateTime(product.end_time);
                product.end_time = date.ToString();
                if (startdate <= DateTime.Now || date <= DateTime.Now)
                product.end_time   = tokens[2] + "-" + tokens[1] + "-" + tokens[0] + "T" + tokens[3] + ":" + tokens[4] + ":" + tokens[5];
                product.Start_time = starttokens[2] + "-" + starttokens[1] + "-" + starttokens[0] + "T" + starttokens[3] + ":" + starttokens[4] + ":" + starttokens[5];

                if (int.Parse(product.Price) < 1000)
                    product.Credits = 1;
                else if (int.Parse(product.Price) < 5000)
                    product.Credits = 2;
                else if (int.Parse(product.Price) < 10000)
                    product.Credits = 3;
                else if (int.Parse(product.Price) < 25000)
                    product.Credits = 5;
                else if (int.Parse(product.Price) < 75000)
                    product.Credits = 8;
                    product.Credits = 10;

                if (int.Parse(product.Price) < 1000)
                    product.PriceIncrease = 10;
                else if (int.Parse(product.Price) < 5000)
                    product.PriceIncrease = 25;
                else if (int.Parse(product.Price) < 10000)
                    product.PriceIncrease = 50;
                else if (int.Parse(product.Price) < 25000)
                    product.PriceIncrease = 75;
                else if (int.Parse(product.Price) < 75000)
                    product.PriceIncrease = 85;
                    product.PriceIncrease = 100;

Exemple #4
        public void liveAuctionDetails()
            String        query       = "select * from product_details;";
            SqlCommand    selectusers = new SqlCommand(query, con);
            SqlDataReader reader      = selectusers.ExecuteReader();

            while (reader.Read())
                var product = new ProductDetails();
                product.id            = int.Parse(reader["Id"].ToString());
                product.Name          = reader["name"].ToString();
                product.Description   = reader["description"].ToString();
                product.Price         = reader["price"].ToString();
                product.Start_time    = reader["bid_start_time"].ToString().Replace(":", "-").Replace(" ", "-");
                product.Photo         = reader["photo"].ToString();
                product.Time_intervel = reader["bid_time_intervel"].ToString();
                product.end_time      = reader["bid_end_time"].ToString().Replace(":", "-").Replace(" ", "-");

                string[] starttokens = product.Start_time.Split('-');
                product.Start_time = starttokens[2] + "-" + starttokens[1] + "-" + starttokens[0] + "T" + starttokens[3] + ":" + starttokens[4] + ":" + starttokens[5];
                DateTime startdate = Convert.ToDateTime(product.Start_time);
                product.Start_time = startdate.ToString();

                string[] tokens = product.end_time.Split('-');
                product.end_time = tokens[2] + "-" + tokens[1] + "-" + tokens[0] + "T" + tokens[3] + ":" + tokens[4] + ":" + tokens[5];
                DateTime enddate = Convert.ToDateTime(product.end_time);
                product.end_time = enddate.ToString();
                if (startdate >= DateTime.Now || enddate <= DateTime.Now)
                product.end_time   = tokens[2] + "-" + tokens[1] + "-" + tokens[0] + "T" + tokens[3] + ":" + tokens[4] + ":" + tokens[5];
                product.Start_time = starttokens[2] + "-" + starttokens[1] + "-" + starttokens[0] + "T" + starttokens[3] + ":" + starttokens[4] + ":" + starttokens[5];

                if (int.Parse(product.Price) < 1000)
                    product.Credits = 1;
                else if (int.Parse(product.Price) < 5000)
                    product.Credits = 2;
                else if (int.Parse(product.Price) < 10000)
                    product.Credits = 3;
                else if (int.Parse(product.Price) < 25000)
                    product.Credits = 5;
                else if (int.Parse(product.Price) < 75000)
                    product.Credits = 8;
                    product.Credits = 10;

                if (int.Parse(product.Price) < 1000)
                    product.PriceIncrease = 10;
                else if (int.Parse(product.Price) < 5000)
                    product.PriceIncrease = 25;
                else if (int.Parse(product.Price) < 10000)
                    product.PriceIncrease = 50;
                else if (int.Parse(product.Price) < 25000)
                    product.PriceIncrease = 75;
                else if (int.Parse(product.Price) < 75000)
                    product.PriceIncrease = 85;
                    product.PriceIncrease = 100;
                query       = "select buyer_details.name,bid_on_product.total_price_increase from bid_on_product inner join buyer_details on bid_on_product.user_id=buyer_details.user_id where bid_on_product.bid_no=(select MAX(bid_no) from bid_on_product) and product_id='" + product.id + "'; ";
                selectusers = new SqlCommand(query, con);
                SqlDataReader userreader = selectusers.ExecuteReader();
                if (userreader.HasRows)
                    while (userreader.Read())
                        product.winuser  = userreader["name"].ToString();
                        product.winprice = (int.Parse(userreader["total_price_increase"].ToString()) + int.Parse(product.Price)).ToString();
                    product.winuser  = "******";
                    product.winprice = product.Price;