/// <summary>
        ///     Loads the ItemTypes combobox with a list of ItemTypes from the database.
        /// </summary>
        private void PopulateMenus()
            using (TeamJDBEntities context = new TeamJDBEntities())
                // Load the items combobox

                var itemQuery = from itemType in context.ItemTypes
                                select itemType;

                foreach (var result in itemQuery)

                // To Deselect the Combo Box
                this.itemComboBox.SelectedIndex = -1;

                // Load the sections combobox

                var sectionQuery = from section in context.Sections
                                   select section;

                foreach (var result in sectionQuery)

                // To Deselect the Combo Box
                this.sectionComboBox.SelectedIndex = -1;

Exemple #2
        /// <summary>
        ///     Checks to see if the person object is already contained in the database.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender">The Person object of the class</param>
        /// <returns> True if the object exists in the database, false otherwise.</returns>
        public Boolean HasPerson(Person person)
            using (TeamJDBEntities context = new TeamJDBEntities())
                var peopleQuery = from people in context.People
                                  where people.FirstName == person.FirstName &&
                                  people.MiddleName == person.MiddleName &&
                                  people.LastName == person.LastName &&
                                  people.Addr == person.Addr &&
                                  people.City == person.City &&
                                  people.State == person.State &&
                                  people.Zip == person.Zip &&
                                  people.Phone == person.Phone &&
                                  people.Email == person.Email
                                  select people;

                if (peopleQuery.Count() == 0)
        /// <summary>
        ///     Loads the ItemTypes combobox with a list of ItemTypes from the database.
        /// </summary>
        private void PopulateMenus()
            using (TeamJDBEntities context = new TeamJDBEntities())
                // Load the items combobox

                var itemQuery = from itemType in context.ItemTypes
                                select itemType;

                foreach (var result in itemQuery)

                // To Deselect the Combo Box
                this.itemComboBox.SelectedIndex = -1;

                // Load the sections combobox

                var sectionQuery = from section in context.Sections
                                   select section;

                foreach (var result in sectionQuery)

                // To Deselect the Combo Box
                this.sectionComboBox.SelectedIndex = -1;
        // Getting the minimum sale date and the
        // maximum sale date so that the user knows
        // the existing range of dates when entering
        // information
        private void SetPurchaseDates()
            using (TeamJDBEntities context = new TeamJDBEntities())
                DateTime minDate = DateTime.Today;

                foreach (Sale s in context.Sales)
                    if (s.Date.CompareTo(minDate) == -1)
                        minDate = s.Date;

                DateTime maxDate = minDate;

                foreach (Sale s in context.Sales)
                    if (s.Date.CompareTo(maxDate) == 1)
                        maxDate = s.Date;

                this.purchaseStartDatePicker.Value = minDate;
                this.purchaseEndDatePicker.Value   = maxDate;
Exemple #5
        /// <summary>
        ///     Loads data entered into the database, enforcing mappings
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender">The object that is calling the method</param>
        /// <param name="e">The <see cref="System.EventArgs"/> instance containing the event data.</param>
        private void buttonUpdate_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            using (TeamJDBEntities context = new TeamJDBEntities())
                Guid donorID;
                Guid recipientID;

                PersonInfoPanel donorPanel = (PersonInfoPanel)personInfoPanelDonor;
                Person donor = donorPanel.getPerson();

                if (donorPanel.HasPerson(donor))
                    donorID = Guid.Parse(donorPanel.GetID());
                    donorID = donor.PersonID;

                // Process the recipient information
                PersonInfoPanel recipientPanel = (PersonInfoPanel)personInfoPanelRecipient;
                Person recipient = recipientPanel.getPerson();

                if (recipientPanel.HasPerson(recipient))
                    recipientID = Guid.Parse(recipientPanel.GetID());
                    recipientID = recipient.PersonID;

                TransactionPanel salePanel = (TransactionPanel)transactionPanel1;

                Sale sale = salePanel.GetSale();

                Item item = new Item();
                item.ItemID = Guid.NewGuid();
                item.ItemTypeID = salePanel.GetItemID();

                sale.SaleID = Guid.NewGuid();
                sale.DonorID = donorID;
                sale.DedicationID = recipientID;


                catch (Exception) { }
Exemple #6
        /// <summary>
        ///     Loads data entered into the database, enforcing mappings
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender">The object that is calling the method</param>
        /// <param name="e">The <see cref="System.EventArgs"/> instance containing the event data.</param>
        private void buttonUpdate_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            using (TeamJDBEntities context = new TeamJDBEntities())
                Guid donorID;
                Guid recipientID;

                PersonInfoPanel donorPanel = (PersonInfoPanel)personInfoPanelDonor;
                Person donor = donorPanel.getPerson();

                if (donorPanel.HasPerson(donor))
                    donorID = Guid.Parse(donorPanel.GetID());
                    donorID = donor.PersonID;

                // Process the recipient information
                PersonInfoPanel recipientPanel = (PersonInfoPanel)personInfoPanelRecipient;
                Person recipient = recipientPanel.getPerson();

                if (recipientPanel.HasPerson(recipient))
                    recipientID = Guid.Parse(recipientPanel.GetID());
                    recipientID = recipient.PersonID;

                TransactionPanel salePanel = (TransactionPanel)transactionPanel1;

                Sale sale = salePanel.GetSale();

                Item item = new Item();
                item.ItemID     = Guid.NewGuid();
                item.ItemTypeID = salePanel.GetItemID();

                sale.SaleID       = Guid.NewGuid();
                sale.DonorID      = donorID;
                sale.DedicationID = recipientID;


                catch (Exception) { }
Exemple #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Sets up the query and populates the list box with the results
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="search">Name of person to search</param>
        private void setSearchString(String search)
            using (TeamJDBEntities context = new TeamJDBEntities())
                // Make sure list box will show new search results

                // query database for any combination of users entered
                var peopleQuery = from people in context.People
                                  join sale in context.Sales
                                  on people.PersonID equals sale.DonorID
                                  where (people.FirstName + people.LastName == search) ||
                                  (people.LastName + people.FirstName == search) ||
                                  (people.FirstName.Contains(search)) ||
                                  (people.LastName.Contains(search)) ||
                                  (people.LastName == search) ||
                                  (people.FirstName == search)
                                  orderby sale.Date descending
                                  select new { sale, people };

                // populate listbox wit results
                foreach (var result in peopleQuery)
                    this.listBoxSelect.Items.Add(result.people.FirstName + " " + result.people.LastName + " - " + result.sale.Date.ToShortDateString() + " - " + "Donor");

                peopleQuery = from people in context.People
                              join sale in context.Sales
                              on people.PersonID equals sale.DedicationID
                              where (people.FirstName + people.LastName == search) ||
                              (people.LastName + people.FirstName == search) ||
                              (people.FirstName.Contains(search)) ||
                              (people.LastName.Contains(search)) ||
                              (people.LastName == search) ||
                              (people.FirstName == search)
                              orderby sale.Date descending
                              select new { sale, people };

                // populate listbox wit results
                foreach (var result in peopleQuery)
                    this.listBoxSelect.Items.Add(result.people.FirstName + " " + result.people.LastName + " - " + result.sale.Date.ToShortDateString() + " - " + "Recipient");

                this.listBoxSelect.Sorted = true;
Exemple #8
        /// <summary>
        ///     Loads the ItemTypes combobox with a list of ItemTypes from the database.
        /// </summary>
        private void LoadComboBox()
            using (TeamJDBEntities context = new TeamJDBEntities())
                this.comboBoxItemType.Items.Add("<Select Item>");

                var itemQuery = from itemType in context.ItemTypes
                                select itemType;

                foreach (var result in itemQuery)

                this.comboBoxItemType.SelectedIndex = 0;
        /// <summary>
        ///     Returns the ItemType ID of the item selected in the combobox
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>The Guid ID of the ItemType</returns>
        public Guid GetItemID()
            using (TeamJDBEntities context = new TeamJDBEntities())
                string selectedItem = this.comboBoxItemType.GetItemText(this.comboBoxItemType.SelectedItem).ToString();

                var itemIDQuery = from itemID in context.ItemTypes
                                  where itemID.Type == selectedItem
                                  select itemID;

                foreach (var result in itemIDQuery)
                    return result.ItemTypeID;

                return Guid.Parse(null);
Exemple #10
        /// <summary>
        ///     Returns the ItemType ID of the item selected in the combobox
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>The Guid ID of the ItemType</returns>
        public Guid GetItemID()
            using (TeamJDBEntities context = new TeamJDBEntities())
                string selectedItem = this.comboBoxItemType.GetItemText(this.comboBoxItemType.SelectedItem).ToString();

                var itemIDQuery = from itemID in context.ItemTypes
                                  where itemID.Type == selectedItem
                                  select itemID;

                foreach (var result in itemIDQuery)

Exemple #11
        /// <summary>
        ///     Gets the PersonID Guid of the Person object.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>The Guid ID of the person being searched for if it exists, null if it doesn't exist.</returns>
        public String GetID()
            using (TeamJDBEntities context = new TeamJDBEntities())
                var peopleQuery = from people in context.People
                                  where people.FirstName == person.FirstName
                                  && people.MiddleName == person.MiddleName
                                  && people.LastName == person.LastName
                                  && people.Addr == person.Addr
                                  && people.City == person.City
                                  && people.State == person.State
                                  && people.Zip == person.Zip
                                  && people.Phone == person.Phone
                                  && people.Email == person.Email
                                  select people;

                foreach (var result in peopleQuery)
                    return result.PersonID.ToString();

                return null;
Exemple #12
        /// <summary>
        ///     Sets the price field to the correct price of the type selected in the combobox of ItemTypes
        /// </summary>
        private void SetPriceField()
            using (TeamJDBEntities context = new TeamJDBEntities())
                if (this.comboBoxItemType.SelectedIndex == 0)
                    textBoxPrice.Text = "";
                    string selectedItem = this.comboBoxItemType.GetItemText(this.comboBoxItemType.SelectedItem).ToString();

                    var itemPriceQuery = from itemType in context.ItemTypes
                                         where itemType.Type == selectedItem
                                         select itemType;

                    foreach (var result in itemPriceQuery)
                        this.textBoxPrice.Text = result.Price.ToString("0.00");
Exemple #13
        /// <summary>
        ///     Gets the PersonID Guid of the Person object.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>The Guid ID of the person being searched for if it exists, null if it doesn't exist.</returns>
        public String GetID()
            using (TeamJDBEntities context = new TeamJDBEntities())
                var peopleQuery = from people in context.People
                                  where people.FirstName == person.FirstName &&
                                  people.MiddleName == person.MiddleName &&
                                  people.LastName == person.LastName &&
                                  people.Addr == person.Addr &&
                                  people.City == person.City &&
                                  people.State == person.State &&
                                  people.Zip == person.Zip &&
                                  people.Phone == person.Phone &&
                                  people.Email == person.Email
                                  select people;

                foreach (var result in peopleQuery)

        private void Search()
            using(TeamJDBEntities context = new TeamJDBEntities())

Exemple #15
        /// <summary>
        ///     Loads the ItemTypes combobox with a list of ItemTypes from the database.
        /// </summary>
        private void LoadComboBox()
            using (TeamJDBEntities context = new TeamJDBEntities())
                this.comboBoxItemType.Items.Add("<Select Item>");

                var itemQuery = from itemType in context.ItemTypes
                                select itemType;

                foreach (var result in itemQuery)

                this.comboBoxItemType.SelectedIndex = 0;
        // Getting the minimum sale date and the
        // maximum sale date so that the user knows
        // the existing range of dates when entering
        // information
        private void SetPurchaseDates()
            using (TeamJDBEntities context = new TeamJDBEntities())
                DateTime minDate = DateTime.Today;

                foreach (Sale s in context.Sales)
                    if (s.Date.CompareTo(minDate) == -1)
                        minDate = s.Date;

                DateTime maxDate = minDate;

                foreach (Sale s in context.Sales)
                    if (s.Date.CompareTo(maxDate) == 1)
                        maxDate = s.Date;

                this.purchaseStartDatePicker.Value = minDate;
                this.purchaseEndDatePicker.Value = maxDate;
Exemple #17
        /// <summary>
        ///     Sets the price field to the correct price of the type selected in the combobox of ItemTypes
        /// </summary>
        private void SetPriceField()
            using (TeamJDBEntities context = new TeamJDBEntities())
                if (this.comboBoxItemType.SelectedIndex == 0)
                    textBoxPrice.Text = "";
                    string selectedItem = this.comboBoxItemType.GetItemText(this.comboBoxItemType.SelectedItem).ToString();

                    var itemPriceQuery = from itemType in context.ItemTypes
                                         where itemType.Type == selectedItem
                                         select itemType;

                    foreach (var result in itemPriceQuery)
                        this.textBoxPrice.Text = result.Price.ToString("0.00");
 private void Search()
     using (TeamJDBEntities context = new TeamJDBEntities())
Exemple #19
        /// <summary>
        ///     Checks to see if the person object is already contained in the database.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender">The Person object of the class</param>
        /// <returns> True if the object exists in the database, false otherwise.</returns>
        public Boolean HasPerson(Person person)
            using (TeamJDBEntities context = new TeamJDBEntities())
                var peopleQuery = from people in context.People
                                  where people.FirstName == person.FirstName
                                  && people.MiddleName == person.MiddleName
                                  && people.LastName == person.LastName
                                  && people.Addr == person.Addr
                                  && people.City == person.City
                                  && people.State == person.State
                                  && people.Zip == person.Zip
                                  && people.Phone == person.Phone
                                  && people.Email == person.Email
                                  select people;

                if (peopleQuery.Count() == 0)
                    return false;
                    return true;
Exemple #20
        /// <summary>
        /// Sets up the query and populates the list box with the results
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="search">Name of person to search</param>
        private void setSearchString(String search)
            using (TeamJDBEntities context = new TeamJDBEntities())
                // Make sure list box will show new search results

                // query database for any combination of users entered
                var peopleQuery = from people in context.People
                                  join sale in context.Sales
                                    on people.PersonID equals sale.DonorID
                                  where (people.FirstName + people.LastName == search)
                                  || (people.LastName + people.FirstName == search)
                                  || (people.FirstName.Contains(search))
                                  || (people.LastName.Contains(search))
                                  || (people.LastName == search)
                                  || (people.FirstName == search)
                                  orderby sale.Date descending
                                  select new { sale, people };

                // populate listbox wit results
                foreach (var result in peopleQuery)
                    this.listBoxSelect.Items.Add(result.people.FirstName + " " + result.people.LastName + " - " + result.sale.Date.ToShortDateString() + " - " + "Donor");

                peopleQuery = from people in context.People
                              join sale in context.Sales
                                on people.PersonID equals sale.DedicationID
                              where (people.FirstName + people.LastName == search)
                              || (people.LastName + people.FirstName == search)
                              || (people.FirstName.Contains(search))
                              || (people.LastName.Contains(search))
                              || (people.LastName == search)
                              || (people.FirstName == search)
                              orderby sale.Date descending
                              select new { sale, people };

                // populate listbox wit results
                foreach (var result in peopleQuery)
                    this.listBoxSelect.Items.Add(result.people.FirstName + " " + result.people.LastName + " - " + result.sale.Date.ToShortDateString() + " - " + "Recipient");

                this.listBoxSelect.Sorted = true;