public async Task <SoftwareClient> UpdateSoftwareClient(string name, string selectedExe)
            // Update program with the new .exe location
            SoftwareClient sc = new SoftwareClient();
            await Task.Run(() => { });

        public async Task <SoftwareClient> AddSoftwareClient(string selectedExe)
            // Check if the .exe selected is a known .exe
            // If it is, then update the entry on the list.
            SoftwareClient sc = new SoftwareClient();
            await Task.Run(() => { });

        public static SoftwareClient FindSteam()
            SoftwareClient steamClient = new SoftwareClient
                Name     = "Steam",
                IconPath = ClientIcons.SteamIconPath

            string[] commonLocations =
            { "C:\\Program Files\\Steam\\Steam.exe", "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Steam\\Steam.exe" };

            foreach (var commonLocation in commonLocations)
                if (File.Exists(commonLocation))
                    steamClient.Exists      = true;
                    steamClient.ExeLocation = commonLocation;
