private void BgWorker1_DoWork(object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e)
                // InitPerformanceCounters method sends events to the backgroundWorker1_ProgressChanged method
                TaskManagerLib.GetProcesses(out Process[] procArray);
                int procsAdded = TaskManagerLib.AddNewProcesses(ref procList, procArray, excludedProcesses);
                if (procsAdded > 0)

                Console.WriteLine($"Processes added : {procsAdded}");
                int valsUpdated = TaskManagerLib.UpdateValues(ref procList);
                if (valsUpdated > 0)

                Console.WriteLine($"Processes Updated : {valsUpdated}");
                int procsRemoved = TaskManagerLib.RemoveDeadProcesses(ref procList, procArray);
                if (procsRemoved > 0)

                Console.WriteLine($"Processes removed : {procsRemoved}");

                // use Task.Delay to avoid blocking
            }while (true);
        public ProcInfo(Process process, string name, int processid)
                this.Name     = name;
                this.Pid      = processid;
                this.RamUsage = 0;
                this.CpuUsage = 0;

                // time consuming part is creating the performance counters
                this.CpuCounter = TaskManagerLib.GetPerfCounterForProcessId(this.Pid, "% Processor Time");
                this.RamCounter = TaskManagerLib.GetPerfCounterForProcessId(this.Pid, "Working Set - Private");
                this.RamUsage   = TaskManagerLib.GetNextValue(this.RamCounter, "ram");
                this.CpuUsage   = TaskManagerLib.GetNextValue(this.CpuCounter, "cpu");
                Console.WriteLine($"ProcInfo object created (Pid): {this.Pid}");
            catch (Exception ex)
                Console.WriteLine($"Exception thrown {ex.Message}");
        /* **********************************************************************************
         * Summary:     Record position of scrollbar. Unbind and rebind procList to the
         *              Listbox. Set old scrollbar position back so user doesn't get bumped
         *              back to the top of the list while they are scrolling.
         * Return:      void. Listbox control updates.
        private void ShowData()
            // update the listbox UI when background worker reports progress
            System.StringComparison stringComparison = System.StringComparison.CurrentCulture;
            for (int i = 0; i < procList.Count; i++)
                procListView.Add(new ProcView(procList[i]));

            switch (sortState)
            case SortedBy.NONE:

            case SortedBy.NAME:
                procListView.Sort((x, y) => string.Compare(x.Name, y.Name, stringComparison));

            case SortedBy.CPU:
                procListView.Sort((x, y) => y.CpuUsage.CompareTo(x.CpuUsage));

            case SortedBy.RAM:
                procListView.Sort((x, y) => y.RamUsage.CompareTo(x.RamUsage));

            // record old position of scrollbar
            var offset = this.listBox1.TopIndex;

            this.listBox1.DataSource = null;
            TaskManagerLib.FilterByText(ref procListView, this.textBoxFilter.Text);
            this.listBox1.DataSource = procListView;

            // set scrollbar back to original offset so user can scroll while its updating
            // without the scrollbar going back up to the top
            this.listBox1.TopIndex = offset;