public static bool FinalCheck(string hostIP, string userID, Main f, bool isWmiActive, bool displayTask = false) { HostInfo hostInfoUtil = new HostInfo(); hostInfoUtil.HostIP = hostIP; hostInfoUtil.UserID = userID; bool removalTaskExists try { RemoteTasks remote = new RemoteTasks(hostInfoUtil, f); remote.GetHostInfo(true, false); ADTasks ad = new ADTasks(hostInfoUtil, f); ad.CheckLocale(true); ad.CheckExistingRights(true, false, false); } catch (Exception) { MsgBoxInfo("Failed to complete Final Check"); } if (TargUtilities.QueryTaskScheduler(hostIP, userID)) { removalTaskExists = true; } else { RemoteTasks remote = new RemoteTasks(hostInfoUtil, f); rem } //ADTasks adTasksVerify = new ADTasks(hostInfoUtil,f); //adTasksVerify.CheckLocale(isWmiActive); //adTasksVerify.CheckExistingRights(isWmiActive,false,false); string batchPath = string.Format(@"\\{0}\c$\windows\system32\RemAdmin.bat", hostIP); bool batchRemovalExists = File.Exists(batchPath); bool adminExists = hostInfoUtil.AdminRightsExist; TargUtilities.MsgBoxInfo(string.Format( "Batch Exists: {0}{3}" + " Task Exists: {1}{3}" + "Admin Exists: {2}{3}", batchRemovalExists, removalTaskExists, adminExists, Environment.NewLine)); if (batchRemovalExists && removalTaskExists && adminExists) { return(true); } else { return(false); } }
private void btnGrantRights_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(txtUserID.Text)) { Util.MsgBox.Info("User ID cannot be blank when granting rights."); return; } user.UserID = txtUserID.Text.Trim(); //Update UserID in case user has changed it. ToggleRadioControls(false); ToggleButtonsOnOff(false); try { adTasksGrant = new AdTasks(targ); //If Production environment query Active Directory //for user's full name and verify the ID exists. if (isProdEnv) { adTasksGrant.FindUserActiveD(); if (!user.UserIDExists) //User not found in AD, cannot proceed. { StatusReport(2); //cancelling... return; } } //Found user in AD, let's see if they already have //admin rights on the host machine. adTasksGrant.CheckExistingRights(false, false); remoteTasksGrant = new RemoteTasks(targ); } catch (Exception) { ClearForm(false); return; } bool result = MsgBoxConfirmRights(); if (result) { if (!user.AdminRightsExist) { adTasksGrant.GrantRights(timeSpan); //Add user to the Administrators group on Host. } remoteTasksGrant.CreateRemovalTask(timeSpan); //Create Scheduled task to remove rights. eventLogs.LogAction(timeSpan, AdTasks.ADD); //Create a log file StatusReport(1); CopyToClipboard(); //Attempts to copy contents of txtConsole to clipboard. } else { StatusReport(2); //cancelling... } ToggleRadioControls(true); ToggleButtonsAndHostIP(true, true); ToggleButtonsOnOff(true); ClearForm(false); }
private void button5_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!targDev.mainForm.GetTxtConsole.Contains("Online")) { Util.MsgBox.Info("You must connect to host first."); return; } RemoteTasks r = new RemoteTasks(targDev); r.CreateRemovalTask(2); button4.PerformClick(); }
//***Not implemented in production, test only //After rights granted verifies rights exist on host, //& Scheduled Task exists. public static bool FinalCheck(TargInfo targ, bool displayTask = false) { bool removalTaskExists; RemoteTasks remote; try { remote = new RemoteTasks(targ); remote.GetHostInfo(); AdTasks ad = new AdTasks(targ); ad.CheckLocale(); ad.CheckExistingRights(); } catch (Exception) { MsgBox.Info("Failed to complete Final Check"); } if (QueryTaskScheduler(targ, true)) { removalTaskExists = true; } else { RemoteTasks remote1 = new RemoteTasks(targ); removalTaskExists = remote1.jobFileExists(); } bool adminExists =; targ.mainForm.WriteToConsole(string.Format( "Task Exists: {0}{2}" + "Admin Exists: {1}{2}", removalTaskExists, adminExists, Environment.NewLine)); return(removalTaskExists && adminExists); }
private void btnConnect_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { targ.Dispose(); //Dispose of any prior data **BROKEN, FIX user.AdminRightsExist = false; //**Remove once Dispose is fixed. if (PreConnectCheck(txtHostIP.Text.Trim())) { try { adTasksGrant = new AdTasks(targ); //Before we can connect and fetch host info adTasksGrant.CheckLocale(); //we need to check it's Locale (english / french) remoteTasksGrant = new RemoteTasks(targ); remoteTasksGrant.GetHostInfo(); } catch (Exception connectError) { Util.MsgBox.Info(connectError.ToString()); WriteToConsole("::Failed to connect to host::"); eventLogs.LogError(connectError); ClearForm(false); return; } if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(txtUserID.Text)) //populate txtUserID & update UserID { txtUserID.Text = user.CurrentUser; user.UserID = user.CurrentUser; } StatusReport(0); ToggleButtonsAndHostIP(false, false); //Online with host, disable Remove button & txtHostIP } else { ClearForm(false); //Set initial form load state } }
private void btnExecute_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { connection.HostIP = txtIP.Text.Trim(); Util.ConnectionTest.TestWmi(targDev); int cmdChoice = comboBox2.SelectedIndex; var execute = (Command)cmdChoice; RemoteTasks r; AdTasks ad; string[] vpnScope = { "10.40.244", "10.32.244", "10.40.245", "10.32.245", "10.40.246", "10.32.246" }; bool isVpn = vpnScope.Any(s => txtIP.Text.Contains(s)); Cursor.Current = Cursors.WaitCursor; switch (execute) { case Command.RightsExist: #region Check for Exsisting Rights (Script) user.AdminRightsExist = false; if (txtIP.Text == string.Empty || txtUser.Text == string.Empty) { MessageBox.Show("IP & ID Cannot be blank"); } else if (Util.ConnectionTest.IsHostAlive(txtIP.Text)) { user.UserID = txtUser.Text; connection.HostIP = txtIP.Text; ad = new AdTasks(targDev); connection.IsWmiActive = false; //DevTools Only ad.CheckLocale(); ad.CheckExistingRights(NoComboAdd, DevOutputFalse); targDev.mainForm.WriteToConsole(user.AdminRightsExist ? "Rights Exist." : "Rights DO NOT Exist."); } #endregion break; case Command.RightsExistWmi: #region Check for Existing Rights(WMI) user.AdminRightsExist = false; if (txtIP.Text == string.Empty || txtUser.Text == string.Empty) { MessageBox.Show("IP & ID Cannot be blank"); } else if (Util.ConnectionTest.IsHostAlive(txtIP.Text)) { if (isVpn) { MessageBox.Show("Fuction does not work with VPN clients."); return; } user.UserID = txtUser.Text; connection.HostIP = txtIP.Text; ad = new AdTasks(targDev); r = new RemoteTasks(targDev); r.GetHostInfo(); ad.CheckLocale(); ad.CheckExistingRights(NoComboAdd, DevOutputFalse); targDev.mainForm.WriteToConsole(user.AdminRightsExist ? "Rights Exist." : "Rights DO NOT Exist."); } else { MessageBox.Show("Host is not Online."); } #endregion break; case Command.UserExists: #region Check if User Esists in AD if (Util.ValidationCheck.isTestEnvironment()) { MessageBox.Show("Function does not work in TEST Environment"); return; } if (txtUser.Text == string.Empty) { MessageBox.Show("IP & ID Cannot be blank"); } else { user.UserID = txtUser.Text; ad = new AdTasks(targDev); ad.FindUserActiveD(); } #endregion break; case Command.ListAdmins: #region List all Admins on Host if (txtIP.Text == string.Empty) { MessageBox.Show("IP cannot be blank"); } else { connection.HostIP = txtIP.Text; connection.IsWmiActive = false; //DevTools Only ad = new AdTasks(targDev); ad.CheckLocale(); ad.CheckExistingRights(NoComboAdd, DevOutputTrue); } #endregion break; case Command.ListAdminsWmi: #region List all Admins on Host(WMI) if (txtIP.Text == string.Empty) { MessageBox.Show("IP cannot be blank"); } else { if (isVpn) { MessageBox.Show("Fuction does not work with VPN clients."); return; } connection.HostIP = txtIP.Text; ad = new AdTasks(targDev); r = new RemoteTasks(targDev); ad.CheckLocale(); r.GetHostInfo(); ad.CheckExistingRights(NoComboAdd, DevOutputTrue); } #endregion break; case Command.AddTestAdmins: //To use create a file named AddAdmin.bat in the System32 dir. //add a line for each user you want to add admin rights for //ex. NET LOCALGROUP ADMINISTRATORS {USERID} /ADD #region Add Test Admins if (!File.Exists(@"c:\windows\system32\AddAdmin.bat")) { MessageBox.Show(@"File ""AddAdmin.bat"" does not exist."); } else { const string args = "/c AddAdmin.bat"; Util.Tools.RunProcess(args, false); MessageBox.Show("--Added test users--"); } #endregion break; case Command.GetInfoByScripts: #region Get Info By Scripts if (txtIP.Text == string.Empty) { MessageBox.Show("IP cannot be blank."); } else { connection.HostIP = txtIP.Text; r = new RemoteTasks(targDev); r.GetHostInfo(DevOutputTrue); targDev.mainForm.WriteToConsole(string.Format( "==========================={0}" + "GetInfoByScripts{0}" + "==========================={0}" + "Current User: {1}{0}" + "Computer Name: {2}{0}" + "Local Time: {3}{0}" + "===========================", Environment.NewLine, user.CurrentUser, connection.HostName,; } #endregion break; case Command.GetInfoByWmi: #region Get Info By WMI if (txtIP.Text == string.Empty) { MessageBox.Show("IP cannot be blank."); } else { if (isVpn) { MessageBox.Show("Fuction does not work with VPN clients."); return; } connection.HostIP = txtIP.Text; r = new RemoteTasks(targDev); r.GetHostInfo(DevOutputTrue); targDev.mainForm.WriteToConsole(string.Format( "==========================={0}" + "GetInfoByWMI{0}" + "==========================={0}" + "Current User: {1}{0}" + "Computer Name: {2}{0}" + "Local Time: {3}{0}" + "===========================", Environment.NewLine, user.CurrentUser, connection.HostName,; } #endregion break; } Cursor.Current = Cursors.Default; }
private void btnRemove_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(txtHostIP.Text)) { Util.MsgBox.Info("Host IP cannot be blank."); return; } targ.Dispose(); ToggleButtonsOnOff(false); user.AdminRightsExist = false; if (PreConnectCheck(txtHostIP.Text.Trim())) { bool checkRights, addAdminToCombo = false; const bool devOutput = false; if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(user.UserID)) { checkRights = false; //User did not specify a user id, query host for admins. addAdminToCombo = true; //Add found admins to comboAdminList } else { checkRights = true; //user id specified, check if they have admin rights. } try { adTasksRemove = new AdTasks(targ); adTasksRemove.CheckLocale(); remoteTasksRemove = new RemoteTasks(targ); remoteTasksRemove.GetHostInfo(); } catch (Exception connectError) { eventLogs.LogError(connectError); ClearForm(false); return; } //Only runs when User ID is blank. //Checking rights and adding admin users to comboAdminList if (!checkRights) { adTasksRemove.CheckExistingRights(addAdminToCombo, devOutput); if (comboAdminList.Items.Count == 0) //No admin's found { MessageBox.Show("No user's found with admin rights."); } else { ToggleButtonsOnOff(false); //display comboAdminList box to select user to remove. comboAdminList.Visible = true; selectUserBox.Visible = true; } } else { adTasksRemove.CheckExistingRights(addAdminToCombo, devOutput); if (user.AdminRightsExist) { bool result = MsgBoxConfirmRemoval(); if (result) { adTasksRemove.RemoveRights(); adTasksRemove.CheckExistingRights(false, false); string jobFilePath = string.Format( @"\\{0}\c$\windows\tasks\{1}.job", connection.HostIP, user.UserID); try { if (File.Exists(jobFilePath)) //Delete existing scheduled tasks { File.Delete(jobFilePath); } } catch (Exception) { throw; } //**Can implement a final check to make sure rights //were removed. In tests/production use this has //not failed yet. StatusReport(3); CopyToClipboard(); } else if (!user.AdminRightsExist) //User specified ID does not have admin rights. { Util.MsgBox.Info(string.Format( "User {0} does not have admin rights on {1}.", user.UserID, connection.HostName)); } else { StatusReport(2); } } else { Util.MsgBox.Info(string.Format( "User {0} does not have admin rights on {1}.", user.UserID, connection.HostName)); } } } else { Util.MsgBox.Info("Failed to connect to host. Is host online?"); ClearForm(false); } if (!comboAdminList.Visible) { ToggleButtonsOnOff(true); } }