protected virtual void RpcRespawn() { //toggle visibility for player gameobject (on/off) gameObject.SetActive(!gameObject.activeInHierarchy); bool isActive = gameObject.activeInHierarchy; //the player has been killed if (!isActive) { //detect whether the current user was responsible for the kill //yes, that's my kill: take thumbnail via EveryPlay if (killedBy == GameManager.GetInstance().localPlayer.gameObject) { UnityEveryplayManager.TakeThumbnail(); } if (explosionFX) { //spawn death particles locally using pooling and colorize them in the player's team color GameObject particle = PoolManager.Spawn(explosionFX, transform.position, transform.rotation); ParticleColor pColor = particle.GetComponent <ParticleColor>(); if (pColor) { pColor.SetColor(GameManager.GetInstance().teams[GetView().GetTeam()].material.color); } } //play sound clip on player death if (explosionClip) { AudioManager.Play3D(explosionClip, transform.position); } } //further changes only affect the local client if (!photonView.isMine) { return; } //local player got respawned so reset states if (isActive == true) { ResetPosition(); } else { //local player was killed, set camera to follow the killer = killedBy.transform; //hide input controls and other HUD elements camFollow.HideMask(true); //display respawn window (only for local player) GameManager.GetInstance().DisplayDeath(); } }
public void RpcDie(short senderId) { gameObject.SetActive(false); killedBy = senderId > 0 ? ClientScene.FindLocalObject(new NetworkInstanceId((uint)senderId)) : null; bIsAlive = false; // TODO: ScoreBegin if (explosionFX != null) { //spawn death particles locally using pooling and colorize them in the player's team color GameObject particle = PoolManager.Spawn(explosionFX, transform.position, transform.rotation); ParticleColor pColor = particle.GetComponent <ParticleColor>(); if (pColor) { pColor.SetColor(GameManager.GetInstance().teams[teamIndex].material.color); } } //play sound clip on player death if (explosionClip != null) { AudioManager.Play3D(explosionClip, transform.position); } if (isServer) { agent.Warp(GameManager.GetInstance().GetSpawnPosition(teamIndex)); } if (controller != null) { controller.Stop(); } if (isLocalPlayer) { if (killedBy != null) { = killedBy.transform; } camFollow.HideMask(true); GameManager.GetInstance().DisplayDeath(); } }
protected virtual void RpcRespawn(short senderId) { //toggle visibility for player gameobject (on/off) gameObject.SetActive(!gameObject.activeInHierarchy); bool isActive = gameObject.activeInHierarchy; killedBy = null; //the player has been killed if (!isActive) { //find original sender game object (killedBy) PhotonView senderView = senderId > 0 ? PhotonView.Find(senderId) : null; if (senderView != null && senderView.gameObject != null) { killedBy = senderView.gameObject; } //detect whether the current user was responsible for the kill, but not for suicide //yes, that's my kill: increase local kill counter if (this != GameManager.GetInstance().localPlayer&& killedBy == GameManager.GetInstance().localPlayer.gameObject) { GameManager.GetInstance().ui.killCounter[0].text = (int.Parse(GameManager.GetInstance().ui.killCounter[0].text) + 1).ToString(); GameManager.GetInstance().ui.killCounter[0].GetComponent <Animator>().Play("Animation"); } if (explosionFX) { //spawn death particles locally using pooling and colorize them in the player's team color GameObject particle = PoolManager.Spawn(explosionFX, transform.position, transform.rotation); ParticleColor pColor = particle.GetComponent <ParticleColor>(); if (pColor) { pColor.SetColor(GameManager.GetInstance().teams[GetView().GetTeam()].material.color); } } //play sound clip on player death if (explosionClip) { AudioManager.Play3D(explosionClip, transform.position); } } if (PhotonNetwork.IsMasterClient) { //send player back to the team area, this will get overwritten by the exact position from the client itself later on //we just do this to avoid players "popping up" from the position they died and then teleporting to the team area instantly //this is manipulating the internal PhotonTransformView cache to update the networkPosition variable GetComponent <PhotonTransformView>().OnPhotonSerializeView(new PhotonStream(false, new object[] { GameManager.GetInstance().GetSpawnPosition(GetView().GetTeam()),, Quaternion.identity }), new PhotonMessageInfo()); } //further changes only affect the local client if (!photonView.IsMine) { return; } //local player got respawned so reset states if (isActive == true) { ResetPosition(); } else { //local player was killed, set camera to follow the killer if (killedBy != null) { = killedBy.transform; } //hide input controls and other HUD elements camFollow.HideMask(true); //display respawn window (only for local player) GameManager.GetInstance().DisplayDeath(); } }