// *********************************
        // Methods:
        // *********************************

        // Hit method:
        public virtual void Hit(CProjectile p)
            if (onHit != null)
Exemple #2
 public override void Hit(CProjectile p)
     if (p.ProjectileType == ProjectileTypes.Max)
         this.Destroyed = true;
Exemple #3
        // *********************************
        // Methods:
        // *********************************

        // If brick is hit by the bomb:
        public override void Hit(CProjectile p)
            // If projectile type is Max then destroying it:
            if (p.ProjectileType == ProjectileTypes.Max)
                this.State = (int)BrickState.Destroyed;                                         //this.Destroyed = true;
            else if (!this.Fortified)
                // Getting side index:
                int index = (int)p.Direction;

                // Check if brick has already been hit from this side:
                if (++hits[index] >= 2)
                    State = (int)BrickState.Destroyed;

                // If not then change it's state:
                    State &= comparators[index];

        public override void Hit(CProjectile p)

            if (this.Armour > 0)
        public override void Hit(CProjectile p)
            if (IsBonus)
                OnCreateBonus(this, new EventArgs());

                IsBonus = false;

Exemple #6
        // Hit method:
        public override void Hit(CProjectile p)
            if (!this.Invincible)
                if (--this.Armour <= 0)
                    this.Destroyer = p.Owner;

                    this.Destroyed = true;
        // *********************** //
        // On Shoot handlers:
        // *********************** //

        // On shoot:
        void OnShoot_Tank(CTank sender)
            // Check if tank can shoot:
            if (sender.ProjectileLimit > sender.ProjectilesInFlight)
                // Creating projectile:
                var projectile = new CProjectile(sender.X, sender.Y, sender.Direction, sender.ProjectileType);

                // Setting owner:
                projectile.Owner = sender;

                // Adding object:

                // Decreasing projectile limit for sender:

Exemple #8
 public override void Hit(CProjectile p)
     this.Destroyed = true;
        // *********************** //
        // On Check handlers:
        // *********************** //

        // On target hit:
        bool OnCheck_IsTargetHit(CProjectile p)
            // fill target coordinates:
            // there are 4 hit coordinates, each one is in the corner of projectile:
            int[] x = { 0, 0, 0, 0 };

            int[] y = { 0, 0, 0, 0 };

            x[0] = (int)((p.X + 3) / cellSize);

            x[1] = x[0];

            x[2] = (int)((p.X + 4) / cellSize);;

            x[3] = x[2];

            y[0] = (int)((p.Y + 3) / cellSize);

            y[1] = (int)((p.Y + 4) / cellSize);

            y[2] = y[0];

            y[3] = y[1];

            // Targets:
            IGameObject[] destroyable = new IGameObject[4];

            // hit flag:
            bool object_hit = false;

            // Check targets on map:
            for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                // Getting object:
                var o = this.mapMain[x[i], y[i]];

                // Check if it shoud be hit:
                if ((o != null) && (o != p.Owner) && (o != this.emptyArea) && !(o is CWater))
                    // Enemies cant kill each other:
                    if (!((o is CTankEnemy) && (p.Owner is CTankEnemy)))
                        if (!destroyable.Contains(o))
                            // Detecting a hit:
                            object_hit = true;

                            p.Explode = true;

                            if (!((p.Owner is CTankPlayer) && (o is CTankPlayer)))
                                // Hitting object:

                                // Blowing up projectile:
                                if ((o.Destroyed) && (o is CTankEnemy))
                                    (p.Owner as CTankPlayer).AddHit((o as CTank).TankID);

                                p.Explode = ((o as CTank != null) && (o as CTank).Invincible) ? false : true;

                                //if ((o as CTank != null) && (o as CTank).Invincible) p.Explode = false;

                                // Adding to targets:
                                destroyable[i] = o;
