public PowerupDrawer(DrawingPanel drawingPanel, Powerup powerup)
     this.drawingPanel       = drawingPanel;
     this.powerup            = powerup;
     this.currentlyAnimating = false;
     this.marioStarGif       = DrawingImages.PowerupGif.Clone() as Bitmap;
Exemple #2
        public Form1(GameController ctl)
            //Set up the general handlers and variables of the form
            theController              = ctl;
            theWorld                   = theController.GetWorld();
            theController.UpdateWorld += OnFrame;

            // Set up the form.
            panel          = new DrawingPanel(theWorld);
            panel.Location = new Point(0, menuSize);
            panel.Size     = new Size(viewSize, viewSize);

            // Set the window size
            ClientSize = new Size(viewSize, viewSize + menuSize);

            //Save our boxes to variables
            IPName     = hostText;
            playerName = playerText;

            // Set up key and mouse handlers
            this.KeyDown += HandleKeyDown;
            this.KeyUp   += HandleKeyUp;

            //Allow enter button to connect to server
            AcceptButton = connectButton;

            //Set up handlers for controls
            panel.MouseMove             += OnMouseMove;
            panel.MouseClick            += HandleMouseClick;
            theController.PlayerIDGiven += InitializeWithID;
            theController.Error         += DisplayErrorMessage;
Exemple #3
        public Form1(GameController ctl)
            theController = ctl;
            theWorld      = theController.GetWorld();
            theController.RegisterServerUpdateHandler(OnFrame);          //Register OnFrame as the controller event handler
            theController.RegisterConnectionErrorHandler(UnlockMenuBar); //Register UnlockMenuBar as the controller event handler

            ClientSize            = new Size(Constant.ClientSize, Constant.ClientSize + 35);
            drawingPanel          = new DrawingPanel(theWorld);
            drawingPanel.Location = new Point(0, 35);
            drawingPanel.Size     = new Size(Constant.ViewSize, Constant.ViewSize);

            drawingPanel.BackColor = Color.Black;

            // Set KeyPreview object to true to allow the form to process
            // the key before the control with focus processes it.
            this.KeyPreview = true;

            this.KeyDown           += new KeyEventHandler(Form1_KeyDown);
            this.KeyUp             += new KeyEventHandler(Form1_KeyUp);
            drawingPanel.MouseMove += new MouseEventHandler(Form1_MouseMove);
            drawingPanel.MouseDown += new MouseEventHandler(Form1_MouseDown);
            drawingPanel.MouseUp   += new MouseEventHandler(Form1_MouseUp);
            FormClosed             += OnExit;
        /// <summary>
        /// Subscribes to the events and initializes the variables needed in the constructor
        /// </summary>
        public TankWarsView(GameController ctl)
            controller = ctl;

            FormClosed += OnExit;
            world       = controller.GetWorld();
            controller.UpdateArrived += OnFrame;
            controller.Error         += ShowError;
            controller.Connected     += HandleConnected;

            ClientSize = new Size(viewSize, viewSize + menuSize);

            drawingPanel            = new DrawingPanel(world, controller);
            drawingPanel.Location   = new Point(0, menuSize);
            drawingPanel.Size       = new Size(viewSize, viewSize);
            drawingPanel.MouseDown += HandleMouseDown;
            drawingPanel.MouseUp   += HandleMouseUp;
            drawingPanel.MouseMove += HandleMouseMovement;


            this.KeyDown += HandleKeyDown;
            this.KeyUp   += HandleKeyUp;
 public BeamDrawer(DrawingPanel drawingPanel, Beam beam)
     this.drawingPanel           = drawingPanel;
     this.beam                   = beam;
     this.beamGif                = DrawingImages.LaserBeamGif.Clone() as Bitmap;
     this.currentlyAnimating     = false;
     this.numFramesAnimatedSoFar = 0;
     this.numFramesToAnimate     = 40;
        public ExplosionDrawer(DrawingPanel drawingPanel, Tank tank)
            currentlyAnimating = false;
            this.drawingPanel  = drawingPanel;
            this.tank          = tank;
            this.explosionGif  = DrawingImages.ExplosionGif.Clone() as Bitmap;

            numFramesPassed = 0;
Exemple #7
        /// <summary>
        /// This method sets up our clientsize via defClientsize, as well as setting up our
        /// drawingpanel size with our now provided worldsize.
        /// We also handle mouse tracking within our drawing panel.
        /// </summary>
        private void SetupPanel()
            // Basic Settings
            ClientSize             = new Size(defClientSize, defClientSize);
            drawingPanel           = new DrawingPanel(theWorld, theController);
            drawingPanel.Location  = new Point(0, 0);
            drawingPanel.Size      = new Size(theWorld.size, theWorld.size);
            drawingPanel.BackColor = Color.Black;

            // Handling mouse location & clicking
            drawingPanel.MouseMove += DetectMouseLocation;
            drawingPanel.MouseDown += HandleMouseDown;
            drawingPanel.MouseUp   += HandleMouseUp;

Exemple #8
        //Initialize DrawingPanel
        private void InitializeDrawingPanel()
            // Initialize drawingPanel
            drawingPanel          = new DrawingPanel(controller);
            drawingPanel.Location = new Point(0, menuSize);
            drawingPanel.Size     = new Size(viewSize, viewSize);
            //Register mouse input on drawingPanel
            drawingPanel.MouseDown += HandleMouseDown;
            drawingPanel.MouseUp   += HandleMouseUp;
            drawingPanel.MouseMove += HandleMouseMove;

            // Add DrawingPanel on Main Form thread
            this.Invoke(new MethodInvoker(() => {
                this.controller.Update += OnFrame; // Register update drawingPanel
                this.Controls.Add(drawingPanel);   // Add to this form
                this.KeyPreview = true;            // Start listening to User Input
Exemple #9
        public Form1()

            // Initialize a GameController for the client and register handlers for its events
            gameController = new GameController();
            theWorld       = gameController.theWorld;
            gameController.RedrawFrameEvent           += RedrawFrame;
            gameController.ShowErrorMessageEvent      += ShowErrorMessage;
            gameController.DisableConnectionMenuEvent += DisableConnectionMenu;

            // Initialize a DrawingPanel for the client and register handler for its events
            drawingPanel            = new DrawingPanel(gameController);
            drawingPanel.Location   = new Point(0, 0);
            drawingPanel.Size       = new Size(800, 800); // A drawingPanel is always 800x800 pixels on the form
            drawingPanel.MouseMove += GamePanel_MouseMove;
            drawingPanel.MouseDown += GamePanel_MouseDown;
            drawingPanel.MouseUp   += GamePanel_MouseUp;
            gamePanel.Controls.Add(drawingPanel); // Add our drawingPanel to the gamePnel on the form
Exemple #10
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructor that sets up the form when given a game controller
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ctl">controller that the form should use</param>
        public TankWars(GameController ctl)
            TheController = ctl;

            //Adds the on frame event listener and the error event listener
            TheController.OnFrameEvent += OnFrame;
            TheController.ErrorEvent   += DisplayError;

            //Creates a drawing panel in the form
            ClientSize             = new Size(Constants.ViewSize, Constants.ViewSize);
            drawingPanel           = new DrawingPanel(TheController);
            drawingPanel.BackColor = Color.Black;
            drawingPanel.Location  = new Point(Constants.ViewLocationX, Constants.ViewLocationY);
            drawingPanel.Size      = new Size(ClientSize.Width, ClientSize.Height);

            //Allows mouse clicks to be detected on drawing panel
            drawingPanel.MouseDown += TankWars_MouseDown;
            drawingPanel.MouseUp   += TankWars_MouseUp;
            drawingPanel.MouseMove += TankWars_MouseMove;
Exemple #11
        /// <summary>
        /// Main form application. Sets controller, world, and clientsize. Then adds events for controller and finally adds form components
        /// </summary>
        public Form1(GameController controller)
            //Initialize and set controller to parameter and world to controller's world
            this.controller = controller;
        = controller.GetWorld();

            //Sets clientsize for form
            ClientSize = new Size(viewSize, viewSize + menuSize);

            //Adds listeners to events for controller-view handshake
            controller.OnUpdate    += OnFrame;
            controller.IDLoaded    += SetID;
            controller.WorldLoaded += SetWorld;

            // Place and add the start button
            startButton          = new Button();
            startButton.Location = new Point(245, 5);
            startButton.Size     = new Size(70, 20);
            startButton.Text     = "Start";
            startButton.Click   += StartClick;

            // Place and add the name label
            nameLabel          = new Label();
            nameLabel.Text     = "Name:";
            nameLabel.Location = new Point(5, 10);
            nameLabel.Size     = new Size(40, 15);

            // Place and add the name textbox
            nameText           = new TextBox();
            nameText.Text      = "player";
            nameText.MaxLength = 16;
            nameText.Location  = new Point(50, 5);
            nameText.Size      = new Size(70, 15);

            // Place and add the host label
            hostLabel          = new Label();
            hostLabel.Text     = "Host:";
            hostLabel.Location = new Point(125, 10);
            hostLabel.Size     = new Size(40, 15);

            // Place and add the host textbox
            hostText          = new TextBox();
            hostText.Text     = "";
            hostText.Location = new Point(165, 5);
            hostText.Size     = new Size(70, 15);

            // Place and add the drawing panel with event when beam gets fired
            drawingPanel          = new DrawingPanel(world);
            drawingPanel.Location = new Point(0, menuSize);
            drawingPanel.Size     = new Size(viewSize, viewSize);
            controller.BeamFired += drawingPanel.DrawBeam;

            //Set up control events for keys and mouse inputs
            this.KeyDown           += Moved;
            drawingPanel.MouseDown += Shoot;
            drawingPanel.MouseUp   += StopShoot;
            drawingPanel.MouseMove += Aim;
            this.KeyUp             += StopMove;