public AnimationPage()
            var link   = this.Intent()["link"];
            var tamdoc = TamUtils.getXMLAsset(this.Intent()["link"]);

            alltams = TamUtils.tamList(tamdoc).Where(t => t.attr("display") != "none");
            animtot = alltams.Count();
            animnum = int.Parse(this.Intent()["anim"]);
            Callouts.AnimationFinished = () => {
                PlayPath.Fill  = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Black);
                PausePath.Fill = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Transparent);
                playing        = false;
            ManipulationMode       = ManipulationModes.TranslateX;
            ManipulationStarted   += (x, e) => x1 = (int)e.Position.X;
            ManipulationCompleted += (x, e) =>
                x2 = (int)e.Position.X;
                if (x1 - x2 > animationView.ActualWidth / 2 && animnum + 1 < animtot)
                    // swipe left
                else if (x2 - x1 > animationView.ActualWidth / 2 && animnum > 0)
                    // swipe right
        public DefinitionPage()
            var link = this.Intent()["link"].ReplaceAll(@"\..*", "") + ".html";

            Uri url = webview.BuildLocalStreamUri("assets", link.ReplaceAll("ms/", "ms0/"));

            webview.NavigationCompleted += navigationCompleted;
            webview.NavigateToLocalStreamUri(url, this);
            //  if (!Regex.Match(link, "^(b1|b2|ms0)").Success)
            //    AbbrevFullPanel.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed;
            Callouts.AnimationPart = async(int part) => {
                await webview.InvokeScriptAsync("eval", new string[] { $"setPart({part})" });
Exemple #3
        public void reset()
            // Fetch the list of animations and build the table
            var prevtitle = "";
            var prevgroup = "";

            link = this.Intent()["link"];
            XmlDocument tamdoc = TamUtils.getXMLAsset(link);
            var         title  = tamdoc.SelectSingleNode("/tamination").attr("title");

            var tams      = TamUtils.tamList(tamdoc);
            var diffsum   = 0;
            var firstanim = -1;
            var i         = 0;

            foreach (IXmlNode tam in tams)
                if (tam.attr("display") == "none")
                var tamtitle = tam.attr("title");
                var from     = TamUtils.tamXref(tam).attr("from");
                var group    = tam.attr("group");
                var diffstr  = TamUtils.tamXref(tam).attr("difficulty");
                var diff     = diffstr.Length > 0 ? int.Parse(diffstr) : 0;
                diffsum += diff;
                if (group.Length > 0)
                    // Add header for new group as needed
                    if (group != prevgroup)
                        if (Regex.Match(group, @"^\s+$").Success)
                            // Blank group, for calls with no common starting phrase
                            // Add a green separator unless it's the first group
                            if (anims.Count > 0)
                                anims.Add(new AnimListItem()
                                    celltype = CellType.Separator
                            // Named group e.g. "As Couples.."
                            // Add a header with the group name, which starts
                            // each call in the group
                            anims.Add(new AnimListItem()
                                celltype = CellType.Header,
                                name     = group
                    from = tamtitle.Replace(group, " ").Trim();
                else if (tamtitle != prevtitle)
                    // Not a group but a different call
                    // Put out a header with this call
                    anims.Add(new AnimListItem()
                        celltype = CellType.Header,
                        name     = tamtitle + " from"
                //  Build list item for this animation
                prevtitle = tamtitle;
                prevgroup = group;
                //  TODO posanim(av.getCount) = i
                //  Remember where the first real animation is in the list
                if (firstanim < 0)
                    firstanim = anims.Count;
                //  TODO selectanim and weblink
                //  ...
                // Put out a selectable item
                anims.Add(new AnimListItem()
                    celltype   = Regex.Match(group, @"^\s+$").Success ? CellType.Plain : CellType.Indented,
                    title      = tamtitle,
                    name       = from,
                    group      = group.Length > 0 ? group : tamtitle + " from",
                    animnumber = i,
                    difficulty = diff
                i = i + 1;
            if (diffsum <= 0)
                DifficultyLegend.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed;
            AnimList.ItemsSource = anims;
            if (firstanim >= 0)