public ActionResult Edit(LocPhoneNums locPhoneNums)
            /***** Logging initial settings *****/

            DbChangeLog log = new DbChangeLog();
            log.UserName = User.Identity.Name;
            log.Controller = "LocPhoneNums";
            log.Action = (locPhoneNums.Id != 0) ? "Edit" : "Create";
            log.ItemId = locPhoneNums.Id;
            // if this is an edit to an exhisting item, record the old item to the log
            if (log.Action == "Edit")
                LocPhoneNums oldPhone = context.LocPhoneNums.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Id == locPhoneNums.Id);
                log.BeforeChange = Domain.Extensions.DbLogExtensions.LocPhoneToString(oldPhone);

            // record the newly attempted change
            log.AfterChange = Domain.Extensions.DbLogExtensions.LocPhoneToString(locPhoneNums);

            /***** end Logging initial settings *****/

            if (ModelState.IsValid)


                    // need to record the id here, if this item has just been created it will not have an ID until it has been recorded to the DB
                    log.ItemId = locPhoneNums.Id;
                    log.Success = true;
                    TempData["message"] = string.Format("{0} has been saved", locPhoneNums.Name);

                catch (Exception e)
                    log.Error = e.ToString();
                    log.Success = false;
                    TempData["alert"] = "There has been an error. That item has not been saved";


                TempData["alert"] = string.Format("{0} has not been saved", locPhoneNums.Name);

                // record the errors and error status to the log
                log.Success = false;
                log.Error = "Errors: ";
                foreach (ModelState modelState in ViewData.ModelState.Values)
                    foreach (ModelError error in modelState.Errors)
                        log.Error += error + "<br />";


            return RedirectToAction("Edit", new { Id = locPhoneNums.Id });
 public static string LocPhoneToString(LocPhoneNums phone)
     string locString = "<table class='table table-striped'>";
     locString += "<tr><th>ID:</th><td>" + phone.Id.ToString() + "</td></tr>";
     locString += "<tr><th>Name:</th><td>" + phone.Name + "</td></tr>";
     locString += "<tr><th>Number:</th><td>" + phone.Number + "</td></tr>";
     locString += "<tr><th>Location ID:</th><td>" + phone.LocationId + "</td></tr>";
     locString += "</table>";
     return locString;
 public void SaveLocPhoneNum(LocPhoneNums phone)
     if (phone.Id == 0)
         LocPhoneNums dbEntry = context.LocPhoneNums.Find(phone.Id);
         if (dbEntry != null)
             dbEntry.Name = phone.Name;
             dbEntry.Number = phone.Number;
             dbEntry.LocationId = phone.LocationId;