Exemple #1
        public static Save_Info get_save_info(int file_id, Save_File file, bool suspend)
            Save_Info result = new Save_Info();

            result.File_Id = file_id;

            result.Time = new DateTime(); //@Yeti
            var mostRecent = file.most_recent_save;

            if (mostRecent != null)
                result.Time = mostRecent.time;

            result.Style           = file.Style;
            result.Map_Save_Exists = false;
            result.Suspend_Exists  = suspend;

            if (file.NoData)
                result.Chapter_Id = "";
                result.Difficulty = file.Difficulty;
                Save_Data data = file.most_recent_save;
                result.Chapter_Id = data.chapter_id;
                result.Difficulty = data.difficulty;
                //result.Chapter_Id = file.data[chapter_id][indices[index]].chapter_id; //Debug
                //result.Difficulty = file.data[chapter_id][indices[index]].difficulty;

Exemple #2
        public void update_progress(Save_File file)
            foreach (Difficulty_Modes difficulty in Enum_Values.GetEnumValues(typeof(Difficulty_Modes)))
                // Completed chapters
                foreach (string chapter_id in Global.data_chapters.Keys)
                    if (file.ContainsKey(chapter_id, difficulty))
                // Available chapters
                foreach (string chapter_id in Global.data_chapters.Keys)
                    if (!Available_Chapters.Contains(chapter_id))
                        if (file.chapter_available(chapter_id))
            // Supports
            Dictionary <string, int> supports = file.acquired_supports;

            foreach (var pair in supports)
                AddSupport(pair.Key, pair.Value);
            // Recruited
Exemple #3
        public static Save_Info get_save_info(int file_id, Save_File file, Suspend_Info suspend_info, bool map_save = false, bool suspend = false)
            Save_Info result = new Save_Info();

            result.File_Id = file_id;

            result.Time            = suspend_info.time;
            result.Style           = suspend_info.style;
            result.Map_Save_Exists = map_save;
            result.Suspend_Exists  = suspend;

            result.Chapter_Id = suspend_info.chapter_id;
            result.Difficulty = suspend_info.difficulty;

Exemple #4
        public static Save_File read(BinaryReader reader)
            Save_File result = new Save_File();

            result.Style = (Mode_Styles)reader.ReadInt32();
            if (!Global.LOADED_VERSION.older_than(0, 4, 3, 4))
                result.Difficulty = (Difficulty_Modes)reader.ReadInt32();
            if (!Global.LOADED_VERSION.older_than(0, 5, 7, 0))
                result.Description = reader.ReadString();

            int chapter_count = reader.ReadInt32();

            if (Global.LOADED_VERSION.older_than(0, 6, 1, 0))
                var old_data = new Dictionary <string, Dictionary <Difficulty_Modes, Dictionary <string, Save_Data> > >();
                if (Global.LOADED_VERSION.older_than(0, 4, 4, 0))
                    for (int i = 0; i < chapter_count; i++)
                        string    key   = reader.ReadString();
                        Save_Data value = Save_Data.read(reader);
                        old_data.Add(key, new Dictionary <Difficulty_Modes, Dictionary <string, Save_Data> > {
                            { value.difficulty, new Dictionary <string, Save_Data> {
                                  { value.progression_id, value }
                              } }
                    for (int i = 0; i < chapter_count; i++)
                        string chapter_key = reader.ReadString();
                        Dictionary <Difficulty_Modes, Dictionary <string, Save_Data> > chapter =
                            new Dictionary <Difficulty_Modes, Dictionary <string, Save_Data> >();

                        int count = reader.ReadInt32();
                        for (int j = 0; j < count; j++)
                            Difficulty_Modes key = (Difficulty_Modes)reader.ReadInt32();
                            Dictionary <string, Save_Data> value = read_chapter(reader);
                            chapter.Add(key, value);
                        old_data.Add(chapter_key, chapter);
                // Select the newer save data for each chapter?
                result.Data = new Dictionary <string, Dictionary <string, Save_Data> >();
                foreach (var pair in old_data)
                    result.Data.Add(pair.Key, new Dictionary <string, Save_Data>());
                    // Get all progression ids
                    var progression_ids = pair.Value.SelectMany(y => y.Value.Select(x => x.Key))
                    foreach (string progression in progression_ids)
                        var chapter_dataset = pair.Value
                                              .Where(x => x.Value.ContainsKey(progression))
                                              .Select(x => x.Value[progression])
                                              // Find the newest
                                              .OrderByDescending(x =>
                            if (x.difficulty != Difficulty_Modes.Normal)
                            // Add 5 minutes if the save is a on hard mode,
                            //     to account for hard saving before normal
                            int extra_minutes =
                                x.difficulty == Difficulty_Modes.Normal ? 0 : 5;
                            return(x.time + new TimeSpan(0, extra_minutes, 0));
                        if (chapter_dataset.Count > 1 && !(
                                chapter_dataset[0].time.Date == chapter_dataset[1].time.Date &&
                                chapter_dataset[0].time.Hour == chapter_dataset[1].time.Hour &&
                                chapter_dataset[0].time.Minute == chapter_dataset[1].time.Minute))
                        result.Data[pair.Key].Add(progression, chapter_dataset.First());
                for (int i = 0; i < chapter_count; i++)
                    string chapter_key = reader.ReadString();
                    Dictionary <string, Save_Data> value = read_chapter(reader);
                    result.Data.Add(chapter_key, value);
Exemple #5
 private void get_save_info(Save_File file)
     AvailableChapters = file.available_chapters();