Exemple #1
        public static int Main( string[] args )
            // Check settings
            var version = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName().Version.ToString();
            if (!version.Equals( Properties.Settings.Default.Version ))
                // Upgrade
                Properties.Settings.Default.Version = version;

            // For screen shots
            //Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture = CultureInfo.CreateSpecificCulture("de");

            // Prepare
            Application.SetCompatibleTextRenderingDefault( false );

            // Check for configuration call
            if (args.Length < 1)
                // Process
                Application.Run( new Configuration() );

                // Done
                return 0;

            // In error
                // Get command
                string cmd = args[0];

                // Check mode
                bool delete = Equals( cmd, "/del" );
                bool clickfinder = false;

                // Check parameter
                if (!delete && !Equals( cmd, "/add" ))
                    // Check for click finder call
                    clickfinder = cmd.StartsWith( "Pos=" );

                    // In error
                    if (!clickfinder) throw new ArgumentException( "/del /add" );

                // Relevant information
                string channelName, dura, title;
                DateTime start;

                // Check mode
                if (clickfinder)
                    // Parts
                    string starttime;

                    // Get parts
                    channelName = args[2].Substring( 7 ).Replace( "\"", string.Empty );
                    starttime = args[3].Substring( 7 ).Replace( "\"", string.Empty );
                    dura = args[4].Substring( 6 );
                    title = args[5].Substring( 8 ).Replace( "\"", string.Empty );

                    // Create date
                    starttime = starttime.Insert( 10, ":" );
                    starttime = starttime.Insert( 8, " " );
                    starttime = starttime.Insert( 6, "-" );
                    starttime = starttime.Insert( 4, "-" );

                    // Parse
                    start = DateTime.Parse( starttime );
                    // Get parts
                    channelName = args[1];
                    title = args[5];
                    dura = args[4];

                    // Parse
                    start = DateTime.Parse( args[2] ) + TimeSpan.Parse( args[3] );

                // Parse
                var minutes = int.Parse( dura );

                // Load the name of the profile - can only use the default
                var profileName = VCRNETRestProxy.GetProfiles( EndPoint ).Select( profile => profile.name ).FirstOrDefault();

                // Load collections
                var externals = Properties.Settings.Default.ExternalNames ?? new StringCollection();
                var internals = Properties.Settings.Default.VCRNETNames ?? new StringCollection();

                // See if channel is mapped
                for (var i = Math.Min( externals.Count, internals.Count ); i-- > 0; )
                    if (StringComparer.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase.Equals( externals[i], channelName ))
                        return UpdateRecording( profileName, delete, internals[i], title, start, minutes );

                // Ask user
                using (var dialog = new ChooseMapping( channelName, VCRNETRestProxy.GetSources( EndPoint, profileName ).Select( source => source.nameWithProvider ) ))
                    if (dialog.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
                        // Cut off
                        while (externals.Count > internals.Count)
                            externals.RemoveAt( internals.Count );
                        while (internals.Count > externals.Count)
                            internals.RemoveAt( externals.Count );

                        // Expand
                        externals.Add( channelName );
                        internals.Add( dialog.MappedName );

                        // Back to settings
                        Properties.Settings.Default.ExternalNames = externals;
                        Properties.Settings.Default.VCRNETNames = internals;

                        // Process
                        return UpdateRecording( profileName, delete, dialog.MappedName, title, start, minutes );

                // Report
                MessageBox.Show( string.Format( Properties.Resources.NoSuchChannel, channelName ) );

                // Done
                return 1;
            catch (Exception ex)
                // Report
                MessageBox.Show( ex.Message );

                // Done
                return 2;
Exemple #2
        public static int Main(string[] args)
            // Check settings
            var version = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName().Version.ToString();

            if (!version.Equals(Properties.Settings.Default.Version))
                // Upgrade
                Properties.Settings.Default.Version = version;

            // For screen shots
            //Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture = CultureInfo.CreateSpecificCulture("de");

            // Prepare

            // Check for configuration call
            if (args.Length < 1)
                // Process
                Application.Run(new Configuration());

                // Done

            // In error
                // Get command
                string cmd = args[0];

                // Check mode
                bool delete      = Equals(cmd, "/del");
                bool clickfinder = false;

                // Check parameter
                if (!delete && !Equals(cmd, "/add"))
                    // Check for click finder call
                    clickfinder = cmd.StartsWith("Pos=");

                    // In error
                    if (!clickfinder)
                        throw new ArgumentException("/del /add");

                // Relevant information
                string   channelName, dura, title;
                DateTime start;

                // Check mode
                if (clickfinder)
                    // Parts
                    string starttime;

                    // Get parts
                    channelName = args[2].Substring(7).Replace("\"", string.Empty);
                    starttime   = args[3].Substring(7).Replace("\"", string.Empty);
                    dura        = args[4].Substring(6);
                    title       = args[5].Substring(8).Replace("\"", string.Empty);

                    // Create date
                    starttime = starttime.Insert(10, ":");
                    starttime = starttime.Insert(8, " ");
                    starttime = starttime.Insert(6, "-");
                    starttime = starttime.Insert(4, "-");

                    // Parse
                    start = DateTime.Parse(starttime);
                    // Get parts
                    channelName = args[1];
                    title       = args[5];
                    dura        = args[4];

                    // Parse
                    start = DateTime.Parse(args[2]) + TimeSpan.Parse(args[3]);

                // Parse
                var minutes = int.Parse(dura);

                // Load the name of the profile - can only use the default
                var profileName = VCRNETRestProxy.GetProfiles(EndPoint).Select(profile => profile.name).FirstOrDefault();

                // Load collections
                var externals = Properties.Settings.Default.ExternalNames ?? new StringCollection();
                var internals = Properties.Settings.Default.VCRNETNames ?? new StringCollection();

                // See if channel is mapped
                for (var i = Math.Min(externals.Count, internals.Count); i-- > 0;)
                    if (StringComparer.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase.Equals(externals[i], channelName))
                        return(UpdateRecording(profileName, delete, internals[i], title, start, minutes));

                // Ask user
                using (var dialog = new ChooseMapping(channelName, VCRNETRestProxy.GetSources(EndPoint, profileName).Select(source => source.nameWithProvider)))
                    if (dialog.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
                        // Cut off
                        while (externals.Count > internals.Count)
                        while (internals.Count > externals.Count)

                        // Expand

                        // Back to settings
                        Properties.Settings.Default.ExternalNames = externals;
                        Properties.Settings.Default.VCRNETNames   = internals;

                        // Process
                        return(UpdateRecording(profileName, delete, dialog.MappedName, title, start, minutes));

                // Report
                MessageBox.Show(string.Format(Properties.Resources.NoSuchChannel, channelName));

                // Done
            catch (Exception ex)
                // Report

                // Done