Exemple #1
        public static MoonRiseResult CalculateMoonRiseSet(Coordinate coordinate, DateTime time)
            int zone = TimeZone.CurrentTimeZone.ToUniversalTime(time).Hour; //1; // Math.Round(Now.getTimezoneOffset()/60);

            double jd = time.DtToJulianDay();                               // -2451545;           // Julian day relative to Jan 1.5, 2000

            //if ((sgn(zone) == sgn(lon))&&(zone != 0))
            //    window.alert("WARNING: time zone and longitude are incompatible!");

            double[,] mp = new double[3, 3];                     // create a 3x3 array
            for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                //mp[i] = new Array(3);
                for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++)
                    mp[i, j] = 0.0;

            double lon = coordinate.LongitudeDeg / 360;
            var    tz  = zone / 24;
            var    t0  = CalculateLocalSiderealTime(lon, jd, tz); // local sidereal time

            jd = jd + tz;                                         // get moon position at start of day

            for (int k = 0; k < 3; k++)
                double[] Sky = CalculateMoon(jd);
                mp[k, 0] = Sky[0];
                mp[k, 1] = Sky[1];
                mp[k, 2] = Sky[2];
                jd       = jd + 0.5;

            if (mp[1, 0] <= mp[0, 0])
                mp[1, 0] = mp[1, 0] + 2 * Math.PI;

            if (mp[2, 0] <= mp[1, 0])
                mp[2, 0] = mp[2, 0] + 2 * Math.PI;

            double[] RAn = new double[3];
            double[] Dec = new double[3];
            double[] VHz = new double[3];

            RAn[0] = mp[0, 0];
            Dec[0] = mp[0, 1];

            //bool Moonrise = false;                          // initialize
            //bool Moonset  = false;
            List <MoonRiseResult> resultArray = new List <MoonRiseResult>();

            for (int k = 0; k < 24; k++)                   // check each hour of this day
                double ph = (k + 1) / 24;

                RAn[2] = Interpolate3values(mp[0, 0], mp[1, 0], mp[2, 0], ph);
                Dec[2] = Interpolate3values(mp[0, 1], mp[1, 1], mp[2, 1], ph);

                MoonRiseResult TestMoonHour = test_moon(time, k, zone, t0, coordinate.LatitudeDeg, mp[1, 2]);
                VHz[2] = TestMoonHour.Vhz;
                RAn[0] = RAn[2];                       // advance to next hour
                Dec[0] = Dec[2];
                VHz[0] = VHz[2];
            MoonRiseResult result = new MoonRiseResult();

            foreach (var moonres in resultArray)
                if (moonres.IsMoonRise)
                    result.IsMoonRise = true;
                    result.RiseTime   = moonres.RiseTime;
                    result.RiseAz     = moonres.RiseAz;
                if (moonres.IsMoonSet)
                    result.IsMoonSet = true;
                    result.SetTime   = moonres.SetTime;
                    result.SetAZ     = moonres.SetAZ;
            // display results
            //calc.moonrise.value = zintstr(Rise_time[0], 2) + ":" + zintstr(Rise_time[1], 2)
            //                   + ", az = " + frealstr(Rise_az, 5, 1) + "°";
            //calc.moonset.value  = zintstr( Set_time[0], 2) + ":" + zintstr( Set_time[1], 2)
            //                   + ", az = " + frealstr(Set_az, 5, 1) + "°";
Exemple #2
        public static MoonRiseResult test_moon(DateTime date,
                                               double k, double zone, double t0, double lat, double plx)
            MoonRiseResult result = new MoonRiseResult();

            double[] ha = new double[3] {
                0.0, 0.0, 0.0
            double a, b, c, d, e, s, z;
            double hr, min, time;
            double az, hz, nz, dz;

            double[] RAn = new double[3];
            double[] Dec = new double[3];
            double[] VHz = new double[3];

            double DR = Math.PI / 180;
            double K1 = 15 * DR * 1.0027379;

            if (RAn[2] < RAn[0])
                RAn[2] = RAn[2] + 2 * Math.PI;

            ha[0] = t0 - RAn[0] + k * K1;
            ha[2] = t0 - RAn[2] + k * K1 + K1;

            ha[1]  = (ha[2] + ha[0]) / 2;              // hour angle at half hour
            Dec[1] = (Dec[2] + Dec[0]) / 2;            // declination at half hour

            s = Math.Sin(DR * lat);
            c = Math.Cos(DR * lat);

            // refraction + sun semidiameter at horizon + parallax correction
            z = Math.Cos(DR * (90.567 - 41.685 / plx));

            if (k <= 0)                                // first call of function
                VHz[0] = s * Math.Sin(Dec[0]) + c * Math.Cos(Dec[0]) * Math.Cos(ha[0]) - z;

            VHz[2] = s * Math.Sin(Dec[2]) + c * Math.Cos(Dec[2]) * Math.Cos(ha[2]) - z;

            if (Math.Sign(VHz[0]) == Math.Sign(VHz[2]))
                result.Vhz = VHz[2];
                return(result); // VHz[2];                         // no event this hour

            VHz[1] = s * Math.Sin(Dec[1]) + c * Math.Cos(Dec[1]) * Math.Cos(ha[1]) - z;

            a = 2 * VHz[2] - 4 * VHz[1] + 2 * VHz[0];
            b = 4 * VHz[1] - 3 * VHz[0] - VHz[2];
            d = b * b - 4 * a * VHz[0];

            if (d < 0)
                result.Vhz = VHz[2];
                return(result); // VHz[2];                         // no event this hour

            d = Math.Sqrt(d);
            e = (-b + d) / (2 * a);

            if ((e > 1) || (e < 0))
                e = (-b - d) / (2 * a);

            time = k + e + 1 / 120;                      // time of an event + round up
            hr   = Math.Floor(time);
            min  = Math.Floor((time - hr) * 60);

            hz = ha[0] + e * (ha[2] - ha[0]);            // azimuth of the moon at the event
            nz = -Math.Cos(Dec[1]) * Math.Sin(hz);
            dz = c * Math.Sin(Dec[1]) - s * Math.Cos(Dec[1]) * Math.Cos(hz);
            az = Math.Atan2(nz, dz) / DR;
            if (az < 0)
                az = az + 360;

            if ((VHz[0] < 0) && (VHz[2] > 0))
                result.RiseTime   = date.Date.AddHours(hr).AddMinutes(min);
                result.RiseAz     = az;
                result.IsMoonRise = true;
                result.Vhz        = VHz[2];
                //Rise_time[0] = hr;
                //Rise_time[1] = min;
                //Rise_az = az;
                //Moonrise = true;

            if ((VHz[0] > 0) && (VHz[2] < 0))
                result.SetTime   = date.Date.AddHours(hr).AddMinutes(min);
                result.SetAZ     = az;
                result.IsMoonSet = true;
                result.Vhz       = VHz[2];
                //Set_time[0] = hr;
                //Set_time[1] = min;
                //Set_az = az;
                //Moonset = true;
