public static ProductModel Convert2Product(DataRow dr, DataRow[] listCustomRows, decimal money, int term) { ProductModel p; p = new ProductModel(); p.ProductCode = dr["sProductCode"].ToString(); p.ProductType = dr["sProductType"].ToString(); p.ProductName = dr["sProductName"].ToString(); p.OrganID = dr["sOrganID"].ToString(); p.OrganName = dr["sOrganName"].ToString(); p.AnnualRate = dr["dAnnualRate"] is DBNull ? 0m : Convert.ToDecimal(dr["dAnnualRate"]); p.RepaymentType = dr["sRepaymentType"].ToString(); p.ApplyCondition = dr["sApplyCondition"].ToString(); p.RequiredFile = dr["sRequiredFile"].ToString(); p.Memo = dr["sMemo"].ToString(); p.Details = dr["sDetails"].ToString(); p.OrganLogo = "../photos/" + dr["sLogo"].ToString(); p.Chars = dr["sChars"].ToString(); //小潮started here p.MoneyTop = dr["dMoneyTop"] is DBNull ? 0m : Convert.ToInt32(dr["dMoneyTop"]) / 10000; //便于显示,不知道怎么去掉decimal后面的小数点,所以用了int32 p.MoneyBottom = dr["dMoneyBottom"] is DBNull ? 0m : Convert.ToInt32(dr["dMoneyBottom"]) / 10000; p.TermTop = dr["nTermTop"] is DBNull ? 0 : Convert.ToInt32(dr["nTermTop"]); p.TermBottom = dr["nTermBottom"] is DBNull ? 0 : Convert.ToInt32(dr["nTermBottom"]); p.RepaymentTypeDisplay = DisplayRepaymentType(dr["sRepaymentType"].ToString()); p.GetLoanDays = dr["nGetLoanDays"] is DBNull ? 0 : Convert.ToInt32(dr["nGetLoanDays"]); p.ServerFeeMonthly = dr["dServerFeeMonthly"] is DBNull ? 0m : Convert.ToDecimal(dr["dServerFeeMonthly"]); p.ServerFeeOnce = dr["dServerFeeOnce"] is DBNull ? 0m : Convert.ToDecimal(dr["dServerFeeOnce"]); p.TotalFeeDisplay = TotalFee(p.ServerFeeOnce, p.ServerFeeMonthly, p.AnnualRate, money, term).ToString("F2"); p.FeesDetail = Feesdetail(p.ServerFeeOnce, p.ServerFeeMonthly, p.AnnualRate); p.RepaymentMonthly = CalcRepaymentMonthly(p.RepaymentType,p.AnnualRate, money, term,p.ServerFeeMonthly).ToString("F2"); //每月偿还金额 p.AnnualRateDisplay = ((p.AnnualRate + p.ServerFeeMonthly * 12) * 100).ToString("F1") + "%"; //end here CustomModel c; foreach (DataRow drCustom in listCustomRows) { c = new CustomModel(); c.CustomName = drCustom["sCustomName"].ToString(); c.OrganName = drCustom["sOrganName"].ToString(); p.Customs.Add(c); } return p; }
public ActionResult ProductCustomer(string productcode) { string sql = "select t1.sCustomName,t1.sCellPhone,t1.sOrganID,t1.sEmail,t2.sOrganName " + " from T_Custom t1 " + " inner join T_ForeignOrgan t2 on t1.sOrganID=t2.sOrganID " + " where t2.sOrganID in(select sOrganID from T_Product where sProductCode='" + productcode + "')"; DA_Common da=new DA_Common(); DataSet ds = da.CommonQuery(sql); List<CustomModel> arrCustoms = new List<CustomModel>(); CustomModel m; foreach (DataRow dr in ds.Tables[0].Rows) { m = new CustomModel(); m.CellPhone = dr["sCellPhone"].ToString(); m.CustomName = dr["sCustomName"].ToString(); m.Email = dr["sEmail"].ToString(); m.OrganID = dr["sOrganID"].ToString(); m.OrganName = dr["sOrganName"].ToString(); arrCustoms.Add(m); } return View(arrCustoms); }
CustomModel GetCustomModel() { Message.CustomInfo loginUser = Session["loginedcustom"] as Message.CustomInfo; string sql1 = "select t1.sEmail,t1.sCustomName,t1.sCertState,t1.sSex,t1.dtBirthday,t1.sCellPhone,t1.sOrganID,t1.sWorkYears, " + "t1.sOrganAddress,t1.sOrganDpt,t1.sAddress," + "t2.sOrganName " + " from t_custom t1 " + " left join t_foreignorgan t2 on t1.sorganid=t2.sorganid " + " where t1.sCustomID='" + loginUser.CustomID + "'"; string sql2 = " select t1.sProductCode,t1.sProductName,t1.sOrganID, t1.sProductType, t1.dAnnualRate, t1.sApplyCondition, t1.sRequiredFile, t1.sMemo, t1.sDetails,t1.sRepaymentType,t1.sChars," + "t1.dMoneyTop,t1.dMoneyBottom," + "t1.nTermTop, t1.nTermBottom," + "t1.nGetLoanDays,t1.dServerFeeOnce,t1.dServerFeeMonthly," + " t2.sOrganName, t2.sLogo" + " from T_Product t1" + " left join T_ForeignOrgan t2 on t1.sOrganID=t2.sOrganID" + " where t1.sOrganID='" + loginUser.OrganID + "'"; string sql3 = "select t1.*," + "t2.aaa103 as sProductTypeName " + " from t_applyrecord t1 " + " left join aa10 t2 on t1.sProductType=t2.aaa102 and t2.aaa100='sProductType'" + " inner join t_product t3 on t1.sProductCode=t3.sProductCode and t3.sOrganID='" + loginUser.OrganID + "'"; DA_Adapter da = new DA_Adapter(); DataSet ds = new DataSet(); string err = ""; da.Common_Query_MultiTable(ref ds, sql1, "T_Custom", sql2, "T_Product", sql3, "T_ApplyRecord", ref err); DataRow drCustom = ds.Tables["T_Custom"].Rows[0]; CustomModel m = new CustomModel(); m.CellPhone = drCustom["sCellPhone"] is DBNull ? "" : drCustom["sCellPhone"].ToString(); m.CustomID = loginUser.CustomID; m.CustomName = drCustom["sCustomName"] is DBNull ? "" : drCustom["sCustomName"].ToString(); m.CertState = drCustom["sCertState"] is DBNull ? "" : drCustom["sCertState"].ToString(); m.CertStateDisplay = ToCertState(m.CertState); m.DateOfBirth = drCustom["dtBirthday"] is DBNull ? "" : Convert.ToDateTime(drCustom["dtBirthday"]).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"); m.Email = drCustom["sEmail"] is DBNull ? "" : drCustom["sEmail"].ToString(); m.Occupation = ""; m.OrganAddress = drCustom["sAddress"] is DBNull ? "" : drCustom["sAddress"].ToString(); m.OrganID = drCustom["sOrganID"] is DBNull ? "" : drCustom["sOrganID"].ToString(); m.OrganName = drCustom["sOrganName"] is DBNull ? "" : drCustom["sOrganName"].ToString(); m.Sex = drCustom["sSex"] is DBNull ? "" : drCustom["sSex"].ToString(); m.WorkingAge = drCustom["sWorkYears"] is DBNull ? "" : drCustom["sWorkYears"].ToString(); m.Address = drCustom["sAddress"] is DBNull ? "" : drCustom["sAddress"].ToString(); m.WorkYears = drCustom["sWorkYears"] is DBNull ? "" : drCustom["sWorkYears"].ToString(); m.OrganDpt = drCustom["sOrganDpt"] is DBNull ? "" : drCustom["sOrganDpt"].ToString(); #region 加载产品列表 DataRow[] listCustomRows; ProductModel p; decimal dYuanMoney = 100000; int term = 12; foreach (DataRow drProduct in ds.Tables["T_Product"].Rows) { listCustomRows = ds.Tables["T_Custom"].Select("sOrganID='" + drCustom["sOrganID"].ToString() + "'"); p = BizCommon.Convert2Product(drProduct, listCustomRows, dYuanMoney, term); m.ProductList.Add(p);//未分页显示。 } #endregion #region 加载申请列表 ApplyingRecord apply; foreach (DataRow drApply in ds.Tables["T_ApplyRecord"].Rows) { apply = new ApplyingRecord(); apply.CarCustomerMonthlySalary = drApply["dCarCustomerMonthlySalary"] is DBNull ? 0 : Convert.ToDecimal(drApply["dCarCustomerMonthlySalary"]); apply.CarProperty = drApply["sCarProperty"] is DBNull ? "" : drApply["sCarProperty"].ToString(); apply.CarPurchasingPeriod = drApply["sCarPurchasingPeriod"] is DBNull ? "" : drApply["sCarPurchasingPeriod"].ToString(); apply.CaseState = drApply["sCaseState"] is DBNull ? "" : drApply["sCaseState"].ToString(); apply.CreatTime = drApply["dtCreatTime"] is DBNull ? "" : drApply["dtCreatTime"].ToString(); apply.CustomerEmail = drApply["sCustomerEmail"] is DBNull ? "" : drApply["sCustomerEmail"].ToString(); apply.CustomerName = drApply["sCustomerName"] is DBNull ? "" : drApply["sCustomerName"].ToString(); apply.CustomerPhone = drApply["sCustomerPhone"] is DBNull ? "" : drApply["sCustomerPhone"].ToString(); apply.FirmAccountBill = drApply["dFirmAccountBill"] is DBNull ? 0 : Convert.ToDecimal(drApply["dFirmAccountBill"]); apply.FirmAge = drApply["sFirmAge"] is DBNull ? "" : drApply["sFirmAge"].ToString(); apply.FirmProperty = drApply["sFirmProperty"] is DBNull ? "" : drApply["sFirmProperty"].ToString(); apply.FirmType = drApply["sFirmType"] is DBNull ? "" : drApply["sFirmType"].ToString(); apply.HouseIncome = drApply["sHouseIncome"] is DBNull ? "" : drApply["sHouseIncome"].ToString(); apply.HouseLocalorNot = drApply["sHouseLocalorNot"] is DBNull ? "" : drApply["sHouseLocalorNot"].ToString(); apply.HouseNew = drApply["sHouseNew"] is DBNull ? "" : drApply["sHouseNew"].ToString(); apply.HouseType = drApply["sFirmType"] is DBNull ? "" : drApply["sFirmType"].ToString(); apply.PerslCardNo = drApply["sPerslCardNo"] is DBNull ? "" : drApply["sPerslCardNo"].ToString(); apply.PerslCreditAllowance = drApply["sPerslCreditAllowance"] is DBNull ? "" : drApply["sPerslCreditAllowance"].ToString(); apply.PerslCreditDue = drApply["sPerslCreditDue"] is DBNull ? "" : drApply["sPerslCreditDue"].ToString(); apply.PerslCreditOwner = drApply["sPerslCreditOwner"] is DBNull ? "" : drApply["sPerslCreditOwner"].ToString(); apply.PerslEmployment = drApply["sPerslEmployment"] is DBNull ? "" : drApply["sPerslEmployment"].ToString(); apply.PerslLoan = drApply["sPerslLoan"] is DBNull ? "" : drApply["sPerslLoan"].ToString(); apply.PerslLoanDue = drApply["sPerslLoanDue"] is DBNull ? "" : drApply["sPerslLoanDue"].ToString(); apply.PerslLoanSucc = drApply["sPerslLoanSucc"] is DBNull ? "" : drApply["sPerslLoanSucc"].ToString(); apply.PerslSalaryType = drApply["sPerslSalaryType"] is DBNull ? "" : drApply["sPerslSalaryType"].ToString(); apply.PerslWorkingAge = drApply["sPerslWorkingAge"] is DBNull ? "" : drApply["sPerslWorkingAge"].ToString(); apply.PerslYoBirth = drApply["sPerslYoBirth"] is DBNull ? "" : drApply["sPerslYoBirth"].ToString(); apply.ProductCode = drApply["sProductCode"] is DBNull ? "" : drApply["sProductCode"].ToString(); apply.ProductType = drApply["sProductType"] is DBNull ? "" : drApply["sProductType"].ToString(); m.ApplyingRecordList.Add(apply); } #endregion return m; }
public ActionResult CustomApply() { DataSet ds = new DataSet(); DataRow dr = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]; CustomModel c = new CustomModel(); c.CustomName = dr["SCustomName"].ToString(); c.CellPhone = dr["sCellPhone"].ToString(); c.OrganID = dr["sOrganID"].ToString(); c.OrganName = dr["sOrganName"].ToString(); c.Email = dr["sEmail"].ToString(); c.Pwd = dr["sPwd"].ToString(); return View(); }
public ActionResult MyInfoEdit_Basic(FormCollection values) { if (Session["loginedcustom"] == null) { return RedirectToAction("Login", "Account"); } Message.CustomInfo loginUser = Session["loginedcustom"] as Message.CustomInfo; CustomModel m = new CustomModel(); m.CustomName = (values["sCustomName"] == null ? "" : values["sCustomName"].ToString()); m.Sex = (values["sSex"] == null ? "" : values["sSex"].ToString()); m.Birthday = ((values["dtBirthday"] == null || values["dtBirthday"].ToString() == "") ? Convert.ToDateTime("1900-01-01") : Convert.ToDateTime(values["dtBirthday"])); m.Address = (values["sAddress"] == null ? "" : values["sAddress"].ToString()); m.CellPhone = (values["sCellPhone"] == null ? "" : values["sCellPhone"].ToString()); m.Email = (values["sEmail"] == null ? "" : values["sEmail"].ToString()); m.OrganAddress = (values["sOrganAddress"] == null ? "" : values["sOrganAddress"].ToString()); m.OrganName = (values["sOrganName"] == null ? "" : values["sOrganName"].ToString()); m.WorkYears = (values["sWorkYears"] == null ? "" : values["sWorkYears"].ToString()); m.OrganDpt = (values["sOrganDpt"] == null ? "" : values["sOrganDpt"].ToString()); string sql = "update T_Custom set " + "sCustomName=" + "'" + m.CustomName + "'" + ",sSex=" + "'" + m.Sex + "'" + ",dtBirthday=" + ((m.Birthday.Year == 1 || m.Birthday.Year == 1900) ? "null" : "'" + m.Birthday.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "'") + ",sAddress=" + "'" + m.Address + "'" + ",sCellPhone=" + "'" + m.CellPhone + "'" + ",sEmail=" + "'" + m.Email + "'" + ",sOrganAddress=" + "'" + m.OrganAddress + "'" + ",sOrganName=" + "'" + m.OrganName + "'" + ",sWorkYears=" + "'" + m.WorkYears + "'" + ",sOrganDpt=" + "'" + m.OrganDpt + "'" + " where sCustomID=" + "'" + loginUser.CustomID + "'"; DA_Adapter da = new DA_Adapter(); if (da.Common_Excute(sql) == 0) { //成功 CustomModel model = GetCustomModel(); return View("MyInfo", model); } else { //失败 ModelState.AddModelError("", "保存失败。"); CustomModel model = GetCustomModel(); return View(model); } }