/// <summary>
        /// Maps the Album returned from the Domain Model, to the AlbumModel of the UI
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="albums">Domain Albums collection</param>
        /// <returns>AlbumModel collection</returns>
        private List<AlbumModel> MapAlbumsToAlbumModels(IEnumerable<Album> albums)
            //  The viewmodel collection
            var albumsViewModel = new List<AlbumModel>();

            //  Map the albums to the AlbumViewModel
            foreach (var a in albums)
                var mappedAlbum = new AlbumModel();     //OK to New, UI model only, no injection needed.
                //  Map the album specific data
                mappedAlbum.Id = a.Id.ToString();       //  No localisation needed here, it's won't be actually displayed.
                mappedAlbum.Title = a.Title;
                mappedAlbum .RawReleased = a.Released;  // Update the DateFormate property.

                mappedAlbum.ArtistName = a.Artist.Name;

                //  Load the large and medium images only.
                var largeImage = a.Images.FirstOrDefault(i => i.Size == ImageSizeEnum.large);
                if (largeImage != null)

                var mediumImage = a.Images.FirstOrDefault(i => i.Size == ImageSizeEnum.medium);
                if (mediumImage != null)

                //  Map the LastFM stuff.
                mappedAlbum.LastFMUrl = a.Url;
                mappedAlbum.LastFMMbid = a.Mbid;

                //  Map the Wiki stuff
                mappedAlbum.Wiki = new WikiModel();
                mappedAlbum.Wiki.Summary = a.Wiki.Summary;
                mappedAlbum.Wiki.Content = a.Wiki.Content;

                mappedAlbum.Wiki.RawPublished = a.Wiki.Published;   // Set the DateTime property

                //  Map the Genres.
                mappedAlbum.Genres = new List<GenreModel>();
                foreach (var g in a.Genres)
                    var mappedGenre = new GenreModel()
                        Id = g.Id.ToString(),
                        Name = g.Name,
                        LastFMUrl = g.Url

                //  Map the tracks
                mappedAlbum.Tracks = new List<TrackModel>();
                foreach (var tr in a.Tracks)
                    var mappedTrack = new TrackModel()
                        Id = tr.Id.ToString(),
                        Number = tr.Number.ToString(),     //  No localisation here, there are unlikely to be more than 99 tracks.
                        Title = tr.Title,                        
                        RawDuration = tr.Duration,  // set the TimeSpan property, not the localised display property
                        LastFMMbid = tr.Mbid,
                        LastFMUrl = tr.Url,
                        MediaFilePath = tr.mediaFilePath

                //  Add to the ViewModel
            return albumsViewModel;
        /// <summary>
        /// Create the mock track information
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>mock tracks</returns>
        private static List<TrackModel> CreateDarkSideOfTheMoonTracks()
            var darkSideTracks = new List<TrackModel>();

            var Breathe = new TrackModel();
            Breathe.Id = "1";
            Breathe.Number = "1";
            Breathe.Title = "Speak To Me/Breathe";
            Breathe.RawDuration = new TimeSpan(00, 03, 57);
            Breathe.LastFMUrl = string.Empty;
            Breathe.LastFMMbid = string.Empty;
            Breathe.MediaFilePath = @"Assets\SpeakToMe.wma";

            var OnTheRun = new TrackModel();
            OnTheRun.Id = "2";
            OnTheRun.Number = "2";
            OnTheRun.Title = "On the Run";
            OnTheRun.RawDuration = new TimeSpan(00, 03, 55);
            OnTheRun.LastFMUrl = string.Empty;
            OnTheRun.LastFMMbid = string.Empty;
            OnTheRun.MediaFilePath = @"Assets\SpeakToMe.wma";

            var Time = new TrackModel();
            Time.Id = "3";
            Time.Number = "3";
            Time.Title = "Time";
            Time.RawDuration = new TimeSpan(00, 07, 04);
            Time.LastFMUrl = string.Empty;
            Time.LastFMMbid = string.Empty;
            Time.MediaFilePath = @"Assets\SpeakToMe.wma";

            var Gig = new TrackModel();
            Gig.Id = "4";
            Gig.Number = "4";
            Gig.Title = "The Great Gig in the Sky";
            Gig.RawDuration = new TimeSpan(00, 04, 47);
            Gig.LastFMUrl = string.Empty;
            Gig.LastFMMbid = string.Empty;
            Gig.MediaFilePath = @"Assets\SpeakToMe.wma";

            var Money = new TrackModel();
            Money.Id = "5";
            Money.Number = "5";
            Money.Title = "Money";
            Money.RawDuration = new TimeSpan(00, 06, 22);
            Money.LastFMUrl = string.Empty;
            Money.LastFMMbid = string.Empty;
            Money.MediaFilePath = @"Assets\SpeakToMe.wma";

            var UsAndThem = new TrackModel();
            UsAndThem.Id = "6";
            UsAndThem.Number = "6";
            UsAndThem.Title = "Us and Them";
            UsAndThem.RawDuration = new TimeSpan(00, 07, 50);
            UsAndThem.LastFMUrl = string.Empty;
            UsAndThem.LastFMMbid = string.Empty;
            UsAndThem.MediaFilePath = @"Assets\SpeakToMe.wma";

            var AnyColour = new TrackModel();
            AnyColour.Id = "7";
            AnyColour.Number = "7";
            AnyColour.Title = "Any Colour You Like";
            AnyColour.RawDuration = new TimeSpan(00, 03, 25);
            AnyColour.LastFMUrl = string.Empty;
            AnyColour.LastFMMbid = string.Empty;
            AnyColour.MediaFilePath = @"Assets\SpeakToMe.wma";

            var Brain = new TrackModel();
            Brain.Id = "8";
            Brain.Number = "8";
            Brain.Title = "Brain Damage";
            Brain.RawDuration = new TimeSpan(00, 03, 50);
            Brain.LastFMUrl = string.Empty;
            Brain.LastFMMbid = string.Empty;
            Brain.MediaFilePath = @"Assets\SpeakToMe.wma";

            var Eclipse = new TrackModel();
            Eclipse.Id = "9";
            Eclipse.Number = "9";
            Eclipse.Title = "Eclipse";
            Eclipse.RawDuration = new TimeSpan(00, 02, 01);
            Eclipse.LastFMUrl = string.Empty;
            Eclipse.LastFMMbid = string.Empty;
            Eclipse.MediaFilePath = @"Assets\SpeakToMe.wma";

            return darkSideTracks;
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the album information from the LastFM album.getInfo service
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ArtistName">The Artist to search for</param>
        /// <param name="AlbumName">The Album to search for</param>
        /// <returns>The Album information as an AlbumModel class.</returns>
        public async Task<AlbumModel> GetLastFMAlbumInfoAsync(string ArtistName, string AlbumName)
            //  Call the LastFMService 
            //  Check, this will include the returned information for the Artist/Album combination.
            //  It won't necessarily have all the information in it.  Search again is the way round 
            //  that.
            var lfmAlbum = await _lastFMService.GetAlbumInfoAsync(AlbumName, ArtistName);

            //  Map the album to the LastFMViewModel
            var mappedAlbum = new AlbumModel();     //OK to New, UI model only, no injection needed.

            //  Map the album specific data
            mappedAlbum.Id = string.Empty;     //  No value for this yet.
            mappedAlbum.Title = lfmAlbum.name;

            //  Release date
            DateTime lfmDate = new DateTime();
            DateTime.TryParse(lfmAlbum.releasedDate, out lfmDate);

            mappedAlbum.RawReleased = lfmDate;
//            mappedAlbum.Released = LocalisationHelper.LocalisedDate(lfmDate);

            //  Artist stuff
            mappedAlbum.ArtistName = lfmAlbum.artist.name;
            mappedAlbum.ArtistUrl = lfmAlbum.artist.url;
            mappedAlbum.ArtistMbid = lfmAlbum.artist.mbid;

            //  Load the large and medium images only.
            var largeImage = lfmAlbum.images.FirstOrDefault(i => i.size == "large");
            if (largeImage != null)

            var mediumImage = lfmAlbum.images.FirstOrDefault(i => i.size == "medium");
            if (mediumImage != null)

            //  Map the LastFM stuff.
            mappedAlbum.LastFMUrl = lfmAlbum.url;
            mappedAlbum.LastFMMbid = lfmAlbum.mbid;

            //  Map the Wiki stuff
            mappedAlbum.Wiki = new WikiModel();
            mappedAlbum.Wiki.Summary = lfmAlbum.wiki.summary;
            mappedAlbum.Wiki.Content = lfmAlbum.wiki.content;

            DateTime wikiDate = new DateTime();
            DateTime.TryParse(lfmAlbum.wiki.published, out wikiDate);
            mappedAlbum.Wiki.RawPublished = wikiDate;
            //mappedAlbum.Wiki.Published = LocalisationHelper.LocalisedDate(wikiDate);

            //  Map the Genres.
            mappedAlbum.Genres = new List<GenreModel>();
            foreach (var g in lfmAlbum.tags)
                var mappedGenre = new GenreModel()
                    Id = string.Empty,
                    Name = g.name,
                    LastFMUrl = g.url

            //  Map the tracks
            mappedAlbum.Tracks = new List<TrackModel>();
            foreach (var tr in lfmAlbum.tracks)
                var mappedTrack = new TrackModel()
                    Id = string.Empty,
                    Number = tr.rank,   
                    Title = tr.name,
                    LastFMMbid = tr.mbid,
                    LastFMUrl = tr.url

                TimeSpan trackDuration = new TimeSpan();
                int secs = 0;
                if (int.TryParse(tr.duration, out secs))
                    trackDuration = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(secs);
                //mappedTrack.Duration = LocalisationHelper.LocaliseDuration(trackDuration);
                mappedTrack.RawDuration = trackDuration;


            return mappedAlbum;