
        private void ParseDiscreteEvidentialMapping(XmlNode node)
            //Create the ReferenceList:
            XmlNode frame = node.SelectSingleNode("subframe");

            if (frame == null)
                throw new InvalidBeliefModelException("The xml model element \"evidential-mapping\" should contain an element called \"subframe\" to define the frame of discernment!");
            string frameName = frame.Attributes["name"].InnerText;
            StringReferenceList references = new StringReferenceList();

                foreach (XmlNode n in frame.ChildNodes)
            catch (IncompatibleReferenceListException)
                throw new InvalidBeliefModelException("The xml model element file \"evidential-mapping\" has a state defined multiple times in the frame node!");
            DiscreteEvidentialMapping mapping = new DiscreteEvidentialMapping(frameName, references);
            //Load evidential vectors:
            XmlNodeList vectors = node.SelectNodes("mapping-vector");

            if (vectors == null)
                throw new InvalidBeliefModelException("An evidential mapping should contain mapping vectors!");
            foreach (XmlNode n in vectors)
                XmlNode fr = n.SelectSingleNode("from");
                DiscreteMappingVector mp = new DiscreteMappingVector(new DiscreteElement(references, fr.Attributes["element"].InnerText.Split(' ')));
                XmlNodeList           to = n.SelectNodes("to");
                foreach (XmlNode t in to)
                    mp.AddPoint(new DiscreteMappingPoint(new DiscreteElement(_refList, t.Attributes["element"].InnerText.Split(' ')), Convert.ToDouble(t.InnerText)));

        #region Private load methods

         * Private methods
        private void LoadDiscreteEvidentialMapping(string path)
            //Load the reference list:
            string refListFileName = path + "/values";

            if (!File.Exists(refListFileName))
                throw new InvalidBeliefModelException(String.Format("The path \"{0}\" should contain a file named \"values\" with the names of the possible worlds (one per line)!", path));
            DiscreteEvidentialMapping mapping = new DiscreteEvidentialMapping(new DirectoryInfo(path).Name, refListFileName);

            //Load files one by one:
            foreach (string filename in Directory.GetFiles(path))
                //Avoid temp files and the "values" file:
                if (filename[filename.Length - 1] == '~' ||
                    new FileInfo(filename).Name == "values")
                using (StreamReader file = new StreamReader(filename))
                    string[] lines = file.ReadToEnd().Split('\n');
                        int lineCounter = 0;
                        int nbAtoms     = Convert.ToInt32(lines[0].Split(' ')[0]);
                        if (nbAtoms <= 0)
                            throw new InvalidBeliefModelException("There must be at least one atom to build an Element!");
                        string[] atoms = new string[nbAtoms];
                        for (int i = 0; i < nbAtoms; i++)
                            atoms[i] = lines[i + lineCounter];
                        lineCounter += nbAtoms;
                        DiscreteMappingVector vector = new DiscreteMappingVector(new DiscreteElement(mapping.References, atoms));
                        //Add the points:
                        int nbConversions = Convert.ToInt32(lines[lineCounter].Split(' ')[0]);
                        if (nbConversions < 1)
                            throw new InvalidBeliefModelException("There must be at least one element to convert mass to!");
                        for (int i = 0; i < nbConversions; i++)
                            int nbAtomsTo = Convert.ToInt32(lines[lineCounter].Split(' ')[0]);
                            if (nbAtomsTo <= 0)
                                throw new InvalidBeliefModelException("There must be at least one atom to build an Element!");
                            string[] atomsTo = new string[nbAtomsTo];
                            for (int j = 0; j < nbAtomsTo; j++)
                                atomsTo[j] = lines[j + lineCounter];
                            lineCounter += nbAtomsTo;
                            double factor = Convert.ToDouble(lines[lineCounter].Split(' ')[0]);
                            vector.AddPoint(new DiscreteElement(this.References, atomsTo), factor);
                    catch (IndexOutOfRangeException)
                        throw new InvalidBeliefModelException(String.Format("The model contained in file \"{0}\" is not formatted properly!", filename));
                    catch (FormatException)
                        throw new InvalidBeliefModelException(String.Format("The numbers in the file \"{0}\" are not in the proper format or at the wrong place!", filename));