/// <summary>
        /// Save a validation exception that happened before parsing of the xml was completed.
        /// As there is no Testee information, those values will be set to default values.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="validationType"></param>
        /// <param name="message"></param>
        /// <param name="fileLocation"></param>
        public void SaveResultExceptions(string validationType, string message, long fileID)
                int count = TDSQC.QC_RECORDEXCEPTION(-1, string.Empty, -1, "-1", validationType, string.Empty, message, string.Empty, DateTime.Now,
                                                     fileID, (int)Severity.Fatal, ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["TDSQC"].ConnectionString);
                if (count == 0)
                    throw new Exception("No records saved in archive database.");

                /*using (DbCommand cmd = _db.GetStoredProcCommand("QC_RECORDEXCEPTION"))
                 * {
                 *  cmd.Parameters.Clear();
                 *  _db.AddInParameter(cmd, "@TesteeEntityKey", DbType.Int64, -1);
                 *  _db.AddInParameter(cmd, "@TestName", DbType.String, string.Empty);
                 *  _db.AddInParameter(cmd, "@Opportunity", DbType.Int32, -1);
                 *  _db.AddInParameter(cmd, "@OpportunityID", DbType.String, -1);
                 *  _db.AddInParameter(cmd, "@ValidationType", DbType.String, validationType);
                 *  _db.AddInParameter(cmd, "@XPath", DbType.String,string.Empty );
                 *  _db.AddInParameter(cmd, "@Message", DbType.String, message);
                 *  _db.AddInParameter(cmd, "@RuleID", DbType.String, string.Empty);
                 *  _db.AddInParameter(cmd, "@DateEntered", DbType.DateTime, DateTime.Now);
                 *  _db.AddInParameter(cmd, "@FileName", DbType.Int64, fileID);
                 *  _db.AddInParameter(cmd, "@Severity", DbType.Int32, (int)Severity.Fatal);
                 *  int count = _db.ExecuteNonQuery(cmd);
                 * if (count == 0)
                 * {
                 *  throw new Exception("No records saved in archive database.");
                 * }
                 * }*/
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw ex;
        public void SaveResultExceptions(TestResult tr, string validationType, string message, long fileID)
                long?  entityKey     = null;
                string testname      = null;
                int?   opportunity   = null;
                string opportunityid = null;
                if (tr != null)
                    if (tr.Testee != null)
                        entityKey = tr.Testee.EntityKey;
                        entityKey = -1;
                    testname = tr.Name;
                    if (tr.Opportunity != null)
                        opportunity   = tr.Opportunity.OpportunityNumber;
                        opportunityid = tr.Opportunity.OpportunityID;
                        opportunity   = -1;
                        opportunityid = "-1";
                int count = TDSQC.QC_RECORDEXCEPTION(entityKey, testname, opportunity, opportunityid, validationType, string.Empty, message, string.Empty,
                                                     DateTime.Now, fileID, (int)Severity.Fatal, ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["TDSQC"].ConnectionString);
                if (count == 0)
                    throw new Exception("No records saved in archive database.");

                /*using (DbCommand cmd = _db.GetStoredProcCommand("QC_RECORDEXCEPTION"))
                 * {
                 *  cmd.Parameters.Clear();
                 *  if (tr != null)
                 *  {
                 *      if (tr.Testee != null)
                 *          _db.AddInParameter(cmd, "@TesteeEntityKey", DbType.Int64, tr.Testee.EntityKey);
                 *      else
                 *          _db.AddInParameter(cmd, "@TesteeEntityKey", DbType.Int64, -1);
                 *      _db.AddInParameter(cmd, "@TestName", DbType.String, tr.Name);
                 *      if (tr.Opportunity != null)
                 *      {
                 *          _db.AddInParameter(cmd, "@Opportunity", DbType.Int32, tr.Opportunity.OpportunityNumber);
                 *          _db.AddInParameter(cmd, "@OpportunityID", DbType.String, tr.Opportunity.OpportunityID);
                 *      }
                 *      else
                 *      {
                 *          _db.AddInParameter(cmd, "@Opportunity", DbType.Int32, -1);
                 *          _db.AddInParameter(cmd, "@OpportunityID", DbType.String, -1);
                 *      }
                 *  }
                 *  _db.AddInParameter(cmd, "@ValidationType", DbType.String, validationType);
                 *  _db.AddInParameter(cmd, "@XPath", DbType.String, string.Empty);
                 *  _db.AddInParameter(cmd, "@Message", DbType.String, message);
                 *  _db.AddInParameter(cmd, "@RuleID", DbType.String, string.Empty);
                 *  _db.AddInParameter(cmd, "@DateEntered", DbType.DateTime, DateTime.Now);
                 *  _db.AddInParameter(cmd, "@FileID", DbType.Int64, fileID);
                 *  _db.AddInParameter(cmd, "@Severity", DbType.Int32, (int)Severity.Fatal);
                 *  int count = _db.ExecuteNonQuery(cmd);
                 *  if (count == 0)
                 *  {
                 *      throw new Exception("No records saved in archive database.");
                 *  }
                 * }*/
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw ex;
        public void SaveResultExceptions(TestResult tr, List <ValidationRecord> vrs, long fileID)
                foreach (ValidationRecord vr in vrs)
                    long   entityKey         = -1;
                    string testname          = "";
                    int    opportuntiyNumber = -1;
                    string opportunityID     = "";
                    if (tr != null)
                        if (tr.Testee != null)
                            entityKey = tr.Testee.EntityKey;
                        testname = tr.Name;
                        if (tr.Opportunity != null)
                            opportuntiyNumber = tr.Opportunity.OpportunityNumber;
                            opportunityID     = tr.Opportunity.OpportunityID;
                    int count = TDSQC.QC_RECORDEXCEPTION(entityKey, testname, opportuntiyNumber, opportunityID, vr.Type.ToString(), vr.XPath,
                                                         vr.Message, vr.RuleID, DateTime.Now, fileID, (int)vr.ResultSeverity,
                    if (count == 0)
                        throw new Exception("No records saved in archive database.");

                 * using (DbCommand cmd = _db.GetStoredProcCommand("QC_RECORDEXCEPTION"))
                 * {
                 *  foreach (ValidationRecord vr in vrs)
                 *  {
                 *      cmd.Parameters.Clear();
                 *      if (tr != null)
                 *      {
                 *          if(tr.Testee != null)
                 *                                          _db.AddInParameter(cmd, "@TesteeEntityKey", DbType.Int64, tr.Testee.EntityKey);
                 *          else
                 *              _db.AddInParameter(cmd, "@TesteeEntityKey", DbType.Int64, -1);
                 *                                      _db.AddInParameter(cmd, "@TestName", DbType.String, tr.Name);
                 *          if (tr.Opportunity != null)
                 *          {
                 *              _db.AddInParameter(cmd, "@Opportunity", DbType.Int32, tr.Opportunity.OpportunityNumber);
                 *              _db.AddInParameter(cmd, "@OpportunityID", DbType.String, tr.Opportunity.OpportunityID);
                 *          }
                 *          else
                 *          {
                 *              _db.AddInParameter(cmd, "@Opportunity", DbType.Int32, -1);
                 *              _db.AddInParameter(cmd, "@OpportunityID", DbType.String, "");
                 *          }
                 *      }
                 *      else
                 *      {
                 *                                      _db.AddInParameter(cmd, "@TesteeEntityKey", DbType.Int64, -1);
                 *                                      _db.AddInParameter(cmd, "@TestName", DbType.String, "");
                 *          _db.AddInParameter(cmd, "@Opportunity", DbType.Int32, -1);
                 *                                      _db.AddInParameter(cmd, "@OpportunityID", DbType.String, "");
                 *      }
                 *      _db.AddInParameter(cmd, "@ValidationType", DbType.String, vr.Type.ToString());
                 *      _db.AddInParameter(cmd, "@XPath", DbType.String, vr.XPath);
                 *      _db.AddInParameter(cmd, "@Message", DbType.String, vr.Message);
                 *      _db.AddInParameter(cmd, "@RuleID", DbType.String, vr.RuleID);
                 *      _db.AddInParameter(cmd, "@DateEntered", DbType.DateTime, DateTime.Now);
                 *      _db.AddInParameter(cmd, "@FileID", DbType.Int64, fileID);
                 *      _db.AddInParameter(cmd, "@Severity", DbType.Int32, (int)vr.ResultSeverity);
                 *      int count = _db.ExecuteNonQuery(cmd);
                 *      if (count == 0)
                 *                              {
                 *          throw new Exception("No records saved in archive database.");
                 *      }
                 *  }
                 * }*/
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw ex;