public Order(string OrdreDate, int Quantity, Customer Customer, Product Product) { this.OrdreDate = OrdreDate; QuantityOrdered = Quantity; OrderedBy = Customer; OrderedProduct = Product; }
private void load() { StreamReader sr = new StreamReader("../../Customers.txt"); StreamReader sr2 = new StreamReader("../../Products.txt"); StreamReader sr3 = new StreamReader("../../Orders.txt"); while (sr.EndOfStream == false) { Customer customer = new Customer(sr.ReadLine()); customerList.Add(customer); } while (sr2.EndOfStream == false) { Product product = new Product(sr2.ReadLine()); productList.Add(product); } while (sr3.EndOfStream == false) { string[] str = sr3.ReadLine().Split(';'); Customer customer = new Customer(int.Parse(str[2]), str[3], str[4], int.Parse(str[5])); Product product = new Product(int.Parse(str[6]), str[7], int.Parse(str[8])); Order order = new Order(str[0], int.Parse(str[1]), customer, product); Customer customer2 = findCustomerWithIndexX(customer.CustomerId1); customerList.Remove(customer2); customer2.AddOrderToList(order); customerList.Add(customer2); Console.WriteLine(); } Console.WriteLine("Press enter to continue"); Console.ReadLine(); sr.Close(); sr2.Close(); sr3.Close(); }
private void addProduct() { int number; float price; string name; try_again: try { Console.Clear(); Console.WriteLine("Write the ID"); number = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); Console.WriteLine("Write the name"); name = Console.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine("Write the price"); price = float.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); Console.Clear(); } catch (Exception) { goto try_again; } Product ps = new Product(number, name, price); foreach (var item in productList) { if (item.Itemnr1 == ps.Itemnr1) { goto try_again; } } productList.Add(ps); Console.WriteLine("Press enter to continue"); Console.Read(); }