public static void GenerateScript(Type instanceType, Type serializerType)
            // The name of the class, ie, SharedInstance_SystemInt32
            string className = instanceType.CSharpName(/*includeNamespace:*/ true, /*ensureSafeDeclarationName:*/ true);
            if (instanceType.Namespace != null && instanceType.Namespace != "System") {
                className = RemoveAll(instanceType.Namespace, '.') + className;
            className = "SharedInstance_" + className;

            // The value we will use inside of the generic parameter, ie,
            // System.Int32
            string genericType = instanceType.CSharpName();
            if (instanceType.Namespace != null && instanceType.Namespace != "System") {
                genericType = instanceType.Namespace + "." + genericType;

            // The name of the serializer. If null, then no serializer will be
            // emitted. This is used inside the angle brackets.
            string serializerName = null;
            if (serializerType != null) {
                serializerName = serializerType.CSharpName(includeNamespace: true);

            Emit(className, genericType, serializerName);
        /// <summary>
        /// AOT compiles the object (in C#).
        /// </summary>
        private static string GenerateDirectConverterForTypeInCSharp(Type type, fsMetaProperty[] members, bool isConstructorPublic)
            var sb = new StringBuilder();
            string typeName = type.CSharpName(/*includeNamespace:*/ true);
            string typeNameSafeDecl = type.CSharpName(true, true);

            sb.AppendLine("using System;");
            sb.AppendLine("using System.Collections.Generic;");
            sb.AppendLine("namespace FullSerializer {");
            sb.AppendLine("    partial class fsConverterRegistrar {");
            sb.AppendLine("        public static Speedup." + typeNameSafeDecl + "_DirectConverter " + "Register_" + typeNameSafeDecl + ";");
            sb.AppendLine("    }");
            sb.AppendLine("namespace FullSerializer.Speedup {");
            sb.AppendLine("    public class " + typeNameSafeDecl + "_DirectConverter : fsDirectConverter<" + typeName + "> {");
            sb.AppendLine("        protected override fsResult DoSerialize(" + typeName + " model, Dictionary<string, fsData> serialized) {");
            sb.AppendLine("            var result = fsResult.Success;");
            foreach (var member in members) {
                sb.AppendLine("            result += SerializeMember(serialized, " + GetConverterString(member) + ", \"" + member.JsonName + "\", model." + member.MemberName + ");");
            sb.AppendLine("            return result;");
            sb.AppendLine("        }");
            sb.AppendLine("        protected override fsResult DoDeserialize(Dictionary<string, fsData> data, ref " + typeName + " model) {");
            sb.AppendLine("            var result = fsResult.Success;");
            for (int i = 0; i < members.Length; ++i) {
                var member = members[i];
                sb.AppendLine("            var t" + i + " = model." + member.MemberName + ";");
                sb.AppendLine("            result += DeserializeMember(data, " + GetConverterString(member) + ", \"" + member.JsonName + "\", out t" + i + ");");
                sb.AppendLine("            model." + member.MemberName + " = t" + i + ";");
            sb.AppendLine("            return result;");
            sb.AppendLine("        }");
            sb.AppendLine("        public override object CreateInstance(fsData data, Type storageType) {");
            if (isConstructorPublic) {
                sb.AppendLine("            return new " + typeName + "();");
            else {
                sb.AppendLine("            return Activator.CreateInstance(typeof(" + typeName + "), /*nonPublic:*/true);");
            sb.AppendLine("        }");
            sb.AppendLine("    }");

            return sb.ToString();
        /// <summary>
        /// Setup the instance option manager for the given type.
        /// </summary>
        public AbstractTypeInstanceOptionManager(Type baseType) {
            _options = GetDisplayedTypes(baseType);

            _displayedOptions = new List<GUIContent>();
            _displayedOptions.Add(new GUIContent("null (" + baseType.CSharpName() + ")"));
            _displayedOptions.AddRange(from option in _options
                                       select new GUIContent(option.TypeName));
 /// <summary>
 /// Shows a new selection window for a SharedInstance type.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="instanceType">The generic SharedInstance parameter; that actual instance type.</param>
 /// <param name="sharedInstanceType">The generic SharedInstance type itself.</param>
 /// <param name="onSelected">Method to invoke when a new SharedInstance has been selected.</param>
 public static void Show(Type instanceType, Type sharedInstanceType, Action<UnityObject> onSelected)
     var window = fiEditorWindowUtility.ShowUtility<fiSharedInstanceSelectorWindow>("Shared Instance Selector (" + instanceType.CSharpName() + ")");
     window._instanceType = instanceType;
     window._sharedInstanceType = sharedInstanceType;
     window._onSelected = onSelected;
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns the serializer type that the given behavior type uses.
        /// </summary>
        public static Type GetSerializerType(Type behaviorType)
            for (int i = 0; i < _mappings.Count; ++i) {
                var mapping = _mappings[i];
                if (mapping.BehaviorType.Resolve().IsAssignableFrom(behaviorType.Resolve())) {
                    return mapping.SerializerType;

            throw new InvalidOperationException("Unable to determine serializer for " + behaviorType.CSharpName());
        private static string GetOptionName(Type type) {
            string baseName = type.CSharpName();

            if (type.IsValueType == false &&
                type.GetConstructor(fsPortableReflection.EmptyTypes) == null) {

                baseName += " (skips ctor)";

            return baseName;
        private static void CreateNewScriptableObject(Type instanceType) {
            string assetPath =
                EditorUtility.SaveFilePanelInProject("Select Path (" + instanceType.CSharpName() + ")",
                    Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), "asset", "", EditorPrefs.GetString(PathPreferencesKey, "Assets"));

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(assetPath) == false) {
                EditorPrefs.SetString(PathPreferencesKey, Path.GetDirectoryName(assetPath));

                ScriptableObject asset = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance(instanceType);
                AssetDatabase.CreateAsset(asset, assetPath);
        /// <summary>
        /// Setup the instance option manager for the given type.
        /// </summary>
        public TypeDropdownOptionsManager(Type baseType, bool allowUncreatableTypes)
            if (allowUncreatableTypes)
                _options = fiReflectionUtility.GetTypesDeriving(baseType);
                _options = fiReflectionUtility.GetCreatableTypesDeriving(baseType);

            _displayedOptions = new List<GUIContent>();
            _displayedOptions.Add(new GUIContent("null (" + baseType.CSharpName() + ")"));
            _displayedOptions.AddRange(from option in _options
                                       select GetOptionName(option, !allowUncreatableTypes));
        public static void GenerateScript(Type instanceType, Type serializerType) {
            // The name of the class, ie, SharedInstance_SystemInt32
            string className = instanceType.CSharpName();
            if (instanceType.Namespace != null && instanceType.Namespace != "System") {
                className = RemoveAll(instanceType.Namespace, '.') + className;
            className = "SharedInstance_" + className;

            // The name of the type, ie, System.Int32
            // We do a number of replacements so that it will be a valid filename
            string typeName = instanceType.CSharpName().Replace(" ", "_").Replace("<", "_").Replace(">", "_").Replace(",", "_");
            if (instanceType.Namespace != null && instanceType.Namespace != "System") {
                typeName = instanceType.Namespace + "." + typeName;

            // The name of the serializer
            string serializerName = null;
            if (serializerType != null) {
                serializerName = serializerType.CSharpName();

            Emit(className, typeName, serializerName);
 private static string GetOptionName(Type type)
     string text = type.CSharpName();
     if (!type.IsValueType && type.GetConstructor(Type.EmptyTypes) == null)
         text += " (skips ctor)";
     return text;
        private static void CheckForNewBaseBehaviorType(Type type)
            // If this is a new BaseBehavior type, it might have been converted
            // from a MonoBehavior. Additionally, there might have been prefab
            // instances. The prefab instances can lose their state given some
            // serialization race conditions. This code removes the race
            // condition by explicitly serializing all of the instances.
            // Here's a description of the race which occurs after changing the
            // MonoBehaviour to BaseBehavior:
            // 1. Unity deserializes the FI objects. FI does an early return here
            //    because there is no data to deserialize.
            // 2. When you click on a prefab instance in the inspector, that item
            //    will get serialized. Unity will then go to the prefab and
            //    serialize it as well, invoking the serialization callbacks for
            //    those two objects.
            // 3. The current update loop finishes.
            // 4. Unity pushes out the prefab serialization changes to the rest
            //    of the prefab instances and calls their deserialization
            //    callbacks. Because these objects have never had Serialize
            //    called on them, they will blindly accept the prefab changes.
            // 5. When these objects are next serialized, they will use the
            //    incorrect prefab data. Null check, sometimes there is no prefab
            // state.
            if (fiPrefabManager.Storage == null || fiPrefabManager.Storage.SeenBaseBehaviors == null)

            if (fiPrefabManager.Storage.SeenBaseBehaviors.Contains(type.CSharpName()) == false) {
                         "Saving all BaseBehaviors of type " + type.CSharpName());

Exemple #12
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns true if the given RuntimeTypeModel contains a definition for the given type.
        /// </summary>
        private static bool ContainsType(RuntimeTypeModel model, Type type) {
            bool emit = !type.IsNullableType();
            bool fastCheck = model.IsDefined(type);

            // DEBUGGING: comment this if statement out if there are protobuf-net related issues
            if (emit) {
                return fastCheck;

            foreach (MetaType metaType in model.GetTypes()) {
                if (metaType.Type == type) {
                    if (emit && fastCheck != true) UnityEngine.Debug.Log("Fast check failed for " + type.CSharpName() + " (nullabe? " + type.IsNullableType() + ")!");
                    return true;

            if (emit && fastCheck != false) UnityEngine.Debug.Log("Fast check failed for " + type.CSharpName() + " (nullabe? " + type.IsNullableType() + ")!");
            return false;
            public DisplayedType(Type type)
                Type = type;
                DisplayName = string.Empty;

                var attr = fsPortableReflection.GetAttribute<InspectorDropdownNameAttribute>(type, /*shouldCache:*/false);
                if (attr != null)
                    DisplayName = attr.DisplayName;

                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(DisplayName))
                    DisplayName = type.CSharpName();
        private void DrawType(fsAotConfiguration.Entry entry, Type resolvedType)
            var target = (fsAotConfiguration);


            int currentIndex = GetIndexForState(entry.State);
            int newIndex = GUILayout.Toolbar(currentIndex, options, GUILayout.ExpandWidth(false));
            if (currentIndex != newIndex) {
                entry.State = GetStateForIndex(newIndex);

            string displayName = entry.FullTypeName;
            string tooltip = "";
            if (resolvedType != null) {
                displayName = resolvedType.CSharpName();
                tooltip = resolvedType.CSharpName(true);
            GUIContent label = new GUIContent(displayName, tooltip);


            GUIStyle messageStyle = new GUIStyle(EditorStyles.label);
            string message;
            if (resolvedType != null) {
                message = GetAotCompilationMessage(resolvedType);
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(message) == false) {
                    messageStyle.normal.textColor =;
                } else {
                    switch (IsOutOfDate(resolvedType)) {
                        case OutOfDateResult.NoAot:
                            message = "No AOT model found";
                        case OutOfDateResult.Stale:
                            message = "Stale";
                        case OutOfDateResult.Current:
                            message = "\u2713";
            } else {
                message = "Cannot load type";

            GUILayout.Label(message, messageStyle);
