Exemple #1
        public Node Put(Node x, String key, char val, int d)
            if (x == null)
                x = new Node();

            if(d == key.Length)
                x.Value = val;
                return x;

            var c = key.ElementAt(d);

            if (x.next[c] != null)
                if (x.next[c].HasItem)

            x.next[c] = Put(x.next[c], key, val, d + 1);
            x.next[c].HasItem = true;

            return x;
 public String formatarDataHora(String dataHora)
     if (dataHora.ElementAt(2).Equals('/'))
         String dia, mes, ano,h,min,seg;
         dia = dataHora.Substring(0, 2);
         mes = dataHora.Substring(3, 2);
         ano = dataHora.Substring(6, 4);
         h = dataHora.Substring(11,2);
         min = dataHora.Substring(14,2);
         seg = dataHora.Substring(17,2);
         String dataFormt = ano + "/" + mes + "/"+dia+" "+h+":"+min+":"+seg;
         String dataN = dataFormt;
         return dataN;
         String dia, mes, ano, h, min, seg;
         ano = dataHora.Substring(0, 4);
         mes = dataHora.Substring(5, 2);
         dia = dataHora.Substring(8, 2);
         h = dataHora.Substring(11, 2);
         min = dataHora.Substring(14, 2);
         seg = dataHora.Substring(17, 2);
         String dataFormt = dia + "/" + mes + "/" + ano + " " + h + ":" + min + ":" + seg;
         String dataN = dataFormt;
         return dataN;
Exemple #3
        public System.String EncodeToNonLossyAscii(System.String original)
            Charset asciiCharset = Charset.ForName("US-ASCII");

            if (asciiCharset.NewEncoder().CanEncode(original))
            StringBuffer stringBuffer = new StringBuffer();

            for (int i = 0; i < original.Length; i++)
                char c = original.ElementAt(i);
                if (c < 128)
                else if (c < 256)
                    System.String octal = Integer.ToOctalString(c);
                    System.String hex = Integer.ToHexString(c);
 public void runMe(String input)
     if (input.Length > 0)
         Console.Write(input.ElementAt(input.Length - 1));
         runMe(input.Remove(input.Length - 1));
Exemple #5
 public static LinkedList<String> getRelacion(String line)
     LinkedList<String> UA = new LinkedList<string>();
     int i = 2;
     while (line.Length > i)
         String word = "";
         while (line.ElementAt(i) >= 'A' && line.ElementAt(i) <= 'Z' || line.ElementAt(i) >= 'a' && line.ElementAt(i) <= 'z')
             word = String.Concat(word, line.ElementAt(i).ToString());
         if (word.Length > 0)
     return UA;
        public String setNomInstrumentSansEspaces(String nom)
            String nomCopie = "";

            for (int i = 0; i < nom.Length; i++)
                if (nom.ElementAt(i) == ' ')
                    nomCopie += '_';
                    nomCopie += nom.ElementAt(i);

            return nomCopie;
        public String setNomMusicienSansEspaces(String nom)
            //Il faut remplacer les espaces du nom par un caractère (ici _) pour pouvoir l'envoyer dans l'url
            String nomCopie = "";

            for (int i = 0; i < nom.Length; i++)
                if (nom.ElementAt(i) == ' ')
                    nomCopie += '_';
                    nomCopie += nom.ElementAt(i);

            return nomCopie;
Exemple #8
 private void PrintVertical(String input)
     for (int i = 0; i < input.Length; i++)
         Console.CursorLeft = cursorIndex;
         cursorIndex = Console.CursorLeft;
         if (!(input.Length - i == 1))
Exemple #9
        private Boolean checkCorrect(String s)
            if (s.Equals("") || s.Equals("\n")) {
                return false;

            for (int i = 0; i < s.Length; i++) {
                if (!char.IsLetterOrDigit(s.ElementAt(i))) {
                    return false;

            return true;
 public static void recursFunct(String begining,String ending)
         Console.WriteLine(begining + ending);
         for(int i=0;i<ending.Length;i++)
             String newString = ending.Substring(0, i) + ending.Substring(i + 1);
             recursFunct(begining + ending.ElementAt(i), newString);
Exemple #11
        public List<string> PermuteString(String beginningString, String endingString)
            List<string> result = new List<string>();
            if (endingString.Length <= 1)
                result.Add(beginningString + endingString);
                for (int i = 0; i < endingString.Length; i++)
                    String newString = endingString.Substring(0, i) + endingString.Substring(i + 1);
                    result.AddRange(PermuteString(beginningString + endingString.ElementAt(i), newString));

            return result;
 public static String Reverse(String str)
     if (str == null)
         throw new ArgumentNullException("str");
     if (str.Trim().Length == 0)
         return str;
     StringBuilder reverseString = new StringBuilder();
     for (int i = 0; i < str.Length; i++)
         reverseString.Append(str.ElementAt(str.Length - 1 - i));
     return reverseString.ToString();
 /** Writes a string that is known to contain only ASCII characters. Non-ASCII strings passed to this method will be corrupted.
  * Each byte is a 7 bit character with the remaining byte denoting if another character is available. This is slightly more
  * efficient than {@link #writeString(String)}. The string can be read using {@link Input#readString()} or
  * {@link Input#readStringBuilder()}.
  * @param value May be null. */
 public void writeAscii(String value)
     if (value == null)
         writeByte(0x80); // 0 means null, bit 8 means UTF8.
     int charCount = value.Length;
     switch (charCount)
         case 0:
             writeByte(1 | 0x80); // 1 is string length + 1, bit 8 means UTF8.
         case 1:
             writeByte(2 | 0x80); // 2 is string length + 1, bit 8 means UTF8.
     byte[] buffer = new byte[charCount];
     Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(value.ToCharArray(), 0, charCount, buffer, 0);
     buffer[charCount - 1] |= 0x80; // Bit 8 means end of ASCII.
 public String formatarData(String data)
     if (data.ElementAt(2).Equals('/'))
         String dia, mes, ano;
         dia = data.Substring(0, 2);
         mes = data.Substring(3, 2);
         ano = data.Substring(6, 4);
         String dataFormt = ano + "/" + mes + "/" + dia;
         String dataN = dataFormt;
         return dataN;
         String dia, mes, ano;
         ano = data.Substring(0, 4);
         mes = data.Substring(5, 2);
         dia = data.Substring(8, 2);
         String dataFormt = dia + "/" + mes + "/" + ano;
         String dataN = dataFormt;
         return dataN;
        private static String GetMasuVerb1(String sourceWord)
            char lastSign = sourceWord.ElementAt(sourceWord.Length - 1);

            switch (lastSign)
                case 'う': lastSign = 'い'; break;
                case 'く': lastSign = 'き'; break;
                case 'す': lastSign = 'し'; break;
                case 'つ': lastSign = 'ち'; break;
                case 'ぬ': lastSign = 'に'; break;
                case 'ふ': lastSign = 'ひ'; break;
                case 'む': lastSign = 'み'; break;
                case 'る': lastSign = 'り'; break;
                case 'ぐ': lastSign = 'ぎ'; break;
                case 'ず': lastSign = 'じ'; break;
                case 'づ': lastSign = 'ぢ'; break;
                case 'ぶ': lastSign = 'び'; break;
                case 'ぷ': lastSign = 'ぴ'; break;

            return sourceWord.Substring(0, sourceWord.Length - 1) + lastSign + "ます";
        static void handleChatInput(String line)
            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
            if (line.Length > 0)
                if (quitHelperMessageShow && (line == "q" || line == "Q"))
                    enqueuePluginChatMessage("If you are trying to quit, use the !quit command.", true);
                    quitHelperMessageShow = false;
                bool handled = false;
                if (line.ElementAt(0) == '!')
                    String line_lower = line.ToLower();

                    // There's atleast one character (!), so we can be sure that line_part will have length 1 at minimum.
                    String[] line_part = line_lower.Split(' ');

                    if (line_lower == "!quit")
                        handled = true;
                        intentionalConnectionEnd = true;
                        endSession = true;
                    else if (line_lower == "!ping")
                        handled = true;
                        if (!pingStopwatch.IsRunning)
                            queueOutgoingMessage(KMPCommon.ClientMessageID.PING, null);
                    else if (line_lower == "!debug")
                        handled = true;
                        debugging = !debugging;
                        if (debugging) Log.MinLogLevel = Log.LogLevels.Debug;
                        else Log.MinLogLevel = Log.LogLevels.Info;
                        enqueuePluginChatMessage("debug " + debugging);
                    else if(line_lower == "!clear")
                        handled = true;
                    else if (line_lower == "!whereami")
                        handled = true;

                        sb.Append("You are connected to: ");

                    else if (line_lower == "!bubble")
                        if (gameManager.horizontalDistanceToSafetyBubbleEdge() < 1 || gameManager.verticalDistanceToSafetyBubbleEdge() < 1)
                            sb.Append("The bubble radius is: ");
                            sb.Append(gameManager.safetyBubbleRadius.ToString("N1", CultureInfo.CreateSpecificCulture("en-US")));
                            sb.Append("You are outside of the bubble!");
                            sb.Append("The bubble radius is: ");
                            sb.Append(gameManager.safetyBubbleRadius.ToString("N1", CultureInfo.CreateSpecificCulture("en-US")));
                            sb.Append("You are ");
                            sb.Append(gameManager.verticalDistanceToSafetyBubbleEdge().ToString("N1", CultureInfo.CreateSpecificCulture("en-US")));
                            sb.Append("m away from the bubble top.\n");
                            sb.Append("You are ");
                            sb.Append(gameManager.horizontalDistanceToSafetyBubbleEdge().ToString("N1", CultureInfo.CreateSpecificCulture("en-US")));
                            sb.Append("m away from the nearest bubble side.");
                        handled = true;
                    else if (line_part[0] == "!chat")
                        handled = true;
                        int length = line_part.Length;
                        if (length > 1)
                            string command = line_part[1];
                            if (command == "dragwindow")
                                bool state = false;
                                if (length >= 3)
                                    // Set they requested value
                                    state = line_part[2] == "true";
                                    // Or toggle.
                                    state = !KMPChatDX.draggable;

                                if (!state)
                                    KMPChatDX.chatboxX = KMPChatDX.windowPos.x;
                                    KMPChatDX.chatboxY = KMPChatDX.windowPos.y;

                                KMPChatDX.draggable = state;
                                enqueueTextMessage(String.Format("The chat window is now {0}", (KMPChatDX.draggable) ? "draggable" : "not draggable"));
                            else if (command == "offsetting")
                                bool state = true;

                                if (length >= 3)
                                    state = line_part[2] == "true";
                                    state = !KMPChatDX.offsettingEnabled;

                                KMPChatDX.offsettingEnabled = state;
                                enqueueTextMessage(String.Format("Chat window offsetting has been {0}", (KMPChatDX.offsettingEnabled) ? "enabled" : "disabled"));
                            else if (command == "offset")
                                if (length >= 5)
                                        // 0 = tracking station, 1 = editor/sph
                                        int target = (line_part[2] == "tracking") ? 0 : 1;
                                        float offsetX = Convert.ToSingle(line_part[3]);
                                        float offsetY = Convert.ToSingle(line_part[4]);

                                        if (target == 0)
                                            KMPChatDX.trackerOffsetX = offsetX;
                                            KMPChatDX.trackerOffsetY = offsetY;
                                        else if (target == 1)
                                            KMPChatDX.editorOffsetX = offsetX;
                                            KMPChatDX.editorOffsetY = offsetY;

                                        enqueueTextMessage(String.Format("The {0} offsets has been set to X: {1} Y: {2}", (target == 0) ? "tracking station" : "rocket/spaceplane editor", offsetX, offsetY));
                                    catch (Exception e)
                                        Log.Debug("Exception thrown in handleChatInput(), catch 1, Exception: {0}", e.ToString());
                                        enqueueTextMessage("Syntax error. Usage: !chat offset [tracking|editor] [offsetX] [offsetY]");

                            else if (command == "width" || command == "height" || command == "top" || command == "left")
                                if (length >= 3)
                                        float size = Convert.ToSingle(line_part[2]);
                                        bool percent = true;

                                        if (length >= 4)
                                            percent = line_part[3] == "percent";

                                        switch (command)
                                            case "width":
                                                KMPChatDX.chatboxWidth = (percent) ? Screen.width * (size / 100) : size;
                                                sb.Append(String.Format("Chatbox width has been set to {0} {1}", size, (percent) ? "percent" : "pixels"));
                                            case "height":
                                                KMPChatDX.chatboxHeight = (percent) ? Screen.height * (size / 100) : size;
                                                sb.Append(String.Format("Chatbox height has been set to {0} {1}", size, (percent) ? "percent" : "pixels"));
                                            case "top":
                                                KMPChatDX.chatboxY = (percent) ? Screen.height * (size / 100) : size;
                                                sb.Append(String.Format("Chatbox top offset has been set to {0} {1}", size, (percent) ? "percent" : "pixels"));
                                            case "left":
                                                KMPChatDX.chatboxX = (percent) ? Screen.width * (size / 100) : size;
                                                sb.Append(String.Format("Chatbox left offset has been set to {0} {1}", size, (percent) ? "percent" : "pixels"));

                                        KMPChatDX.windowPos.x = KMPChatDX.chatboxX;
                                        KMPChatDX.windowPos.y = KMPChatDX.chatboxY;

                                        KMPChatDX.windowPos.height = KMPChatDX.chatboxHeight;
                                        KMPChatDX.windowPos.width = KMPChatDX.chatboxWidth;

                                    catch (Exception e)
                                        Log.Debug("Exception thrown in handleChatInput(), catch 2, Exception: {0}", e.ToString());
                                        enqueueTextMessage("Syntax error. Usage: !chat [width|height|top|left] [value] <percent|pixels>\nWhere value is a number.");
                                    enqueueTextMessage("Syntax error. Usage: !chat [width|height|top|left] [value] <percent|pixels>");
                    else if (line_lower.Length > (KMPCommon.SHARE_CRAFT_COMMAND.Length + 1)
                        && line_lower.Substring(0, KMPCommon.SHARE_CRAFT_COMMAND.Length) == KMPCommon.SHARE_CRAFT_COMMAND)
                        handled = true;
                        //Share a craft file
                        String craft_name = line.Substring(KMPCommon.SHARE_CRAFT_COMMAND.Length + 1);
                        KMPCommon.CraftType craft_type = KMPCommon.CraftType.VAB;
                        String filename = findCraftFilename(craft_name, ref craft_type);

                        if (filename != null && filename.Length > 0)
                                //byte[] craft_bytes = KSP.IO.File.ReadAllBytes<KMPClientMain>(filename);
                                byte[] craft_bytes = System.IO.File.ReadAllBytes(filename);
                                sendShareCraftMessage(craft_name, craft_bytes, craft_type);
                            catch (Exception e)
                                Log.Debug("Exception thrown in handleChatInput(), catch 3, Exception: {0}", e.ToString());
                                enqueueTextMessage("Error reading craft file: " + filename);
                            enqueueTextMessage("Craft file not found: " + craft_name);

                if (!handled)
 private static bool CloseAndOpenBracketOrEndIsFound(String stringInput, int i)
     return (stringInput.ElementAt(i).Equals(']') && i < stringInput.Length - 2 && stringInput.ElementAt(i + 1).Equals('[')) ||
         (stringInput.ElementAt(i).Equals(']') && i == stringInput.Length - 1);
        } // End getEchelon

         * checks symbol code to see if graphic has a DOM (Q) modifier
         * @param symbolID
         * @return

        public static String getUnitAffiliationModifier(String symbolID, int symStd)
            String textChar = null;
            char affiliation;

                affiliation = symbolID.ElementAt(1);

                if (affiliation == ('F') ||
                    affiliation == ('H') ||
                    affiliation == ('U') ||
                    affiliation == ('N') ||
                    affiliation == ('P'))
                    textChar = null;
                else if (affiliation == ('A') ||
                        affiliation == ('S'))
                    if (symStd == RendererSettings.Symbology_2525Bch2_USAS_13_14)
                        textChar = "?";
                        textChar = null;
                else if (affiliation == ('J'))
                    textChar = "J";
                else if (affiliation == ('K'))
                    textChar = "K";
                else if (affiliation == ('D') ||
                        affiliation == ('L') ||
                        affiliation == ('G') ||
                        affiliation == ('W'))
                    textChar = "X";
                else if (affiliation == ('M'))
                    if (symStd == RendererSettings.Symbology_2525Bch2_USAS_13_14)
                        textChar = "X?";
                        textChar = "X";

                //check sea mine symbols
                if (symStd == RendererSettings.Symbology_2525C)
                    if (symbolID.ElementAt(0) == 'S' && symbolID.IndexOf("WM") == 4)
                    {//variuos sea mine exercises
                        if (symbolID.IndexOf("GX") == 6 ||
                                symbolID.IndexOf("MX") == 6 ||
                                symbolID.IndexOf("FX") == 6 ||
                                symbolID.IndexOf("X") == 6 ||
                                symbolID.IndexOf("SX") == 6)
                            textChar = "X";
                            textChar = null;
            catch (Exception exc)
                        "getUnitAffiliationModifier", exc);// Level.WARNING);
                return null;
            return textChar;
  * Determines if a symbol is an EMS Incident
  * @param strSymbolID
  * @return 
 public static Boolean isEMSIncident(String strSymbolID)
     Boolean blRetVal = false;
         if (strSymbolID.ElementAt(0) == 'E' && strSymbolID.ElementAt(2) == 'I')
             blRetVal = true;
     catch (Exception exc)
     return blRetVal;
   * Returns true if Symbol is an Air Track
   * @param strSymbolID
   * @return 
 public static Boolean isAirTrack(String strSymbolID)
     if (strSymbolID.ElementAt(0) == 'S' &&
             strSymbolID.ElementAt(2) == 'A')
         return true;
         return false;
        public void Should_be_possible_to_generate_items_to_collect_from_an_object_with_referenced_variable_and_pattern_match_operation_at_same_time()
            //<textfilecontent54_object id="oval:modulo:obj:991">
            //    <path var_ref="oval:modulo:var:911" />
            //    <filename operation="pattern match">.*.ini</filename>
            //    <pattern>3gp</pattern>
            //    <instance datatype="int">2</instance>
            var fakeFileLines = new string[] { "3gp=MPEGVideo" };
            var fakeFilepaths = new string[] { @"c:\windows\boot.ini", @"c:\windows\file.txt", @"c:\windows\win.ini" };
            var sourceObjectType = (textfilecontent54_object)ProbeHelper.GetDefinitionObjectTypeByID("definitionsSimple", "991");
            var fakeEvaluatedVariables = CreateFakeEvaluateVariablesForAllEntities(sourceObjectType.id);
            var itemTypeGenerator = CreateItemTypeGeneratorWithMockedBehavior(fakeFileLines, true, fakeFilepaths);
            var expectedPaths = new String[]
                @"c:\windows NT\boot.ini",
                @"c:\windows NT\win.ini"

            var result = itemTypeGenerator.GetItemsToCollect(sourceObjectType, fakeEvaluatedVariables).ToArray();

            ItemTypeChecker.DoBasicAssertForItems(result, 4, typeof(textfilecontent_item));
            AssertGeneratedTextFileContentItem(result.ElementAt(0), expectedPaths.ElementAt(0), "3gp", "2");
            AssertGeneratedTextFileContentItem(result.ElementAt(1), expectedPaths.ElementAt(1), "3gp", "2");
            AssertGeneratedTextFileContentItem(result.ElementAt(2), expectedPaths.ElementAt(2), "3gp", "2");
            AssertGeneratedTextFileContentItem(result.ElementAt(3), expectedPaths.ElementAt(3), "3gp", "2");
 public int decodeResponse(String challenge, String str)
     if (str.Length>100) return 0;
     int[] shuzi = new int[] { 1, 2, 5, 10, 50};
     String chongfu = "";
     Hashtable key = new Hashtable();
     int count = 0;
     for (int i=0;i<challenge.Length;i++)
         String item = challenge.ElementAt(i) + "";
         if (chongfu.Contains(item)) continue;
             int value = shuzi[count % 5];
             chongfu += item;
             key.Add(item, value);
     int res = 0;
     for (int i = 0; i < str.Length; i++) res += (int)key[str[i]+""];
     res = res - this.decodeRandBase(challenge);
     return res;
        private static String GetVolitionalVerb1(String sourceWord)
            char lastSign = sourceWord.ElementAt(sourceWord.Length - 1);

            switch (lastSign)
                case 'う': lastSign = 'お'; break;
                case 'く': lastSign = 'こ'; break;
                case 'す': lastSign = 'そ'; break;
                case 'つ': lastSign = 'と'; break;
                case 'ぬ': lastSign = 'の'; break;
                case 'ふ': lastSign = 'ほ'; break;
                case 'む': lastSign = 'も'; break;
                case 'る': lastSign = 'ろ'; break;
                case 'ぐ': lastSign = 'ご'; break;
                case 'ず': lastSign = 'ぞ'; break;
                case 'づ': lastSign = 'ど'; break;
                case 'ぶ': lastSign = 'ぼ'; break;
                case 'ぷ': lastSign = 'ぽ'; break;

            return sourceWord.Substring(0, sourceWord.Length - 1) + lastSign + "う";
        private static String GetRuVerb1(String sourceWord)
            char lastSign = sourceWord.ElementAt(sourceWord.Length - 3);

            switch (lastSign)
                case 'い': lastSign = 'う'; break;
                case 'き': lastSign = 'く'; break;
                case 'し': lastSign = 'す'; break;
                case 'ち': lastSign = 'つ'; break;
                case 'に': lastSign = 'ぬ'; break;
                case 'ひ': lastSign = 'ふ'; break;
                case 'み': lastSign = 'む'; break;
                case 'り': lastSign = 'る'; break;
                case 'ぎ': lastSign = 'ぐ'; break;
                case 'じ': lastSign = 'ず'; break;
                case 'ぢ': lastSign = 'づ'; break;
                case 'び': lastSign = 'ぶ'; break;
                case 'ぴ': lastSign = 'ぷ'; break;

            return sourceWord.Substring(0, sourceWord.Length - 3) + lastSign;
        private static String GetPassiveVerb1(String sourceWord)
            char lastSign = sourceWord.ElementAt(sourceWord.Length - 1);

            switch (lastSign)
                case 'う': lastSign = 'わ'; break;
                case 'く': lastSign = 'か'; break;
                case 'す': lastSign = 'さ'; break;
                case 'つ': lastSign = 'た'; break;
                case 'ぬ': lastSign = 'な'; break;
                case 'ふ': lastSign = 'は'; break;
                case 'む': lastSign = 'ま'; break;
                case 'る': lastSign = 'ら'; break;
                case 'ぐ': lastSign = 'が'; break;
                case 'ず': lastSign = 'ざ'; break;
                case 'づ': lastSign = 'だ'; break;
                case 'ぶ': lastSign = 'ば'; break;
                case 'ぷ': lastSign = 'ぱ'; break;

            return sourceWord.Substring(0, sourceWord.Length - 1) + lastSign + "れる";
        private static String GetPotentialVerb1(String sourceWord)
            char lastSign = sourceWord.ElementAt(sourceWord.Length - 1);

            switch (lastSign)
                case 'う': lastSign = 'え'; break;
                case 'く': lastSign = 'け'; break;
                case 'す': lastSign = 'せ'; break;
                case 'つ': lastSign = 'て'; break;
                case 'ぬ': lastSign = 'ね'; break;
                case 'ふ': lastSign = 'へ'; break;
                case 'む': lastSign = 'め'; break;
                case 'る': lastSign = 'れ'; break;
                case 'ぐ': lastSign = 'げ'; break;
                case 'ず': lastSign = 'ぜ'; break;
                case 'づ': lastSign = 'で'; break;
                case 'ぶ': lastSign = 'べ'; break;
                case 'ぷ': lastSign = 'ぺ'; break;

            return sourceWord.Substring(0, sourceWord.Length - 1) + lastSign + "る";
Exemple #27
            /// <summary>
            /// Construct an Instance from the given string, assuming the start of an Argument element at the given position.
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="strParse">Command Line to parse.</param>
            /// <param name="Position">Location to start. This variable will be updated with the ending position of the argument that was discovered upon return.</param>
            public ArgumentItem(String strParse, ref int Position)
                int startpos = Position;
                int sloc = startpos;
                while (char.IsWhiteSpace(strParse.ElementAt(sloc))) sloc++;
                if (strParse.ElementAt(sloc) == '"')
                    while (true)
                        if (sloc >= strParse.Length) break;
                        bool doublequote = strParse.Length > sloc + 2 && strParse.Substring(sloc, 2).Equals("\"");
                        //if we found a quote and it's not a double quote...
                        if (strParse.ElementAt(sloc) == '"' && !doublequote)
                        if (doublequote) sloc++; //add an extra spot for the dual quote.

                    sloc = strParse.IndexOfAny(new char[] {'/', ' '}, sloc);
                _Argument = strParse.Substring(Position, sloc - startpos);
                Position = sloc;
        private static String GetTeVerb1(String sourceWord)
            if (sourceWord == "行く")
                return "行って";

            char lastSign = sourceWord.ElementAt(sourceWord.Length - 1);

            switch (lastSign)
                case 'う': return sourceWord.Substring(0, sourceWord.Length - 1) + "って";
                case 'く': return sourceWord.Substring(0, sourceWord.Length - 1) + "いて";
                case 'す': return sourceWord.Substring(0, sourceWord.Length - 1) + "して";
                case 'つ': return sourceWord.Substring(0, sourceWord.Length - 1) + "って";
                case 'ぬ': return sourceWord.Substring(0, sourceWord.Length - 1) + "んで";
                case 'ふ': return sourceWord.Substring(0, sourceWord.Length - 1) + "んで";
                case 'む': return sourceWord.Substring(0, sourceWord.Length - 1) + "んで";
                case 'る': return sourceWord.Substring(0, sourceWord.Length - 1) + "って";
                case 'ぐ': return sourceWord.Substring(0, sourceWord.Length - 1) + "いで";
                case 'ず': return sourceWord.Substring(0, sourceWord.Length - 1) + "して";
                case 'づ': return sourceWord.Substring(0, sourceWord.Length - 1) + "って";
                case 'ぶ': return sourceWord.Substring(0, sourceWord.Length - 1) + "んで";
                case 'ぷ': return sourceWord.Substring(0, sourceWord.Length - 1) + "んで";

            return "";
Exemple #29
            public Switch(String strParse, ref int StartLocation)
                while (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(strParse.ElementAt(StartLocation).ToString())) StartLocation++;
                var sLoc = StartLocation;
                var retrieved = SwitchPreceders.
                    FirstOrDefault((s) => !(sLoc + s.Length > strParse.Length) &&
                                          strParse.Substring(sLoc, s.Length)
                                                  .Equals(s, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase));

                if (retrieved == null)
                    throw new ArgumentException("Passed String " + strParse +
                                                " Does not have a switch preceder at position " + StartLocation);

                var NextSpace = strParse.IndexOfAny(new char[] {' ', '\t', '/', ':'}, sLoc + 1);
                //if(((NextSpace-sLoc)-sLoc+1) <= 0) throw new ArgumentException("Error Parsing Switch");
                _SwitchValue = strParse.Substring(sLoc + 1, NextSpace - sLoc - 1);
                sLoc += retrieved.Length; //we don't want the switch itself.
                //now we need to determine where the Switch ends. colon or space seems reasonable. If a colon, the next entity will be an argument.
                StartLocation = NextSpace;
                //if the char at NextSpace is a Colon...
                if (strParse.ElementAt(NextSpace) == ':')
                    //interpret as an argument
                    _Argument = new ArgumentItem(strParse, ref NextSpace);
                StartLocation = NextSpace;
 public static Boolean isUsuario(String cadena)
     Boolean resultado = true;
     if (cadena.Length < 15)
         for (int x = 0; x < cadena.Length; x++)
             Char ch = cadena.ElementAt(x);
             if (x == 0)
                 if (!Char.IsLetter(ch))
                     resultado = false;
                 if (!(Char.IsLetter(ch) || Char.IsNumber(ch) || ch.Equals('.') || ch.Equals('-') || ch.Equals('_')))
                     resultado = false;
         resultado = false;
     return resultado;
Exemple #31
        private void ParseCommandLine(String cmdLine)
            int currpos = 0;
            int initialpos = 0;
            while (currpos < cmdLine.Length)
                while (char.IsWhiteSpace(cmdLine.ElementAt(currpos))) currpos++;
                initialpos = currpos;

                if (Switch.SwitchAtPos(cmdLine, currpos))
                    Switch sw = new Switch(cmdLine, ref currpos);
                    if (!storedSwitches.ContainsKey(sw.SwitchValue))
                        storedSwitches.Add(sw.SwitchValue, new List<Switch>());
                    _Elements.Add(new ArgumentItem(cmdLine, ref currpos));
                if (initialpos == currpos) break;